
The Broken Gold Prophecy

What do you mean the stone of prophecy is broken?!" The story of what happens when the world faces a looming threat from encroaching shadows. Yet, discovering the fated hero becomes an unexpectedly difficult task. Can a kingdom blinded by its own interpretation of destiny truly find the champion it desperately needs? Caught between clinging to their own perception and the dire necessity for a savior, the kingdom embarks on a quest for a hero, guided only by the fragmentary information available. Some cling to a literal depiction of a golden-haired and golden-eyed warrior, while others seek deeper significance within the missing details. What if the prophesied hero rejects the spotlight? Will the pursuit of this hero yield the much-needed savior before the advancing darkness consumes them all?

ScribblingLance · Fantasie
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30 Chs

Where Paths Converge and Diverge

The disembodied voice, a chilling echo in the cavern's vastness, hung heavy in the air. Kian and Arlo, hearts hammering against their ribs, stared at the pulsating obsidian sphere, its secrets shimmering in the eerie glow.

"We seek… passage to escape the forest," Kian rasped, the word tasting strange on his tongue. He knew survival was paramount, but escape felt almost too simple. What dangers lurked beyond this cavern, within the labyrinth itself?

The sphere hummed, its inky surface swirling with unseen currents. Was it acceptance, or mockery? They couldn't tell. But then, a soft chime resonated, like a crystal bell struck with a feather.

The cavern floor shimmered, and a swirling portal materialized in the air, its edges shimmering with stardust.

"The path ahead is treacherous," the voice boomed, less harsh now, almost… wistful. "Choose wisely, for some doors, once closed, slam shut forever."

Kian and Arlo met each other's eyes in a silent conversation. This was their chance, a crack in the labyrinth's suffocating grasp.

Yet, the voice's warning hung heavy, a whisper of what they might leave behind.

With a deep breath, Kian stepped towards the portal, Arlo's golden aura a beacon beside him, Kian's own shimmering dimmer, a mere reflection. "Together," he whispered, a vow carried on the silent wind.

And together, they stepped into the swirling vortex, the pulsating sphere, the echoing voice, the crumbling labyrinth, all fading into the past. The portal swallowed them whole, spitting them out into a kaleidoscope of stardust and blinding light. Their gamble taken, their path chosen.

When the light cleared, they found themselves on a rocky outcropping, a familiar meadow stretching before them, the Whispering Woods, once a looming threat, now a distant green wall.

Their deal with the enigmatic entity, perhaps Fae, perhaps something else entirely, seemed to have held. Relief washed over them, sweet and unexpected.

They withdrew their auras, the pulsating light fading from their bodies like dying embers. Questions flickered in their eyes, sparking a hushed conversation.

"What if we chose power?" Arlo's voice echoed in the clearing, laced with a shiver of uncertainty.

Kian shook his head, remembering Eldred's chilling words about the Fae's deceitful ways. "Who knows what kind of trap we might have stumbled into? We're lucky to be out of that labyrinth, with or without power."

Relief hung heavy in the air, a sweet balm after the labyrinth's suffocating grip. Arlo exhaled a shaky breath, the words spilling out like a confession. "Lucky indeed. Free of the Whispering Woods, free of that damned fog."

Kian chuckled, the sound tinged with a hint of bitterness. "Free, yes, but also lost in the middle of nowhere." He turned towards the horizon, where the sun bled vibrant oranges and reds into the sky, a fiery farewell to the day. "We traded one puzzle for another."

Arlo, the ever-practical one, unfurled their well-worn map. His brow furrowed as he squinted at the landmarks surrounding them. "Further east than planned," he muttered, "but a day or two's detour at most. Not bad, all things considered..."

His voice trailed off, silently acknowledging the deeper cost of their escape. The labyrinth had stolen more than just some time that could be reclaimed; it had chipped away at their innocence, leaving a raw awareness of the shadows lurking beneath the surface of the world.

"Shelter first, then sleep," Kian said, his voice firm despite the tremor of fatigue in his limbs. "Can't be too careful, even out here." He glanced at Arlo, concern etching lines on his face. "And how's that injury holding up?"

Arlo nodded, "Don't worry about me," he said, a reassuring grin playing on his lips. "I'm beat, sure, but my injuries are already healed. That's the perk of this golden glow of mine."

Kian's eyes widened in envy. "Wow," he breathed, a touch of awe in his voice. "I hope my aura can heal like that someday. Even if you're...not exactly ordinary, it's pretty cool.

Arlo chuckled, rolling his eyes good-naturedly at Kian's playful dig.

Following the dip in the terrain, they built a makeshift camp, hidden from any inquisitive eyes in the distance. Sleep, when it finally came, was deep and dreamless, a well-deserved reprieve from the terrors they had left behind.

Dawn's gentle fingers painted the meadow in soft gold as Kian and Arlo stirred from their slumber. Though sleep had washed away the worst of their fatigue, the shadows of the labyrinth still lingered in their bones.

Yet, a flicker of defiance danced in their eyes, fueled by the taste of freedom and the gnawing curiosity of their altered path.

With the map clutched in Arlo's hand, they broke camp, leaving their worries behind in the embrace of the sleeping forest. Their journey to Emberton continued, though the path ahead remained shrouded in uncertainty. But their hearts, lighter than they'd been in days, were ready to face the next challenge.

Their path, shrouded in the cool morning mist, was a ribbon twisting through the emerald forest. They walked in a comfortable silence, their thoughts like clouds drifting across a boundless sky. Then, Arlo froze, his gaze piercing the undergrowth. He pointed out his discovery to Kian.

There, hidden beneath a veil of leaves, another path snaked its way through the tangled wood. Compared to the overgrown track they'd been following, this one bore the marks of frequent travel, a worn path in the wilderness. It was a whisper of hope, a promise of answers in the vast, untamed tapestry of their journey.

A flicker of anticipation ignited in Kian's eyes. "Do you think…" he began, his voice trailing off as he caught the unspoken query in Arlo's gaze. It was a question without words, a shared curiosity hanging heavy in the air. Would this path lead them to Emberton?

Their pace picked up with the discovery of a wider path, one less choked by vines and shadows. Arlo's face broke into a relieved grin. "At last!" he exclaimed, his voice a welcome crackle in the quiet air.

Kian, cautiously optimistic, echoed his friend's sentiment. "Does this mean we're back on track?"

Arlo, studying the path ahead, nodded confidently. "Should be smooth sailing from here on out."

But even as his calm words sank into the rustling leaves, a prickle of unease crawled up his spine. This path, though clearer, felt…wrong. An unsettling quiet blanketed the air, devoid of the usual murmur of travelers.

"Keep your guard up, Kian," Arlo whispered, tension gripping his hand around the grip of his halberd. "This feels off."

Kian nodded, his gaze sharp behind golden eyes. "Agreed. We keep quiet, eyes peeled until we figure out what's happening."

The silence held heavy, punctuated only by the crunch of leaves beneath their feet. Each rustle felt amplified, each shadow a potential threat. Kian couldn't shake the nagging feeling that someone, or something, watched them from the dense undergrowth.

"Do you think…" Kian's voice faltered, "might there be someone in trouble? Someone who needs help?"

Arlo's expression remained neutral, though a flicker of hesitation betrayed his guarded demeanor. "Remember what happened with Eldred, Kian. Not everyone needs saving."

Kian fell silent, the memory of Eldred's final moments burning heavy in his heart. He knew Arlo was right, yet the instinct to help, to be the hero his village worshipped, tugged at him. Weren't they going to be heroes for moments like this?

Their debate was cut short by a rising sound, distant at first, but steadily growing louder. A clang of metal, a grunt of exertion, the unmistakable symphony of a battle.

"We need to get closer," Kian urged, adrenaline prickling his skin. "We have to see what's happening."

Arlo hesitated, his gaze torn between caution and action. "We don't know who's fighting, Kian. What if it's…."

"Dangerous? Aren't we going to be heroes?" Kian countered, his voice hardening with resolve. "This is why we trained in the village, Arlo. This is why we're here."

Arlo sighed, conceding to Kian's unwavering sense of duty. He reached for the shadows, contemplating the anonymity his dark aura could offer, but dismissed the idea.

In this unknown battle, keeping his own powers veiled made sense. He was Kian's friend, his comrade, and that was all that mattered in this unavoidable clash.

Together, they crept towards the cacophony, hearts pounding a counterpoint to the clashing steel. With each step, the battle unfolded before them, a chaotic mess of snarls and yells amidst flashing blades and desperate blocks.

And then, as they rounded a bend in the road, they were thrust right into the heart of the fray.

Before them, two figures were locked in a ferocious duel, their movements like flashes of lightning in the sun-dappled clearing. One that was clad in tattered leather armor wielded a sword with surprising skill but was slowly being pressed back by their opponent who was a hulking brute whose every swing seemed to shake the very earth.

Kian and Arlo exchanged a silent question: heroes or bandits? Friend or foe? In that split second, they knew they had to act, but who they would stand with remained a desperate gamble, as the tide of battle turned, threatening to pull them both into a conflict they weren't ready for.

Should Kian and Arlo explored more in the labyrinth?

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