
The brightest sun closer to the moon

You have to apologize to Abigail for hitting her,Lucain said with rage in his eyes.Hazel gave a smirk and replied"why don't you just kill me" As you wish , Lucain replied and threw her over the dinning table.Abigail stood at the fireplace still shedding crocodile tears while silently enjoying the show.Lucain walked slowly towards Hazel and grabbed her by the neck and threw her off the table.Zack!He screamed the name of his senior guars,throw this bitch inside the dungeon.Yes sir,Zack replied and picked Hazel up princess style and took her to the dungeon. He felt pity for his miss, for no one has ever come out the dungean alive. Lucain swept Abigail in his arms and consoled her,"my love please forgive me. I promise it won't happen again"Abigail nodded her head and hugged him. You are finally at where you belong, Abigail said to Hazel when she visited her in the dungeon.What will people say when a take a picture of you and post it on social media? Your reputation will be dragged down the drain. Just go ahead and do whatever you want to do.I wouldn't give a damn because you are such a pathetic loser. If there ever happens to be a contest for losers you will second. Why not first?Because you are a loser.Do you think Lucain wouldn't have killed me on the spot if he wanted to?Something in him couldn't just bare to see me hurt.You just wait Abigail,I am going to make him fall helplessly in love with me,Hazel said to Abigail. That will never happen,Abigail said furiously and left.

Daoist3LW9Vf · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter One

The bitter truth

You can't force me to marry someone I don't love,said Hazel in tears. I can make you do anything I like. It is not for you to decide,roared Andrew. Dad I thought you loved me. You know I am engaged to be married to Jerry anytime soon right? I am fully aware,that is why I want you to do what I am asking of you sooner. Just get married to Luca in Willson, make him fall in love with you,get him to sign his properties in your name and then divorce him as simple as that. I won't destroy somebody's life for your selfish gain dad. Then get ready to lose your mother. Are you threatening me with mom's life? She is your wife for goodness sake! I never said she wasn't. I didn't marry her because of love Hazel, I married her because of her money. You can't be serious?, Hazel asked in shock. On a more serious note it is you I love. I am your daughter dad , you can't have any erotic ideas about me. No Hazel, you aren't my biological daughter. Your mother was already pregnant with you when I met her. In fact let me tell you the whole story. Your mom fell in love with the son of her business rival. They dated secretly because they know that they are never meant to be seen together. They planned to get married without the knowledge of their families. On the day they were supposed to married,your dad stood her up on the alter. He never showed up. Your mother being blindly in love believed your father must have been held back by something important. She waited for an explanation from your father which never came. She later on realized she was expecting you and decided to break the happy news to your dad only to receive the worst shock of her life when she saw your dad hugging a different woman and caressing her tommy jubilating over her pregnancy which your doting father is responsible for. Your mom later found out that the reason why your dad never came to the alter was because he was wedding the woman who was expecting his child. The day she found out that she has been played, she went to a club to party and drink away her sorrow. It was at the club she met me, a desperate medical student surrounded by debts. She found me trying to take my life. She stopped me and promised to help me only on the condition that I marry her. Who wouldn't agree to such a tempting offer of marrying a young rich millionaire? I agreed and we later on got married. She paid all my debts and helped me complete my studies. She made sure I am now the most sought after heart surgeon in the world. She also built me the most refined and famous hospital for me. It is such a pity that my heart never skipped a beat for her. I once made up my mind to love her but all that changed when you were brought forth to this world. Hazel it is you I love. I can abandon all my wealth for you. Does mom know that you love her daughter? Hazel asked. No she doesn't. But mom loves you dad! To hell with her stupid love! I am only but a substitute. Would she have done all what she did for me if that cheater of a father had married her? Yes she would. Hazel replied .My mom simply can't stand it when others are hurting. How can you repay her with evil after all what she did and is doing for you? She did nothing for me. I rather did her a great favor by saving her from the shame of having a child out of wedlock. I saved her from losing her rights as the heiress to the White business.. Tears continued to pour down Hazel's delicate face as she listened to Andrewson. So are you going to do what I asked of you or not? What if I say wouldn't do it? Then be ready to lose your mother. Do you know the number of people I have killed with these my hands all in the name of my profession? Don't forget your mom has been admitted to my hospital. You are an animal dad. I know dear. Why don't you let us enjoy ourselves before we go back to business, Andrew said and started moving towards Hazel laughing like a maniac. When he got close to her, she knocked him out with a wine bottle on the side table and rushed out with tears still running down her face. On her way to the airport, she thought a lot. How can Andrew be such a man? She grew up to love him more than her mom. She decided to teach him a lesson once she gets married to Jerry. They were about to get married in a week time, had it not been for her mother's sudden illness, she would have been in ha is arms right now, she smiled. When she was told about her mom's illness, she rushed back from country B to country A to find her father,no,Andrew at home partying with five girls in her mom's matrimonial bed just the same day she was hospitalized. She threw the girls out and questioned Andrew only to be welcomed with unpleasant news. He wants me to marry someone I haven't met before talk more of liking him. When I refused he threatened me with my mom's Life . When she got to the airport, she went to the washroom to adjust her hair and makeup. She gaped when she saw herself in the mirror. She looked like a starved skeleton, pale and her eyes red and swollen from crying for long. She brushed her hair and tied it into a bun because of her curly blonde hair the bun looked flowery.She smiled at her reflection in the mirror. She is indeed a beauty goddess no wonder she won the crown of "Miss Universe"and the most sought after model. She doesn't have to send her particulars to a company to be chosen to model, it was the other way round. They modeling and beauty companies brought their application and business proposals. If you are wondering whether she is rich then your guess is as good as mine. She is a thrillonaire in her own right. She made all these money through her hardwork which she is proud of. She made it those far without a single penny from her parents. She left the washroom when they were asked to bored their flight. When the plane tool off she wondered why her real dad never looked for her mom. He might have known about her existence if he had done so. She cursed him and took her phone to face time Jerry. After calling him for the third time without an answer she let sleeping dogs lie as she drifted off to sleep to clear her mind from the trauma she had had today. Hazel only opened her eyes when the flight attendant announced their arrival. She got off the plane and a woman in her late thirties rushed to her and took her bag. She was then led to her car, a guard opened the door for her and she sat down majestically like the she is. Where to? The driver asked. To my fiance's house. Who known that Hazel would became the most feared woman who would emit cold aura and a threat to many people. The black Limo pulled up in front of a huge white mansion and Hazel got down and heaved q sign of relief. Finally, finally, she made her way towards Jerry's magnificant bedroom. When she entered the house, the butler tired to stop her when he saw her heading towards Jerry's bedroom. Miss Hazel I would advice you to wait till I inform master of your arrival. And will do you I will answer you,she asked. Please just this once. She ignored the butler and carried on without a care in the world. She entered his password when he got to his room which is the first day they met. She pushed opened the door with a palcipating heart. When she took two steps forward she saw her Jerry with his back to her, she run to hug him from behind only to stop in her tracks when she heard a female's voice. How do I believe you when your life literally revolves around her. Your phone has her pictures as your wallpape, your office is filled with your pictures taken together, the password to every device of yours is connected to her one way or the other and look at your room now filled with her pictures and you want me to believe and trust you? The girl shouted at Jerry. All these doesn't mean anything to me, Jerry said she had Hazel covering her mouth to prevent her from screaming. You know why I am dating her right? I just want her for her fame so that my products can become the world's best. Haven't you realized how my sales rose up when we started dating? I need her just to advertise my goods. I dont love her , Mirabel it is you I love. What Jerry said was half the truth and half lies. Yes, he needed Hazel for his business but he also loved her very much. He also needed Mirabel's father to sign a contract for him to get a land for his advance and technological company. Hazel who couldn't take everything in one go felt dizzy. She remembered the incident with Andrew and this and broke down in tears. She shivered at the thought that she had wanted to repeat the same mistake her mom had made. Her vision started to become blurry so she made to leave, she holding on to something when her dizziness intensified only to knock down a flower vase which drew the attention of the arguing couples. Jerry rushed forward to support her but was stared at fiercely by Hazel. Don't you dare come close to me or touch me, she said while staring daggers at Mirabel. Mirabel walked closer to Jerry and introduced herself. I am Peterson Mirabel and a fiancee to Jerry. Hazel turned to look at Jerry for confirmation. I am sorry,he said. I...didn't....before he could finish his sentence, Hazel pushed him aside and rushed out. She run towards her car and ordered her chauffer to drive her to one of her hotels. Jerry run out after getting out of Mirabel's grip and went after Hazel only to see her car leaving. He run after her car pleading with her to stop and listen to him for once but the car didn't slow down for anything in the world. What have I gotten myself into? Hazel will never forgive me but if she had given me a chance to explain I am sure she would have understood me he said. He loved her as much as she did love him if not more. When Hazel arrived at the hotel,she wore sunglasses and sun hat to conceal her public image. When her PA(personal assistant)handed her the keys to her suite,she decided to use the stairscase instead of the elevator,when it was left with only one stair for her to climb up , she felt dizzy and her step which had her rolling down. Her PA shouted and run to her side but she passed out before she got to her side. She called for the guards to come pick her and she was rushed to the hospital. I think Miss Hazel is hurt on the head , one of the guard rushed in and said in a worried voice because I saw blood in the car. Her PA rushed to inform the doctors who just came out of the OR(Operation Room)she told them what the guards said and they assured her that it wasn't a head injury but blood from miscarriage. Is the pregnancy still there? Janet asked. I am sorry but she lost it. The operation went on successfully and I think she will gain consciousness in about twenty minutes time,they doctors said and left. When Janet got to Hazel's room she saw her awake. What happened to me? You passed out ma'am,Janet told her half of the story. Is it only passing out because I feel as if I have lost something dear to me . Don't you dare lie to me because you know the consequences of doing so. Janey knew better because behind this meek face of hers is a real devil when angered so she spilled the beans to her which had her crying the more. Why is today so unfair to her? Just why? Why would you agree to such a deal? Mabel asked her husband feeling irritated. You can't force your son to marry any low life just because you want to secure your friendship with her father. My son is not getting married to any other woman other than Abigail Peterson,Mr. Peterson's first born. That is the arrangement. Stop getting on my nerves woman, Mr.Wilson shouted. When did you start making decisions in this family? You better know your place or I will send you packing. What!Mathew did you just threaten me because of that slut? I will never like her. That's your business not mine and you can do your worst. Just know that no one can stop this marriagenot even you,your ancestors,family and generations because you guys are nothing without the Wilson's name and will never be anything without the name. Mr. Wilson left his wife Standing there speechless and went out. Jerry returned back to his sitting room and asked the butler to serve him wine. I tried to stop her Butler John said. It is not your fault. Jerry told him in case he felt guilty. When he sat down wishing away his sorrows, he heard a familiar voice. He turned around and run to hug the person and started apologizing,Hazel I am really sorry, please forgive me. You know I love you right?He looked in her eyes which was void of any emotion. She pushed Jerry away from her and said to him, I came here to tell you that were going to be a father. What do you mean by were? Yes, I had a miscarriage. I didn't know I was pregnant until I lost it. Just thought you should know since it is your right. She removed their engagement ring and dropped it on the fall and turned to leave. Hope you will forgive me? Jerry asked while picking up the ring with teary eyes. You know I don't work that way. He immediately understood and promised to do anything for her. I want us to break up .What! The astonished Jerry asked . You heard me right. How foolish of him to forget the woman he is dealing with. OK, Jerry agreed. Then you are also forgiven. Hazel extended her hand for a hand shake. It was nice doing business with you. What are you talking about? You will understand later Mr. Willow, Janet answered in her stead and they left. Are you going back to country A? Janet asked . Yes and I want you to handle my businesses here to perfection. I won't be taking any excuses. Also remember to update me often. Are you sure you don't need any company? Janet asked. Don't worry I will be fine, she said and headed to her Private Jet. You can trust me ,Janet said and Hazel smiled. Janet just liked her ma'am way of handling issues. She is just a sport. Even though Hazel is just 20 years old,she has made it big in life. She wish she hadn't wasted 15 years of her life fighting over a man who later on dumped her and her rival and married a different woman. When the plane tool off, Hazel got a message from Andrew and she replied back" don't you try anything silly with my mom because all her properties and the white co- operation will be mine and I won't hesitate to crumple you and your empire to dust ". After sending the message , she turned on her headset and drifted off with the music.

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