
The Assassin Before Time

An immortal assassin was reborn during the time of dinosaurs; on the continent of Pangea. Only to discover that the world before time was nothing like what was said in the modern era. He will face monsters that have power rivaling the so-called gods of the modern era. Harlock lives in a world where anything and everything can exist, from the starship fleets of Star Wars to the benders from Avatar. If you have something, you would like me to try and include, Drop a comment. There will be mistakes; drop a comment, and it will be corrected when I get to it. The release rate will not be steady.

Harlock_Fjord · Filme
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15 Chs

C14 Into The Last Supper


[Aries] Forward everyone!!

All the horses started to move forward at the same time, all heading to the gate.

When they started running, all the horses from above looked like a moving ocean. The horses without riders also followed, making the herd look even bigger.

People who did not come to the match all came out of their homes and their shops. When the horses ran, their feet caused the ground to shale.

As the horses galloped past, the sound of hooves was echoing threw out the city.

As they made their way to the gate, Harlock slowly pushed his way to the front, where Aries was.

As they headed past the gate, two horses pulled out in front. They were Harlock and Aries.

[Harlock] Head to the left; we will go to the ship.

The sea of horses started to round to the left with a command from Aries. They were moving up the coast, heading to the small inlet where the ship was.

'Alright, System, can you show me what I got from the duel.'

{Quest Completed:

The Lords Battle

Defeat the Baron of a nearby town

Requirement: Kill the Lord



Hearts Revenge- Sword

Mansion Deed

Shadows Deviant- Armour set


+5 all stats

3000 points

The Title: Warrior


The playing card 8 of spades}

'That is a lot of stuff for one quest.'

'Let's see my stats'


Name: Harlock Fjord

Title: The First, The Legend, Warrior

Level: 7 (440-700)(62%)

POINTS: 5000, unusable






SKILLS: Closed

STORE: closed till level 10, Next purchase x3




Traping skill


Large Knife

Large ax


Bonded Armour

Velociraptor Skin

Cerberus's Despair- Sword

Hearts Revenge- Sword

Mansion Deed

Shadows Deviant- Armour set

The playing card 8 of spades


For 13 Miles, the horses charged without a break. They had long past out of view of the city walls.

Soon we could see the flags of the ship that sat in the inlet and were fast approaching. Once they came to the edge, Aries called a stop.

[Aries] Wow, Harlock, this is a big ship.

Looking down at the ship, you could see the crew moving about the deck.

[Aries] So, where do you plan on going? I mean, with this type of ship, you could become a successful merchant or privateer.

[Harlock] No, I plan to cross the sea and head to a city on the other side called Haven camp. It's supposed to be bigger than Alistar even.

[Harlock] You and your soldiers are welcome to come with and start new lives.

[Aries] That's not for me. I heard there are some wars down south. I will probably go and join those, get stronger through battle and all. But I will talk to some of my men to see if they want to go.

[Harlock] Did none of them have families?

[Aries] All the men that came were single. All the guards with family stayed behind.

[Harlock] Well, let me know if any want to come and what are you gonna do with all the extra horses.

[Aries] We are gonna need two horses for every man who stays, and all the men that go with you get one, so they can trade it and start a new life. The rest are yours, and considering how many extra horses we have, there will be quite a few.

[Harlock] Awesome, I will have my men start to make a meal so we can have one last dinner together.

[Aries] I didn't know we are staying the night.

[Harlock] You are for your men. This is the last time some of them are going to see each other, so one last meal. Dinner will be at sundown on the ship and have all the men make their decisions by then.

Walking down the small hill, Harlock made it to the ship.

[Harlock] Captian, have your men make dinner for all the soldiers above. We will be eating on the deck. And make sure there is some room in the hold for some horses.

[Captain] Yes, Sir.

[Harlock] I will be in my quarters.

Walking down the stairs and two the captain's quarters, he asked the system to remove his current armor, which still had not been changed.

He then asked the system to put on the new one. It was called Shadows Deviant.


'Whats its stats'

{Shadows Deviant.

Class: Full Armour

Defense: S

Special Ability: Shadows call

Description: This Armour was made for a warrior who preferred to sneak through the night unnoticed. Its defensive capabilities are massive. It also has a scary appearance to it. If you happen to have this armor on, your best option is to sneak up on the opponent and get a sneak attack.}


With his new and much better-looking armor equipped, he walked right back out of the captain's cabin and went to the crow's nest—his favorite place to look out of the world.

The men below were milling about talking with each other, probably deciding on what to do. They still had about two hours to make their decision.

With a quick look around and not seeing anything either on land or at sea, he decided to take a nap.

Two hours had now passed, and the men were walking down the hill and up the gangplank towards the ship. Once most of them had arrived, Harlock grabbed a rope pully beside him and jumped down.

He landed with a thud, and everyone turned to look at him.

[Harlock] Hello, ex-soldiers of Alistar. I welcome you aboard my ship. I have had my crew prepare a meal for you all. I know full well some of you will decide to stick with Aries, so this one last meal for you all. Everyone who wants to come with me across the ocean. I would like you to come up to me personally and declare your intent to come aboard my ship. I will talk to some of you and those of you who I do not talk to. Whichever way your journey takes you, I wish you luck on your path. Now let eat.

Cheers broke out, and some of the crewmates started to direct where everyone would get their food. It wasn't fancy, but it was nice. Chatter had already started to break out as some of the boos were cracked open.

[Aries] Nice armor and nice entrance.

[Harlock] with a snort, Harlock said," I wonder how many of them will come up and say they would like to come with me."

[Aries] "From what I heard, it's about 75% with me.

[Harlock] "Realy, that means I should get quite a few people coming to talk with me."

Throughout the night, Harlock talked to the men that wanted to come with him. Partying continued long into the night.

Early the next morning, both Harlock and Aries stood on the back of the ship looking out to the sunrise.

[Harlock] "Well, it's time we get everyone moving. I need to load the horses and sort out whos going were, so let's get everyone up."

Aries grabbed a large bucket of water on the deck and started to pour it on the heps of men.

Crewmen and soldiers alike woke up sputtering.

[Harlock] "Get the horses that the soldiers don't need and load them up down below." Harlock said to the captain

So work got underway; all the men were moving. Soon everything was ready. Everyone was where they were supposed to be, if not yet fully awake.

All the riders sat atop their horses, getting ready, but Aries stood face to face with Harlock. Harlock stook his hand out, saying

[Harlock] "I will see you again, my friend."

Aries grabbed his hand, nodded, and started to walk away. Both understood there was no word.

Once Harlock was back on the ship, he called out to the captain to start their journey, and Harlock headed for his favorite place on the ship; the crow's nest.

As he sat there with his back against the pole, looking out at the horizon, he saw nothing. Land had long ago passed out of sight. Suddenly, on the horizon, he saw another ship. Looking over to the other crow's nest, he called out to the man sitting there to see what flag they flew.

[Crow's nest] Sir, they fly the skull and cross bones.

Another Chapter

Harlock_Fjordcreators' thoughts