
The Blades of the Fated Heroes

In the world Eolorial, a world of legends, myths, and even things that not even the world comprehends faces crisis created by eight powerful beings that no god or concept can kill no matter how much they tried. Yin Pendragon, a Royal of the Pendragon family, he was a curse to this world, a world where magic exists in all shapes and forms. His true goal is to find what's important to him and become a hero just like the First Genesis which are the first heroes who stopped the Fallen 12, a enormous group of gods, demons, valkyries, and etc. They caused many destruction and calamity where ever they went, despair covered the world until eight heroes join the phase and defeated them leaving peace for the worlds, realms, and all of existence. After 45 million years later, the same enemy returns from defeat and planning revenge against the existence that wrought them of their glory. Can Yin and the new generation of heroes stand up to this threat? You find out in the story.

Arngrim_Asura · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 4

Rize Academy Arc

Episode 6: Entrance Exams

February 15th, NE567

As day breaks Amani starts to wake up, checking the time to see they have forty minutes before the exams start. "Perfect!" Amani says to herself. She gets dressed at a moderately quick rate, throwing on some schoolgirl type clothes with a red skirt and beige light jacket. She hops outside her room, knocks on both Wander's and Yin's doors to remind them to wake up, if they weren't already out in the first place. She then thanks the inn keeper and strolls out the main entrance.

Yin woke up, letting the sunlight hit his face, he was fixing up his hair back to a ponytail his hair was still smooth but it was messy just the way he liked it. "I need a few minutes!" he said out loud after hearing the knock at the door. He threw on a outfit that fit perfectly for his sword style. Yin's clothes consisted of black pants with a black belt that had a large silver buckle with two gun holsters on the sides, a black V-necked shirt that was worn underneath a black trench-coat with gray lining going down the sleeves, and black boots with silver plates to protect his shins. He had a silver plate worn on the left side of his coat, and a pair of black fingerless gloves. He wore a strap that went over his left shoulder and under it to wrap around his right side. He then exited out the room and down to the main hall, "I'm here, Roya!"

Unlike those two Wander...was still asleep as he was passed out near a empty box that used to be full of food "....." After a few seconds he yawned getting up as he decided to put on the same clothes from yesterday "Man I'm hungry.." He said opening the door seeing Yin go down the main hall and out the door as he followed by getting outside last.

After seeing the both of them she said, "Everyone ready?" Without waiting for a response she retorted, "Good! To Rize Academy we go, we can get breakfast later... Wander." As they enter the school grounds they notice possible students everywhere from far and wide. All very eager to get into the school.

Yin just looked at Wander with a deadpanned looked, he then walked up to Roya to ignore Wander's antics. "Let's just get this over with.." he said calmly yet his hands were shaking, he probably felt like he would be targeted during the whole exams.

Suddenly an adult that looked like a teacher stepped onto a podium and clapped his hands in front of a mic. "Hello boys and girls. Glad to see all of you today. Speaking of today, today is the entrance exams for this school year at Rize Academy! These tests are divided into three parts, part one will have all the students here go into a testing room with a magic crystal. This crystal will gage your magical capacity, in case you don't know already magical capacity is the amount of magic you contain at any given time. For example, a magic capacity of 2,000 is considered very low while a magic capacity of 50,000 is considered a high class user. Teachers at this school have an average of about 40,000 if you need a scale. The second part of the test will take us outside again where we will test each and every one of your damage output. We will have you attack a dummy that will tell you the destruction power, potency, and speed of your attack. This dummy is meant to be able to absorb damage from the tops of this school, so don't worry about breaking it. The last part of the test will be a little sparring to see all of you're ability and how well you can use them. Follow Ms. Hilda for the first test, and good luck everyone!"

Yin stared at the teacher who gave out the descriptions of the test, now the only thing he was really worried of is the weapon he could use to help in the other test. "Maybe I should've stayed home and stayed in my room.." He said pulling out his notebook to see what technique he should use.

Wander finally got up hearing what the man said as he thought to himself, "I wonder if students are gonna have to fight each other?....that would be fun" he smiled at his thoughts again as he looked over to Yin "Oi you ok?..."

"I'm okay, just thinking about something." He said softly, there was a hint of worry in his voice as he looked down to see how to pass the second test.

The students entered the room where the first testing center is located. Ms. Hilda first gives a demonstration, "Alright sweeties~ The way this test is done is quite simple, all you need to do is place your hand onto the gem. You will feel a little tingle at first, that is normal, the crystal is just attempting to calculate what inside of you." She snickers after this comment. "Watch me." She says as she puts her hand onto the crystal. The gem begins to glow for a second, then the overhead counter starts to go up higher and higher, eventually calculating to 48,233 in magical capacity.

Yin shivered in fear just from the tone of Ms. Hilda voice, "I'm going to need a cold bath when I get back to the room." His eyes widen to see that her magical capacity was way above his master who taught him swordplay but she was stronger than most of the high level battle maids and butler his family had.

Wander whistled a bit seeing her magical capabilities as he looked back at Yin "Damn she kinda strong...I wonder how strong the other staff here?" He said looking back over to the gem "I wonder it's made of a alloy...."

Amani continued to stay silent. Kids started to go up to the stage; seven thousand, ten thousand, eleven thousand. Most kids didn't get any higher then that. A few we're pretty noticeable; one ragged kid getting twenty-two thousands, a girl dressed in black getting nineteen thousand, and a boy wearing a blue shirt getting fifteen thousand. It was now time for Wander to step up to the podium.

He walked up to the gem grabbing it "So, do I just grab it like this?" He said as the gem glowed before revealing his magic power as he looked back at the gem "Oh neat over 50 thousand..." He said smiling at this as he placed the gem back down before walking back to Yin and Amani "Question, is that good?"

Everyone in the room was too stunned to speak, even the teacher who was once so confident, had her hand over her mouth in disbelief. A teacher in the corner of the room smiled at the number, writing something down on his notepad. *"Wander... that's not just good... that's absolutely fucking insane,"* Amani finally muttered. Kids around them started murmuring about the achievement, some even coming up to congratulate him.

Yin already felt uncomfortable already knowing how much magical power his friends have, so he decided to sit this one out, he wanted to stay away from the crowd as he felt pain in his left arm. 'What the hell is this pain?!' He thought as the continues to increase for some reason.

Wander....was not use to this kind of attention and praise as he was somewhat embarrassed before looking over to see yin sitting down "Oi you ok?" He said walking over "It's your turn you know...."

Yin looked up with his hand gripped tightly on his left forearm, "Yeah I'm fine, I just need to stretch my arms a little." He let out a fake giggling as he walked up to the gem, he truly felt nervous and his arm was burning with some unknown power. As he touched the gem he so that it showed the number zero which made everyone laugh at him, he knew it was going to be like this due to the fact he had no magic or so he thought.

"No magic but is attempting to come to a magic school? Crazy!"

"Well that was terribly anti-climactic, the one before was way too good for this." Comments like these fluttered around the room rapidly. Ms. Hilda looked disappointed and so did the teacher in the corner of the room, writing down something on his other notepad. Finally things calmed down to which Amani stepped up. Before touching the Crystal she thought for a moment, than proceeded to close her left eye a grab it tight. After touching the gem the counter went up to thirteen thousand flat. She released the crystal and then released her eye, barely noticeable were red veins surrounding the sigils in her iris after this event. This spawned the end of the first test.

"I don't have any magic.." Yin looked down in shame as he went back to sit down in the corner and watched from afar so he wouldn't cause anymore problems for his friends. He could feel his aura began to show nothing but hatred to everyone around him, it was like something was telling him to kill them all without mercy.

"Wait!....buddy I need you to get angry!" He yelled not wanting the test to end just yet as he turned smiling a Yin as he remembered when he was pissed that he punched the dude through a wall as he now had an idea that might get him punched in the face.

"We will not wait for an insignificant student for the sake of delaying the second test. No matter how good you are, you have no authority to do so." spoke the teacher in the corner of the room. "If you want him to succeed so badly, let him do so in the next test."

"....." Wander looked over to the teacher in a corner as he knew he couldn't just argue with them as he nodded "Oi Yin...." He called out as he stopped waking feeling his friends new killing intent as he was somewhat frozen in fear.

Yin didn't reply, trying to control his emotions was too much for him currently. He solemnly walked with the group back outside where the testing dummies were at. Ms. Hilda spoke up again, "This test is a little different~ it measures how strong a single one of your attacks are, calculating its speed, destructive power, and... intensity~ I will demonstrate." Ms. Hilda pulled out a switch blade, focusing energy into her hand she launched it straight at the dummy. The speed of the knife looked as if it would create a shockwave, however the dummy absorbed all of the impact and started to read out its stats. "Force created = 24,860,000,000,000 newtons; Speed = 850 meters per second; Class: High A rank." After she demonstrated, students started going up one by one, unleashing their strongest attacks. Only one particularly notable was the ragged kid once again, producing a force of 19,728,927,444,773 joules of energy and a speed of 1000 meters per second, surpassing the teachers.

Yin, standing behind the examiners had no idea what to do anymore, his mind was filled with hateful things that he didn't want to do. Watching so many people perform their strongest attacks made him think that it was easy but what he didn't know that his katana was damaged by someone.

"Hey Amani, should I really use my strongest attack?" He asked her, whispering so he doesn't disturb the teacher.

She turned her body towards Yin and whispered, "An attack like you did against me the last time we sparred would work, if my analysis was correct it produced a speed of 1340 meters per second. Don't let your anger proceed you though, if you look closely you can see some kids not reaching their full potential due to hitting the dummy with uncontrolled energy. Calm your mind and strike."

Wander was listening to there conversation as he looked at yins sword eyeing up and down "Hmmmm...." He would touch the blade a bit fixing any dents or scratches making sure it worked perfectly but he made sure his friend wouldn't notice so there wasn't any pressure.

Yin nodded as his names was called up, he could never let his anger consume him but his aura said differently. "Calm my mind and movement.." He said softly to himself as a fiery aura surrounding the Pendragon with calmness, his sword maybe broken but it didn't stop him from the attack he was about to unleash. [Flame Dragon Arts: Vesta Geisha] Yin unleashes a continuous fast and powerful sword attack that seemingly takes the form of a Japanese dragon made of solar flames, striking the dummy which a huge explosion that shook the entire area.

The dummy, which seemingly was able to completely stop any shockwaves before, was unable to stop the explosion. After the dust cleared everyone heard this, "Force created: 15.95 Megatons of TNT; Speed produced: 1569 meters per second; Class: S"

The crowed gasped as this... nobody to them... seemingly outpaced all of them. Well, not all of them yet. Even after this spectacle, the one everyone payed attention to before hasn't gone up yet. Still in shock, Ms. Hilda called Wander up to the site.

"Ohh cool, I wanna attack name" Wander said watching Yin's attack with awe as he heard his name come up as he walked up to the dummy as he already came up with a name for his attack as his hand began to glow like lava and harden like steel [Metal Knight Arts: Jigoku Basutā] he said, spinning his arm around accidentally hitting multiple dummy's at once as he stretched his hand in the air before slamming it down onto the ground making an explosion that matched Yin's

After the dummy stated his stats of S rank, 1865 m/s, and 5.7 megatons of TNT, the crowd started to chant and yell. They seem to want to ignore Yin's achievement and focuses more on Wander's. The teachers smile in acceptance of the attack, breaching the speed record set before.

Yin tilted his head nervously as he knew that he was being ignored again, "I'm not even surprised one bit.." the poor boy wanted to curse whatever god made him this way, if he had magic then he wouldn't feel this way at all.

Wander went over to Yin as he was nothing but happy "Hey that was cool what you did man!" He said smiling as he patted his friends back "Hey question where did you learn that move or did you make it yourself?" He asked.

"Thanks, I developed that move on my own." Yin replied happily knowing that at least he had friends that didn't care about if he was strong or weak.

"Great job guys!" she praised them, smiling sweetly. It was her turn to hit the dummy. She strolled up about 10 meters away from the dummy and closed her eyes. When she opened them they were bloodshot, the sigils glowing and burning through her iris at a quick rate. Instead of a projectile or needle attack, the space around the dummy immediately compressed, pulling people towards it. Some of the weaker students instantly feel the moment the attack was made. The dummy, with broken voice box after the last three attacks, spoke out, "Energy produced: 2.$ Megatons of TNT; Speed: @$::; Class: ()$&" The dummy faltered, unable to spit out the stats. Amani too, faltered, she stumbled to the floor with blood dripping from her eyes. However, none of the teachers seemed to notice this as they were attempting to help the students falling into unconsciousness. Amani quickly tore her tie to wipe the blood in hopes of covering it up.

Yin eyes widened to see the state of Amani, he dashed to her quickly his heart racing, he saw the blood dripping from her eyes. "Let's get you to the doctor now.." he told her as he lifted her up from the ground. He could tell that she needed healing magic due to the power she used.

"Wait wait, third test, we have to do that.." She said. "Really I'm fine, I'll check an eye doctor after, but we really need to focus on getting into the school."

Yin looked at her and sighed, "Just go get checked out or else I'll drag you there myself.." He said putting her down as he looked back at the teacher.

"That was...surprisingly terrifying." Wander said as he was on his knees from whatever Amani did as he got up "You ok?" He asked worried.

"I'm fine, it happens sometimes, but I never thought it would be on this level." She said, rubbing her eyes as she got up. Just then Ms. Hilda calls for an announcement, "We will proceed with the final test, everyone go with Mr. Sakto." She says as she points at the teacher writing down notes. The remaining students went with Mr. Sakto as he brought them to a traditional training ground. "Listen up, the rules are simple. You're weapon breaks? loss. You get you're weapon taken from you? Loss. You go unconscious? Loss. You submit? Loss. I've been taking a look at every single one of you and put you in matches to accurately gage what I haven't been able to see to this point."

The young boy looked at other weapons to use due to his katana being destroyed, he saw a weapon that he wanted to try out. Yes, it was a giant claymore, he needed to master every weapon there is possible. "I'm willing to fight someone other than my friends." He said looking at the other examiners.

"....." Wander was just looking at the big sword Yin was gonna use as wander realized....he doesn't have a weapon "Hmmm....oh well." he said shrugging as he was looking around for someone strong to fight "Let's see...1 on 1 or should it be a free for all and you can make small teams?"

"Hmm good point, some people here have better support abilities, so if they wish to team up instead of 1 v 1s that is fine. Free for all is not tolerated, however, a 1 v 2+ is perfectly acceptable for string threats such as yourself. Also reminder that losing doesn't mean you fail the test."

Yin clenches the heavy blades handle, if he lose here than he would be a disgrace to his family. "Let's get started then. No one here is on my level besides my friend anyway." He said walking to the center as he had the claymore resting on his back.

"I guess I'm just gonna be punching." He said with a smiling as he followed Yin, "Hey, how about a small competition between us?" He said to yin smirking "Let's see who's stronger!"

Yin looked at Wander silently, then walked away from and said with a grin, "I don't fight my friends especially those I just met." He said as he saw someone delivered a downward slash behind him, making him side step it to the right. "Great, I have to deal with more of these weaklings." He said looking at the tall man, he's body type was way too bulky to be a teenager, he had a claymore just like him but he was wielding it with one hand. Yin gulped as this must had turned into a 180 real quickly especially after him calling him a weakling. "So you're the magicless freak, right?" The bulky man asked him, his voice deep and scrunchy, he seemed to be happy that he met Yin. He replied with a nervous answer, "Y-yes, I am." He then angle the greatsword down to a forty-five degree angle to block the incoming strikes.


Amani, still injured from before, decided to play it safe. Looking at Wander first she saw that he would have no problem with anyone here. Yin looks as if he has already made quite a few enemies, but she decided its a time for him to prove himself so she won't help. She saw a kid in a blue shirt, grabbed his arm and asked, "Would you mind pairing with me errr..."

"Sabito Tanaka, that's my name. I don't know if I can trust you, you're the one who wiped out 30% of the students."

"Well if you don't want to end up like those students I suggest pairing with me." Amani said as she gripped his arm tighter.

"Alright alright fine." he retorted, pulling his arm away.

"Good, you fight and I'll cover you."

This spurred Sabito into action, her started to challenge many of the people there, anyone he couldn't deal or anyone that tried to pull a fast one on him got quickly reaped by her weapon Täuschung. A weapon made by Wander that allows her to eat the minds of those it connects with. Her overall knowledge and abilities kept her at a safe state until-

"Boooo!" Wander said to Yin's answer as he ducked down dodging a students sword as he punched them in the gut "Guessing it's a 3 on 3?" He said turning his fist into steel as the student he fought threw a blue ball that froze wander in a block of ice "Oh shi-!"

The ice magic student laughed "Ha! You ain't so tough....huh?" the ice began to crack before breaking instantly as wander yelled [Lava Plume].

While the others fought against one another, Yin was having difficulty blocking the man's attacks. Of course, the man must've had more experience than any other examiners here. "Not bad, kid, you're the only one I know who can withstand my attacks." Yin didn't know if he should be greatful or scared but he needed to keep his head in the fight. "I'm honored but I think it's time to-" He was cut off as he was on his knees coughing out blood. The man grinned sadistically, "I see you're still standing, I guess that move wasn't strong as I though it was." He grabbed the boy by his hair and threw him back to the ground creating a a small crater, Yin swung his sword creating enough shockwave to send men flying out of the school grounds.

Amani stared at Yin, seeing that he was holding his ground splendidly. However, she didn't have too much time to float over Yin's victory. She was surrounded, it seems some students did take note of her injuries and are deciding to take advantage of it. Sabito seemed to be in a locked fight with a girl dressed in all black, meaning she had to deal with this alone. As one attacked she loosed the fiction in the ground, makes them unable to control themselves as they launch towards the Roya. The attacker ran into Amani's two fingers as she had them pointed in his direction, the moment their head touched her they were knocked unconscious. Someone in the time frame attacked from behind. She stabbed täuschung in that direction with even looking, putting the attacker in a coma-like state. Apparently underestimating how many people she's used this on, she started to feel it's effects, closing her left eye in pain. One of the offenders took advantage of this and stabbed her in the arm with his blade. Instinctively she slammed her weapon into them too, which knocked them out however, took a toll on her body once again. The last two attackers went for the finishing blow.

Yin fell on the ground still feeling the burning sensation of the pain, he looked down at his stomach level and saw a large cut. Good thing he was a dragon, his dragon scales was 4x harder than steel which saved him from death. "I need to take a break..." And yet again more of the examiners we're after him so he had to use one move that would help him. His sword emitted a cold mist when he was using another element. [Ice Dragon Arts: Freezing Moonlight] Yin spins his body vertically to deliver a 360 degrees slash freezing the entire part of the courtyard, most of the students, and the main hall altogether.

Before the two assaulters could get in a 2 meter radius of Amani she shrieked, however the attackers felt as is the scream was at full volume, almost as if it was inside their heads. This unleashed a high amount of her spatial energy, creating a purplish sphere around her which constantly pushes away from her, like a reverse black hole. The sigils burned far into her eyes after she did this, making her unable to see anything. Because of this she continued to keep this ring for as long as possible.

"Ok it's time to wrap this up...." He said using the same attack he used on the dummy's "Yin grab Amani now!" He yelled as the Marks on his body started to glow as he began swinging his arm around.

Yin didn't listen as his hands were full of others attacking him, swing his sword left to right causing huge wind pressure was so impressive that he still hasn't healed his wound. "Amani, that power of yours is hurting you!"

He would stop spinning barely missing Amani as he saw what was happing to her eyes, "What the hell...?" he then stopped fighting as he called out to yin "Oi forget the damn fight!" He yelled ended up confusing the students they where fighting.

Before things could escalate any further, Mr. Sakto called a standstill, "Alright everyone, I got the information I needed from this test. Make sure you all be here in 7 hours as that's when the acceptance list will be released. Good luck everyone." And with that, the entrance exams are over. The student body began to leave, Amani hears this and shuts down her shield while attempting to get up, holding her arm close to her eyes.

"Finally!" Yin fell onto his back, he could barely stand back up due to his wounds and the his arms wore sore from swinging such a big weapon.

Wander would walk over to both of them picking them up as he sighed "Let's get y'all to the infirmary...." He said walking off as his stomached growled, "After y'all heal up let's go eat..."

After an hour passes Amani walks out the infirmary... with class. She has bandages over her left eye, however she wears essentially pitch black shades over them. The newfound confidence in her look made her forget about the anguish she felt before. After greeting virtually everyone in the mini hospital, she walks out and is met with Yin who was healing his wounds thankfully he had some energy left, it felt painful he was just glad he was still alive. "I guess we passed the exams." He muttered to himself softly as he jumped up and down so hyped waiting for Amani outside the hospital.

"Ah ah." Amani said waving her finger. "After eating with Wander we have to go back to Rize as they announce the 100 out of the 300 people who took the exams that will pass. Although I'm sure we'll pass." She paused, "Speaking of Wander, where even is he?"

Yin looked around to see Wander not even in sight, "He must've left to get something to eat.." He gripped his stomach still feeling the aching pain from that man's attack.

Wander was sitting outside the infirmary sleeping as he was waiting all this time for both of them to come out "..." But he was drooling from hunger as well.

Yin picked up a rock and threw it straight at Wander's position, he knew he couldn't missed, Wander's legs was the target. The second he got hit by the rock he instantly woke up looking around before looking at Yin and Amani "You two ok now....?"

"I feel a little bit stronger than before." Yin said flexing his biceps to see if he truly was back into a fightable state.

"I'm alright emotionally, maybe not physically though." She said, pointing at her eye bandage. "The way my power works is that I can put people to sleep by taking control of their minds, however, every time I do this I have to store all the information inside my brain, so when I accidentally slept 30% of 300 people I took most of my capacity away. Sadly when this takes a toll on me it blinds me due to the sigils having to burn brighter because of the information overload. If that went any further I may have went blind hehe."

Yin flicked her forehead after hearing how her powers work, "You should had told me, otherwise I would've been able to help your pass."

"That instructor was way too vigilant. He was marking off people that were leeching off others even though they could hold their own. He's pretty dangerous with his observations."

"So you noticed him too right...." He said looking at Amani speaking with a serious tone, "It was like I had hawk eyes glaring down at me..." he said shuddering a bit.

Yin looked confused at what they was talking about, "What do you mean?" He asked tilting his head nervously not knowing anything about what the instructor was doing.

Amani looked back as they were walking towards a place to eat, "He marked down everything you did; your form, power, even what you were doing before your test. He caught every little thing, even your sword being battered."

Yin then held his hands up to the air, "Y'know I think I know who he is." He said calmly, it was one thing that someone was marking down everything about him but he knew that something was creepy about it.

Amani had a surprised look on her face as walked through the door of the restaurant, "You know who it is? How? We are so far away from your kingdom."

"It's simple, just think about the day you had the cut on your hoodie." Yin said bluntly as he may have to lead Amani a stray just for him to get some real answers.

Wander decided to stay quiet for this one as he walked over to get a table for the 3 of them. "...."

Amani thought for moment about Yin's words, then dismissed it and sat at the table Wander possessed. She asked for any drink including caffeine and a chicken roast.

Yin didn't join them as he decided to wander around the city to look for some clues, he didn't want to beat around the bush any longer.

"Yin's up to something...mind getting my food to go, I'm going to make sure he doesn't end up fighting someone." Wander said getting up as he walked out the restaurant and began looking for Yin.

Yin sat on top of a rooftop to watch from afar, he needed to rest his body due to the still aching pain. 'That was no ordinary attack.' he thought as he was flinching from touching his stomach.

As Wander walked around the city he looked up at one of the buildings seeing Yin on top of its roof. "Looks like I found him" he said jumping and climbing up "Oi!"

Yin turned behind him to see Wander, "What are you doing here?" He asked looking away to stare at the streets.

"I could ask you the same thing..." He said looking at Yin before looking at the ground "Who or what are you looking for?"

"I'm just enjoying the view." Yin said stretching his arms as he enjoyed the view.

"Don't bullshit me..." He said chuckling "It had something to do with Amani and the cut in her hoodie correct?" He asked.

"Not even close." Yin kept looking at the sun, he somehow felt like something bad would happen.

"Ah yes just ask your friend a random question go walk off to Nowhere." He said smiling at yins lie "Oh also..." He bonked Yin on the head but it wasn't hard enough to do any actual pain "Quit thinking negative I know that look on your face."

Yin held his head in pain, rubbing gently to ease it off, "Who said I was thinking negative? I was just trying to heal my wounds thank you very much!"

"I might be dumb but I'm not stupid..." He said as he was now serious. "You feel like something bad is gonna happen soon...correct?"

"Well that's half correct but I can't get that thought out of my head.." Yin said softly clenching his fists. "Well stop worrying about it...otherwise you will be living in fear forever and that fear will lead to hate." He said sighing a bit "Bad things happen all the time you just gotta focus on the light side of stuff."

"Easy for you to say." Yin said jumping off the roof, landing softly in the ground walking back to the main hall of the academy.

He jumped down following yin laughing "Trust me buddy....it's not easy at all.." He said walking next to him "Besides, what would your girlfriend think?" He said referring to Amani.

Yin eyes widened, his face flustered his hands moving all around the place. "She's not my girlfriend!!" He shouted in denial.

"Damn could have fooled me." he said smirking at Yin's reaction "Let's see...the intense blushing, the stuttering I can go on and on."

Yin left eye twitched in pure embarrassment, delivering a hardcore left hook to the face. "I said she's not my girlfriend!" He said walking away pouting.

Wander laughed following right behind him as he spoke to himself "Seems like I was able to lighten the mood..."

"Shut up or else I'll break every bone in your body!" Yin said coldly as he walked away.

"I like to see ya try." He said smirking as he was enjoying this, "But I'll stop teasing you for now."

Yin rolled his eyes as he took another step he felt death immediately and that wasn't even the worse part. He saw what looks to be multiple large mountains of bodies and saw him standing there with a menacing grin. A weapon he couldn't make out was covered in blood of the bodies around him, his friends injured from fighting something or someone.

"Yin?...Yin...YIN!" Wander yelled shaking the pendragon a bit trying to bring him back to reality as he slapped him across the face.

Yin snapped out of the trance breathing heavily, he felt like he was going to puke his guts out. "D-did you see it?!" He asked Wander, covering his mouth with his hands.

"See what?...." He asked slowly helping yin up as he began to walk with him.

Yin shook his head, he felt very worried about what he saw. "It's nothing, let's go back." He said walking back into the school.

"Maybe your just hungry...let's go eat ok." He said trying to reassure his friend. "After that tell me what you saw...."

"I'm not hungry, I just need to rest.." Yin couldn't even begin to describe what he saw but it wasn't normal.

Yin nervously smiled when he saw Amani, "Is it time to go yet?" He asked scratching the back of his head.

Amani looked at him in a confused expression, "I mean sure, after you eat. If you wanna eat this on our way to Rize we can, but what's the rush? We have 3 hours left."

"Never mind then, I'll go eat before it's time." He left to find a seat though he still felt worse than ever, the feeling of true fear and death was stalking him from afar.

"Alright then.., let's dig in." After eating, and hopefully cleansing Wander's never ending hunger, they make their way to Rize where a body of students are waiting for the test results that would be presented in a few minutes.

Yin looked down at his left forearm still nerve racked after witnessing what he will become later in the future. 'How are earth will I turn out like that?' He asked himself as he was right behind Amani.

Wander gave off a menacing I'm about to punch you feeling to Yin as he walked behind him "...."

Yin glared back behind him annoyed of Wander already, "Leave me alone right now." He demanded coldly.

"As your friend Ima make you this promise Yin...each time you worry about anything bad in the future ima hit you on the head" He said bonking the Pendragon on the head a few time before stopping, "If you keep worrying then it will happen...if you worry about war that war will happen, if you worry about loosing someone you will end up pushing them away."

"You're such an annoying pest, I told you to leave me alone. You would never understand what I saw since the moment we enter the school." He walked away on his own to the main hall.

"Your right I don't understand...because your too afraid to explain what it was." he said sighing as he knew what this kind of fear could do to a person.

Yin almost lost his mind, the fear was actually taking a toll on his mental and emotional state. "Stay calm Yin and you won't go berserk.." he told himself, taking a few deep breaths to calm his mind.

Amani wasn't paying any mind to the boy's conversation, but when the headmaster pulled up to the stand, and before things could escalate, she hushly said, "Shut up shut up, he's speaking!"

The headmaster waited for everyone to quiet down then spoke, "Hello ladies and gentleman, we chose 100 out of the 300 students that tested to enter our school. My assistant will now call them forth." The man on his right started to speak right away. "Wander Nozu," was the first name brought up. It was evident, scored highest in magic by a margin, debatably scored highest in dummy practice, and scored highest in sparring. After a few more names Amani was mentioned. Even by the 91st name, Yin's name was not said. Even if he scored high in sparring and dummy training, it seemed the school was STILL reluctant to take him on. Finally, on the 100th name, the assistant spoke, "Yin Pendragon." Yin looked down miserably as he walked away until that moment..he was finally heard his name be called up. "I did it!" he wanted to jumped up into the air but he didn't want to embarrass himself.

"Someone call my name?" Wander asked looking around as he heard his name come up only to realize it was for the initiation "Oh..." he was worried for yin not hearing his name "...." He was about to snap at the teachers till he heard the Pendragon's name as he smiled "CONGRATS MAN!" Wander said hearing that Yin was one of the 100 students.

Yin's dark aura disappeared slowly, finally feeling so hyped that he wanted to get drunk for finally achieving the first part of his goal.

"Let's celebrate!" He said laughing with joy "Our new lives start at this academy!"

Yin nodded his head joyfully, looking at Amani "Amani did you hear that?! I passed!"

Amani was excited as her name was called; and even more thrilled Yin's was, "Hey hey! You finally did it!" She held his hands with hers, jumping in the air with excitement.

"I can't wait to see what the future has for us!" He said trying to ignore the things he saw, he had to change them for the better.

Wander picked them both up "Let's go drink!" He yelled walking while carrying them both "And name here Yin...let's see what's in store!"

"We're not even adults!" Yin said shaking his head annoyed and felt stupid of thinking it.

"And?!" He said smiling at his newfound friends.

"We can't drink you idiot!" Yin said jumping out of his grasp, he walked away to talk with the headmaster who was in his office.

"That ain't stopping me like my old man said...who cares!" He said waving bye to Yin "Once your done doing what your doing I'll come and find ya!"

"Whatever!" Yin said softly before making his way to the office to have a chat with headmaster. When he got to the office, he noticed the door was enormous, it made him a little scared but that didn't stop him from pushing the door open. It looked inside to see a purple hair woman who was busy with paperwork. "Umm...excuse me? Do you happen to know where the headmaster is?"

The woman looked up from the papers to see Yin who was standing in front of her desk nervously, she never knew a Pendragon would be at her school of all places. "I'm the headmaster, Raiden Mei! I can call you Lord Yin if that's what you want." She greeted herself in such a delightful manner that, he shook his head. "No thanks, I prefer it you called me just like you do to any of your students." He sat down in a chair, he couldn't help but sense her aura but that took a big twist as he saw that her aura was almost endless. Who the hell is she?

"Anyway I was asking about how I passed on the exams." He went straight to the point, she looked at him with an eye brow raised. "I can't tell you yet but you will sooner rather than later."

Mei continued, "Is that all you are willing to discuss? If so you can leave and get ready for the school tour."

"Just tell me the reason why you accepted me here in the first place." He knew he didn't even qualify for the magic part of the exams.

"Like I said, I won't tell you yet. But to give you a hint, as the headmaster I understand magic doesn't define the strength of a being. You may be treated differently by teachers and students, but I am the overall ruling here. Maybe look back at how you did on the other two tests and you'd understand."

Yin tilted his head in confusion, before thinking back to the two tests. "I see, thanks Ms. Mei!" He bowed slightly before leaving the office.

-Meanwhile way deep inside Yin's consciousness-

Will Breaker who took a appearance of a mature woman, her fresh grape hair long and wavy, her cold hollow purple eyes staring at what to be seen as a large horn from a huge creature. When the light appeared in the area she could see how big the creature, known as the dragon of Judgement who's lengths was way beyond her 90,000km and was in deep slumber waiting to awaken again.

"It's been a while m'lord." Will breaker bowed down to the dragon who was slumbering. She seem fully aware of Leviathan who sensed the awakening of the 7 heroes except Yin who only unlocked a small part of his awakening.

"I'm sure that your powers are no where close to be reawakening in this current state but that wouldn't matter since time after time you found a way to reactivate your power, thank you for creating me." She said sitting up besides the dragon who was in slumber.

To Be Continued➡️