

Annabella, popularly known as Bella recently broke up with her fourth boyfriend Kai Jonas after he cheated on her with her archenemies Pamela Jones. The truth of their breakup wasn't brought up as Bella felt as though it would be a disturbance to the peaceful life she so desired so she let the matter rest with the conclusion that she wasn't ready for love yet. And to that, there was some truth. Bella saw love as a very hard task and she didn't want to love again because this was the fourth time in a relationship where she couldn't meet up with her partner's demands. So she thought, instead of stressing herself, with all this loving and having to lose in the end, she should stay on her own, be her own company till she was ready to throw caution to the wind again and fall in love. But as soon as that decision was made and stamped by our lovely Annabella, Justin Gray, a reserved boy in the school where she studies is paired up with her on an assignment. She finds his attitude towards people and also towards her quite strange as he says one thing and does the other. She starts getting attracted to him as though he were some puzzle she badly wanted to solve, unknown to her that her curiousity would lead to an unquenchable love affair with her once again putting her fragile heart out in the line. But will their love story be as perishable as her previous ones or will this be an affair that would finally give her the peace she so desired? And what will happen when she finds out that the boy she's about to give her heart out to once again will likely not make it to the end of the year because he has, brain cancer… She wants peace but for peace she must go through extreme measures to get

Tessa_Osi_Udotor · Urban
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26 Chs

Warm Black Eyes

That line, that pathetic line with which he had been going and on with for weeks, here it was again. " I really am sorry for what I did to you", Kai said, reaching out to her, wanting to touch her hand which was still on the desk holding the paper.

She jerked her hand towards herself as soon as their hands made contact. " Apology accepted, We can be friends again but not the usual friends, Kai I've heard and I accept", she said irritably causing a frown to settle on his face. Those where the answers she had given him anytime he came to her with his songs of apology.

" Quit the act Kai, we both know you are not actually sorry, and don't try to act all saint with me", Bella said when she saw him move his lips as though he had wanted to speak.

She changed positions on her chair making sure her body was facing him as he stared back at her serious unexpressive grey eyes.

" You cheated on me with Pam and that is the damn truth, there is no I'm sorry in it or a get back together in it. I know what you did, I also know who you are, I fucking dated you for four whole months, I'm just glad I didn't go nuts", she said softly, her hands folded on her chest as she watched his face which was filled with sorry expression.

" You know why, because people like you put so much work into making the world think they are the most perfect. Infact I am so sorry I couldn't fit into your list of perfection. I know who you really are behind that sweet facade you put on", Bella said firmly watching as his face turned from sympathy to scowl in a matter of moments.

" Actually I pity Pamela, she knows nothing of the monster you truly are. Apologize all you want Kai and my answer will remain the same, Apology accepted", she said and was about to turn away from him when all of a sudden he held her wrist forcing her to turn back and stare at him.

By now, they were already attracting attention from students who knew their story pretty well, but not the full story.

" I cheated on you Bella because you were unwilling to spread your legs for me, you also act like a saint, a virgin who's never had sex", Kai said with gritted teeth, his anger emanating from the pressure he was putting on her hands, how could she act so cold to him of all people?

" And so what Kai?", Bella asked in a more calmer position ignoring the pain on her wrist. " You talk about sex with me like I'm some whore, you are not even worth a bit of my time, not everyone likes such raw words. Now look at me and understand this, if you want the truth of our break up to remain behind closed doors then stop bugging me", she said drawing her wrist away from his grip in seconds.

" Kai you never really loved me and I have come to realize it, so please your apology has been accepted now stay the hell away from me, else I, Annabella Curtis, won't hesitate to show you how cold I can be if you stand in the way of me and my peace", she said firmly finally turning away from him not caring what he thought or how he felt.

The English teacher walked in afterwards and Bella had to pretend to focus on the topic of the day, "Where do I see myself after graduation?, an essay writing which had been giving to them as an assignment which Bella hadn't summited or bothered to do.

" Annabella Curtis and Justin Gray, You both didn't turn down your assignments and I would like to know why", the teacher, Miss Josephina said handing out every other students booklet to them. Even Laura and Kai did their assignments, Bella thought sighing out loud.

" Curtis?", the woman called out to her as she sat behind her desk, drawing her medicated glasses to the bridge of her nose. Her inquisitive eyes staring at Bella who was trying to resist the urge of sighing again.

" Miss Josephina actually I really can't bring myself to write something, I tried trust me but I don't really know where I see myself, I've just never thought twice of it", she said softly to Miss Josephina with half of what she said being the truth and the other part being a lie.

Miss Josephina stared at her calmly before adjusting her square shaped glasses as her eyes moved from her to someone else.

" Justin Gray, why didn't you do your assignment?", the teacher asked while Bella fumbled with her fingers, her mind occupied by thoughts of the assignment.

Justin just shrugged without saying a word as he continued his writing. A journal was on his desk and his left hand was holding a pen as he jotted down what no one could ever comprehend.

His raven black hair was slightly ruffled and the air pod on his left ear made him look charming. The entire class just stared at both Justin and Bella including Laura who had her eyes glued on Bella like an hawk.

" Justin you really have nothing to say about why you refused to submit your assignment?", Miss Josephina asked, her voice showing slight irritation at Justin's attitude.

" I'm sorry Miss Josephina but like Annabella, my brain stopped working when I got the assignment", he said causing Bella to turn her head abruptly, towards the back of the class wondering who said her full name although it was the voice that actually mattered.

Her grey orbs met a pair of warm black eyes which held her gaze just for a moment until he looked away and towards the annoyed teacher.

" Curtis and Gray, you both have to partner up and do this assignment. I guess since both your brains stopped working at the same time, it might jumpstart at the same time too", Miss Josephina said making her way back to the front of the class.

Her Chestnut brown hair was tied in a high bun and her clothing made her look feminine, a black colored joined suit and a white waist coat which outlined her beauty very well.

She went around her desk and sat on her chair, once again adjusting her square shaped glasses, she peered at the entire class. " You both have till Friday to submit your assignments or else I will be taking you to the principal's office so we could discuss your grades", She added afterwards lifting up her own English textbook.

" Everyone open your textbook to page 109", Miss Josephina's voice echoed in the classroom as lectures began. Bella turned her head to stare at her partner again, he was jotting down as usual, how come she didn't even know him at all?

She was sure she knew every face in Border Town High School, so why did he look strange but yet handsome? He raised his head up and their eyes locked, she found herself wanting to hold his gaze but he immediately dropped his eyes focusing back on his journal and she sat back properly as Kai glared deeply at her.


Authors note:

Hello guys, hope you are all enjoying this book, please stick around as we unravel Bella's life together. Thank you for giving this book a read. More chapters coming soon...