
The Card Apprentice

This is both a work of science fiction and an exploration of the meaning of life, love, literature and art. Brainpower is no longer the main ingredient for being human in this far distant future world. Spirituality, physical balance, and diligence all come together as integrity for Chen Mu, the Card Apprentice. The cards which Chen Mu masters in his own scrappy way, distill all the powers of the cosmos – human and nonhuman – into something that is not a book, not technology, and neither art nor magic, but is these and more. Learn about these strange cards, which can embody everything you might imagine for the future of technology, but also a future beyond technology which promotes the best, and sometimes the worst, from mankind’s past.

Fang Xiang · sci-fi
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611 Chs

The Transformation (VI)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Redakteur: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Chen Mu used up all 63 bottles of card ink, but his rate of success was still rather low. He succeeded in making six cards, bringing his success rate to nearly ten percent. But that was still progress from the day before.

Going through 105 bottles of ink had cost 500 million in materials. On average, that would mean one bottle was worth 1 million. Such huge consumption was giving Chen Mu some heartache, but he also understood it was a process he had to go through. Fortunately, while he was short of most everything at that time, he wasn't short of money. Most of the more than 50 billion worth of materials he'd gotten from the Downstream Alliance were card making materials.