
the beginning from the realm of primal chaos

(The Primal Chaos realm is Yun Che’s realm.) Well guys, from the beginning, I want to mention that this novel will not mention the word “God” and any word “divine” or something like that will be replaced by the word (saint or sacred). .... In the realm of primordial chaos, specifically on the Blue Pole Star More specifically in the Blue Cloud Continent and within a forest cave in the Vermilion Dragon Mountain Range It was a small child alone crying but in this .... The worlds that have been visited so far are, of course, without counting the world of primordial chaos: Martial Universe ( WDQK ) , Teyvat (genshin impact game) There are other worlds that the hero will travel to, but the main one will remain the world of primal chaos until the plot ends, or at least until an advanced stage in it. My language is not English and many thanks to my dear google translator all characters aren't mine except mc and some characters that I may write hmm and the photo also isn't mine ok I don't know why authors write that but ok I think there is a reason

Moroyal · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

my name is ... , Crimson Dragon Attack

"Yes, Qingyue is in that cave right there." From inside the carriage, Yu Wuju's tired, excited voice suddenly came.

Xiao Lie and Xia Hongyi looked at each other, then sighed slightly

"Lady Xia, I don't want to disappoint you. How do you know Qingyue's whereabouts so precisely?" Xiao Lie asked with some lamentation, who would trust a crazy mother over her child.

Right from the start when he heard that Qingyue the child who had just turned three was in the Vermilion Dragon Mountain Range and that she managed to avoid all the guards and servants of the Xia Clan, but well that is possible, but when he heard that they knew her whereabouts because of her "mother's feeling" Xiao Lie felt that this matter Untrusted

And the deeper they went deeper, the more he doubted, how could a little girl reach this deep into the Vermilion Dragon Mountain Range?

Even at the tenth level of the Spirit Profound Realm, even people from the Earth Profound Realm would not be safe in this place.

Xiao Lei looked at the rational Xia Hongyi here and found that he was looking at his toes pensively

"Sigh." Xiao Lie sighed, yes, who would be rational for his child, if it was either Xiao Che or Xiao Lingzhi who was in this situation, he was sure that he would be more irrational than both of them, well after all he only has them now… .

But he can't waste his life here, he knows, after his death both his child and grandson's life will be worse than hell, he has no shortage of enemies and that Xiao Clan are not good people in any way…

Yes, although Xiao Lie treated the clan sincerely, it was only out of righteousness, but did they really think he was a fool, mockery

Basically, if he died now, he would have hoped that Xia Hongyi himself would take care of his children, but now, if he died, both spouses would die althou.

"Then Hongji boy, let's check out this cave and then come back quickly. You may not know but this place is too dangerous even for me."

"Thank you, Uncle Xiao." Xiao Li quickly moved and clasped his fists in Xiao Li's direction

Xiao Lie raised his hand and waved at him indifferently, "There is no need for such politeness. We are family, man. The friendship between you and Young Ying is a rare friendship these days."

Some sadness appeared in both Xiao Lie's and Xia Hongyi's eyes at the mention of Xiao Ying, but Xiao Lie quickly broke the silence.

" Let's go "

So they moved towards the cave, being careful of any monster that might suddenly appear


In the sky Othembla looked at this calmly

"You seem to have lost your memory. No, you can't stay like this. You have to remember.. so you can protect my child."

Othembla looked somewhere in the Vermilion Mountain Range

"Come here and attack the group of humans here…."


On the other side

The little boy was bathing in the essence of the World Tree without paying the world any attention

In his head information about his physique—the physique of the Imperfect Empty, appeared

This is truly a structure that expresses the outside of the Five Elements and is untouched by the Dao, besides being immune to all negative energies and states and even dust and dirt.

This structure separates you from the world itself completely!

Even if the world is destroyed, you have nothing to do with it, and when you travel to other worlds, those worlds will not reject you at all. Anything you do will affect these worlds, and you will not receive any reaction if you mess with the children of fortune or even kill them.

The boy began absorbing the essence of the World Tree with a terrifying greed, leading to the evolution of this physique

The evolution of this Physique is divided into four stages. Also, evolution only affects your immunity against negative energies and situations. As for your separation from the world, you are supposed to acquire it only when you reach perfection, but! This is only the case when a person cultivates structure on his inner structure but…

.. Our little hero has this innate Physique, so since its merging, he has already become outside the world. As for evolution, it is the extent of immunity against negative energies, states, and formations.

You will develop physique with him, but there are ways to increase his immunity such as understanding the word purity and increasing his vitality

And the essence of the World Tree or more precisely the fluid of the Immortality Fountain has this property in the best possible way

Originally, it would be an Imperfect Void Physique giving our hero the ability to be immune to negative energies and states three levels higher than himself… No, the number of levels is not affected by cultivation level.

If he was at the Profound Elementary level and someone at the Spirit Profound level attacked him, he wouldn't be affected

And if he was at the Sacred Origin Realm and someone in the Sacred Spirit Realm attacked him, he wouldn't be affected either

And this is just the beginning, but with the continuous development, the number of higher worlds that he will be protected from will increase, whether it is energy or a negative state such as poison, magic, or anything like that.

But now, with our little hero consuming all the remaining essence of the World Tree, his immunity had reached five worlds higher than him….

Not like Yun Che who is only immune to the elements… our hero is completely immune to all kinds of negative energies, formations, and states


While our little hero was carelessly soaking in the pond, a pair of beautiful black eyes appeared, watching him intently

"Hey, fairy, where are you? Don't worry, I don't want to eat fairy soup anymore." Xia Qingyue's voice suddenly shocked our little hero.

He quickly threw a rock at the speaker, then quickly jumped up and ran to hide behind another large boulder

The boy happily sighed and hid quickly, or else everything might be exposed

But at this moment, a voice came from behind him, "Hey, do you think you're going to deceive me like this, I caught you?"

The boy's body shivered suddenly as the girl quickly attacked him. He would have dodged easily, but looking at the rocky floor of the cave... Falling meant a severe injury for a young girl like that.


So the little boy stood up and let the girl jump on his back.....


"Come on, I don't feel any monsters inside." Xiao Lie said to the Xiao couple, dozens of guards from the Xia clan with them.

"Let's go, but be careful Uncle Xiao, there are monsters who specialize in disguise," Xia Hongyi quickly said.

"I know, you don't have to worry."

Yu Wuju was completely silent most likely due to being tired..maybe

So everyone entered the cave, walking slowly and cautiously


"bump!" Xiao Hongyi suddenly bumped old Xiao Lie's back in front of him

"Uncle Xiao, what is the matter? Did you find anything?"


Xiao Lie did not speak at all, causing Xiao Hongyi to worry

Xiao Hongyi moved behind Xiao Lie then


"sigh." Yu Wuju sighed slightly, then came to her husband's side and calmly looked at the scene in front of her, although she understood that it was a misunderstanding because of her spiritual feeling that was focused on her daughter the whole time but… how could she really explain on behalf of her daughter in such a situation? Hell

The guards were all a bit curious about what had happened and went to look

"Don't come here!" Xiao Hongyi's voice came with a loud command all of a sudden, but unfortunately it was too late and the guards only made him curious.

"Huh!?" Xn

Before them the lost young lady is lying on top of a boy while her clothes are wet

Well more than that this boy has no clothes at all

Xia Hongyi looked at all of this with a ache in his liver, which masked his joy at finding his daughter

"Chengyu!" Yu Wuju called out as hard as she could in her current state

"Hmm?" Xia Qingyue stood up with her heart still beating from the previous fall, then raised her head and looked at her parents happily.

" mom ! dad !"

So she left the poor boy who nearly sacrificed his spine to save her

Heh, it is estimated that if his body hadn't turned into a messy body and also fed Othimbla's milk, he would have already been severely injured by rocks on the floor so that he might get a broken spine, total paralysis, or even death outright.

After all he is only two years old now

On the other hand, everyone felt that there was something strange about all this

After all, the ages of the boy and the girl, one of whom is three years old, and the other is probably three years old as well

Xia Hongyi and Xiao Lie slightly sighed in relief

Xia Hongye asked his daughter who threw it in the trash and entered her mother's lap and asked

"Chengyu, who is this? And how did you come here?"

Some confusion appeared on Chengyu's face, saying, "This? I don't know. I thought he was the fairy, so I jumped on him, and then we both fell suddenly, but I fell hard on his body, and he softened the fall." Some remorse appeared on Chengyu's face, and she said, "Father, look at him, please. He fell because of me." And on his face too, I'm afraid he'll get hurt in the face."

Xia Hongyi looked at Xiao Lie, who also understood him, and shook his head slightly

"The ground in this cave is very hard and rough I'm afraid…"

Xiao Lie looked at the boy there and took off his robe and went to the boy. He first made sure that his bones were healthy. He was surprised uncontrollably by the hardness of his bones. He made sure that they were still intact. The robe is on the boy's body

He raised the boy on his shoulder and then gestured to the couple and reassured them

"Well, now, girl, I want to understand what the fairy is about?" Slightly narrowed to enlarge the image

Qingyue raised her head and her eyes flashed excitedly, "Father, the blue fairy came to our house after I kept her in front of this cave… suitable for the right places, after the fairy joked, well, she disappeared."

Qingyue hesitated not to worry them

"blue Fairy ?"

"Yes, a fairy, and her color is closer to heavenly than blue, but she suddenly disappeared and this boy appeared. Could he be the fairy?"

"silly girl this boy in front of you how can he be a fairy"

A sonorous milky sound came in the cave

"Well, first can you drop me off?"

Everyone looked at the boy on Xiao Lie's shoulder then

" hiss! " Xn

Everyone took a cold breath

Xiao Li quickly regained consciousness

He sees his disfigured face from the fall

Damn, where are the deformities that I refer back, where the hell

Everyone came to their senses

Xia Hongyi looked at the boy

Well, do I believe you now?

After completing the Incomplete Void Physique Fusion, our little hero's face increased to a level that simply could not be described

Long, slightly blond hair that reaches to the back, matchless facial features, and red eyes that shine like rubies in the dimly lit cave.

You either honored him or hated him

His temperament is indescribable

Rather, Khaled is not much to describe him, but even the immortals are ashamed to compare themselves..


"What is your name, boy?" Xia Hongyi suddenly asked

"My name?, my name huh, you can call me Yu Wuxin."

"Yu Wuxin? Dustless Moon, that's a very poetic name huh, it really suits you." Xia Hongyi praised eloquently.

At this time, Qingyue suddenly said, "Yu Wuxin? Are you from my mother's family?"

But everyone ignored it... After all, there is no shortage of clans with the same name at all

"Who gave you this name?"

"I am," Yu Wuxin said simply

" Yes ?" Xia Hongye was slightly surprised

"A boy who taught you to speak?"

"I learned it on my own."

Xiao Lie and Yu Wuju approached, with Xia Qingyue, who looked at Yu Wuchen with a slightly embarrassed smile

"What do you mean you fed him on your own?"

"Literally." Yu Wuxin simply said

"Then wait a minute." Yu Wuju suddenly raised her hand and asked very simply

"A boy who were you living with during this period?"

"I used to live with my mom."

Everyone suddenly let out a sigh, but Yu Wuju strangely kept asking

So why didn't your mother teach you to speak and you learned it yourself?

Anyone might think the boy was bragging, but for Yu Wooju who remembered a few things, there was still a certain possibility

"It's because my mother can't speak."

Yes Othembla did not talk to Wochin during this period after gaining consciousness at all

"Alright, last question… What is your mother's race?"

"My mother? My mother is a cow."

"Huh?" Everyone found it quite ridiculous but Yu Wooju narrowed her eyes

Yes his race is probably a monster that can't transform but he himself has a mutation

"Can you come here for a moment?"

" Good "

With a gentle smile on her face, Yu Wuju grabbed Woochin's hand

But she quickly raised her eyebrows slightly from the strength of his body and then muttered strangely

" Human ?"

Of course I am human, and this does not mean that my mother is my mother.

"Well well your mother is your mother, anyway where is she"

"Huh?" Woochin suddenly realized right where his mother is

"There is talk out there." At this time, one of the guards with good eyes said as he pointed to a certain wall

Xiao Lie noticed the guards standing by, and killing intent appeared in his eyes. It was not a good idea to let people see the sight of Xia Qingyue.

But Xia Hongyi quickly put a hand on his shoulder and shook his head

Going out and killing all the guards and returning with a boy will spread rumors even worse

Yes, they will take the boy

The talk on the wall is

[We shall meet again, my little boy]


"So boy will you come with us?"

silence ....

Wuxin was dumbfounded

"Okay, boy, I understand your suffering. We all experienced the loss of our loved ones at one time." Xia Hongyi said sadly.

Woochin looked at him and said disgustedly, "You don't understand, and I didn't lose her."

"Well well well, like you said you didn't lose her and you will meet again one day like I said so come with us she must have certain circumstances and we can't just leave you in this cave like that"

"Why can't you? See, the entrance to the cave can also serve as an exit." Woochin's face was calm, contrasting with his chaotic heart.

Seeing Woochin like this, everyone felt pity from the bottom of their hearts, first of all, of course, Othembla

"Well, will you go out...please leave me alone?"

As soon as Woochin finished talking, he came over


"Roaring Dragon?" Everyone looked at each other and one word came to all of their minds

Crimson Dragon!

Xiao Lei didn't care about Wuqin's struggle at all and picked him up on his shoulder again and ran to the convoy, while Yu Wuju quickly grabbed Xia Qingyue, but unfortunately, she herself was badly injured.

Xia Hongyi quickly grabbed his wife and daughter and ran towards the convoy

After all he can't catch them and run for long let alone that dragon behind them

But when they reached the caravan, they found that the dragon had preceded them there


The huge dragon forcefully smashed the caravan with one foot and growled at all of them

Everyone stopped in their tracks with horror froze their bodies

Even the strongest among them, Xiao Lie, was also petrified

As for our little hero Wuchin... he's petrified as well, the Void Incomplete Structure doesn't protect him against fear at all

So he also came out of his stupor and his eyes were blurry while muttering with his mouth, "So I will never meet you again.. Mom."

Under the influence of the life crisis, many memory fragments began to appear in his head, from another life

Childhood full of doubts about the world... Adolescence in which easy doubts dissolve but difficult doubts deepen... Youth in which all these doubts have been forgotten by concentrating on life... Adulthood where these doubts return in sharper form... Then... Another childhood where everything was forgotten

Alone in the dark, alone in the midst of all the doubts of life

Questions about the existence of life, its meaning and cause, and how illogical life and consciousness are

Questions that are eternal in the mind and the heart of them is afraid but at the same time longing

And now little Woochin has a strange memory in his head, adding to his suspicions by asking... who am I?

Woochin subconsciously deleted all of these memories due to his fear of being questioned, but in the end only left a few things unconsciously

He seems attached to her and doesn't want to forget her

These things are many, but they are divided into two parts

1 - Light novels, anime, manga and webtoons

2 - Science


While Wuchin was lost in his memories, everyone regained consciousness

"Uncle Xiao!" Xia Hongyi said firmly

Xiao Lei with Wuqin on his shoulder turned to look

"Grab Qingyue and run away from here, we'll run it," he said, and Yu Wuju nodded in agreement

Xiao Lie's eyes were hesitant but soon became fixed again, "Okay."

Xia Hongyi smiled and threw Xia Qingyue to him

Xiao Lie grabbed her tightly and placed her on his other shoulder, then ran, ignoring her struggle

Hm yeah, the Vermilion Dragon was watching all this cheerfully then

He moved and ran after Xiao Lie

In the sky, Othembla's eyes suddenly turned cold, but she quickly calmed down and looked in Yu Wuju's direction

"Noooooooo'' Yu Wugou cried out sadly and furiously then

We have a dragon head

(End of chapter )


Well keep in mind that name of our little protagonist is Yuè wú chén but because of google translate you might find it sometimes yu woochen or something like that, also the chapter is a bit long and I won't search it all for where the name is used to change it, I'd rather write another chapter or Study instead of this torment

So ok please bear with this

After all, this is much easier for people who translate novels from Chinese websites or any light novel from east asia