
The Battles of Hearts (Naruto)

Honestly, I designed Naruto's personality in opposite the Manga/Anime. Although Naruto is my favorite, I wanted to craft a character who experiences betrayal from a loved one and becomes cold hearted, this is the story of Naruto the Military Commando. In my story, his son, Aqua Hoshino, differs from the original Oshi No Ko character. I wasn't fond of how Aqua toyed with Akane and Kana's hearts, so I created him to be the son that Naruto truly deserves. I hope you enjoy my narrative.

The_Mystry · Anime und Comics
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72 Chs

Naruto and Aqua's Trial

As Aqua made his way to the airport, Izumi approached him with determination in his eyes. "Where do we start, Sensei?" he asked.

Akane and Shikimori stood beside him, waiting for Aqua's response. Aqua turned to Akane, his gaze unwavering. "I will ensure your father's return. For now, go home and rest. You've already seen more than enough," he advised. Despite her desire to accompany him, Aqua reminded her, "This isn't the job of an idol."

Shikimori's concern for Izumi was evident, and both Aqua and Akane noticed it. Aqua directed his gaze towards Shikimori, trying to comfort her. "Don't worry, little one," he assured her. "Izumi will be safe. I promise."

Akane's eyes were filled with concern as she implored Aqua to stay safe. Aqua met her gaze with a grave expression. "Don't worry, Ms. Kurokawa. Your father and Izumi will be safe, even if it costs my life." His words hit Akane hard, and she fought back tears, refusing to let them fall. With a heavy heart, Aqua and Izumi departed to board their flight.

As they departed for the airport, Akane felt a few tears slip down her cheeks, realizing that Aqua was gradually becoming more like Naruto. Shikimori, noticing her distress, approached her and asked, "Akane-san, what should we do?"

Akane took a deep breath before responding, "We're going to visit my mother's office. I'll explain the situation to her and tell her about my father."

Seated in her office, Rose gazed at the towering skyline outside, a symbol of her success. However, her heart felt empty, consumed by the absence of Sasuke. Her eyes would often linger on the photograph of her and Sasuke, prompting thoughts of how she could find him and offer her apologies for her father's actions. "I'm sorry, Sasuke. Please, God, just give me one hint of where he is. I want him to know that Akane is our daughter and that he has to come back. He doesn't even know that he has a daughter, our daughter," she thought to herself.

In the midst of her contemplation, Akane and Shikimori entered the office, appearing before her. Upon noticing Akane and Shikimori's arrival, Rose quickly composed herself, wiping away the traces of her tears.

She then greeted them warmly. "Welcome, Akane, Shikimori. What brings you both here today?" Rose asked, trying to maintain her composure and hide the tumultuous emotions roiling within her. 

Akane wasted no time in revealing her knowledge to Rose, stating simply, "Sasuke Uchiha is my father's name, right, Mother?" Rose was visibly taken aback, her tears flowing freely as she struggled to compose herself. She then asked Akane how she had come to know this information.

Akane responded, "I know the whole story, Mother, about how your father made my father leave. It's not your fault, Mother, and you've been carrying this burden all this time."

Akane then embraced her mother tightly, and both mother and daughter let out their pent-up emotions, crying together in the solemn atmosphere of Rose's office.

Akane, with determination in her voice, declared, "I know where Father might be." Rose was taken aback by her daughter's assertion, prompting her to implore, "Tell me everything, Akane."

Akane proceeded to relay to her mother the comprehensive details of Sasuke's military history, recounting the events that led to his departure and the circumstances that had shaped his life since then.

The emotional weight of the conversation deepened, and Rose found herself in tears once more, gripped by the intensity of her daughter's revelation.

Rose, tears streaming down her face, lamented, "It's all my fault." Akane reassured her mother, "It's not your fault, Mother. We have a chance to bring him back. His last known location was in the Philippines."

Akane informed her that Aqua and Izumi were already on missions to gather more information about their father. Rose was initially taken aback but composed herself, asserting her determination to take action. "We're going to the Philippines," she declared.

Akane questioned how they would manage the travel arrangements, to which Rose confidently replied, "Don't forget, your mother is Asia's top businesswoman."

Rose promptly contacted her manager, instructing them to cancel all her meetings for the next two weeks and arrange for her private jet to be ready for their journey.

Turning to Akane, she extended the invitation, "Do you want to come with me? This time, I won't let your dad slip away. You also want to save Aqua from his darkness, don't you?" Rose then turned to Shikimori, "And you, you don't want Izumi to end up like Aqua, do you?"

The luxury car awaited Ai outside the military base, and the manager personally came to pick her up. "Ai, how are you? I hope you're all right. I heard about the zombies," the manager expressed his concern. Ai reassured him, saying, "Don't worry, Manager-san, I'm alright."

As they conversed, a voice interrupted, saying, "Okay, enough family drama, shall we go?" The manager was taken aback, turning to find Naruto standing there. "N...Naruto? It's you!" the manager exclaimed in shock. With a slight smile, Naruto replied, "In flesh and blood, Kubo-san." The manager, overwhelmed with emotion, said, "I'm so happy you are back with us. It looks like Ai and you are reunited again."

Naruto's expression turned cold, and he retorted, "I don't have any plans to be with a woman who left a scar on my heart."

Kubo was taken aback by this new side of Naruto. He asked, "What happened to you?" At that moment, Kota arrived with Kana and Ruby, and Kubo, seeing Kota, hugged him tightly.

Kubo, with tears in his eyes, embraced Kota tightly and said, "Thank God you are here. I thought you would never come back." He then asked, "Tell me, what happened to Naruto? How did your father become like this?"

Kota proceeded to explain to him about Naruto's history before he met Ai and how he changed after meeting her. He also described how those people had framed Naruto and how his mother had told him to never come back. Kubo then asked Kota if this darkness had also consumed him. Kota replied, "Not fully, but it consumed Aqua." Kubo inquired about Aqua's whereabouts, and Ruby responded, "He's on some mission."

Naruto interjected, "That's enough. We should go to your home, Ms. Hoshino. I don't think we should delay." Ai, who was struggling to hold back her tears, told Naruto, "It's our home, Naruto. And please, I'm sorry for everything."

Naruto, taking a drag of his cigarette, retorted, "If 'sorry' could repair everything, then nothing could have happened." Ai started crying softly, and Kubo moved to comfort her.

Ruby, after witnessing Naruto's behavior, implored him, "Father, please, how can you treat Mother like this?" Naruto, with a cold gaze, responded to his daughter, "I'm a soldier assigned to protect Ms. Hoshino, nothing more." Kota then asked Naruto, "Anything else I can do, Father?"

Naruto instructed him, "For now, investigate once we reach there. I'm taking my bike out, as I don't want to travel in that car. Also, you stay with everyone." He then made his way to the garage to retrieve his bike.

As Kota contemplated how it all happened, he thought to himself, "If only I can save Father and Aqua from this darkness." Kana, sensing his distress, squeezed Kota's hand gently and reassured him, "Everything is going to be alright. I'm with you. We will save Naruto and Aqua together."

Ai also reassured her son Kota, "I will make your father forgive me, Kota. We will save both of them." Ruby chimed in, "Yes, my little brother, we will save both Father and Aqua." 

Kota looked at everyone and gave them an assured smile. Shorta then approached Kota and said, "I've prepared everything at our secret hideout in Tokyo.

We'll have our weapons and everything we need there." Kota, with a determined look in his eyes, responded to Shorta, "Thanks, Shorta. This time, I won't let the Umbrella Corporation attack my family."

As Aqua continued his mission in the Philippines to locate his teacher, Sasuke, Kota became resolute in protecting his family and aiding his mother in restoring his father to the kind person they once knew. The weight of responsibility settled heavily on his shoulders, but he was determined to see their family through this storm and bring them back to the light. With a firm resolve, he prepared himself for the challenges that lay ahead.