
The Big Bang Assassin (The Big Bang Theory)

A police officer from the Military Police of the State of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil, is killed while setting up an ambush to capture drug traffickers, and when he wakes up he finds himself in a waiting room at a hospital. Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this novel, except my own original characters, do not belong to me, as does the book cover. If the original author would like me to remove it, please get in touch. English is not my native language so any mistakes please forgive me

BlackNilton · Filme
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56 Chs

Chapter 6 First Mission (1/2)

As soon as I entered the shadows I felt the familiar feeling that everything around me turned gray, I could see in the darkest places without needing night vision glasses

"Let the Hunt Begin" I Say to Myself, Feeling an Inexplicable Excitement, Traveling in the Shadow of Trees, Fences, Cars, While Worrying for a Sinful Soul.

"PUT EVERYTHING IN THE BAG COME ON!" Says a Hooded White Man With a Giraffe Mask Pointing a 12 Gauge at a Cashier Who is Genuinely Scared. "Come on, I don't have all day!!" Says the same man, while giving the cashier a blow to the head, which, with the action of the criminal, opens a cut on his head and begins to leak blood.

While the cashier was receiving violent blows to his head, a woman, a boy, and two girls could be seen in the background crouching on the floor crying, as they begged in their native language to let their father go, while another man of medium height with a Balaclava on his face Pointed a Pistol at the Crying Family

The Man In The Balaclava Turns His Head Towards His Partner Who Was Receiving Money In A Black Bag From The Cashier Man And Says "Come On Man We Don't Have Much Time" He Says With An Anxious Voice Looking At The Clock On The Wall "The Police Can Arrive Any Minute!."

"ALL RIGHT I'M FINISHING IT" Says Giraffe Head With Clear Anger in His Voice


A Few Minutes Before...

The Cashier A Vietnamese man in his forties named Le Nguyen was about to close the register at the store with his wife Trang Nguyen, his daughters were already walking back and forth like little radishes

"Mommy, Mommy, can we eat sweets today after lunch?" Says A Little Girl Of Five To Six Years While Begging For Sweets From Her Mother

"It's not possible Daughter, you know that sweets before bed are bad for your teeth, right" Mrs. Nguyen says to her Daughter

"Pleaaasee" Says Little Mai Nguyen As She Wides Her Eyes Trying To Pretend To Be A Crying Puppy

Seeing those cute eyes of her youngest daughter, Mrs. Nguyen, she couldn't resist and said in a long sigh "Okay, just one, but you'll have to share it with your sister"

"EEAAAA!" \O/ exclaims little Mai Nguyen while getting a sweet, which for this Vietnamese family who had their own business in Texas was a luxury, so a sweet was a lot, especially for a poor family

"EEII mom, what about me?" Asks Tam Nguyen (Sheldon's friend) Quietly outraged by the difference in treatment, you can't blame Tam, you can only blame him for not being born Cute

"You're Going to Help Your Father Close the Store!" Says Mrs. Nguyen With her hands on her hips as if it were the most natural thing possible

Tam, He can only curse himself internally for not being born cuter, While Tam Was Helping His Parents Near the store door Holding a Box of Oranges When...

He heard a noise of tires skidding, which soon caught his attention a 1990 Opala Commodore, which parked abruptly in front of his family's store, shortly after a man in a brown coat with a balaclava holding an AMT Hardballer pistol, shortly after at the bank From the Passenger A man with a Twelve Caliber Winchester Model 1912, dressed in a giraffe mask with blue robes comes out of the car running towards the store

Seeing These Things Happen Before Her Eyes Tam Runs Shouting Towards Her Mother "THIEVES, HIDE, THIEVES" Her Mother Looks Confused Seeing Her Son Running Towards Her and Right Behind Him She Sees Two Armed Men Entering the Store, One Man Points the pistol towards your son and shoots


This shot hits one of the shelves near Tam, while destroying what was on them, causing them to fly

"TAAMM!"Seeing a man shooting towards her son Mrs. Nguyen screams in despair

"Son, you are ok" Mrs. Nguyen says, while groping her son who fell into her arms, crying in fear


Outside the store, a short man looked towards the store in the darkness, with his cold blue eyes, analyzing the situation that would become critical.

 -End of Chapter-

I really had some difficulties in this chapter because Chatgpt doesn't accept blood or gore, so the translation may have made things worse, I don't know, because I don't really speak English

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