

A knock off superman with a lot of sadistic tendencies Disclaimer: I don't own marvel or mcu or the boys

Dark_Path_007 · Filme
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21 Chs


(MC's POV)

My designated ROB had already told me that I would be going to a TVAless MCU which was nice and that I would be getting the abilities of comics version homelander which made the entire reincarnation into mcu even better, but he also mentioned one tiny little drawback I wasn't just going to get his body and abilities, I was also getting his personality, kinks and the entire baggage that made homelander a disgusting piece of shit.... Oh well at least I got his abilities.


(General POV)

John Roger's reincarnation took place in ways similar to how the homelander was born in the comics, he was born as an experiment of Johan schmidt, the semen of said scientist charged with the power of the tesseract was artificially inseminated into a very eager Pro-Nazi woman. And on the 25th of December 1943 young John was born in a hidden hydra facility to a dead mother and numerous guards and scientists courtesy of his heat vision before promptly falling asleep of exhaustion himself.

He would later wake up to find himself in another facility, only this time he could overhear people from outside the room he was kept in deliberating over what to do with him, some voices argued him being too powerful and he should be killed before he turned into his biological father, others argued that he should be fashioned into a weapon against future enemies but one voice came out on top( a female voice surprisingly 'so I'm misogynistic now too'), he thought.

This voice argued that son of a monster or terrifying abilities didn't change the fact that he was still an innocent child, and that treating him as anything else made them no different from the very people they just defeated. This argument seemed to win at the end and they finally agreed to have him raised by a proper family but still be watched incase any problems cropped up in the future.

And so John Rogers grew up in Washington DC raised by Steve Rogers (from the future) and Margaret Carter as their first child. He lived a fairly normal life hiding his abilities and evil tendencies from his siblings and friends and the only ones knowing about them being his parents and a few high placed people in SHIELD and the world security council, UNTIL....


John and his mother Peggy were walking through a bustling amusement park on a bright Saturday, when a pair of armed robbers in their getaway car suddenly flew into their line of sight heading straight for them in their escape from the pursuit of the police.

John knew alone he would have been able to survive the crash without a scratch on himself but this was one of the rare moments where he was battling with his tendencies and trying to keep them under control and so he quickly stepped in front of his mother and from his lips he released a sonic scream that shattered the automobile and the inhabitants of it into bits and pieces of blood, flesh, bones and metals.

This could have been brushed off since they were just two robbers except for one little problem, the sonic attack he released had destroyed just not the robbers and their car but the dozens police officers chasing them and about a hundred people in the park. Seeing this he turned towards his mother and they both said the only words their minds could form at the moment;


Quickly he gathered his mother in his hands and they flew off to their home. Reaching home Peggy immediately rushes to the phone to perform quick damage control.

John rushes out the house again, and blasts off towards the sky leaving earth's atmosphere in 3 seconds. Finally being alone he lets loose a powerful stream of heat vision that destroys asteroids miles away from him and continues towards the never ending void called space.

Feeling alot better, John flies back towards earth breaking past the atmosphere with ease and continuously leaving sonic booms behind him he slows down before he can begin to affect his surroundings and gently lands on his house's front yard. Glancing around the place was already filled with black car after black car, there were some military vehicles on the streets.

The sight of him caused little panic to ensue before everyone gathered themselves again. Catching sight of his parents he quickly flies towards their open arms in search of comfort. They quickly granted it and held him tight in a hug. John could swear that his mother's arms almost broke his invulnerable spine.

A few minutes later of hugs and whispered assurances from his parents they released him from their grasp. Taking this opportunity, a military general he was quite familiar with since he had spent alot of time in the military and shield( in fact at this point shield's headquarters and the Pentagon were second home to him) walked towards him and began to talk.

John didn't hear most of what he said because he was in his own head thinking, but he got the gist of the situation. They would need to lie that he was arrested and in prison to the politicians that had lost family members in the attack but he would actually be kept and moved from shield's headquarters and pentagon. They would lie to the public and family friends that there was an explosion in the park that killed him.

And that began John Roger's adventures as the American beacon of hope and justice and truth.... as the 'HOMELANDER'.

Some things like the timeline isn't going to be the same like hydra were defeated in 1943 instead of 1945 and same with captain America's disappearance.

This will continue because I simply don't have the energy to keep the dates exactly the same as canon. I'm too lazy a writer for that.

Dark_Path_007creators' thoughts