
The Blades of the Fated Heroes

In the world Eolorial, a world of legends, myths, and even things that not even the world comprehends faces crisis created by eight powerful beings that no god or concept can kill no matter how much they tried. Yin Pendragon, a Royal of the Pendragon family, he was a curse to this world, a world where magic exists in all shapes and forms. His true goal is to find what's important to him and become a hero just like the First Genesis which are the first heroes who stopped the Fallen 12, a enormous group of gods, demons, valkyries, and etc. They caused many destruction and calamity where ever they went, despair covered the world until eight heroes join the phase and defeated them leaving peace for the worlds, realms, and all of existence. After 45 million years later, the same enemy returns from defeat and planning revenge against the existence that wrought them of their glory. Can Yin and the new generation of heroes stand up to this threat? You find out in the story.

Acreogoth · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Chapter 3

The Royal Academy Arc

Date: February 14th, NE567

Episode 4: The Arrival

As the horses settled down at the small port as they arrived at their destination, Rize Academy. Amani tapped Yin on the shoulder to shake him awake, then she hopped off her seat. "Finally we're here. Come on Yin let's see when we can register, I want it to be as soon as possible. "

Yin looked out the window still bothered by the dreams, he seemed not get any sleep. The images flashed like a movie picture causing the boy to snap out of his moments.

"I can see, just be careful of your name, it would definitely make us a center of attention."

A muffled voice was heard outside the carriage as whoever it was was yelling, "Slow down!" The voice yelled as it came from none other then Wander "Oi dummies slow down will ya, I can't keep running!"

After hearing a familiar voice Amani's eyes light up and she yelled, "Hey Yin, it's Wander!" Motioning Yin to look behind them. The black haired blacksmith was directly behind the carriage and was out of breath as they were coming to a stop.

Yin turned to see the blacked hair blacksmith running towards the carriage at speeds he could sense. "I wasn't expecting him to come along.." Something felt off to him but he couldn't put his finger on it yet.

He quickly opened the carriage door jumping in "There is a reason I ain't say stop!" He said yelling with a smile as some of the city's people was running after him with anger "We should get going!" He said laughing.

Amani quickly gets the carriage to move again and says with a exasperated expression, "Yea you're gonna need to tell me how it got to this point."

Yin slowly thought for a minute in a half to think where to registrar for the exams, he only thought of one place, "We have to go to the main hall of the school to sign in.

"So this is a school...." Wander said peaking his head out of the carriage before stepping out as he looked at the academy in awe, "Then let's get going!"

"Not without throwing something on." Amani said as she finally hopped off. "Yin has the right idea, the main hall is most certainly the best place to go." She says after poking Wander in the ribs.

Yin smirked with pride looking outside, the feeling of fear got to him soon as he saw many students from all over the world. "I don't think I can do this.." His heart rate increased by the minute, he wasn't sure if he would pass the exams.

"....." Wander looked over to yin as he slowly turned his hand into a fist as he punched his newfound friend in the head as he knew the feeling yin was having "Oh quit it with the fear..."

"Ouch..." Poor Yin felt a large bump on his head and tears swell down his face. Was he crying? The answer was yes, he may seem mature but he still had the mindset of a child. "Roya, he hit me.." he told on Wander sniffing adorably.

"Oi yin let's go explore..,maybe we can find some food." he said as he was now incredibly hungry as he started to drool a bit thinking of food "Anyways let's get to looking!"

"No thanks, I'm going to stay with Roya." Yin said waving his hand no as he smiled warmly looking at Wander.

After disregarding Yin's naive remark, she reminds Wander why they are here. "Lets get to uh, actually getting the school to know of our existence first." She leads them to the hall where they meet a lady at the front desk. Amani introduces herself with her fake name as instructed by Yin, "Hey, we'd like to register for the entrance exams this coming school year. How would we be able to do so?" The lady replied in a monotone voice, "Write your names down here, the exams start tomorrow morning. We will not provide you with a place to stay until then."

Yin looked down at the paper slip and wrote his name, his hand shaking like crazy. "Roya, my body won't move.." he said completely stuck not able to move his tensed muscles.

Amani, trying to comfort Yin, said "Hey chill out, you wanted this. We have until tomorrow to prepare, you're gonna be alright."


The life of Yin was just getting started and with his soon to be lover by his side he knows he could survive. "Where's wander at? He should be here by now!" Yin closed his eyes as the vision he saw was black and different color auras around him, he was looking for Wander's presence knowing the idiot wandering away.

Wander did what he does best...wandered off as while they where talking he already signed the papers, "Ok let's what they have around here." he said to himself looking around the academy. "....." Instantly wander stopped walking as he felt like he was being watched as he looked over to Yin's direction before shrugging it off as decided to go back and meet up with them.


While looking around for way to stay for the night they come across a particularly high class student, about the same age as Wander. As they were walking past this boy, they couldn't help but overhear his conversation with a friend. "Did you hear? Apparently the Pendragon family signed against the Prokaryota's having spears of influence inside Buranda. Those idiots are clearly just against us, it's so clearly a huge profit opportunity. Can't wait for that lousy king to end his term."

Yin eyes widened in pure fear but the anger of his aura was raging like a SSS Rank monster. He clenched his fists to the point they bled and blood dropped on to the floor, he wanted to go on a killing spree but it would only make things worse. "R-Roya...I want to kill them." he sounded pissed off as he quickly unsheathed his sword, his blood pumping so much adrenaline.

The boy notices Yin's behavior before Amani can react, "Oh? It seems I've angered a child. Go back to your mother kid, I'm too old to be playing swordfight with you." The boy snickering as he finishes the sentence.

After that moment, Yin appeared right in front of him, landing a full power punch on his left cheek sending him flying straight out the School main hall in less than second. "I'm getting real sick and tired of theses fucked up rumors!" He shouted in rage, his eyes glowing crimson red.

A hand was placed on Yin's shoulder as it was from wander "....." he was quiet as he saw the entire situation "Oi let's get going ok no need to cause trouble over dumb rumors."

Yin turned his head sharply to Wander with pure anger in his eyes, snarling in anger, he held in so much rage that inside his body the weapon of Judgement was aggressively vibrating in his body.

Wander didn't have no fear as he shook his head no, "Mind if I ask you a question....?" He said calmly as he was now truly serious about the situation.

Yin looked up at him with nothing but rage, his dragon has kicked in and what's worse his body temperature increases. "What do you want?!"

"Just ignore and walk off...." He asked looking Yin in the eyes, "We all have our personal goals however if you let a small comment like that get under your skin then your just proving someone else's point..." he said looking over to the direction where yin punched the boy. "Do you really want to be the person they make you out to be."

"..." He looked around the hall to see everyone looking at him in fear or laughing, he knew Wander was right but his mind was clouded by rage it was hard to make a decision. The dragon calmed down and cracked his knuckles, "Lets get going then..besides I had to get that anger out of my system and paralyzed the bastard anyway.."

"...alright then.." Amani quietly said as she was motioning out the door. While Amani was concerned for the current situation, a figure in the corner of the room caught her eye. She could feel something was wrong, however, the crowd made her incapable of acting so she decided to forget it for now.

As they left the hall Amani spoke up to clear the air, "So I've heard there is an Inn around here we can stay the night. Let's quickly book it and get to bed, it's nearing nightfall. You two get to booking it, I'll go get dinner for you guys... oh and" She rummages around in her pocket, "This should be enough for three rooms."

"We're on it..." Yin said calmly like nothing just happened a few seconds ago, he walked to the the Midnight Cat Inn pulling out his pouch. "Hello there, me and my friends are here to purchase three rooms for one night!" He looked at the counter to see the innkeeper yawning, "That'll be 11 Silver coins." He said looking at the red hair male.

Wander knew how yin felt as he quickly placed coins on the table paying for all three "Save your money I'll pay up for us." He said Before looking at the innkeeper "Is there a library anywhere near?"

Yin nodded his head before taking the keys, "The library is the next building next to this Inn." The innkeeper replied as he sat back down in his chair.

"I'll be back I'm gonna do some reading" he said walking out of the building going into the library and looking around as he found a book on Great Wars.

"Hurry up! We don't want Roya to be pissed off." He said walking upstairs to the find the rooms.

Wander saw a book one that was about his home as he picked it up and sat down reading through it "...." He skipped a few pages before stopping at one part...something about a civil war.


Amani decided to investigate what she saw before. She put on a hoodie and started to take a detour to Rize. As she walked back to the school, now closed, she started to look around the school for anything in particular. While trotting through the gardens of Rize a footprint caught her eye. Obviously footprints are normal to see around a school, however due to her enhanced senses, even the smallest details are notable. The force of this footprint didn't seem as if it was walked on, it seemed like it was landed on. She observed the print and whispered to herself, "10.5 shoe size... this means around 5'6-5'7? Maybe 160 pounds?" She couldn't tell if it was a male or female. As she followed the same prints on the floor she sees the it led up to the same corner she saw the figure in before. "Strange... the only way to enter the main hall is through the main door, it's impossible to reach that corner from the outside..." Before she could think anymore she heard a voice, "Hey! What are you doing here!" Without skipping a beat Amani runs and hops the gates of Rize, hood still covering her face. When danger seemed to die down she finally decided she was just gonna get late dinner and come back later.


Amani walked into the Inn, food in hand, and started to look for Yin. After asking the front desk lady for Yin'd room number she waltzed right up to the door and knocked, "Hellooo, room service!" she joked.

Yin finally got out the bath wearing nothing but his towel wrapped around his waist, his body was muscular toned, it seemed his training did pay off. "I'm coming!" he said opening up the room door to see Amani.

"Sorry I really didn't know what you want so I-" Amani's cheeks turned a bright red as she averted her eyes, "U- uh yea, so I got you some Ragout..." she said, still looking away. "Sorry for bothering you, I'll go now."

Yin tilted his head in confusion, "Wait Amani, why are you blushing?" He asked before looking down to see he wasn't dressed. "Ooooh...sorry about that."

Before leaving she asked, "Wait where is Wander right now? He wasn't in his room."

"He went to the library a few minutes ago." He answered bluntly as scratched his head.

"Alright thank you!" She said as she shut the door on her way out. She proceeded to walk into the library and found Wander. He looked interested in the book she was reading so she just dropped the bag off and went to her room to get ready for bed. "If today was this bad, I don't think I'm ready for tomorrow." She whispered to herself. She then notices a rip in her hoodie while getting undressed, "... When did this get here? When I hopped the fence? I hope no one noticed." She exclaimed before finally going to sleep.

Yin noticed the cut on her hoodie as she closed his door, it got him thinking that someone must be watching her from afar. 'I think we should pay the little stalker a visit' He thought putting his clothes back, then on to jumping out of the window to keep watch.

With Wander, "War....it's a horrible thing.." he said slowly burning the book before getting up and leaving as he seemed somewhat upset as he turned to see the bag of food "Hm...I'll eat this when I get back to the room." he said getting up and walking off letting the book turn to ash "....."

One paged remained showing a bunch of markings...the same markings that covered wanders body before that single page turned to dust...

To Be Continued ➡️