
The Assassin Before Time

An immortal assassin was reborn during the time of dinosaurs; on the continent of Pangea. Only to discover that the world before time was nothing like what was said in the modern era. He will face monsters that have power rivaling the so-called gods of the modern era. Harlock lives in a world where anything and everything can exist, from the starship fleets of Star Wars to the benders from Avatar. If you have something, you would like me to try and include, Drop a comment. There will be mistakes; drop a comment, and it will be corrected when I get to it. The release rate will not be steady.

Harlock_Fjord · Filme
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15 Chs

C15 Into The Fleet

[Crow's Nest] Sir, they fly their skull and crossbones.

[Harlock] All hands battle stations," Shouted Harlock from the crow's nest

The crew aboard the ship scrambled to all the available weapons and scrambled to prepare the canons.

[Harlock] Pull up alongside them and wait for my order to fire Captain

[Captain] Yes, Sir.

[Harlock] Also, inform all the soldiers and hands that can fight to prepare for either boarding or being boarded.

As the two ships came together, both aim cannons at each other, wait for the opportune moment to fire at the enemy. The pirates were foolishly leaning over the rail of their ship to shake their fist at them and curse them.

[Harlock] Captain, please bring me a bow.

A bow was quickly brought to the deck along with arrows.

Harlock aimed and shot down one of the pirates leaning over the edge and firing, hitting him in the heart.

The man tumbled off the side of the ship, falling onto the water with a slash. All the pirates turned silent, looking at the man. Again Harlock aimed, hitting another man; instead, he fell back onto the deck.

The pirates suddenly realized what was happening, ducked under the rail, Hidding from any more arrows.

Grabbing three sets of arrows, he yelled to the Captain, "take control."

The Captain nodded and started yelling orders. Meanwhile, Harlock c climbed the rope two the crow's nest.

At the top, he pulled out the bow and took aim, knocking off crewman after crewman.

Below him suddenly came the order "Fire!! All hand fire at will." With the boom of the cannons, his next shot missed. "Damn."

With a shout, he called out to the Captain to get them as close as possible.

Grabbing the wheel, the Captain pulled hard so when the two ships came back around, the distance from each other would be very close.

So far, half of the enemy ship's crew was gone, and they were running on a skeleton crew.

When the ships came upon each other again, the cannons fired, but Harlock hopped from the top of his mast to the enemy mast. Quickly climbing across it, he grabbed a nearby rope and jumped off; the sandbag on the other side slowed his fall.

Landing at the bow with a thud, Harlock procced to pull out Cerberus and lop off the nearest man's head, and then the next and the next one and the one after that.

The pirates started to notice their fallen crewmates and took up arms to fight him.

The crew of his ship, not one to lose out on such a valuable opportunity, came around to pull alongside.

Harlock was walking through the crew as if they were flies, that you just brushed away with a swipe of your hand. His crew then jumped on the ship behind him and launched themselves into the fray. As the fighting continued, one of the pirates dropped his weapon and went on his knees.

Seeing their own surrender, most of the others did the same. A clatter of weapons hit the ground with men's knees shortly following.

Looking up at the Captain who hadn't moved from his spot the whole battle at the helm of the ship, he did not move, just standing there with a smile on his face.

Some of the men got angry at this and started to walk toward the helm with looks of fury.

Harlock held out his hand, halting their actions. He slowly climbed the stairs to the helm coming alongside the Captain, who stood in front of the wheel looking out at the horizon.

"So, Captain, why do you smile? Most of your crew has been slain, and you have lost the battle," said Harlock

"Whoever said we were trying to win the battle," replied the Captain.

Harlock stood there, not answering. "No, my first mate gave the order to fight, not I.," said the Captain.

"It seems you do not have any control of your ship; it seems," Harlock answered.

"No, it was more a test, you see."

"And what would be that test, my captain?"

"Just to see if you truly were the king of the assassins," Replied the Captain.

"Oh, and what did you find?"

The Captain merely snapped his fingers.

All the men on deck turned to get on one knee, saying, "We hereby pledge our loyalty to the King of Assasins."

{You have received the pledges of loyalty from 150 men}

"Sir, on the horizon, at least 18 ships are appearing bearing the skull and cross," yelled out a man on top of the mast.

"Ahh, there should be the rest of my men they took long enough," Said the Captain.

Slowly going down on one knee, he said, "My undying allegiance goes to you, the king of the Assassins. I swear it on my name Captian Tobias Beckett."

{You have gained the allegiance of Tobias Beckett, a notorious mercenary and pirate, Along with the fleet under his command, Which includes:

3 Prisoners of war (Large ships used to transport prisoners or slaves)

7 Man-Ó-Wars( They carry a massive amount of all types of cargo and ammo, but this, of course, makes them highly deadly too with their large number of cannons.)

25 Frigates (Frigates are incredibly deadly at short range, especially with their broadside cannons)

30 Brigs (Brigs carry almost all types of cargo, as well as ammo for mortars and heavy shot. A brig's broadside cannons, are extremely deadly)

35 Schooners (Schooners carry nonmetal cargo such as wood and cloth along with ammo and crew member as resources. They are fast and moderately armored with decent firepower.)

100 gunboats ( Small ship, mainly support)

Along with this, you get crews for each one}

"Just how did you know who I am and where I would be?" asked Harlock

Rising to his feet, Beckett replied, " A prophet down south gave her life-giving this information."

"and why let your crew die?" Asked Harlock

"They were hardly my crew; they had plans to betray me soon, so they died, and the ones that surrendered were with me. Now once my flagship arrives, let board, and we can talk there."

(Flagship: Here)

Soon the flagship came and picked them up. It was a genuinely massive ship designed for war. Something someone couldn't help but be amazed at.

Onboard, Beckett and Harlock got to know each other better. Harlock learned that Beckett lived off the Indonesian sea, and that was where they had a fortes. Also, the massive numbers of men sworn to Beckett and how he had learned about him. Harlock told him that he should return home and continue what he was doing before because Harlock wanted to build his own settlement in the mountains.

Harlock found out about owls who could fly incredible distances to deliver messages, and Beckett gave him one, so they could communicate.

Later he was talking to the Captain.

"I think I am going to have you wait here and meet up with my ship once they drop everyone else. It would be a terrible idea to have pirates pull up to one city in mass. Meet up with the ship and take it back with you. I wont be needing it."

"Sound fine, but I will go with you to finish the journey, and we have a gift for you once we separate ways."

The two got on to the smaller ship with the plan made and had it sailing to the small port town of salis vochya.

Once they reached the dock, Beckett came on the deck with three figures behind him, two of which held the third's arms while Beckett held a bag.

"This bag is a bag of holding which contains some treasures and gold" he handed the bag over to Harlock.

The two soldiers pulled the bag off the third's head, revealing a beautiful woman with a collar around her neck.

"This woman has great skill in killing and will be a valuable asset to you in the future"

The two men shook hands, and Harlock walked off the ship with the woman right behind him.

Suddenly a chapter!

Harlock_Fjordcreators' thoughts