

It all started in a sober and pretty normal house, with big windows and a small garden, all of this however in the middle of a forest which people used to say contained traces of ancient magic... Magic, you heard right! Here is where normality and resemblance to our loved world, the Earth, ends. This world had magic, it had magical creatures and had much more which people in the new great cities forgot. They used to fight, they used swords, and modern technologies, some similar to ours, others even more advanced due to magic, stayed in harmony with oldern, medieval characteristics. And in this house lived an orphan boy, his age 16, which lived there alone and had a big objective, which he was hiding from others because of how they would deem it too difficult and dangerous to realise. This objective finding the secrets of that ancient magic, even more powerful than the magic people used in the present time.

The name of this boy?


And here is where our story starts...

Ark was thinking and thinking, sitting on the old table in the kitchen, whilst eating some snacks he just took from his fridge, he couldn't arrive to a solution to the problem he was facing. He had dark brown hair and deep, also brown eyes, which seemed able to see the true essence of people and creatures. He was average tall for his age and was pretty fit, nothing different from any other boy, but the difference was his way of thinking, his way of thinking outside the box and finding clues in where normal people couldn't. He wore a grey shirt and a simple leather jacket he made by himself, dirty-green trousers, a simple pair of boots and a big blue mantle, the only thing that he had left of his parents...

Returning to his problem, well, it was about a great stream of magic people recently roumoured exists in a remote land, if this really existed what was it? What was its meaning and its role? He had to find more about it but had no point from which to start, he was completely clueless.

His complete name was Arkvrein Septis Elector, a strange name you'll say? Maybe, but people had all names like this in here so you gotta get used to it. He didn't know yet but he had ancestors who knew secrets no one knows about, secrets of interdimensional travelling and secrets of about ancient kind of magic and powers, the ones he was going in his future to retrieve, he was going to become one of the greatest hero of all time, but this wasn't going to happen in this world but in another and another more, he was going to become a traveller!

Yet this story again isn't about this and Ark knew this evwn better than he thought, he never planned to become a hero or whatever else, this story is avout before, how he found he key for that... Ark stood up, he wanted to go outside, maybe a bit of fresh air would help him come to a conclusion...

And he went, he closed to the door of his home and followed the path to his favourite place, a clearing in the forest sorrounded by tall oak trees, with a river streaming nearby and an overall dream-like atmosphere which made it perfect for thinking over in complete peace.

And after a while he found out... He could become an errant! Errants were in his world what we would call an adventurer, they could travel anywhere and fight monsters, they could make use of any magic and had access to great resources. An expression of resentment on his face, he could never become an errant, he wasn't enough strong and wasn't able to use magic, he had no special skill, nor the courage to face such dangers, he was too of an average, too normal and used to normal life to be like an errant...

It was getting darker and so he left, the thought of before still in his mind, he didn't loose hope completely, he still wanted to be an errant but didn't know how, he returned home and went to sleep without having dinner, dreaming about solving his issue and looking forward to the next morning.

Hi everyone, this is the first actual chapter after the prologue, hope you liked it and wanted to say I'll probably release new chapter after many days because of my intent of partecipating to the spirity awards with another book I'll be writing, I know it may be strange I am writing two books at the same time but I didn't realise at first that publishing this book would cause me this... so please check out the other book as well once I start writing some chapters in it!

FatalForcesXXXcreators' thoughts