
The Aspiring Swordsman

Dallas is now a young man who has transferred from Earth to Oiturn. And has now perfected magic, however magic is useless unless utilized to defend those he cares about. Dallas is similarly perplexed by the question, "Who are my parents?" And who or what exactly is Grandmother Judith? Little did he realize that one species, the Elves, would soon solve all of his troubles.

Kenji_Akuma · Urban
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8 Chs

Still Grandma's Little Boy

Upon arriving in the Kingdom of Manait, folks of all sorts began flocking towards Judith's horse carriage. There were nobles and those of poverty all gathered around the carriage. Thus making it impossible for Judith and Dallas to proceed pass.

Grandma, normally I would say all these people gathered around here because of my good looks, but I think it's safe to say there here because of you. Grandma Judith never truly spoke of her past and or my parents. So I don't know much about her nor them.

Aside from her past service for the king. "Have you forgotten about my magical affinity, Dallas?" Judith replied as she raised her hand up in the air. I think it's Air, right? "Indeed, which in terms means you should be able to make it to the academy's entrance exams. Well, just a few minutes late."

Just as Judith uttered those words, the horses and carriage began to swear through the sky. Judith then began searching for the Knight Academy. Although her eyesight was not what it used to be, however, her hearing could be considered monstrous.

Dallas swore to himself that he saw her ears slightly increase once Judith determined the exact position. Although what he thought he saw was swiftly disproven, as her ears seemed entirely normal. Fearing for his life, he tightened his grasp on the seat as the carriage plummeted beside the Knight Academy.

"We're here, and we're just in time." Judith remarked, as her face flushed with exhaustion. Those that utilize magic on Oiturn began to feel exhausted after a lengthy period of controlling magic.

Let me simply fetch my sword, Arlight; it should be in one of these crates. Dallas searched high and low but couldn't find his wooden sword. "Where is it?" Dallas screamed as he came to a halt.

"Dallas, here's your late birthday present." Judith said, handing Dallas what looked to be, a silver and gold scabbard. The amount of excitement Dallas was feeling could not be desriped into words.

Although, his excitement was soon overpowered by graduates. Dallas then thanked Judith and ran into the academy. He had two reasons for doing so, one there were many signs adjusted to inform others of where the exams were being held.

Second, he was aware that he was late and did not want to miss out on the opportunity to study swordsmanship. He'd practiced his own version of the sword and didn't know much. He did, however, find two alternative methods of practicing swordsmanship.

While Dallas proceeded into the structure, Judith arrived at the king's palace in no time. She was instantly entry within, without having to raise a finger. Many people were now standing outside the gates of the king's palace, being reprimanded by the guards.

They had followed Judith's carriage, weather it was in the sky or on the ground. They just couldn't wait to meet the women the king talked so much about. And those of younger age read about her amazing accomplishments.

"Ah, Judith, my good friend, what brings you back into the kingdom." A short stack of a man, no taller than four foot spoke. While sitting back, within his throne, surrounded by women.

Ah your majesty, I have yet to move entirely back into the kingdom. And would like to call upon a favor you granted me. "Ah, my dear old friend speak no longer save such a sacred thing. I'll adjust your living arrangements for free and please do call me Nicholas.

I would offer you a place within my palace although, I know you would decline such a thing. Many thanks Nicholas, as I would indeed. (If only you understood why, I pray Dallas doesn't end up like you.)

Well, Nicholas if you don't mind, I'll be taking my leave. I have someone to check up on. "Oh, just who is this someone?" The king spoke seconds before Judith had exited the throne room.

"Women like that are way better than those found of the streets." The king spoke as he licked his lips aggressively.

"Someone I hope you'll never have the chance to meet." Judith, thought, as she exited the room. How are things going with Dallas, you may ask, well, see for yourself...

Okay, everyone, my name is Anselm Payne, and I am the king's right hand royal knight. Regarding today's exam, you will all be subjected to a slew of tests. Look how far I've come, you'll do the same as I did, when I was your age.

First and foremost, there are 200 of you, so one-on-one battles are out of the question. On second thought, well, forget it, you will be separated into twenty-five groups. A youngster ran into the big field shortly after Anselm's fast report on the new grouping of students.

Anselm instructed the child to get in line as soon as he saw him. Now here within these exams, it's every individual for themselves. Climbing, swimming, javelin throwing, archery, and, lastly, swordplay will be featured.

Although the reasoning behind putting all of you in groups, is because... Those who succeed within your groups will be your classmate or mates. Thus, assuming you pass the exams, I'm just saying try not to get off on a bad start per se.

Everyone begins slipping into groups of twenty five, we haven't all day. Swimming was decided to be the first trial. Your grade will be determined by your form and speed, so proceed over the water immediately. Those who are unable to swim should, of course, take a hike.

An attractive young lady was among the first two divines to enter the sea. She has produced greater than Anselm himself. Her form was incredible, and with such outstanding form, speed should have been the least of her concerns. Despite the fact that she was traveling at a glacial speed.

Just then, a boy dove into the water, and several others quickly followed. The boy's form was poor, but his speed was unrivaled. He made it to the opposite side of water in a matter of minutes.

Dallas was called out by a man who wanted to know who was the first person to finish the trial. He started asking him questions like, "What's your name?" and "Are you a foreigner?" Dallas grew tired of Anselm, not because of the rapid-fired questions, but because he hadn't introduced himself properly beforehand.

Dallas had no idea that the man had previously properly introduced himself, even though he arrived much later to hear it. Dallas immediately brushed by the man and quickly found himself in the company of his unconfirmed classmates. He could only think one thing as he moved over to them.

"I swear Grandma Judith told me that when you ask for someone's name, you should first offer your own. Is it simply that everyone here is so unpleasant, or is there something I'm missing?"

It was Dallas' first visit to the kingdom, and he had no idea what to expect. There were both genuinely nice and unpleasant folks. Despite the fact that Judith had always been kind to him, he had never been taught what to do when others were disrespectful to him.

Given that Judith had been nothing but nice. So he merely thought about her to make himself feel better. A Grandma's boy, if you will...