
The Blackrose Empress

Kriss Blackrose, the Dark Empress and the last member from the Taboo family of black rose, decided to end her life on her last battle against the coalition from the empire and kingdom across the continent. In the moment of death, she found herself summoned to the dark space by the goddess who reincarnated her and change her gender to female!!! "So, how does your life have been?" "THE F**K WITH THAT LIFE!!!" Kriss shouted with all her might at the Goddess question. "You promise me an easy life without problems, great strength, and a powerful family to live. but instead, you give me a corrupted family who hated across the world and that shitty mission with their f**k up condition." she points her finger to the goddess with a trace of rage and Disgust appeared on her face. "But you enjoy that kind of life too, didn't you? You enjoyed the feel of corrupting innocent girls and break their mind until they pledge their loyalty to you and transform them to your liking, Right?" Kriss struck Frozen when she heard the goddess word. she looks up to the goddess who sits on her dark throne with her head leaned on her hand. "I know the real you brat. I know your desire, your weird-ass fetish for corruption, and how you view those heroes. don't you try to refute it and act like a hypocrite, you know better about yourself and why I choose you to do that Missions." The goddess suddenly vanishes from her throne just to appear in front of Kriss's face. she looks down and stared at Kriss. She lifted up her Chin to match up to her eyes with Kriss. "So, what are you gonna do? those thousand years of living as dark Empress has ended and now you are on the Verge of dea..." "Can I have a wish?" Kriss interrupted her before she was able to finish her words. the goddess gave her a stare with an annoyed look on her eyes for she disturb her when she was still talking. "What wish do you have?" "I want my compensation for my life that was ruined by you. while I can't refute what you said earlier, it doesn't mean that I'm an evil person. I kill those who stop and blocked me from my goal and repay those who are kind to me. and I'm not corrupting those women, they're the one who was willing to be corrupted by me and live as my servants and slaves." The goddess raised her eyebrows slightly, interested by what Kriss has just said. "So what wish do you have kriss?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kriss starts her journey in the world that totally different from her previous one, with a totally different power system, culture, and even she herself we're in a different world. Different World, Different girls to corru-- eh to Conquer. can she manage to survive in this world with The Twist of fate Played with her and Girls surrounding her. This is my first time writing a novel, while my English somehow limited but I still try my best for bringing enjoyment and perfect reading experience for me and for those who read this story. So, if you have any criticism and idea for my inspiration, I gladly accept those as a help for my improvement.dont hesitate to mock me and review to your heart content. *Later tag Will be added Along with how story' progress.'* A/N:" Please expect futa Tag later on the story. There Will be a good reason why and what Made her like that. but, it still long enough before that happen."

Steelrod_Immortal · Fantasie
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5 Chs

2. Different World

Under The Starry Night, In the middle of the forest, A Woman can be seen sitting on the top of the boulder with relaxing posture as she Look up to Stars filled Sky. The two Moons were glowing with Their Lights, Radiate The woods On this eerie night. The Green Tall trees sways swiftly upon the night breeze, Giving a chilling aura To this Empty night.

Her long silky platinum silver hair Move slowly by the night breeze, Her Voluptuous Breast And Firm butt can be seen On Her figure While she Overlook The sight Of a Woods across the Forest. Gorgeous words were understatement for her ethereal beauty. Only Word 'Peerless' Can Describe her Cold, Mysterious Bearing and Looks.

The bandit leader, who now kneeling in the front of the rock, seeing her with amazement and worship stare. he was bewitched by her Unrivaled beauty. His Look right now can only be described as the Seeing his beloved God For the first time. A look Filled with awe and reverence.

At this moment, the leader and his remaining man had forgotten any malicious intent he had towards the woman. He was lamenting why he is so blind And Stupid for not seeing her might That Transcends the realm and can only cursed his greed and lustful mind to this Person.

Kriss, who still sorting all the information And Comprehending the muscular man gave her, woke up From her Trance. She shift her eyes to Look at the muscular man beneath her.

Feeling Kriss gazes to him, the leader brave himself and carefully ask the woma.... no The goddess in front of him.

"Is the answer to your satisfaction, Miss?"

Kriss frowned her forehead, Recalling the information she got from this muscular man.

Currently, she was in the Ancient Kunlun World. Precisely on The Phoenix Fire Kingdom on the Xin Continent of the Middle Plane. This Ancient Kunlun world consist of 3 realm that differs the power Hierarchy Between the realms.

Lower realm, Known as mortal realm That consist of ordinary people without Cultivation. It doesn't mean that there is no Cultivator in there, it just that The amount of them were scarce and Spiritual Qi over there were extremely thin That makes people with a talent can't cultivate.

Only the luckiest people who can cultivate and have the resources to Over there.

Middle realm, or cultivator realm are the place where the majority of cultivators resides. In here, Spiritual Qi and medicinal herbs to cultivate are abundant and people can become a cultivator as long as they have Spiritual roots inside their body.

It doesn't mean that There is no Commoner there. It just that The ratio For people who Can cultivate Or Not Not As Big as In the lower realm.

Society Ranks and Status here were decided by the power someone possessed. The higher realm their power have, the better their treatment and status in society is. Basically, The more power you have, the more respect you earn and the better your standing is. Thus for the powerless their fate only become a stepping stone For the stronger one To achieve their goal.

The cultivation rank here were consist of Qi gathering as the lowest Stage. Followed by Qi refinement, Foundation building, Aurous Core, Nascent Soul. Nascent soul then Followed By the 3 Sub realm that need to completed. Body Building, Spirit Refinement, And Void Separation.

When this 3 Sub realm were succeed, comes the completion Master as the Understanding of The tree realm were Combined and merged to create a perfection stage for Their Upcoming Divine Lightning Tribulation.

Divine tribulation realm were differ from 1st stage of tribulation to the 9th tribulation realm before Ascending to The higher plane and becoming Immortal.

The last Realm, the Higher realm, Is Called The Immortal world where all The people who Already achieved their Path And Achieve Their Immortality Resides. Currently, she still didn't have information for immortal world as the bandits knowledge limited to middle and lower realm.

Kriss Think for the moment and Come to A conclusion.

' Isn't this just a fucking Xianxia world?' Kriss Thought.

She was worried what world she was Stranded In for fear that there is no way out From this place. But she clam herself and think for the moment Only to Realize She doesn't Know anything about Cultivation world.

Its not that she Didn't ever heard or read Chinese Novel before, She knew About Cultivation System With Their realm. But, It just that she was way too obsessed with Light novel That had Medieval fantasy setting, Along With Sick ass System And Cheat Ability That Makes Them OP as Fuck.

She was way too absorbed with this kinda setting that makes her Belittle Chinese Cultivation novel.

Who can Blame her for Not paying attention to those cultivation Manhwa and Novel When Many of those Novels and Manhwa barely Readable with A So so story. ( This is Her thought. Not Mine, So don't blame me For Her statement. ;) )

A Young man Who get betrayed By their Lover and get back to the past for only to take Revenge And Make harem only to Abandoned Them In the end of the story. Familiar?

Many Of Chinese Novel Are Like this. With Few Of The earlier chapter are good to read and then change to Milking Their Reader Of their Moneys.

A Modern Kick ass Girl With A shady Background get Killed By their Best friend and Reincarnate to The Ancient past for Only Married The demon Who Coincidentally had A Cold Poison, And she Is The Only One Who can Give Him Warmth?


No Significant Change On their Relationship Until 1000 Ish Chapter For The Mc Realize her feelings. As dense As Any Japanese LN main character Ever.


a light chuckle sound escape from her mouth for a moment Before she put her Cold face again. She know, No matter what world you reside in only power can guarantee someones Survival and strive to be the strongest until no one can Look down on them.

' 'A life, A sword, Bloods and powers are the basis for society'. Heh, What a perfect phrase for this world.'

Suddenly, Kriss open her mouth and said to the muscular man.

" No, I understand what you say." Answering the man question, She wave her hand, signalling the man and his group to leave.

" You all can leave now. Remember, if by chance you met me again and do this shit to me Again, I will not show some mercies "

Eris stood up from her position. Revealing her Hourglass figure And Her Purple Enchanting Eyes Gazing at them. Giving Them a Gaze that can make any man or woman look at her Instantly driven Crazy and Smitten.

The Muscular man and His follower now feeling Both happy and sad at the same times. Happy because they had made out live after this all. Sad because this will be their last time seeing Kriss beauty.

The bandits didn't know but they They all have an urge to surrender and Desire to gives Them all to her and Follow her, as They stared at Kriss with sad and longing eyes and seems hesitant with Her Words.

Kriss who saw their gazes seems understand what they were thinking And said to them With cold tone.

" I'm sorry, But i don't accept any male followers. So i can't take you under my wings."

The bandits Dropped their head down with complicated and sorrow Looks on their faces when they heard that words. They all feel that their heart now crushed in to pieces and feel despair within their Mind. They don't know why or where this feeling coming from but They know that, At this moment, they regret for being born male on their life.

They start to hate and blame their fate to the heavens for why giving them this Gender. Especially the bandits leader who know eyes red filled with regret and fear. Fear for being abandoned by this woman in front of him.

But, Kriss next word suddenly lift up their spirit and washed out their worries as they listen to her.

" But, i can make you all women by writing A slave contracts with me. I have my Own rules for all my Follower has to be female, but i didn't mention they had to be Direct Females, Right?" A Malicious Smile formed on her lips as she look at the bandits who now Delighted hearing her word.

"Now, You should know what to do to your new mistress, right?"

Hearing that,The Muscular man and the remaining bandits Without hesitate Prostrate them self to the ground and pledge the loyalty to her.

" We, thirteen Brothers, Swore our Flesh and soul to you and become your Servant at will. We will become anything You Wish and fulfill any of our master Orders. We swore upon the heaven if we breach this vow, Our Body and soul will banish to nothing and never to reincarnate again."

Satisfied with their words, Kriss Accept their vow and chant her spell that bound their soul to her and Cast Master- Slave Contract to them.

A Bright, Purple-ish beam suddenly emerge from the ground Below the bandits prostrate. With a Blink of An Eye, the Mana light envelope their bodies and Blocked Their sense and sight From the Outer Surrounding. Startled, the bandits were Shocked and scared at the same time. But, knowing that their master had Accept their pledge, they give up on resisting the Mana Entering Their Bodies and let it Covered their whole .

The purple-ish Mana right now Sipped Inside their Bodies And Formed around To make a Human shape like cocoon On their bodies. that cocoon remodeling their bodies and souls for them to reborn as new.

" I, Kriss Blackrose , Accept your pledge of loyalty. For now and then you will bound to me. your soul, flesh, and mind belongs to me, and Only Me Alone.... For you all My slave, I Shall grant my power to you all to Fulfill any of my will and my wish."

Kriss paused for a moment before finishing her words, she moved her gaze to the muscular man who now Inside the purple cocoon.

She has a feeling that this man were capable and had enough potential for becoming her new head maid. He was Cautious And clever person. Even when he saw her with A perverted gaze, he never lose His vigilance to his Surrounding and observe her Movement and Cultivation carefully.

He Lose to Kriss because he never expected that A woman without cultivation had an Enormous strength To defeat them.

Even the best Guard from the Wealthy families around here were no match Against His Prowess and Wide varieties of strategies.

Seeing the purple cocoon in front of her, Kriss heart beamed with happiness, her eyes Contain a Hint of Gratification from her Doing. She never tired And bored from this kind of view. Seeing Someone fall from their dignities, Forget themselves As they drown into the Pleasure Of Darkness and leave all their attachment toward Their Past. Choosing a life of debauchery As their Mind and Soul fell into the corruption, Worship Her as Their Only Light.

Ahhh... What a Blissful feeling That is.

Kriss, During the Bandit leader Explanation, had used her Spell to charm Them Without their Knowing and whispered right to their Mind And soul, corrupting Them Slowly And Effectively.

What she needs the most right now is Subordinates that had loyal Mind to her and had Knowledge regarding this world. Currently, her strength hasn't fully recovered yet and needs a long time before fully recovered. Her Mana core was cracked, that injury block her recovery rate by almost 80% speed and limit her strength and usage high ranked spell she had.

While her Physical strength Didn't had any major change, it still unsettling for her as she know that there still someone stronger than her with their Foreign power and technique.

And she need Someone to do her job to Observe the Surrounding Area and gather a Resources for her And her Slave Usage.

Kriss Then Move Her Body closer to the Leaders Cocoon. she hug it with an affectionate gesture as she look at it with a Loving eyes. while caressing the cocoon with her Fair-Skinned Hand, she whispered Some words to the cocoon.

" Come, and grew faster, My Little slave. Your master needs you here now."

She can't Wait to see Her Slaves Looks When they hatches.


Heyaa.... This is the second chapter for this story...

So, Recently i had done my reserch About writing a Corruption like japanese LN and WN. And that was one hell an Experience For me who Enjoys this kinda stuff. But i still had my own difficulties for cjoosing some words and Voila....

I Just write what My skills Capabilities Allow me to.

So, If you found some eror or feels Odd And Weird somewhere. let Me know By Writing on The Comment below.

Steelrod_Immortalcreators' thoughts