
The Battle of Legends - Super Saiyan vs Legendary Super Saiyan

The first Super Saiyan and the first Legendary Super Saiyan fought over 1000 years ago. Their battle ended with a draw. Since then, they reincarnate into different Saiyans to settle their feud once and for all. Will any side achieve their goal?

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The Battle of Legends - Super Saiyan vs Legendary Super Saiyan: Chapter 1

Chapter 1 - Yamoshi vs Shido

Yamoshi and Shido were Saiyans friends that lived on Planet Sadala. Unlike Shido and the other Saiyans, Yamoshi had a righteous heart. He wasn't ruthless and offered mercy to his enemies. However, the other Saiyans knew of Yamoshi's ways, and sought to eliminate him because of disgracing the Saiyan race. Shido was conflicted and couldn't choose a side. He was Yamoshi's friend and thought he had to choose his side, but he didn't want to be a traitor to his race. And so the war of good versus evil began.

Unfortunately, Yamoshi had no allies. He was the only one of his race that chose the path to good. Soon enough, Yamoshi was cornered and outnumbered. Although, this fact didn't stop him. He was still determined to change the ways of the Saiyans, even if he had to be like them. And so, Yamoshi's body burst with golden energy, literally blowing everybody away. This was something that no Saiyan has ever seen. His hair stood up and was golden. His eyes became turquoise. Yamoshi had became the super warrior known as a Super Saiyan.

Shido felt overwhelmed. He hadn't ever seen anything like this before. Yamoshi went and swept through the evil Saiyans as he knocked them down one by one, saving Shido for last. Yamoshi had offered him mercy at his feet. Shido was on the ground, paralyzed in shock when he had a thought. He knew that he couldn't beat this man. Yamoshi was too powerful for him. This made Shido feel afraid, then sad, and then angry. Suddenly, a burst of light green energy flowed through Shido as Yamoshi jumped back for safety. Shido's hair turned light green. His entire eyes were blank white. Next thing he knew, Shido had become the first Legendary Super Saiyan.

And so, the battle of legends began. Many punches and kicks were thrown. Ki blasts were shot at each other. The more this battle progressed, the more they would get serious, and the harder they will fight. At some point, the climax of this battle came. Both were bloody and damaged all over. They barely had any energy left in them. Yamoshi put all his golden energy into his right fist. Shido put all his light green energy into his left fist. They charged at each other as their fists clashed with each other. This created a very bright and destructive explosion. All that was left were a large crater with Yamoshi and Shido, battered and bloody, in it. Both had collapsed onto the ground and never got back up. Yamoshi and Shido had died of exhaustion.

Yamoshi vs Shido - Draw

End of Chapter 1...

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