
The Battles of Hearts (Naruto)

Honestly, I designed Naruto's personality in opposite the Manga/Anime. Although Naruto is my favorite, I wanted to craft a character who experiences betrayal from a loved one and becomes cold hearted, this is the story of Naruto the Military Commando. In my story, his son, Aqua Hoshino, differs from the original Oshi No Ko character. I wasn't fond of how Aqua toyed with Akane and Kana's hearts, so I created him to be the son that Naruto truly deserves. I hope you enjoy my narrative.

The_Mystry · Anime und Comics
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72 Chs

Confessions to be Remember

Luffy was deep in training mode at the orphanage, pushing Wong, Toji, and Conor to their limits. His usual toughness was on full display as he drilled them relentlessly, determined to help them harness their newfound powers. However, his intensity drew the concern of Alice, who arrived at the scene just in time to witness Luffy's rigorous training session.

Alice: "Luffy, what do you think you're doing? You can't push them this hard!"

Luffy paused his training, turning to face Alice with a sheepish grin.

Luffy: "But Alice, they need to get stronger! They've been through so much, and I want to make sure they can defend themselves."

Alice shook her head, clearly unimpressed with Luffy's reasoning.

Alice: "I understand that, but there's a difference between training and pushing them to their breaking point. You need to be more mindful of their well-being."

As Alice scolded Luffy, Wong, Toji, and Conor instinctively stepped forward, ready to defend their older brother.

Wong: "Leave Luffy alone! He's just trying to help us get stronger!"

Toji: "Yeah, we can handle it! We're not kids anymore!"

Conor: "We want to be strong like Luffy!"

Alice gently silenced the three boys with a reassuring smile, her tone softening as she addressed them.

Alice: "I know you all want to be strong, but rest is just as important as training. You need to take care of yourselves if you want to get stronger."

Wong, Toji, and Conor reluctantly nodded in agreement, understanding Alice's words.

Wong: "Okay, Alice. We'll rest."

Toji: "But can we train with Luffy again later?"

Alice chuckled softly, ruffling their hair affectionately.

Alice: "Of course, but for now, let's focus on getting some proper rest."

With that, Alice ushered the boys away, leaving Luffy to reflect on her words. Despite his initial resistance, he knew deep down that Alice was right – their well-being was paramount, and he needed to find a balance between training and taking care of his little brothers.After ensuring Wong, Toji, and Conor were settled in their rooms, Alice and Luffy found themselves alone in the orphanage hallway. The tension between them was palpable as they exchanged glances, both unsure of what to say next.

Alice: "Luffy, I... I need to tell you something."

Luffy turned to face her, his expression curious as he waited for her to continue.

Luffy: "What is it, Alice? Is something wrong?"

Alice took a deep breath, gathering her courage as she prepared to confess her feelings.

Alice: "Luffy, I... I have feelings for you. I've tried to ignore them, but I can't deny them any longer."

Luffy's brows furrowed in confusion as he processed Alice's confession. Before he could respond, however, his stomach chose that moment to grumble loudly.

Luffy: "Is it something to eat?"

Alice's cheeks flushed crimson with embarrassment at Luffy's oblivious response. She couldn't believe he had completely missed her heartfelt confession.

Alice: "Luffy, you... you idiot!"

With a mixture of frustration and affection, Alice couldn't help but laugh as she lightly slapped Luffy's arm. In a sudden bold move, she leaned in and planted a kiss on his cheek, leaving Luffy utterly stunned.

As Alice hurriedly made her exit, leaving Luffy to ponder the whirlwind of emotions he had just experienced, he couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth spreading through him. Though he may not have fully grasped Alice's confession at that moment, one thing was for certain – their bond had taken on a whole new dimension, and Luffy was determined to explore it further.

Ichigo found Luffy sitting in the hallway, lost in thought, and approached him with a concerned expression.

Ichigo: "Hey, Luffy, what's going on? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Luffy glanced up at Ichigo, his expression still bewildered as he tried to make sense of his feelings.

Luffy: "Ichigo, something really weird happened. Alice confessed to me, and then she... kissed me."

Ichigo couldn't help but chuckle at Luffy's description of the events.

Ichigo: "Ah, I see. So that's why you're looking so flustered. Sounds like Alice finally got the courage to tell you how she feels."

Luffy nodded, still trying to process the rush of emotions he had experienced.

Luffy: "But why? Why do I feel like this?"

Ichigo sighed and shook his head, realizing that Luffy needed some guidance in matters of the heart.

Ichigo: "Close your eyes, Luffy, and focus on your heart. Take a deep breath and think about the person who means the most to you."

Following Ichigo's instructions, Luffy closed his eyes and placed his hand over his heart, taking a deep breath to calm his racing thoughts. As he concentrated, images of Alice flooded his mind, and he felt a warmth spreading through him.

Luffy: "It's Alice. It's always been Alice."

Opening his eyes, Luffy looked at Ichigo with a mix of confusion and realization.

Luffy: "What does this mean, Ichigo? Why do I feel like this?"

Ichigo smiled warmly at his brother, realizing that Luffy had finally come to a significant realization.

Ichigo: "Congratulations, my dumb brother. You're in love."

As the weight of Ichigo's words sank in, Luffy's expression softened, and a small smile tugged at his lips. Despite the confusion and uncertainty, one thing was clear – his feelings for Alice were undeniable, and he was ready to embrace them wholeheartedly.

Alice sat with her big sister Raveal, pouring out her heart about the whirlwind of emotions she experienced when confessing to Luffy.

Alice: "And then, when I finally told him how I felt, he just... looked at me like I was speaking a different language. Then he asked if it was something to eat!"

Raveal couldn't help but chuckle at her sister's predicament, shaking her head in amusement.

Raveal: "Oh, Alice, that sounds exactly like something Luffy would say. But you know, maybe that's part of why you like him so much. He's always so refreshingly himself."

Alice sighed, a mix of frustration and affection evident in her expression.

Alice: "Yeah, I guess you're right. But it's just... so frustrating! I poured my heart out to him, and he acted like it was no big deal."

Raveal placed a comforting hand on Alice's shoulder, offering her sisterly wisdom.

Raveal: "Sometimes, love isn't as straightforward as we'd like it to be. But if it's meant to be, it'll work itself out in the end."

As they sat together, sharing their thoughts and feelings, Alice couldn't help but notice the marks on Raveal's neck, a telltale sign of Ichigo's affection.

Alice: "Speaking of love... what's going on with you and Ichigo? Looks like he's been quite... energetic lately."

Raveal blushed at the mention of her boyfriend, a soft smile gracing her lips.

Raveal: "Oh, you noticed, huh? Well, let's just say Ichigo has a way of making his presence known. I've loved him since college, and I'm just grateful that he's finally mine."

As Alice and Raveal were deep in conversation, the atmosphere shifted when Luffy along with Ichigo suddenly appeared in Alice's office, Luffy's expression was nervous and uncertain. Raveal noticed Ichigo's discreet signal and excused herself from the room along with Ichigo, leaving Luffy and Alice alone.

The tension between them was palpable as they stood facing each other, the weight of unspoken feelings hanging heavy in the air. Luffy's nervousness was evident as he struggled to find the right words to express himself.

Luffy: "Alice... I... I'm sorry for being such a dimwit. I didn't realize what you meant until now, and I feel like an idiot for not seeing it sooner."

Alice's heart softened at Luffy's genuine apology, her eyes meeting his with a mixture of relief and longing.

Alice: "Luffy... it's okay. I understand. Sometimes things aren't as clear as we'd like them to be."

Luffy took a step closer to Alice, his hand reaching out to gently cup her cheek as he looked into her eyes with unwavering sincerity.

Luffy: "But one thing's for sure, Alice... I care about you more than words can express. You mean everything to me, and I don't want to waste another moment without making sure you know that."

Alice's breath caught in her throat as she listened to Luffy's heartfelt words, her heart swelling with emotion at his declaration of affection.

Alice: "Luffy... I... I feel the same way. I care about you more than I can say, and I don't want to waste another moment apart from you."

In that moment, all the barriers between them seemed to fade away as Luffy and Alice surrendered to the undeniable connection between them. With a tender smile, Luffy leaned in and pressed his lips to hers in a sweet and heartfelt kiss, sealing their newfound understanding and deepening their bond even further.

Ichigo and Raveal stood outside Alice's office, their expressions softening as they witnessed the tender moment unfolding between Luffy and Alice inside. They exchanged a knowing glance, their hearts swelling with happiness for their friends.

Ichigo: "Looks like those two finally figured it out."

Raveal nodded, a fond smile playing on her lips as she watched Luffy and Alice through the glass door.

Raveal: "It's about time. They've both been dancing around their feelings for so long."

Ichigo chuckled softly, his gaze lingering on the couple inside as they shared their heartfelt exchange.

Ichigo: "Yeah, but I guess sometimes it takes a little push to make people see what's been right in front of them all along."

Raveal: "True. And it looks like they've found something special in each other."

They watched as Luffy and Alice shared a sweet kiss, sealing their newfound understanding and solidifying their bond.

Ichigo: "Well, I suppose our work here is done. Let's give them some privacy."

Raveal nodded in agreement, her smile widening as she turned away from the door, knowing that Luffy and Alice had finally found the happiness they deserved.

Raveal: "Agreed. They have a lot to talk about."

With that, Ichigo and Raveal walked away from Alice's office, leaving Luffy and Alice to bask in the warmth of their newfound love.

Shorta stood near the park, his mind filled with confusion and doubt. He couldn't comprehend how Ruby could harbor feelings for someone like him, a guy known for his flirtatious nature. As he took a drag from his cigarette, lost in his thoughts, Ruby approached him, her presence pulling him out of his reverie.

Ruby: "You should quit smoking, you know."

Shorta glanced at Ruby, surprised by her sudden appearance and her direct comment. He couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for his habit, especially in front of someone he cared about.

Shorta: "Yeah, I know. Sorry about that."

Ruby's expression softened as she looked at Shorta, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions. She hesitated for a moment before speaking up, her voice tinged with vulnerability.

Ruby: "Listen, about what happened when I was drunk... I want you to know that I meant every word of it."

Shorta's heart skipped a beat as Ruby's confession hung in the air. He struggled to process her words, his mind racing with disbelief and hope. Before he could respond, Ruby turned to leave, her demeanor subdued.

Shorta: "Wait, Ruby..."

He reached out and gently grasped her hand, stopping her in her tracks. Pulling her closer, he looked into her eyes with a newfound determination, his own vulnerability laid bare.

Shorta: "Ever since that night, I haven't been able to get you out of my mind. I know I'm not perfect, and I've made mistakes, but I want to be better for you. I want to be the guy you deserve."

Ruby listened intently, her heart swelling with emotion as Shorta poured out his feelings. She could see the sincerity in his eyes, and a flicker of hope ignited within her.

Ruby: "Shorta, I... I never thought you'd feel this way about me. But if you're willing to try, then I am too. Let's see where this goes."

With those words, Shorta felt a weight lift off his shoulders, replaced by a newfound sense of purpose and possibility. As they stood together in the park, their hands intertwined, they knew that their journey was just beginning.