
The Battle of Legends - Super Saiyan vs Legendary Super Saiyan

The first Super Saiyan and the first Legendary Super Saiyan fought over 1000 years ago. Their battle ended with a draw. Since then, they reincarnate into different Saiyans to settle their feud once and for all. Will any side achieve their goal?

Dom121 · Action
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The Battle of Legends - Super Saiyan vs. Legendary Super Saiyan: Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - Hanasia vs. Romanesco

Author's Note: Hanasia and Romanesco are based off of the characters of the same names from Salagir's and Gogeta Jr.'s Dragon Ball Multiverse.

Hanasia was the daughter of King Sadala II. She had a high level of power, even stronger than her father. Often times she would hide her true power, even during sparring sessions. Hanasia had achieved levels beyond a regular Super Saiyan. One day, she met a strong Saiyan boy named Romanesco.

Romanesco was a young Saiyan boy who also had hidden power inside of him. He was an orphaned outcast that lived in the woods and caves. Hanasia was hunting animals for food and its fur when she met Romanesco. They got along very well, and would often times visit him with food and new clothes for him.

One day, Hanasia and Romanesco, hidden from the other Saiyans, started a sparring session. They agreed to not hold back their true power. Hanasia transformed into a Super Saiyan 2, emitting a golden, jagged aura with blue lightning sparks. Romanesco transformed into a light green haired Super Saiyan, turning his eyes turquoise and his aura light green. As they charged at each other, their battle began.

Punch after punch, kick after kick, and ki blasts after ki blasts were clashing with each other. It seemed as if it was a normal sparring session until things got serious. Romanesco was on the losing side as his guard was down, he took punch after punch to his body, spitting up blood from the damage he took. He was pinned on the ground as Hanasia demanded that he admit defeat. As Romanesco was just about to admit it, a flashback came to his mind...


Romanesco was a toddler when he was placed on the ground by a man that seemed to be his father. As he saw his father running into the red-orange flames surrounding the landscape, his Saiyan instincts told him to go join the action. When he walked through the flames, he witnessed something that would scar him for life. He saw a horned demon holding his father by the neck, and his father had a bloody, gaping hole in his chest with his eyes rolled into the back of his head. This moment unlocked his true power and that demon would never see the light of day again.

Back to Present:

A light green light flashed from Romanesco's body as Hanasia backed up. A light green aura emerged from his body as his muscles got buffer and became more defined, and his eyes were completely blank as he charged at Hanasia and punched her in the face. This made her spit up blood as she was knocked back. Their battle continued on.

Romanesco's straight forward attacks made it difficult to block them. Her guard was lowered when Romanesco punched Hanasia in the stomach and kicked her away. Hanasia started coughing up blood as she was breathing heavily, her heart slowly pounding, afraid this might be her last day alive. As Romanesco threw a medium-sized ki blast at her, a new power sparked in her. She caught the blast and crushed it in her bare hands. She charged up in fury and anger as her golden hair elongated to the point of reaching her legs, and her eyebrows vanished. Romanesco was shocked by this power she achieved. Hanasia had finally became a Super Saiyan 3.

Hanasia appeared in front of Romanesco at light speed and smacked him to the ground. This made him angry as he tryed to punch Hanasia in the face, but she caught his fist and kicked him into the air. As he was flying through the atmosphere he caught himself and powered up in anger. Romanesco created a large, green energy ball above his head, ready to fire it at Hanasia. As he threw the energy ball at her, she charged a light blue energy ball in her hand and fired it at the green ball of energy. Hanasia's energy overcame Romanesco's and destroyed his energy ball. Romanesco, floating in the air in shock, was engulfed in the blue light and all there was left was an explosion in the air. Hanasia, powered down back to normal, passed out and fell on the ground.

9 years later...

Hanasia was being crowned as queen of Planet Sadala. During her coronation, a huge power level was being sensed from the coronation site. King Sadala II was going to send his two guards to deal with the enemy when Hanasia stepped in to take care of whatever was going on. When she went to the location of the huge power level, she was caught by surprise. In a large crater in the ground, standing there was Romanesco, taller than before, with contempt and anger in his eyes. Hanasia was so happy to see him until he launched at her out of nowhere and punched her in her gut, demanding for a rematch. Hanasia, holding her stomach on the ground, transformed into a Super Saiyan 3 and began for battle.

This battle was different than last time. Romanesco, in his regular green-haired Super Saiyan form, was able to fight on par with Super Saiyan 3 Hanasia. Hanasia was struggling a bit, while Romanesco was having the time of his life. Hanasia was wondering what happened to him while he was gone. She was caught off guard when he punched Hanasia in the face. Romanesco decided to show his real power and transform even further. His light green hair elongated and his eyebrows vanished. Romanesco had also become a Super Saiyan 3.

Hanasia was getting beat up hard, becoming bloody and battered with every hit. Romanesco then fired a green energy ball at her, exploding and knocking her to the ground, leaving a large crater. Hanasia was struggling to get up from the ground as her whole body was bloody. Romanesco filled his left fist with sparking, light green energy and charged downward at her. Hanasia did the same with her right fist, but with sparking golden energy and charged upward at him. They clashed their fists and created an enormous explosion, blowing away the landscape itself. The king and his guards went to where the explosion occurred. All the king found was a piece of Hanasia's clothing in an enormous crater.

"HANASIA!!!!!!" was all that could be heard from the battlefield.

Hanasia vs. Romanesco - Draw

End of Chapter 2...

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