
the beginning from the realm of primal chaos

(The Primal Chaos realm is Yun Che’s realm.) Well guys, from the beginning, I want to mention that this novel will not mention the word “God” and any word “divine” or something like that will be replaced by the word (saint or sacred). .... In the realm of primordial chaos, specifically on the Blue Pole Star More specifically in the Blue Cloud Continent and within a forest cave in the Vermilion Dragon Mountain Range It was a small child alone crying but in this .... The worlds that have been visited so far are, of course, without counting the world of primordial chaos: Martial Universe ( WDQK ) , Teyvat (genshin impact game) There are other worlds that the hero will travel to, but the main one will remain the world of primal chaos until the plot ends, or at least until an advanced stage in it. My language is not English and many thanks to my dear google translator all characters aren't mine except mc and some characters that I may write hmm and the photo also isn't mine ok I don't know why authors write that but ok I think there is a reason

Moroyal · Anime und Comics
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32 Chs

Imperfect Void physique and farewell

"Come on mom, let's go back to sleep," said the little boy in a childlike voice, like the silver bells in the big cave.

About a year passed since the second wish and obtaining the juice and essence of the World Tree, and during these two years the boy began to grow rapidly and speak more fluently.

With blond hair still growing on top of his head, eyes red as the most beautiful ruby, with simply gentle features, the fetus of a matchless handsome man.

"Moooooo" came the voice of Uthimbla and then came the sound of falling water as the large body of the cow came out

"Moooo" As soon as she left, Othembla looked around for a bit, then when she found the little boy, some tenderness appeared in her eyes, then she moved to feed him as during the previous two years.

"Hehe mom I'm old enough now to stop this and start eating"

Although he does not know how he knew, but the boy has some strange knowledge in his mind, including that the boy after about two years or even before that is "weaned" and begins to eat

"Moooooo." The cow's expression was unsatisfied and then… a forced cough

"Hey, hey, mom, I'm really grown up." After a while, the boy ran away, wiped his mouth, and said in defense

grow up Othembla was a little dazed

Yes, he has already grown up

During her long life Othembla has witnessed a lot, and by this I really mean a lot of things, and she understands that humans age really quickly compared to immortal beings like her.

But didn't this boy drink the essence of a world tree and obtain an enormous vitality akin to it, why was he still growing up faster than even the rest of the human cubs?


In the other dimension, the eyes of the Monarch had witnessed everything that had happened, as well as Othembla's expression of doubt about life and her gaze shifting between the boy and the essence of the World Tree.

" idiot, it's mainly because of your milk."

Yes, if an ordinary human being drank Utimbla milk for a year, he might explode from the intensity of energy and food, so the child will grow tremendously, and his body growth may reach even ten years, while he is only three years old.

But fortunately for this boy, he started drinking from birth in order for his body to adapt to this amount of energy and food, and at the same time he got the essence of the World Tree, which increased his vitality and controlled his growth and slowed it down.

So even though the boy has been drinking Othembla's milk for two whole years, he looks about a year older than he really is.

He is two years old and his body looks like he is about three

After escaping from the loving "mother" the boy was finally able to sit quietly to look at the notice of "order" before him

On the side, Othembla looked at the boy with love and hesitation, then turned around and left the cave quietly. All this while the boy did not know anything.

< Ding please host the third wish-making >

The boy was back and forth a bit in his heart

His body was dripping slightly with water from the lake while his face was smeared with milk from the stubborn "mother" and at the same time the dust in the cave clung to the water on his little, unclothed body.

Then there were also those strange memories that had started to pop up in his mind ever since the World Tree's essence appeared and he used it

All this troubled the boy very much in his heart

"Order, I want no dust and disturbance to come upon me, I want to be outside the red soil and outside the law, I am alone and the universe does not touch me."

Well the boy is a bit strangely eloquent

<Ding the wish is specified, something suitable for the description of the host is being searched in the universe>

It took a while this time searching the system, and then finally, after about half an hour of the boy sitting with his eyes closed in boredom, the system notification finally came.

< Ding determined that the Imperfect Void Physique , one of the Twelve Immortal Physiques of the ' Emperor's domination ' realm was the most suitable to describe the host. The Physique originated from the true meaning of the word 'pure'. The description of the Physique is: pure, lonely, untouchable by the Dao, immune to all laws And energies and formations and also give immunity to each of the diseases and poisoning, and deception, and sedition, and petrification >

<Does the host accept>

"Hmm." The boy was a bit hesitant, from the memories in his mind he could understand the value of these wishes, unfortunately….now he lacks imagination

But ok this structure looks good

So the boy simply said, "I do."

<Ding confirms the acceptance of the host, Ding obtains the missing void structure, Ding detects that the host does not have an internal structure on which to implant the missing void structure, a solution is sought >

The boy was a bit nervous. This physique was the best he could think of right now

< Ding the structure of the imperfect void has been transformed into an innate structure for the host as if he was born with it, Ding has discovered a benign side effect that can grow to infinity with the host, Ding has discovered a negative effect, severe pain during fusion, does the host accept >

"I do." The boy was a little excited. This was much better than he wanted

< Ding The missing void structure is integrated with the host , Please bear the pain >

The boy was a little nervous from this expected pain then

"aaaahhhhhhhhhhh !"

" Damn it! "


While the little boy was enduring the intense pain and crying out, his beautiful mother was watching the nearest city from the sky

Black hair blowing in the wind, delicate face with beautiful blue eyes

Yes, this peerless beauty is Othembla

With her power, she could take human form even from birth, but she didn't have the wisdom to do so

Hmm, or rather, there was no reason for her to transform in the first place, even if she had wisdom, but now she had to be in the same form as her child.

At least, that's why it's only changed now

Under Othembla's gaze she could see everything simply

As for what she was looking at

She was looking for a family for her little boy

Yes, although she is very reluctant to leave her beautiful baby but it is for the best for him

Despite her long experience, she lacks a lot of knowledge of how to raise a child

Yes, after all, she is inexperienced in human nature and has almost never dealt with them in her life. Either she deals with giants headed by Ymir or spirits headed by Odin, so she doesn't understand how to raise a child at all.

Of course, this is not the only reason, otherwise there are other solutions besides separation.... She also wants to look at this world and see whether there is a danger for him in it, and she also wants to create a position for him in it so that he will not be humiliated or despised in any way. time

Hmmm there's also the thing about the flower in the greenhouse not standing up to storms and the bird won't spread its wings until it's self-supporting and things like that.

Well that's just one more thing, after all, it's a cow and not a bird or a flower

But since she is going to leave him anyway, it is not out of place to add such a reason anyway, that will strengthen her resolve and make her stop hesitating.

Othembla returned to her focus and then searched the city ahead until finally she

found three distinct objects

Two girls and a woman

A child of a certain clan, but she seems to be the reincarnation of a certain entity. She's a bit powerful. She's about two years old, but she's a little foolish.

Then there is the woman and the other special child, both of whom are in the same clan and even appear to be mother and daughter

The power of a woman is very strong..at least compared to those humans in the city

While the child is about three years old and she is active and clings to her mother all the time and seems to be very talented.

Hmm, but there is something strange about it that Othembla herself can't quite see through

Othembla focused her eyes hard and then suddenly

"Oh interesting." Othembla's voice was a bit surprised

Under Othembla's eyes she could see something strange in her heart

The girl's heart is really special, Othembla can simply say this without any knowledge, but there seems to be an entity interfering with her will and even her destiny through it.

Othembla held her chin in contemplation

Between the two girls, which one is more appropriate as her son's childhood friend

It is not so much important whether they love each other, the most important thing is that you influence him positively

"Hmm, come to think of it, if the entity connection linked to her heart is removed, then this girl will be extremely talented.

She might even have the hope of reaching Odin's strength or maybe even more in the future. The most important thing is that since she's gifted, she might stimulate my little boy to become stronger quickly.. Well, it's decided."

If Othembla saw the boy enduring pain in the cave now, she might feel that this stimulation was unnecessary

Oh, anyway, she didn't know, and only now she saw a good opportunity


Old man Xia Hongye and his beautiful wife went out on a date, leaving the children to play at home with servants guarding for the first time since their marriage.

Xia Hongyi does not know what caused his wife to suddenly want to spend time with him, but it does not matter.

During this period, he would see his beautiful wife holding her head tightly from time to time. She had many nightmares and her mood was unstable, so not since she wanted to go out for a while on a romantic date. He won't mind for any reason


Little Xia qingyue was sitting quietly on the chair with a frowning face, waiting for her mother and father, who had gone shopping and did not take her with them.

She was very dissatisfied with why they didn't take her with them and left her alone

She looked aside and saw her idiot two-year-old brother playing in the bunk bed

"Oh, boring, when will my mother come back," the little girl was sobbing softly

"Huh? What is that?" Suddenly she saw a bright blue light flying in front of her like a butterfly or more like a fairy

Xia Qingyue looked at this thing calmly and then


I tried to hit her but couldn't and hit the table in front of her instead

"Slap! Slap!" Qingyue didn't believe in evil and continued to hit hard

"Hehehehe." A sound of laughter like silver bells suddenly resounded in the room and its source was none other than this strange light.

Xia Qingyue felt provoked and kept trying to strike


"Hehe." The fairy laughed in a sweet voice,

but to Qingyue it was more like a sneer


The fairy ran towards the door, then paused and laughed "hehe" and then ran outside

" damn it !"

(Hmmm, children's language is not good these days.)

Thus, Qingyue ran after the fairy, not noticing that they were heading towards the forest that was full of monsters

"Hehe." In the midst of the forest, the sweet laughter of the fairy sounded, and from behind her, Qingyue's voice suddenly came,

"Just wait for me, I will make fairy soup today."

In a strange way, they didn't even meet any monster in the middle of the forest, and so the chase continued while Qingyue didn't even notice that she had entered the forest.


I feel simple

But, never mind, this tired I trust my child's morals


When Xia Hongye and his wife Yue Wuju returned home, they did not find their precious daughter

"Chengyu!" "Hey Qingyue!"



"Chengyu!!" The call of the father and mother came again and again until finally it turned into a shriek of anxious and sad Yu Wuju and Xia Hongyi's hope that it was his daughter playing somewhere or another.

"Ah." Yu Wuju suddenly fell to the ground and grabbed her head as she muttered, "Qingyue, my daughter Qingyue, where are you, come on, mother will never leave you again." With Yu Wuju's voice, powerful spiritual energy suddenly began to spread throughout Floating Cloud City, covering the entire city.

Yu Wooju's heart almost bleed when she didn't find her child, but she endured and pushed herself to continue to find her child.

" I found it !!!" Yu Wuju's surprised and worried cry at the same time suddenly came and resounded throughout the Xia Clan's mansion

Xia Hongyi quickly came over and looked at his girlfriend lying on the ground, his heart very sad

" where is she "

Yu Wuju firmly supported her body and looked at him with complicated emotions in her eyes, but she was soon overcome with anxiety

"Chengyue is in the forest where the Vermilion Dragon Mountain Range is, let's go."

Xia Hongyi didn't ask how she knew, and quickly ordered a convoy to be prepared for the Vermilion Dragon Mountain Range

"Also, send a message to Elder Xiao Li to come help, the Vermilion Dragon Mountains are very dangerous."

The Xia clan is a merchant clan, but they and the Xiao clan have good relations, especially the Xiao Li branch where Xiao Li's son was a close friend of his and now his daughter and Xiao Li's grandson are engaged.

Now, as the strongest elder of the Xiao Clan with cultivations of the tenth level of the Profound Spirit Realm, Xiao Lie would be the best help


It didn't take long for everything to be prepared for the trip, and at this time Xiao Lie also came running

"Hey Mister Xia, what's wrong with Qingyue?"

Xia Hongye put aside the formalities at this critical time and said quickly and briefly as he climbed into the carriage behind his wife.

"Qingyue went to the Vermilion Dragon Mountain Range alone."

"Huh?" Xiao Lei wanted to ask Xia Hongyi to repeat the absurdity he had said again so as to make sure that he had heard correctly, but seeing the nervous appearance of the couple, especially the signs of a nervous breakdown in Yu Wuju, he did not speak nonsense and quickly climbed into the carriage.

After all, a person must reach the Profound Sky Realm in order to be able to fly

So the trip went quickly


While everyone was worried about Qingyue

Qingyue herself was in front of a cave at the moment and finally had a triumphant smile on her face and a bright blue light in her hand

"Hehe, laugh, why can't I see you laughing?" Qingyue was venting all her frustration with a smile, then her smile suddenly froze.

Qingyue saw a blue light suddenly emerge from her grasp


Hearing this laugh, Qingyue's expression was priceless

"You ah." Before Qingyue could finish her sentence, a blue light moved

Suddenly towards her chest and specifically her heart

"ding!" Qing Yue heard the sound of a tight rope being suddenly snapped and she suddenly felt a relief in her body, as if she had been carrying a mountain on her back and only now had removed it.


In the sky Othembla smiled lightly

"The link was broken smoothly."


Qingyue didn't know what had happened, but she heard the sound of water splashing from the cave in front of her, so she entered curiously

The children sighed..they don't have the world on their mind when they're having fun. Till now, Chengyu hasn't noticed where she is, nor how long she's been outside.


After the boy finished incorporating the Imperfect Void Structure, a lot of disgusting black liquids appeared on his body, which were expelled from his body. It is the impurities in his body that his pure body began to expel.

A helpless expression appeared on the boy's face as he came in front of the World Tree's essence pond that was about to expire after his and his mother's voracious use during this year.

Then he jumped

(end of chapter)


Well what do you guys think ?