
The Battles of Hearts (Naruto)

Honestly, I designed Naruto's personality in opposite the Manga/Anime. Although Naruto is my favorite, I wanted to craft a character who experiences betrayal from a loved one and becomes cold hearted, this is the story of Naruto the Military Commando. In my story, his son, Aqua Hoshino, differs from the original Oshi No Ko character. I wasn't fond of how Aqua toyed with Akane and Kana's hearts, so I created him to be the son that Naruto truly deserves. I hope you enjoy my narrative.

The_Mystry · Anime und Comics
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72 Chs

Unleashing Bonds

The tension hung thick in the air as Aqua and Sasuke confronted each other. Aqua, eyeing Sasuke's blackened gaze, spoke, "It's as if you're using Dark Breathing, sensei, but you're unconscious. I need to free you."

Sasuke remained silent, charging at Aqua. Their swords clashed with a resounding intensity. Meanwhile, everyone rushed to attend to the injured Izumi. Shikimori, tears streaming down her face, gripped Izumi's hand, pleading, "You idiot, please be alive. It was an intense battle; for now, rest."

Observing the ongoing struggle between Aqua and Sasuke, Izumi gritted his teeth, thinking, "Damn it, I couldn't do much. Aqua-sensei is again doing everything by himself. If only I were strong enough." Suddenly, Aqua seized Sasuke by the waist, throwing him into a wall with a primal scream. The impact created a shattering collision.

Standing amidst the aftermath, Aqua asserted, "Don't harbor any nonsense thoughts, Izumi. You did well. You haven't reached your full potential yet, but you managed to hold your own against the second strongest military commander. This shows your potential, and as your teacher, I won't let anything happen to you." Aqua's words served as both reassurance and a testament to the deep bond he shared with Izumi, not just as a student but as a son.

As Aqua, infused with the power of Moon Breathing, faced the unconscious Sasuke, shrouded in the ominous aura of Dark Breathing, the clash between their distinct techniques unfolded.

Aqua's movements were fluid and precise, his sword dancing through the air with grace and agility. Moon Breathing's ethereal glow surrounded each swing, creating a beautiful yet deadly display. In contrast, Sasuke, in his unconscious state, unleashed Dark Breathing unknowingly. His attacks were sharp, driven by an instinctual darkness that added a sinister edge to every strike.

The battlefield became a spectacle of contrasting energies – Aqua's radiant moonlight battling against the shadows emanating from Sasuke. Each clash echoed with the intensity of their respective breathings, creating an otherworldly scene that captivated onlookers with its mesmerizing yet foreboding beauty.

As Aqua and Sasuke were covered in wounds, Aqua, with a determined gaze, spoke to Akane, "Looks like I need to use it." Akane, visibly concerned, questioned his intentions, "What are you planning, Aqua?" Aqua offered a faint smile, surprising Akane, and reassured her, "Akane, I promise to free your father and ensure you all become a happy family, as I pledged, even if it costs my life."

The gravity of Aqua's words left the girls in shock, but Izumi, understanding the weight of the situation, tried to caution Aqua, "Sensei, in your current state, if you use it..." Aqua halted Izumi and solemnly declared, "It is the only way."

Locking eyes with the unconscious Sasuke, Aqua began releasing a dark blue aura, sending chills down everyone's spines, including Sasuke. He uttered words that resonated like an ominous prophecy, "I'm the bone of Hermes, the one who is death itself."

Aqua's transformation startled everyone, his blonde hair turned black, and his eyes became a piercing dark blue, resembling a formidable demon. The sudden change, especially for Akane, was nothing short of shocking. Aqua, now in his altered state, accelerated towards Sasuke with enhanced speed, leaving everyone, except Izumi, in awe and concern.

The clash between Aqua and Sasuke entered a second round, the air thick with tension as their swords collided, creating sparks that illuminated the dimly lit chamber. Aqua's newly acquired appearance, a manifestation of immense power, contrasted starkly with Sasuke's controlled yet unconscious state. Akane, Rose, Shikimori, and Izumi watched with a mixture of fear and hope, unsure of the outcome.

Sasuke, though unconscious, exhibited a level of skill that spoke of years of combat experience. Aqua, determined to break through the darkness that enveloped his teacher, fought with unparalleled intensity. Each strike from Aqua resonated with a surge of moon-breathing energy, while Sasuke countered with the mysterious power of dark breathing.

Aqua, aware of the risks and the toll this battle took on him, continued to push forward. The clash of their swords echoed through the chamber, symbolizing a struggle not just of physical strength but of willpower and redemption. Akane, unable to contain her worry, exclaimed, "Aqua, please be careful!"

In the midst of their intense combat, memories flashed before Aqua's eyes — memories of training under Sasuke, of shared moments, and of the bond they once had. Determined to free Sasuke from the drug's influence, Aqua unleashed a powerful technique, combining moon-breathing with a surge of demonic martial arts.

The chamber was engulfed in an ethereal glow as Aqua's technique clashed with Sasuke's unconscious but formidable dark-breathing abilities. The battle reached a crescendo, and the very foundation of the mansion seemed to tremble with the intensity of their confrontation.

Izumi, watching his teacher and mentor with a mix of awe and concern, felt a surge of determination. He couldn't stand idly by; he had to contribute. Shikimori, Rose, and Akane, despite their fears, held onto the hope that Aqua's efforts would lead to Sasuke's salvation.

The final moment arrived, and as Aqua's efforts weakened the drug's hold on Sasuke, the once formidable military commander knelt to the ground, liberated from the shackles of darkness. However, a sudden surge of bloodshed emanated from Aqua's body, his scream piercing the air and sending shivers down everyone's spine.

Terrified, the onlookers witnessed Aqua's sacrifice for Sasuke's redemption. Sasuke, now freed from the drug's influence, rushed to support Aqua before he collapsed. Tears welled in Sasuke's eyes as he apologized, "I'm sorry, Aqua, for all of it. I'm sorry, Izumi, I hurt you both."

Aqua, smiling faintly, reassured Sasuke, "It's not your fault, Sensei. I'm always ready to sacrifice myself for everything." The sincerity in Aqua's voice reflected his unwavering commitment to those he cared about. With those words, Aqua lost consciousness in Sasuke's arms, leaving an air of melancholy in the chamber.

Izumi, Shikimori, Akane, and Rose gathered around the fallen warriors, their expressions a mix of relief, sorrow, and gratitude. The room, once filled with the clash of swords, now echoed with a solemn silence as the aftermath of the intense battle unfolded.

Sasuke led everyone outside the mansion, where he tended to both Aqua and Izumi. Aqua remained unconscious, and Sasuke, taking a moment to gather himself, addressed Rose with a touch of remorse. "I'm sorry for making you wait so long," he admitted.

Unable to contain her emotions, Rose slapped Sasuke and, gripping his collar, expressed her frustration, "You better be because you not only made me wait for so long, but our daughter, Akane, she also can't have a father that she deserves." Sasuke was taken aback by Rose's outburst, and she continued, "From now on, your pain will be my pain, and I will take every part of your pain as mine." She then initiated a passionate kiss with Sasuke.

Akane, Shikimori, and Izumi, witnessing the unexpected scene, felt a mix of embarrassment and awe as they momentarily forgot about their surroundings. Suddenly, Aqua regained consciousness and, with a playful tone, remarked, "Wow, it was like one of Kakashi-san's make-out books as you both kissed."

As Aqua commented on their kiss, everyone was caught off guard, especially since Aqua had just regained consciousness. Sasuke and Rose found themselves in a state of profound embarrassment, their faces reddening at Aqua's unexpected observation. The atmosphere shifted from intense to awkward, creating a moment of shared discomfort among the group.