
The Beast Tyrant: Embers of A Beginning

The soul of a creature with a body so strong that even deities couldn't break it is finally dissipating from old wounds. Yet, it will not take death laying down, with it's last ounce of strength the mighty beast grabs a soul with no memories to replace it. Using its power to have the new healthy soul occupy its body was an act which lit the embers of a fire which would forge gods. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello, Typically White Guy with a computer here or as I go by here TheWritingTunaCan. Now, before you start to imagine what a tuna can would look like with a pencil or on a keyboard few things to note about the story! 1) As will you see early on this is my first time writing so I apologies, but I'm not J.R.R. Tolkien. So please deal with me and give any advice you can. I would prefer you comment in and helpful way instead of just insults but if that gets in the way of honesty go ahead! 2) I'm writing because: A. I have stories in my head! B. I want to share said stories! C. I need an excuse to be anti-social! 3) Please suggest things you like but keep in mind, this is my story not a fan-fic. So just because you want a scantly clad female or out of character moment for the MC so the ship can sail, like me sink you vessel right now. 4) Just some quick things about the book which don't fit in a dramatic summary. This book will have some cultivation type stuff but I am a "Evil Westerner!" so I not going to attempt true cultivation because I'd just butcher it. Also, a few character will be introduced who have their own story. So if you're like where in the world did that doped guy go! Then there is a good chance they have their own story, you missed a chapter and they are dead! 5) "I have nothing else to say!" - Words That Are a Paradox

TheWritingTunaCan · Fantasy
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13 Chs

One Small Step for Speaking And One Giant Leap for Social Interaction

While the Magician was filled with terror, thinking he could have accidentally offended the beast, The Creature which he was afraid might be angry was possessed with joy. However, none of this joy could be shown on his face, firstly because he had almost no control over his facial muscles, secondly he was a beast so it would look strange anyways.

Hopeful thoughts jumped in The Beast's head. 'YES! Finally, geez it took you long enough! Now just teach me to read and write. Then I can practice speaking, and eventually, communication will be easier than blinking; Damn you slow-moving eyelids!'

The Beast finished his thought but still not showing any reaction on the outside, confirming the Mad Magician's suspicions, letting out a sigh of relief the Magician slowly made his way towards The Creature.

"I come in peace." The Magician continued at a steady pace forward, raising his hands in the air at the same time. 'I feel like I am talking to an alien, "peace be with you," "take me to your leader" and what not.' By the time the Mad Magician finished his thought he merely needed to stretch out his hand to touch The Beast. Without another thought, knowing that is hesitation would stop him, he reached for the front horn of the Creature.

For a second The Beast fully submerged himself into remembering the new sensation of the gloved hand. Soon, however, a blinding light shined into every corner from the point of contact between the glove and horn. What happened next was even more attention-grabbing for The Creature as he suddenly experienced a splitting headache. It only lasted for a second, but even then, the pain he felt was not to be belittled. But it was not without its rewards for as soon as The Beast's mind came out of confusion he found himself in possession of new knowledge, language.

The Mad Magician stepped back looking at The Beast waiting for an old voice to speak. Yet, to his surprise, no solemnness was found but instead an energized exclamation akin to a child at a birthday party.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I have been dying to speak for… well, I don't know how to count the time, but thank you! Ha-ha, communication, my own voice, the possibilities are limitless!" The Creature's jubilation startled the Magician, he had a wry smile under his mask due to the disparity of reality and his expectations.

"Your… welcome. Now, that you can speak, anything I can help you with?" Getting over the strange personality, The Beast displayed, The Magician continued with his questioning.

"Yes, could you please tell me, how exactly do you get a name? Having a name for myself is something I have always dreamed of." The Beast spoke while daydreaming about having a name.

"It's usually bestowed upon someone by their parents…" The whole conversation was quite awkward for the man who thought he was dealing with something that should be treated as an elder.

Contemplating, the Magician processed the best way to communicate with the Creature seeing that it did not have the mental capability to be regarded as a senior. This also led him to think of a way to create a good bond between them, so that if the Beast eventually escaped its imprisonment here, he wouldn't have to worry about it.

"I don't remember even if I have parents. Does this mean I cannot of a name?" A clear sign of agitation started as the Beast voice became solemn.

Quickly thinking of a way to keep the Beast calm the Magician spoke up. "Technically, it's not absolutely necessary to have parents name you. I go by The Mad Magician which is a name my parents didn't give me. You could create your own name. It would be just as legitimate."

"Really, hmm, I do not have enough experiences to truly decide a fitting name. Perchance do you have a name which would fit? Something which you have observed which can define me?" Even though The Beast spoke these words thinking it only natural since he can't compare himself to anything, the Magician saw it as a way to make a permanent connection between them.

The Mad Magician had to think carefully. If the name wasn't proper, he wouldn't want to see the Creature's reaction. Even though it seemed to be harmless, the Beast was, after all, a beast. While considering how to name him, the Magician finally started to realize the severe heat in the cave. Then a sudden thought struck him, he closed his eyes then opened them again.

'No wonder it so hot here Martial Energy of the fire element is coming out of the Beast's mouth as he breathes.' After forming a wry smile, the Magician looked into the eyes of the Creature before him.

"How does Gott Feuersberg sound, it stems from where I originally am from. Gott meaning god and Feuersberg meaning fire mountain. You would be the god of fire mountain." As he spoke, a slight fear of the Creature rejecting the name came over him.

"Hmm… I like it!" After a short pause, Gott Feuersberg gave a boisterous reply, making The Mad Magician sigh in relief.

"Well then, is there anything else you would like to ask me, respectable Gott Feuersberg?" The Magician assumed he would politely answer a few questions then would leave, but he couldn't be more wrong. What he didn't expect was the sheer amount of questions Gott would have, not to mention how trivial they were, and so began the process of cursing all teachers who said there is no such thing as a stupid question.

At first, it started with questions such as how to count time, but then Feuerberg began to have him describe the feelings of leaves. Eventually, the Magician felt like he was doing a scientific ASMR, but it wasn't all too bad as Gott was quite friendly with The Mad Magician. They talked a little about the village at the foothills of the mountain, and about the terrain of the mountain itself, but eventually, a critical question was asked "How do people grow in power?", little did the Magician know that the answer he gave would create a universal superpower to the likes which none had ever seen.

Here is another chapter. I will try to post another one later due to not posting yesterday. With that I won't say anymore beside, please comment and review to tell me what you like and don't! Have a good day!

TheWritingTunaCancreators' thoughts