
The Card Apprentice

This is both a work of science fiction and an exploration of the meaning of life, love, literature and art. Brainpower is no longer the main ingredient for being human in this far distant future world. Spirituality, physical balance, and diligence all come together as integrity for Chen Mu, the Card Apprentice. The cards which Chen Mu masters in his own scrappy way, distill all the powers of the cosmos – human and nonhuman – into something that is not a book, not technology, and neither art nor magic, but is these and more. Learn about these strange cards, which can embody everything you might imagine for the future of technology, but also a future beyond technology which promotes the best, and sometimes the worst, from mankind’s past.

Fang Xiang · sci-fi
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611 Chs

Bu Mo

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Redakteur: Nyoi-Bo Studio

As soon as he got back to the Chichi Trading Firm, Chen Mu bluntly said, "Anyone is forbidden to enter without my permission." He then plunged into the training room. After so many days, Ah Sang was rather used to that routine and didn't seem surprised. She also had a lot to do. With the violent death of the patriarch of the Miao family, the Southern Star Firm would undoubtedly fall into chaos.

For the Chichi Trading Firm, not only would it resolve the immediate danger, but it would be a wonderful opportunity to expand. However, Ah Sang was intelligent enough to understand that the death of the Miao family patriarch would be the fuse for all of Zargan to descend into chaos. The Chichi Trading Firm would have to find some way to not only survive the whirlpool in the midst of the chaos but to use it to move up.