
The Butcher of Sargon (LoL x Arknight Fanfiction)

A story of a man with the soul of Renekton, the Butcher of the Sand, reincarnated into the world of Arknight If you want to see more chapter of this story and don't mind spending $5 monthly to see till the latest chapter, please go to my Patreon. Latest Chapter in Patreon: Volume 1 Chapter 66: Dancing with the Dragon https://www.patreon.com/Thatsnakegirl

Delizard · Videospiele
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29 Chs

Chapter 17: Woman, I've Had Enough of You!

"Who exactly are you?"

Watching Laurentina rush towards Garde and Skadi, Saria intercepted her midway.

Seeing Skadi attacking Garde, and noticing Laurentina's attire similar to Skadi's, Saria naturally assumed Laurentina was Skadi's ally.

Her speed was inferior to Laurentina. If they both headed towards Garde and Skadi, Garde would surely be caught in a pincer attack.

Thus, Saria chose to trust Garde and stopped Laurentina on her way.

"Sorry, I don't understand your language, but I've seen your race in the encyclopedias of the Great Library. You are a beautiful Vouivre lady."

Laurentina gave Saria a courteous Aegir gesture.

"However, could you please step aside for a moment? My two friends are having a little misunderstanding."

The unfamiliar language put Saria on alert. 

She was fluent in several languages but couldn't discern the language spoken by the girl before her.

It sounded a bit like a dialect from Iberia, yet not entirely.

After all, since the country near Sargon closed its borders, its language was no longer a major course at Columbia University.

Saria had only briefly touched upon it in dictionaries.

"Language barrier is indeed troublesome."

Laurentina sighed, not everyone was like her Mr. Crocodile, proficient in various languages.

"I will avoid harming you!"

Being too far away, Laurentina didn't want to shout across to Skadi to explain her relationship with Garde.

She chose a more straightforward approach.

Defeat Saria!

Moreover, she was curious why Garde was accompanying a girl from a different race.

The moment she decided, Laurentina dragged her circular saw and charged at Saria.

Although initially agreeing only to help Garde find Seaborns, seeing Garde in danger, Saria didn't just walk away.

Milky-white crystals appeared on Saria's hand, covering her fingers, back of the hand, and entire arm.

Laurentina didn't activate the rotating gear of her circular saw. 

Nonetheless, the formidable physical prowess of an Abyssal Hunter was sufficient to confront most enemies and prey.

Still, being cautious, Laurentina used about forty to fifty percent of her strength when striking Saria.

After all, with Garde as a precedent, Laurentina had long abandoned her underestimation of land-dwellers.

Indeed, when the circular saw collided with Saria's arm, covered in white crystals, it was like striking an incredibly hard granite.


A dangerous glint sparkled in Laurentina's crimson gaze, a smile curving her lips.

"Though I know you can't understand me, I still have to say it."


The circular saw roared to life, knowing Saria could protect herself, Laurentina no longer held back.

"Please last a bit longer!"

The sudden increase in force pushed Saria back, a crack appearing on her arm, nearly reaching the flesh beneath the enamel-like protection.

If she had underestimated her opponent even slightly...

A chill ran down Saria's spine, her expression turning unprecedentedly solemn.

She hadn't expected to encounter so many powerful beings on this outing.

But she wouldn't back down!

She had never retreated before, wouldn't now, and certainly wouldn't in the future.

"In the storm, only the conservative stand unshaken!"

A strange power, incomprehensible to Laurentina, began affecting the surroundings.

The so-called Originium Arts were symbols etched in the hearts of every user!

Combining the formulae memorized in the heart with the Originium staff, then releasing it.

Saria's simple protective suit and her gauntlets contained several high-purity Originium crystals.

This was her staff!

"What have you done?"

There are no originium in the deep sea, so Laurentina didn't understand the so-called Originium Arts.

She only knew that the river beneath her feet was trembling.

If Garde had been facing Saria, he would understand that she was refining the calcium in the sand and stones.

Saria's Originium Art was the manipulation of calcium elements within her influence range.

In nature, the main components of rocks are calcium carbonate, calcium silicate, and silicon dioxide.

In other words, wherever there are rocks, it's Saria's home turf.

Laurentina asked a question, but Saria couldn't understand her language and wouldn't have answered even if she could.

The best response, after all, was to defeat the enemy.

The moment the Originium Arts were unleashed, Saria moved.

If defeating the enemy was the best way to protect her companion, she wouldn't hesitate to swing her fist.

"Heh, things just got more interesting."

Seeing Saria charge towards her, Laurentina smiled with delight.

White crystals began to form on her arms, legs, and body, as if something was pressing down on her, preventing her from moving.

This was Laurentina's first encounter with Originium Arts, and she had no means to counter them.

But she didn't care.

If she couldn't understand something, she wouldn't bother trying to understand it.

All she needed to do was destroy it!

The Abyssal Hunter's formidable physical capabilities were maximized. Even under the influence of Saria's calcification, Laurentina still dragged her circular saw towards Saria.

Fist collided with saw!



Nearby, hearing the commotion from Saria and Laurentina's fight, Garde was stunned.

Why were they fighting each other?


Garde wanted to speak, but Skadi's greatsword was stuck in his mouth. If he opened his mouth, the sword might just cut into him.

Hearing Garde's whimpers, Skadi, sitting on his face, spoke irritably.

"Don't talk!"

The horned person was this guy's companion, and the shark was fighting with her, which meant they didn't know each other.

The shark not knowing the horned person meant she didn't know the big guy beneath her, suggesting that everything he had said was a lie.

Skadi thought she had unraveled the truth.

But having sat on Garde's face for so long, Skadi realized that Garde probably wasn't a Seaborn.

If he wasn't a Seaborn, then there was no need for her to attack him.

But now, the shark was fighting with his companion.

How could she stop them?

Skadi's brow furrowed deeply.

Just then, she noticed that the hands grabbing her waist were suddenly exerting more force.

Because Skadi was Laurentina's friend, Garde had been reluctant to harm Skadi, even refraining from using his large axe.

But now, seeing Saria and Laurentina in conflict, Garde had no time to consider Skadi.

What did it matter if Skadi was beautiful?

She wasn't his wife!


Garde's fierce voice penetrated Skadi's mind.

"Woman, I've had enough of you!"

<+ >

If you want to see more chapter of this story and don't mind spending $5 monthly to see till the latest chapter, please go to my Patreon.

Latest Chapter in Patreon: Volume 1 Chapter 66: Dancing with the Dragon


If you want to see more chapter of this story and don't mind spending $5 monthly to see till the latest chapter, please go to my Patreon.

Latest Chapter in Patreon: Volume 1 Chapter 66: Dancing with the Dragon


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