
The Banished Mage of Stocaea 1, 2, & 3 (First Draft)

Here you will follow the story of a banished mage called Christopher Newman as he ventures to other lands to find a family of his own. Being a wizard who has experience in spatial magic. (in which this magic type is only acceptable in nobility) He finds himself confident he won't lose in a conflict, but the world is full of surprises that our mage did not account for. Will he survive the horrors of the forests surrounding Stocaea? Or will he die not knowing where he truly belongs? This book takes place in the first twenty-five years of Christopher's life. We will follow all his laughs, cries, sorrows, wins, losses, and his adventures around the realm of Epusdma. He will make friends, acquittances and enemies as well as develop his skill and experience in magic. This is the very first book in the Epusdma series and book 1 of 9 in the Christopher chronicles *trigger warning* contains examples of problems such as racism, inequality, SA, homophobia and many more. I hope to tackle as many human faults as I can.

StephenPFrith · Fantasie
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127 Chs

Chapter 13 Part 2

Jasyn notices his shy demeanour towards him and decides not to press into it. "You were in the tournament right? I really enjoyed your fights. You seem like a powerful mage."

"Oh god." Christopher mutters, his blush deepening. "I've shifted more towards support than offence since then."

"Maranus definitely needs more backup magic than anything. Not many people like to be in the back." Jasyn replies. "Like the spell you used to save that Ibun lady."

"I can't use magic like that right now. It requires too much power that I don't have. It just so happens that King Shavik and Relov were there."

(Nebulon) Just take a complement you fucking idiot!

"I guessed as much. You're cute, you know." Jasyn boldly admits, an endearing smile on his face as he leans forward.

Christopher swiftly faces the handsome guard, his face flushed red. "Where did that come from?!"

"Sorry if that was too forward." Jasyn giggles.

"N-no not at all, I just wasn't expecting it. Thank you. Y-you look Handsome. Ugh, why is this happening to me?." Christopher reciprocates, barely keeping himself together at this sudden flirting match. Something he wasn't used to. Especially to one he likes.

(Narrator) The more Jasyn talks, the more awkward Christopher gets. I don't want this!

(Nebulon) It's not like either of them are of age to have sex!

(Narrator) I get that! But…insert excuse here.

"Look, we just met, so how about we meet up later, have a drink? You're 13 and older right?" Jasyn asks, stopping their walk for a moment.

Christopher can do nothing but nod.

"Amazing. I can't wait. Is it ok if I come to your house to pick you up after my shift?" Jasyn asks.

Christopher manages to answer with his voice this time, his voice box cracking. "ThAts." He swallows as he trips up with his tongue. "That sounds great."

(Nebulon) Cute! I never thought I'd see him like this. He's like a different person.

Jasyn points to a large house on a sprawling estate next to them. "Right there is your home. House Henrence."

Christopher's jaw falls open as he stares at the large white house surrounded by neatly kept foliage and flowers, and a sizable road entrance with two city guards stationed at the gate.

"I did not pay for that." Christopher says, pointing to the estate.

"Housing is cheap in Maranus so I get why you would think so. Who was it that signed it off?" Jasyn asks.

"Queen Viridiana." He answers.

"oh, well if you're acquainted with Her Majesty then that explains everything. She's known to be very generous. She must have thought you'd need it." Jasyn explains.

"How much was this for sale? Do you know?"

"10 platinum I think. Why, how much did you pay?" Jasyn curiously asks.

"650 gold. Or six and a half platinum." Christopher answers. A little relieved.

"Oh, I thought you were gonna say something much lower." Jasyn says, leaning back, the tension leaving his shoulders. "In any case, 650 gold is a ton of coin. Nothing to sneeze at for sure. Heck, I barely earn 70 silvers a month. I could never pay for a place like that."

"Right." Christopher says, looking back at Jasyn and blushing once more.

Jasyn smiles at him with his eyes closed, picking up on Christopher's expressions whenever he looks at him. "Right, now that you know where your house is. Let's get you an audience with The King." Jasyn wraps Christopher's arm between his, keeping him close.

(Narrator) If I had the ability to, I'd turn this confident zealot to ash!

(Nebulon) Wow, I can just feel your non-existent eye twitch come off the page.

(Narrator) Don't you have anything better to do?!

(Nebulon) Not really, just chilling in a cave right now.

After one gate, several guard exchanges and maybe two hours of waiting. Christopher finally gets his audience with King Shavik, Queen Viridiana, and their house hall of nobles. Jasyn is slightly behind Christopher as the gate to the throne room opens.

Jasyn subtly nudges Christopher forward as the gates fully reveal him to the crowd of higher ups. With his newly acquainted, friend…

(Nebulon) Nah, love interest.

Fine. With his newly acquainted love interest following close behind, Christopher jaunts down the long purple rug in front of him. About 10 feet away from the steps, Jasyn taps Christopher on the shoulder and they stop where they stand.

The King's Steward and Ambassador addresses each participant and the parameters for the meeting, stepping forward as he does so, and retreating after all the formal stuff has concluded.

"Now, Mr. Newman. State the purpose of this meeting with The King." The ambassador commands.

"It is regarding a top secret project His Majesty asked me to complete a little under a month ago." Christopher says, giving disapproving glances at the nobles in the meeting.

King Shavik speaks up. "Everyone here has clearance on this project you speak of. Most of them have been working at it for decades to achieve it."

Murmurs start to permeate the crowd of extravagantly dressed nobles, sickening Christopher at the amount they flaunt their wealth. "I have successfully achieved in making a spell that allows dimensional travel between multiple persons in the same dimension." The murmurs erupt into a couple of sudden bouts of disbelief before Christopher continues.

"Not only have I achieved the goal but I inadvertently created an assistant that manages the dimension, can alter it at will, and create new connections to the realm." Christopher pauses to wait for the nobles to calm down a little. The King shushes them himself, a little irritated by their incessant rambling.

"The spells cannot be cast separately or on their own as it runs the possibility of destroying the dimension and causing a large explosion strong enough to kill a dragon. That is why I advise that distribution and casting rights be kept to me and only me. The risk is too high to place the spell within public or private access." Christopher says.

"Oh my god. Who the fuck did I just flirt with?" Jasyn mutters through his teeth, sweating profusely, his cheeks flushing pink.

"This is excellent news! Firstly, congratulations. You've just belittled everyone in this room. Secondly, this result is far beyond what I expected. And finally, everyone but Marquis Bloomand and Marquis Bloomrush is dismissed from this meeting." King Shavik says. Most of the nobles clear out apart from the two stated by Shavik and a stubborn individual.

"Your Majesty." a nobleman says.

"Get. Out. Marquis Landarr." Shavik commands.


"Fuck off, Landarr! This is your final warning!" Queen Viridiana screams, a sinister aura fills the air and Landarr shuffles out quickly with his tail between his legs.

As soon as the door closes, the two Marquis try to swarm Christopher, but Jasyn wraps himself around him. "Back off, he's my future boyfriend."

Shavik chuckles as he sees Christopher try to hide within his cloak. "He's not hostile. Who'd've thought."

"You're not my boyfriend." Christopher says, his voice muffled by his cloak.

"Not yet at least." Jasyn says, making Christopher blush.

"It's not like that." Marquis Bloomand says, putting up his hands.

"We're just curious about how he managed to solve this in so little time is all!" Marquis Bloomrush adds.

"It looks like little Christopher has charmed one of our soldiers." Queen Viridiana says, a wide smile on her face.

"I didn't do anything. He just attached himself to me!" Christopher exclaims.

"I will win your heart one day my love." Jasyn says, still 'protecting' him from the marquis.

"Can you get off me please?" Christopher asks softly.

"Don't worry my adorable prince, I'll protect you from these nobles!" Jasyn says.

(Narrator) Fucking lame! My god!

(Nebulon) I thought it was cute!

Finding that statement a little too much, Christopher uses wind magic to pry him off. Inadvertently blowing the marquis along with him. "Jasyn! Stop. Being. An overconfident blowhard! First of all. Yes I like you, but that doesn't give you permission to do whatever you want! Secondly, if you grab my waist again I'll snap your fingers. And lastly, fuck off! You got a job to do!"

"Hold on. For guiding and protecting Mr. Newman here to the castle. I hereby appoint you as his personal guard. Fully paid at one gold a month." Queen Viridiana says, giggling behind a wing.

"Ugh, why do you hate me?" Christopher mutters, hanging his head low.

"Fuck yeah." Jasyn exclaims, joining Christopher's side once again.

"This new position does not restrict the growth of a personal relationship as decreed by the King and The Royal Family." King Shavik concludes.

"Yay?" Christopher says, Shaking Jasyn off him.

"Now, Jasyn, was it? Please wait outside the throne room while we discuss official matters with him." Queen Viridiana says.

Jasyn reluctantly teeters out of the room and everyone remaining gets on with the reason why Christopher was here.