
The baby accident

Oopsie. There is a baby. Annabelle McCallister is your average girl in the looks department. She has curves (which she thinks is her doom) and she admits to eating too many chocolates. She works in a cafe and lives in a dingy apartment. Oh and she believes her life is boring. That is until she comes across Jake Andrew. Jake is a business tycoon abundantly blessed in the looks department as she believes. One day he comes into the cafe after a pretty shitty day and that's where it all begins. Next thing anyone knows there is a baby on the way. Are they willing to compromise for their baby and to actually take the fall?

Sure_Mercy10 · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Chapter 7

The next day I wake up feeling so groggy and tired. I try to sit up when suddenly my stomach revolts. I rush to the toilet where I proceed to empty my stomach contents again. The sound of the toilet door opening makes me raise my head but I do so slowly for the fear that any quick movement will bring about another round of puking my guts.

Bella peeks her head inside and immediately kneels beside me when she sees me on the floor.

Ohhh honey, more morning sickness? She asks sympathetically

I just moan and proceed to puke again. Thankfully this time around Bella is there to help me hold my hair while cooing nonsense to me.

Bella I don't think I can bear this any longer I complain to her after I am done puking again

Don't worry. It's gonna be fine. Can you stand up now. You look kinda pale she tells me

Yes I feel better already i say and stand up.

Why don't you clean up and let me make breakfast Bella says and doesn't even allow me to answer before bounding out of the toilet. A moment later I hear the sound of pots clattering and know she must be making breakfast already.

With a sigh I turn to the bathroom room and I have to admit I look horrible

Ohhh well I guess I should clean up before scaring anyone I mumble to myself

I wash my face, brush my teeth and brush my hair then put on a robe before stepping out of the room.

Walking into the kitchen I find that breakfast is already ready.

Sitting on a stool Bella slides a plate in front of me.

Eat every single thing on that plate. You know you are eating for two now  Bella says in a stern tone.

Gee mom calm down I murmur sacarstically

Hahaha really funny. I don't care. Just eat up she retorts.

I almost stick out my toungue at her.

Where is Joseph. I thought you guys couldn't live without yourselves I say and then realize how rude that sounds. Sorry Bella. I didn't mean to say that.

It's fine she says easily. And Joseph is traveling.

What does he actually do for a living I ask

Well he is a salesman and so he travels a lot she says with a wistful smile.

Suddenly I feel a pang of envy for their relationship. I quickly squash that feeling.

Bella looks at me from across the table with knowing eyes as if she knew what I was thinking. I shake my head and look away from her.

Breakfast is fairly quiet and nice.

Anna Bella begins hesitantly what are you really gonna do. Before you say anything I think you should tell Jake because it's gonna be really hard being a single mom and all. And also I think you want the best for your child and I believe that giving your child a father is gonna be good. We all make mistakes Anna but we shouldn't let out mistakes affect other people's lives Bella says.

You are right. I spent all night googling him and he is apparently the president of the J&S company I say

Are you kidding me Bella squeals. You mean your Jake is the Jake Andrews. Wow she says

I don't say anything because I already know what she is thinking. J&S was a very huge company that specializes in restructuring and helping of companies that are failing. Jake Andrews was the founder and he is like stinking rich.

I have decided to go and meet him today and tell him. That is if I can get to him. I heard it's very hard to even get an appointment. I say

Ohhh. I hope it goes well Bella says while squeezing my hand.

When did everything get so complicated I say on a moan

Do you need me to come with you she says gently

Nah I am fine I say with as much confidence as I can muster.

I should probably go get ready. I am gonna take a day off work today. I say while standing

Alright shoo Bella says

An hour later I stand in front of the mirror and study myself. I am dressed casually in a floral gown that flares out from the waist and stops just above my knee. I can see that I have lost some weight and I look pale. Pinching my cheeks I try to bring more color to my cheeks. I pair it with sandals and grab my purse.

Bye Bella i call over my shoulder while stepping out of the apartment. I barely hear Bella's muffled reply

Almost an hour later I am standing in front of a high rise building that looks so chic. At the top of the building I see the name J&S in bold letters. I walk in and suddenly feel self conscious. My hair is damp from the hot New York heat and everyone else in the building looks so put together. I go to the elevators and press the button for the highest floor. Coming out of the elevator my jaw almost drops in disbelief. Everything looks so pristine and sleek. Shaking my daze off I walk up to the reception desk and I am conscious of her looking assessing me

Yes how may I help you she says with faked sweetness

Yes I would like to see Mr Andrews I say in the bravest tone I can afford.

Do you have an appointment she asks me

No I don't but I think he will like to see me I say. Well that is technically not true

Excuse me the bitch says and starts laughing. Lorraine come check out this crazy woman the woman says while calling her equally bimbo looking friend over.

I fight to hold onto my temper.

Is something funny I ask in an equally sweet voice

No nothing at all the bitch says while still laughing.

I use that opportunity and suddenly break into a run towards the door that is marked president. I hear bimbo girl calling my name but I ignore it. Yes I am almost there I think with exhilaration. I feel like a hero until I suddenly trip and fall. I see the floor coming towards me and I close my eyes. I hit the floor with a thud and feel such pain. Oh God my baby I think with distress. Opening my eyes I see the bitch's shoes in front of me and wish the ground will swallow me. I stand up gingerly and realize that I am directly in front of the door but bitch is blocking me.

You have to leave now. Security is on its way up she says to me with a glare

I turn with a resigned frown and I am about to go when I hear a voice behind me.

What the fuck is going on here. All I ask for is 10 minutes of peace. Is that too much to ask Nadine a voice bellows

I turn around to see Jake looking as handsome as ever and also angry. Oh so her name is Nadine and at this point she looks so scared that I feel a flash of satisfaction

I am sorry sir...I... She stutters

Before she could finish talking he suddenly turns around and pins his eyes on me.

I see his eyes widen in shock before he quickly composes himself.

I want to speak to you I quickly step forward to say.

Alright talk he says

In private I reply

For a moment I think he is going to refuse but he just says come in with a sigh.

His office is beautiful but almost lifeless. But the view is almost impossible to take it. I want to watch that view forever but his voice interrupts me

Yes he says impatiently

Suddenly the words are stuck and all the speech I wrote suddenly disappears

Come on. I have things to do he says

I am pregnant I blurt out.

Please you guys should comment on my book and share it too. I hope you love it

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