
The Boy Dyed In Blood

The Boy Dyed In Blood, Eren lived a grey life he never had a friend only an abusive father, after his death his soul wandered around until it found a new born snake to inhabit. This is Eren's journey through evolution.

Velodorasan · Fantasie
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8 Chs


After scurrying of into the shrubbery even though he sustained minor injuries Eren still felt elated, the reason for this was his full belly of goblins blood the most powerful creature he had defeated yet. This would not be the end of Eren's goblin hunt with only four goblins remaining the cogs in his head were spinning yet again formulating another plan to slaughter the remaining goblins,

Eren rested up on the same tree he observed the goblins from the night prior, after resting all night and day once again the sun set and the coldness shrouded his surroundings. It seemed that the goblins intelligence really did rival a caveman's the reason being with only four of them left another two were put on guard duty yet again being the weakest of the pack. With his injuries healed and power brimming Eren arrogantly slithered towards the last remaining guards not even bothering to conceal himself, this wasn't stupid by any means it would simply be a waste of effort to bother assassinating the idiot goblins.


Laying their eyes on the now 85 cm snake in front of them sent shivers down there spine the hissing sound emanating from the blood snakes mouth let out a thick killing intent clouding both the goblins judgment.


Recoiling back and forth in the blink of an eye the goblin looked to the left only to find the guard next to him missing a chunk of his throat.


Before the second guard realised what happened he to was missing a chunk of his throat, both the guards died almost in an instant and in another instant every slither of blood from there body's was drained turning into (exp). After finishing his meal Eren steeled himself slithering into his birthplace yet again remembering the events of last night and the pain inflicted upon him turned into more determination to finish the goblin leader.

Almost expecting his arrival the goblin leader stood fearlessly in the middle of the cave trying to assert its dominance on the blood snake rapidly slithering towards him with a glare in its eyes.


Three lightning fast attacks followed in succession as Eren got into range with his now longer body the goblin mistook his attacking distance, three deep gashes located on the goblins chest were now oozing blood that confirmed the lethality of Eren's attack. Nevertheless the goblins seemed to of put together all of their braincells to formulate a plan to kill the blood snake, a dip hidden in the cave were a skinny goblin hid had suddenly emerged with a large club in his hand.


Before he could react the large club hit his head causing Eren's consciousness to waver for a few seconds, on instinct Eren activated his skill (Fast Strike) latching onto the skinny goblin that clobbered him before the goblin leader could react. While digging into the skinny goblins throat subsequently killing him the goblin leader mercilessly clobbered his own subordinate and Eren at the same time causing the two of them to fall to the ground. Now in a daze his vision couldn't focus only seeing the wooden club fall on him repeatedly, this reminded Eren of his previous life and the hopelessness he felt.


The blood snakes eyes turned crimson red in anger an almighty sound resounded throughout the cave, pure fear could be seen in the leaders eyes as it saw Eren's deathly gaze. With the skill now activated he instinctively bared his fangs digging into the leaders throat sucking his blood dry as his body coiled around the leaders neck slowly suffocating him as he clawed at the hardened scales trying to gain one last breath but to no avail.

With his mind now foggy the only thing Eren could do was rest…


Race: Malevolent Serpent

Level: 10 (exp:0/45)

Evolution: Serpentine

Attack: 55

Defence: 60

Agility: 45

Skill-Passive: (Blood Trail: Lvl-2)(Weak Point-Lvl-1)

Skill-Active: (Flash Strike: Lvl-5)(Poison Gland-Lvl-1)