

It is a normal day and a normal place, yet not the same as the one you are confident with. A place similar to ours, yet it's not Earth. A place made of powerful people, and adventure filling any single particle of the world. And here a teen just like any has in himself a great power, which he is starting to discover as today the Arch is calling for him. Now, he is going to appear in front of you, and don't think this is just another of those stories you always see in books, this isn't the story of how he became a legend, not even the story of how he achieved and mastered the control of elements and more. This is the story of how a normal person started his adventure, in searching for what retained mythical and finding his way in the secrets of his world to discover the truth about the origins of his universe and what made up what he and his similars called fiction for ages, finding out how fantasy can be reality in his research for the Arch of Passage from which everything begins...

I know this chapter is pretty short and may appear boring to some people however it is just the prologue, the real story will start the next chapter. This is the narrator's introduction which would be helpful in understanding the story.

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