
The Battles of Hearts (Naruto)

Honestly, I designed Naruto's personality in opposite the Manga/Anime. Although Naruto is my favorite, I wanted to craft a character who experiences betrayal from a loved one and becomes cold hearted, this is the story of Naruto the Military Commando. In my story, his son, Aqua Hoshino, differs from the original Oshi No Ko character. I wasn't fond of how Aqua toyed with Akane and Kana's hearts, so I created him to be the son that Naruto truly deserves. I hope you enjoy my narrative.

The_Mystry · Anime und Comics
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72 Chs

The Beginning of War Pt-3

Wesker locked eyes with Luffy and Ichigo, knowing that defeating them would significantly weaken Military's adversaries and advance his plans for global domination.

Albert Wesker: Our battle ends when I've eradicated you both, and your brothers will serve as valuable assets in Umbrella's experiments.

His words stoked the flames of anger in Luffy and Ichigo.

Luffy: We'll rescue our brothers and put an end to your tyranny!

Ichigo: Your reign of terror ends now, Wesker.

Their determination resonated in their voices as they prepared to face Wesker head-on.

As Luffy and Ichigo struggled against Wesker's overwhelming power, a familiar voice echoed through the room, piercing through their battle-induced haze.

Voice: "Big brother Luffy and Ichigo, please don't hurt yourselves. We'll do whatever he says. Please, don't die for us."

The mention of their little brother's name snapped Luffy and Ichigo back to reality, their hearts sinking with concern and determination.

Ichigo: "Conor... He's here?"

Luffy: "Damn it... We can't let him see us like this."

With newfound resolve, Luffy and Ichigo focused their efforts, pushing through the pain and exhaustion as they continued to face off against Wesker. Despite their struggles, they fought with all their might, fueled by the desire to protect their younger brother and put an end to Wesker's tyranny once and for all.

With a renewed determination burning in their eyes, Luffy and Ichigo rose to their feet, their resolve unshakable. They exchanged a brief yet powerful glance, a silent agreement passing between them to end Wesker's reign of terror once and for all.

Luffy: "Ichigo, let's finish this guy off!"

Ichigo: "Right! Together!"

With synchronized movements, Luffy and Ichigo charged at Wesker, their fists clenched and their hearts set ablaze with determination. Wesker, sensing their renewed vigor, prepared to defend himself, but he underestimated the sheer determination and power burning within the brothers' souls.

Luffy unleashed a barrage of devastating punches, each strike infused with his boundless strength and unwavering resolve. Ichigo, with his mastery of Hollow Breathing, delivered precise and lethal strikes, his sword slashing through the air with unmatched speed and precision.

Wesker struggled to keep up with the relentless assault, his movements becoming increasingly erratic as he found himself on the defensive. But Luffy and Ichigo pressed on, their determination unyielding as they closed in on their target.

Luffy: "Gum-Gum... Jet Pistol!"

Ichigo: "Getsuga Tensho!"

Their combined attacks collided with Wesker, the force of their blows sending shockwaves rippling through the air. With a final, thunderous impact, Wesker was sent hurtling backward, his body crashing to the ground with a resounding thud.

As the dust settled, Luffy and Ichigo stood victorious, their chests heaving with exertion yet their spirits soaring with triumph. Wesker lay defeated at their feet, his reign of terror finally brought to an end by the unbreakable bond and unwavering determination of two brothers united in purpose.

With adrenaline still coursing through their veins, Ichigo and Luffy rushed into the room where their brothers were being held captive. As they entered, they were greeted by the sight of their siblings, weary yet relieved, their eyes lighting up with hope at the sight of their older brothers.

Conor: "Big brother Ichigo! Big brother Luffy!"

Toji: "You guys came to rescue us!"

Tears welled up in Ichigo's and Luffy's eyes as they rushed forward, embracing each of their brothers tightly, their hearts overflowing with relief and joy.

Ichigo: "I'm sorry we took so long. But we're here now, and we'll never let anything happen to you again."

Luffy: "Yeah! We'll always be together from now on!"

Their brothers returned the embrace, tears of gratitude streaming down their faces as they felt the warmth and reassurance of their older siblings' love and protection.

Conor: "Thank you, big brothers. Thank you for saving us."

Toji: "We knew you'd come for us. We never lost hope."

Ichigo and Luffy smiled through their tears, their hearts swelling with pride at the resilience and bravery of their younger siblings.

Ichigo: "Let's go home, everyone. Our family is finally together again."

Luffy: "Yeah! And we'll never be separated again!"

Amidst the heartfelt reunion, Daniel, Shorta, Zoro, and Sanji arrived at the scene, witnessing the touching moment between Ichigo, Luffy, and their long-lost brothers.

Daniel: "Looks like we arrived just in time."

Zoro: "Yeah, glad to see everyone safe and sound."

Sanji: "Let's make sure they stay that way."

As they exchanged nods of determination, the atmosphere was suddenly disrupted by the appearance of Menma on the large screen.

Menma: "You fools think you can escape from me? I'll make sure you pay for your insolence, along with that so-called brother of mine."

Ichigo's expression turned fierce as he faced the screen, a glint of defiance in his eyes.

Ichigo: "Oi, red carrot, you seem to have forgotten who your true brother is. Better watch your own back, because a storm is heading your way."

Menma's arrogance faltered momentarily at Ichigo's words, but before he could respond, an employee rushed into the room with urgent news.

Employee: "Boss, we're in trouble! Your brother has infiltrated our base!"

The room fell into a tense silence as everyone processed the gravity of the situation. With Menma's threat looming and Naruto's unexpected arrival, the stakes had been raised, and they were now faced with an imminent showdown that would test their strength and resolve like never before.

Menma's eyes widened in disbelief as he watched his brother Naruto effortlessly dispatching his elite bodyguards on the screen.

Menma: "Double the security! I want every available guard protecting me. He must not reach me!"

The employee nodded quickly and hurried out of the room to relay the urgent orders.

Turning his attention back to the screen displaying Ichigo and the others, Menma's expression twisted into a sneer of contempt.

Menma: "You think you've won? Don't get ahead of yourselves. Once I'm done dealing with Naruto, I'll make sure you regret ever crossing me."

Ichigo met Menma's glare with a defiant smirk of his own.

Ichigo: "Survive your brother's wrath first, then we'll talk, you red-headed Carrot."

The tension in the room escalated as the confrontation between the brothers and their adversaries reached a critical point, setting the stage for an inevitable clash of titans.

Then Menma's gaze shifted to Aqua, his eyes flashing with malice.

Menma: "You, Aqua, are just as insufferable as your father. Like father, like son. I'll tear your family apart again, just like I did in the past by framing your father."

Daniel's heart sank as the truth unfolded before him. The realization that his father's own brother was responsible for tearing their family apart left him reeling.

Daniel: "Why would you do such a thing? What did our father ever do to you? You're the reason our family has suffered so much."

Menma's lips curled into a twisted smirk as he revealed his jealousy and resentment.

Menma: "I envied Naruto. He had everything – a beautiful partner by his side, a successful life. He was nothing, yet he had it all."

Daniel's blood boiled with anger and disbelief at his Menma's callous words. The depth of Menma's envy and bitterness was unfathomable, leaving Daniel grappling with the devastating truth of his family's fractured past.

Daniel: "Alright, Uncle Menma, if that's how you want to play it, let's see if you can survive tonight."

Menma met Daniel's gaze, his expression betraying a flicker of uncertainty at the intensity in Daniel's eyes.

Menma (turning to Aqua): "And what about you, you damn brat?"

Daniel's smirk widened as he responded confidently.

Daniel: "Let chaos reign, just as you brought upon my family."