

Reve raised his brows in response to the world administrator, "Reve Amethyst?"

"You bear his name now," told the blue woman.

She dug her hand into the empty air and an object appeared on it. The object was a white headband with mystical markings written on it.

If Reve was was still knowledgeable about the languages of Arcadia, the markings were written in an ancient language called primordialspark. The exact meaning of the markings was victory.

The world administrator offered the white headband to Reve, "Take this as a gift from me."

"What is it?" queried Reve.

He knew that it wasn't something normal. Anything from the woman had to be extraordinary. Perhaps, even her "normal" was something exquisite to the eyes of mortals.

The woman explained, "It is an unknown artifact I had for a long time. It will be specifically useful for people like you. Try it on."