
The Boy Who Fought Back: A Story of Revenge and Redemption

read it. you may find it very interesting!. (failed project) Synopsis: Liu Feng was a normal high school student who had a peaceful and happy life. However, everything changed when he witnessed his parents being killed by a mysterious assassin. He swore to avenge them and find out the truth behind their deaths. He was then approached by a mysterious voice that claimed to be a system, offering him a chance to gain power and skills by completing tasks. Liu Feng accepted the deal, hoping to use the system to achieve his revenge. However, he soon realized that the system had its own agenda and secrets, and that his revenge was not as simple as he thought.

ex_berfect · Urban
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16 Chs

The Plan

Liu Feng opened the file named "The Plan" and saw a text with some bullet points. He saw:


- The Plan: A strategy to locate, infiltrate, sabotage, and eliminate the organization that killed your parents and their colleagues.

- The Goal: To destroy the organization and its members, and to avenge your parents and their colleagues.

- The Steps:

 - Step 1: Locate the organization and its members. Use the information and tools that I have provided you, such as the names, roles, statuses, locations, phone numbers, email addresses, IP addresses, and GPS coordinates of the organization and its members. Track them down and find out where they are and what they are doing.

 - Step 2: Infiltrate the organization and its members. Use the information and tools that I have provided you, such as the fake IDs, passwords, codes, keys, and devices that can help you access and enter the organization and its facilities. Pretend to be one of them and gain their trust and confidence.

 - Step 3: Sabotage the organization and its members. Use the information and tools that I have provided you, such as the viruses, bugs, glitches, errors, and malfunctions that can damage and disrupt the organization and its systems. Cause chaos and confusion among them and weaken their defenses and operations.

 - Step 4: Eliminate the organization and its members. Use the information and tools that I have provided you, such as the weapons, explosives, traps, and poisons that can kill and injure the organization and its members. Strike them when they are vulnerable and unsuspecting and finish them off.

- The Risks: The plan is risky and dangerous. You may encounter resistance and retaliation from the organization and its members. You may also attract attention and interference from other parties, such as the police, the media, and the public. You may also face moral and ethical dilemmas, such as killing innocent people or betraying your allies. You may also lose yourself and your humanity in the process.

- The Rewards: The plan is rewarding and satisfying. You may achieve your revenge and justice for your parents and their colleagues. You may also expose and stop the organization and its crimes and conspiracies. You may also save and protect the project and its legacy and potential. You may also find and fulfill your purpose and destiny.


Liu Feng read the text and felt a shock and a curiosity. He wondered if the plan was feasible and realistic. He wondered if the system had really provided him with all the information and tools that he needed. He wondered if he had the courage and the skill to execute the plan.


He heard the system's voice in his head.


[Host, this is the plan that I have devised for you. It is a strategy to locate, infiltrate, sabotage, and eliminate the organization that killed your parents and their colleagues. It is a way to achieve your revenge and justice. It is also a way to expose and stop the organization and its crimes and conspiracies. It is also a way to save and protect the project and its legacy and potential. It is also a way to find and fulfill your purpose and destiny. Do you understand?]


[Yes, I understand. This is amazing. This is the plan that I need. This is the plan that I want.]


[Yes, it is. It is the plan that you need. It is the plan that you want. And I will help you implement it. I will guide you and support you along the way. I will be your partner and your friend. Do you trust me?]


[Yes, I trust you. You have been very helpful and loyal to me. You have been very smart and resourceful for me. You have been very kind and caring for me. You are my system and my friend.]


[And you are my host and my friend. I'm glad you trust me. But you have to be careful. The plan is risky and dangerous. You may face many challenges and difficulties. You may also face many consequences and responsibilities. You have to be prepared and determined. You have to be brave and strong. You have to be smart and wise. You have to be careful and cautious. Do you understand?]


[Yes, I understand. I will be prepared and determined. I will be brave and strong. I will be smart and wise. I will be careful and cautious.]


[Good. Now, let's begin. The plan starts now.]