
The Broken Gold Prophecy

What do you mean the stone of prophecy is broken?!" The story of what happens when the world faces a looming threat from encroaching shadows. Yet, discovering the fated hero becomes an unexpectedly difficult task. Can a kingdom blinded by its own interpretation of destiny truly find the champion it desperately needs? Caught between clinging to their own perception and the dire necessity for a savior, the kingdom embarks on a quest for a hero, guided only by the fragmentary information available. Some cling to a literal depiction of a golden-haired and golden-eyed warrior, while others seek deeper significance within the missing details. What if the prophesied hero rejects the spotlight? Will the pursuit of this hero yield the much-needed savior before the advancing darkness consumes them all?

ScribblingLance · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Escaping the Labyrinth

The choking tendril tightened around Kian's arm. Eldred's monstrous claw, a cruel blade of bone, hung inches from his heart, a predator savoring its kill. Hope, a flickering candle in the suffocating darkness, sputtered on the brink of dying.

Suddenly, a bone-jarring crack shattered the oppressive silence. A human skull, hurled with desperate accuracy, slammed into Eldred's face, momentarily stunning the monstrous guardian. Arlo, still sprawled on the cavern floor, had used the only weapon within reach.

Arlo! Kian's heart rocketed against his ribs, a flicker of life in the engulfing darkness.

Kian had to act, fast. Gritting his teeth, he squeezed every last ember of the shard's power, feeling it pulse in his palm like a defiant heartbeat against the encroaching darkness.

With a guttural roar that rattled the cavern floor, he unleashed a blinding pulse of energy, the shard erupting into a miniature sun in his grasp.

The fog shrieked, its tendrils recoiling from the searing radiance. The shard's light, illuminated Kian's path. He charged, heart a drum against his ribs, blade singing a desperate song. Eldred, disoriented and enraged, thundered, his monstrous claws flailing blindly in the sudden brightness.

Arlo, battered but unyielding, rose from the floor, summoning his light aura and manifesting his golden armor. He needed its healing power for his wounds, and it would be a moment before he could rejoin the fight without stumbling into Kian's way.

Now, with Arlo safe and the shard's raw power coursing through him, boosting his aura to an unprecedented level, Kian felt unchained. He moved with a newfound grace, his blade a blur of silver against the darkness.

Every clang of steel against bone echoed with a defiant promise, every parry a vow whispered in the cavern's silence. He fought with the fury of a cornered wolf, the desperation of a friend protecting his own, the unwavering belief that they would not surrender, not while hope still flickered like a stubborn ember in the heart of the fog.

Eldred stumbled, his monstrous claws scraping against the cavern walls like claws on a chalkboard. Kian saw his chance. With a guttural war cry, he surged forward, his blade a silver streak flashing through the gloom. It carved a deep gash across the guardian's chest, a crimson wound that spoke of pain but not defeat.

The fog's tendrils, seemingly wary of the shard's searing light, kept their distance, pulsating like malevolent veins watching the unfolding battle.

Arlo, clad in his shimmering golden armor, held his breath, the battle thrumming through him like a fever. He yearned to join the fray, but the throbbing reminders of his injuries held him back. His only weapon was silent support, a burning hope that crackled in his eyes.

The fight raged on, a brutal dance of steel and bone. Eldred, weakened by the wound, slowed in his attacks, his movements sluggish and labored.

Kian saw the opening, a sliver of vulnerability that mirrored the fading pulse of the shard's power. With a final, desperate lunge, he plunged his aura-clad blade deep into Eldred's chest.

The monstrous guardian crumpled, a felled giant whose fall shook the very floor of the cavern. Kian stood there, a wave of conflicting emotions washing over him. Eldred, though a betrayer, had once journeyed with them, a companion now reduced to a lifeless husk.

But his moment of reflection was cut short. The shard's power, a dying ember, flickered out. "Not yet!" Kian roared, the cavern echoing his desperation. The fog's heart, a pulsating mass of shadows, remained, an unvanquished enemy.

He looked up to meet Arlo's gaze. The golden light of his armor bathed the chamber in an ethereal glow, a beacon of unwavering resolve. A silent understanding passed between them, a shared vow whispered in the cavern's silence. Their fight wasn't over.

Arlo, his eyes burning with determination, raised his hand. His golden armor pulsed, sending ripples of light that echoed the shard's fading glow. He was ready, at last, to take his stand.

The fog's heart writhed, its tendrils lashing out like vipers sensing the coming danger. Arlo, seizing the moment, unleashed a new and terrible power.

He channeled his aura, weaving it into a swirling mass of energy around his weapon. His golden halberd materialized over the mundane halberd he had been holding, its form amplified by the raw energy crackling around it.

"Kian, stand back!" Arlo's voice boomed, the cavern amplifying his command.

Kian obeyed, awestruck by the sheer intensity of the aura gathering around his friend. It surpassed anything he had ever witnessed, a tangible storm brewing in the cavern's heart.

With a mighty cry, Arlo unleashed his attack. The halberd, imbued with all his destructive might, ripped through the vortex of fog, cleaving the fog's heart in two.

The entity shrieked, a sound that scraped against the very fabric of reality as it began to disintegrate, its tendrils flailing impotently before dissolving into wisps of darkness.

Relief washed over Kian and Arlo, a sweet but fleeting victory snatched from the jaws of defeat. But before they could fully celebrate, the cavern floor trembled.

A low, menacing rumble echoed through the air, growing louder with each passing heartbeat. The ceiling, cracked and unstable, began to crumble, showering them with a rain of falling rock.

Dust rained down, choking the air and turning their victory into a suffocating tomb. "The cavern is collapsing!" Arlo shouted, his voice barely audible over the growing roar.

Arlo's eyes, golden with aura, scanned the crumbling walls. His memory sparked - the shadowy tunnel they had not taken in favor of the tunnel with green glowing symbols. "The shadow tunnel!" Arlo yelled, flinging himself towards the place they had entered the cavern.

"What tunnel?" Kian yelled back, his own voice swallowed by the falling debris.

Arlo didn't have time for explanations. He bolted, his golden armor crackling with amplified speed, a beacon in the dust-choked darkness. Kian, understanding dawning, surged after him.

Their auras, shimmering shields against the falling rock, propelled them forward. Debris rained down, a deadly hail, but their enhanced speed wove through the danger.

An errant boulder clipped Kian, sending him sprawling. He shook it off, the shock a prickle against the roaring adrenaline.

Arlo doubled back, checking on Kian, his own speed far outpacing Kian's. "Keep going!" he yelled, then surged ahead, a beacon in the dust-choked gloom. They couldn't stop, not while the roof groaned so threateningly.

The tunnel spat them back into the crossroads, sputtering green symbols still clinging to its mouth like spectral fireflies. The path ahead, narrow and dark, its entrance shrouded in swirling shadows, felt like a maw ready to swallow them whole. But it was their only hope.

"Shadows it is," Kian gritted out, his voice hoarse from the dust and exertion. He knew it was a gamble, a plunge into the unknown, but it was their only hope.

With a final shared glance, a silent pact forged in desperation, Kian and Arlo plunged into the shadowy maw of the unknown path. The collapsing cavern roared behind them, a hungry beast chasing at their heels.

The darkness of the shadowy path was a thick cloak, swallowing Kian and Arlo whole. The air hung heavy, tinged with an earthy dampness that sent shivers skittering down their spines.

Only the soft glow of their auras, a wavering shield against the gloom, offered any kind of comfort.

They pressed forward, hearts hammering intensely. Every groan of the collapsing labyrinth behind them was a chilling reminder of the fate they were outrunning.

The path narrowed, twisting and turning like a serpent through the darkness. Walls of smooth, cold stone scraped their shoulders, and unseen creatures skittered away from their approaching footsteps, adding to the unsettling atmosphere.

But then, something broke the oppressive darkness. The tunnel widened, revealing a vast cavern completely different from what they had encountered before.

Crystal formations, jagged and luminous, jutted from the walls, their facets catching the ghost-light of the symbols, transforming them into a kaleidoscope of dancing colors.

An eerie silence hung in the air, broken only by the dripping of water from unseen crevices.

In the center of the cavern, nestled in a pool of glowing, purple liquid, floated a solitary obsidian sphere. It pulsed with a rhythmic light, casting long, inky shadows across the crystal walls. Curiosity, tinged with apprehension, warred within Kian and Arlo.

What secrets did this sphere hold? Was it their key to escape, or another cruel trick of the Fae?

As they cautiously approached, the sphere pulsed faster, its dark surface rippling like disturbed water. Then, without warning, a disembodied voice boomed through the cavern, echoing off the crystal walls. "Welcome, trespassers," it resonated, deep and gravelly, sending shivers down their spines. "What do you seek?"

Kian and Arlo exchanged stunned glances. Were they trapped? Or had they stumbled upon something more? What did the voice want?

Their hearts pounded, echoing the rhythm of the pulsating sphere, as they faced the unseen entity, their destinies hanging precariously in the balance.

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