
The Aurora Plains

Ethan, a middle age man that formed a business empire all by himself, his name isn't known by the puplic very well, but those big sharks behind the scenes are intimated by the mention of his name. During a thunderstorm, a strange ball of lightning absorbed the plane he and his daughter were traveling in. He wakes up and finds himself in the middle of a dense forest, unable to move, and hears a female voice in his head.......

Darkfire32 · Fantasie
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3 Chs


In the back seat of a sleek black BMW 7-Series sat a man with pale, almost ethereal white skin and piercing blue eyes. His features were striking, with sharp angles and a coldness in his gaze. He was engrossed in the tablet in his hands, his attention fixated on its screen.

The driver brought the car to a stop in front of a primary school. Children flowed through the school gate, among them a little girl who appeared to be about five years old. She looked around, checking the cars, and waited for someone to pick her up. Her features bore a striking resemblance to the man in the car, except for her unique yellow eyes. When she spotted the car, a smile lit up her face, and she dashed towards it.

When the man caught sight of her, the coldness in his expression melted away, replaced with a warm smile. Stepping out of the car, he swept the girl into his arms.

"Jenni, how was school today? Did you learn anything interesting?" he asked, setting her down gently.

"Today, I learned about space, Daddy! Did you know there are thousands of galaxies out there?" Jenni's face glowed with happiness, her twinkling eyes reflecting her excitement.

"Well, I didn't know. Can you enlighten me, my clever girl?"

"I surely can, Daddy! But can you buy me a telescope? My teacher said we can see stars and other planets with it," Jenni pleaded, her enthusiasm clearly evident.

"Ah, a telescope sounds like a wonderful idea. We can explore the wonders of the universe together," he replied, already picturing the joyous moments they would share.

"Thank you, Daddy! You're the best!" Jenni exclaimed, hugging him tightly, her heart filled with anticipation for the upcoming Christmas holiday and the adventures they would embark on.

Father and daughter continued to chat as they strolled towards the waiting car. The driver opened the door for them and respectfully stood aside.

"Where to, Mr. Ethan?" the driver inquired.

"To the airport."


In the midst of the dark night sky, a plane pushed forward, surrounded by billowing clouds. Inside the aircraft, Ethan settled down comfortably, while Jenni fell into a peaceful slumber beside him. She had been discussing space until her energy finally depleted. Ethan gently ran his hand through her hair before tucking her in with a blanket. As he looked at her, tears welled up in the corners of his eyes, a profound sadness etched on his face.

"If only you were still alive! You would be so proud of her," Ethan whispered, his voice barely audible.

Just then, a flight attendant approached Ethan, interrupting his thoughts.

"Excuse me, sir. Is there anything I can get you? Maybe a snack or a drink?" the flight attendant asked, trying to be helpful.

Ethan responded in a cold, distant tone, brushing away his tears. "No, thank you."

Remaining unfazed by his cold response, the flight attendant smiled and said, "Well, let me know if I can help you with anything."

Outside, the storm raged on, thunder rolling and lightning illuminating the sky. The plane shook violently, but Jenni remained undisturbed, sound asleep.

Suddenly, the turbulence intensified to an alarming extent, and objects within the cabin began to fly. The fasten seatbelt sign flashed, and Jenni began to stir.

"Mr. Ethan, we are passing through a severe thunderstorm. Don't worry, it will subside soon," the pilot's voice echoed through the plane.

"Dad, I'm scared!" Jenni exclaimed as she awoke to the intense shaking.

"There's nothing to fear, my sweet girl. It's just a storm, and it will pass," Ethan reassured her, holding her hand tight to reassure her.

As the storm intensified, the flight attendant's cheerful demeanor transformed into one of fear. She desperately clung to nearby surfaces, trying to maintain her balance amidst the chaotic turbulence. Her wide eyes revealed her inner terror, but she forced herself to remain composed for the sake of the passengers.

Despite her own fear, the flight attendant's training kicked in, and she quickly moved to Jenni, comforting her and ensuring her that will be safe. She offered soothing words and a reassuring presence, battling her own anxieties to provide a sense of calm amidst the chaos.

Outside the plane, lightning converged into a single point, rotating at a speed imperceptible to the naked eye, forming a brilliant white ball. The sphere gradually shrank until it was smaller than a grain of rice.

In an instant, it turned black, distorting the space around it. It suddenly sucked in the plane, causing it to vanish. Everything returned to normal, and the clouds dissipated as if nothing had happened. All of this occurred within the blink of an eye.


"Finally, after thousands of years wandering in this accursed forest, I have found a suitable vessel," a female voice exclaimed victoriously.

"All that's left is to merge with him, and I shall be free."

In the middle of a road, traversing a dense forest, lay motionless bodies near an upturned wagon. Not far from them was the lifeless body of a headless horse. Suddenly, the bodies stirred, as if life were returning to them. Chests rose and fell, indicating breath.

However, one of them trembled uncontrollably. It belonged to a man in his twenties, with unremarkable looks and dark hair. Eventually, the tremors subsided, and he slowly opened his eyes.

The first thing that met his gaze was the expanse of clouds on the horizon. He tried to rise, but his body remained paralyzed, immovable except for his eyes and mouth.

"What happened? Where am I?" the man muttered to himself, scanning his surroundings with his eyes.

"The last thing I remember is being on the plane with Jenni. Oh! Where is Jenni?" He made another attempt to stand, only to find himself still bound by paralysis.

This man was none other than Ethan, inexplicably brought to this place by the bizarre phenomenon that engulfed the plane.

"What happened ? Did the storm cause the plane to crash? I hope Jenni is safe."

Before he could fully gather his thoughts, a bone-chilling scream tore through the air. "Aaahhh! From whence did you appear, intruder? I shall end your wretched existence!" A female voice, steeped in malevolence, echoed menacingly.

Ethan's eyes widened, desperately searching for the source of the voice, but his limited field of vision revealed little.

As a wave of confusion washed over him, he couldn't help but doubt his own sanity. "Is this some sort of hallucination? My mind must be playing tricks on me," he thought, desperate for a rational explanation.

However, before he could delve deeper into his line of thought, the same chilling voice replied, this time directly addressing him. "Oh, my dear, this is no figment of your imagination. I am as real as the darkness that surrounds you. "

"Who are you?" Ethan managed to stammer, his voice betraying a mix of trepidation and determination.

The voice chuckled, sending shivers down Ethan's spine. "Names are of no consequence for you at the moment , Dear . What matters is that you have stumbled into something that doesn't belong to you ."

"What do mean I have stumbled into something that doesn't belong to me?"

"Dear, ignorance befits none "

"No facade here. Specify what do you want" Ethan said, a tone of anger obvious in his voice.

"I seek what it's rightfully belongs to me"

" And what might that be ?"

The voice's response came wrapped in a cold amusement. "Oh, Ethan, you now reside in what belongs to me. Your consciousness, your very essence, has crossed into a realm where my dominion holds sway."

Ethan's bewilderment deepened. "My consciousness? You mean... this body?"

A chilling chuckle echoed. "Yes, dear Ethan. You've become an unwelcome tenant within the vessel that was mine. You've stumbled into a dance that isn't yours to lead."

Until this moment, Ethan remains unaware that he has been transported into a completely unfamiliar body that does not belong to him. Due to his paralyzed state he is unable to comprehend what she is referring to.

"I don't understand! What on earth are you talking about? This is my body, intimately known to me from the day very my mother brought me into this world. And where the hell are speaking from?"the inability to locate the source of the voice intensifies his exasperation.

"I am within you," came the abrupt response.

"Within...?" Before he could form a complete thought, he was interrupted again.

"Aaah! Aaah! Dad, I want my dad!" a girl's distressed cries reached his ears.

"Hey, kid, can you come over here?" he called out, grateful to hear another voice, even if it belonged to a child.

The girl seemed startled but looked around, unable to locate anyone except the still figures surrounding her.

"Aah! Ahhh..." she resumed crying.

"Over here, kid. I am right here," the man repeated. Finally, the girl noticed a man lying motionless on the ground. She cautiously approached him and stood at his side.

As she entered his field of vision, he was stunned by her beauty. He had assumed she was a child when he had heard her crying for her father, but now he saw that she appeared to be about sixteen years old, her captivating features juxtaposed against her simple garment, which seemed out of place in modern times. However, such observations felt inconsequential given the present circumstances.

"Mis, could you help me lean against that tree? I cannot move my body," he requested.

She nodded silently and complied, grasping his hands and maneuvering his paralyzed frame until they reached the tree, where she propped him up.

His attention was drawn to the overturned wagon and the prone bodies scattered on the ground. He could tell they were alive from the rise and fall of their chests. However, his gaze immediately sought out the wreckage of the plane—and more importantly, the absence of his daughter, Jenni.

There were three people laying on the ground, and all of them were adults.

"Mis, did you see a little girl about six years old?" She shook her head negatively.

He did not give in to despair and tried to organize his priorities. He had to first solve the problem of movement. From what he could see, he does not have any visible wounds, although he is full of bloodstains.

"Mis..." He paused, realizing he did not know her name.

"Mis, what is your name?"

"My father told me not to reveal my name to strangers," she replied cautiously.

"It appears your father taught you well. Let me introduce myself first, and then we will no longer be strangers," he responded, despite her childish demeanor.

"My name is Ethan. Now, what is yours?"

"I am... Jennifer," she hesitated before answering.

As he heard the name, he felt a strange sensation. It was the same name as his daughter's. Although he often called her Jenni, her real name was Jennifer. He brushed off the coincidence, considering it mere similarity in names.

Had he asked for her father's name, he would have realized that the girl standing before him was his lost daughter.

"Alright, Jennifer, could you please check my back for any visible wounds?" Ethan requested.

She nodded and obediently inspected his back.

"There are no wounds," she reported.

" Oh Dear, your immobility results from the fusion of your soul with mine, a merging that transpired without invitation "

"What do you mean with 'the merging of two souls?

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