
Chapter 2: Getting to know the Avatar and finally seeing the planet.

well i'm so happy for the support i have gotten so far, ty so much and i will try to make it as good as possible here.

* for the Na'vi language.

' for thinking.

" for talking.

Onto the story:-



"where is my damn cigarette, hello... what's wrong with this picture?"

as Grace gets her cigarette and lab coat, she puts the coat on and gets the cigarette into her mouth before walking over to Norm and the others.



Nathan shakes his head and mumbles.

"here she is, Sleeping beauty woke up"

before Max says cheerfully.

"here is Cinderella back from the ball"

he rolls his eyes and almost chuckles before waiting for Grace to walk towards them and when she does, she starts talking to Norm Spellman.

"Norm i have heard of you, how is your Na'vi?"

*May the all mother bless you on our meeting*

Grace hums quietly before saying.

*very good but it's a bit formal*

Normal answers eagerly.

*i have been studying for 5 years but i have much to learn*

which Grace smiles a little at that before turning toward Nathan and asks.

*and how is your Na'vi Nathan Sully?*

He looks at her and says.

*i see you Grace Augustine and may Eywa bless you*

he sees her eyes going a little wide at the words then smiles as she answers him.

*not bad at all, we may talk later*

Max moves closer and says to Grace as he tries to point Jake out.

"Grace, this is Jake Sully..."

(Jake) "Ma'am."

(Grace) "Yeah, yeah, i know who you are and i don't need you. i need your brother. You know, the PHD who trained for 3 years for this mission"

(Jake) "He's dead. I know it's a big inconvenience for everyone."

(Grace) "How much lab training have you had?"

(Jake) "I dissected a frog once."

(Grace) " Ya see, ya see? They're just pissing on us without even giving us the courtesy of calling it rain. I'm going to Selfridge."

(Max) "Grace. No, I don't think..."

(Grace) "No, man, this is such bullshit! Gonna kick his corporate butt. He has no business sticking his nose in my department."

Grace turns to walk away as she shouts out about Selfridge screwing her over this time.

(Max) "be here tomorrow at 0800, bright and early"


Author note: just wanna say that it's not exactly like the movie, i may take some things from there but some things will be a bit different as well since this is a fanfiction of the Avatar movie as well as Oc.


Nathan moves over and stands by the tanks where the Avatars are since the others has already seen them, thinking of what he heard about his Avatar being different than theirs but ignores it and then walks slowly to his own room to sleep.

The next day:-

he walks into the lab and sighs as he mumbles to himself.

"well this is it, the moment when i will know if i can see and move normally as well as if Jake will get his legs that he wants"

Nathan walks over to a link bed and says softly.

"hi Grace, i'm sorry about my brother. he can be an idiot at times but he has a good heart"

(Grace) "if you say so, we shall see if he will learn anything these days"

as soon as Jake rolls in on his wheelchair, Grace asks him about how much simulation time he has.

(Jake) "uhh about an hour?"

(Grace) "you got to be kidding me"

(Nathan) "Jake, get into the link bed now and link up, i will meet you on the other side brother"

Jake does thumb up towards his big brother before getting onto the link bed, telling Grace that he doesn't need any help and that he got it.

(Grace) " So you just figured you'd come here, to the most hostile environment known to men, with no training of any kind, and see how it went? What was going through your head?"

(Jake) " Maybe I was sick of doctors telling me what I couldn't do."

(Grace) "Just relax and let your mind go blank. That shouldn't be too hard for you."

Nathan chuckles and walks over to his own link bed as Jake starts to insult Grace before she close the link bed and clicks the button. Nathan is laying down on his own link bed now as Norm helps him fast, he smirks at Norm and says.

"See you on the other side"

then he closes his eyes as soon as the link bed is closed, slowly closing his eyes before emptying his mind and sees the colors as he links up to his Avatar, only to open his eyes and see for the first time since he got blind. he looks around a little, moving his head slowly as he does and then sits up slowly as the doctor has given him the ok to do so. he moves his arms and legs a little and then smirks as he hears Jake being trouble as usual.

(Nathan) "Jake sit down you *moron*"

(Jake) "this is great, wait what's this?"

as Jake says that, his tail moves onto his own arm and he moves fast to check it out, ending up with the instruments falling to the floor.

(Max) "Jake, sit down and let them check you"

(Jake) "screw this, i'm out"

Jake gets iv out and starts stumbling for the door before opening it, Nathan and Norm tries to stop him but he starts running, swaying a bit at first before he ends up running faster. Nathan gets done and changes fast behind a screen before he runs after his brother, catching up to him as soon as he stops after the run.

(Nathan) *you stupid jarhead*

(Jake) "brother, how nice of you to join me"

Nathan rolls his eyes as he looks at Jake and then shakes his head before looking before them to see Grace in her Avatar.

(Grace) "marine! Nathan"

(Jake) "Grace?"

(Nathan) "who do you think it is *moron*?"

(Grace) "well who'd you expect, numbnuts?"

Grace grabs two fruits and throws them towards Jake and Nathan.

(Grace) "think fast"

both Jake and Nathan catches their fruits and Nathan studies it.

(Grace) "motor control is looking good."

Jake takes a bite out of his fruit and chuckles excitedly. Nathan just shakes his own head and takes a small bite, smiling a little as he does so but that's all the emotions he shows right now.

the three of them and Norm goes about getting Norm and Jake changed into clothes instead of hospital gowns, then gets to the hut for the Avatars to stay in when not used. some time later Jake plays with the braid he has, seeing some pink like small tentacle like things and is not sure what it is but Nathan just sighs and chuckles.

(Nathan) "don't play with that. you'll go blind."

(Jake) "that's kind of freaky."

(Grace) "light's out"

both Nathan and Jake lays down and gets ready for bed, Nathan closes his eyes after relaxing and as soon as he opens them again, darkness welcomes him back. he sighs and mumbles.

"hello darkness, you always finds me when i wake up it seems"

Nathan chuckles quietly and then goes to sleep, still not sure about why his Avatar is different from the normal looks of them.


and cut, i do hope this is a ok chapter, stay tuned ^^

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Liya_Wolfcreators' thoughts