
The baby accident

Oopsie. There is a baby. Annabelle McCallister is your average girl in the looks department. She has curves (which she thinks is her doom) and she admits to eating too many chocolates. She works in a cafe and lives in a dingy apartment. Oh and she believes her life is boring. That is until she comes across Jake Andrew. Jake is a business tycoon abundantly blessed in the looks department as she believes. One day he comes into the cafe after a pretty shitty day and that's where it all begins. Next thing anyone knows there is a baby on the way. Are they willing to compromise for their baby and to actually take the fall?

Sure_Mercy10 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 8

Oh my God I can't believe I said that out I think to myself. The silence stretches on for so long that I am about to speak out when Jake suddenly starts to laugh.

Oh that's such a good joke. What's the catch he says while laughing. Suddenly I feel such a flare of resentment for the way he is acting.

There is no catch. I am not joking. I am pregnant I say in the calmest tone I could afford.

He stares at me for a while and says please tell me you are joking and I notice he isn't laughing anymore.

Look...I start when he suddenly cuts me off.

Tell me it's a lie he roars at me and I am suddenly scared. But I can't let him scare me away. I have a baby to think about.

Was this your plan all along he continues, get pregnant and come for my money?

I am suddenly so angry. I didn't have any plan. If I remember correctly you were the one who was chasing me continuously and got me into your bed I say angrily.

Well you didn't put up much of a fight did you. You were so ready to open up your legs for me he says and I suddenly reach up and slap him.

The sound resonates through the quiet office and I stare in horror at his cheek which already bore the imprints of my finger.

Shit. I am so sorry. Let me..I trail off sheepishly.

Save it he replies to me stiffly.

Suddenly tired, look I didn't come here looking for a fight alright. I don't wanna fight with you I say in a weary tone

Sure you didn't. But look how you did he says while going to sit behind the desk.

I just wanted us to sit down like adults and talk. Nothing is gonna change the fact that this baby is yours I say.

Look Annie he says while staring at me you have had the chance to know about this for some time while I just got to know a few minutes ago. Pardon me if I need some time to think.

Fine I say but don't think I will just be sitting around and twiddling my thumbs while waiting for you.

I never said you will he says with a smirk.

With a huff I walk out of his office. I am not oblivious to the curious stares I receive from people in the outer office and the disgusted stare I receive from his secretary. Before I could resist it I walk up to the secretary and say in the sweetest tone I can muster, hello he said I should call you in now. He was saying something about a replacement for you. I get a rush of satisfaction from seeing the blood drain out of her face before I turn around and leave.

Outside in the hot New York weather, I stare around and feel suddenly tired. I decide to call a taxi and I make my way home.

On getting home, I let myself in and go straight to my room. I lie down on my bed and try my best not to think about Jake and what happened today but I can't seem to help myself. I keep thinking back to the moment I slapped him and I feel so mortified.

Annie, I had no idea you were back Bella says while coming into my room.

Hey Bells I reply sullenly.

Oh no. It didn't go well did it? What happened she asks.

I proceed to tell her all that happened in details and when I am done I look up to find Bella staring at me with her mouth wide open.

Say something I urge her.

You slapped him she asks me again in shock.

I look down sheepishly and say well in my defence he was the one who started it. I mean who does he think he is to say all those things to me. Although I regretted it the instant I slapped him.

Of course you did she says with a patronizing smile.

I look at her suspiciously What do you mean by "of course I did" I ask.

Well nothing. Apart from the fact that you must have gained a little satisfaction in the fact that you were able to get back at him even if it was in a little way for how he left you after the sex she replies.

That's not tr... I start to disagree when I suddenly think about it and I realize that she is right. At least a little right. Oh well I never knew I had a bloodthirsty side. I always thought I was sweet but I guess it is not always so.

Well that doesn't matter anymore. What matters is the fact that I don't know what he will decide on and that unnerves me I reply sincerely.

Well I guess we will just have to hope she answers me.

It's the next day and I can already say that it's not a good day. First I tripped on the stairs. Then some asshole poured coffee all over me on the train. And now it seems all the customers coming into the cafe today have something against me. I have been on my feet since I got to the cafe and I haven't even had a chance to catch my breath. I stare at the woman in front of me who has been going on about the menu for about 10 minutes and hasn't picked a choice yet. I am on the verge of screaming when she says I will have the coffee and a muffin.

Is that all? I ask astonished. I mean that can't be all she wants can it.

Yes it is she answers. I turn around and prepare the order while trying my best not to strangle her. I serve her and she leaves and I wait for the next person to come up.

What would you like? I ask the next person as politely as I can.

I would like to talk a familiar and masculine voice answers me.

I look up and find myself staring into Jake's eyes.