
The Apex hunter

Every environment has an apex. A beast is perched atop the throne, watching every living thing below. They have no competition and can do whatever they want. No one could mess with the apex. However, there exist people who could hunt these invincible beasts. After achieving such a monumental task, they will be awarded the total of the Apex hunter. Bullied by his peers for being weak. Michael set out on his quest to become an apex hunter! 1 Chapter per days

Divichan02 · Fantasie
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92 Chs

67 Meal

"What do you mean? I'm perfectly fine"


That doesn't sound like he's perfectly fine at all. However, Layla decide not to continue on this topic since BRava didn't want to talk about it. The boy has been very honest with her up to this point. He got to have a good reason to lie.

"Let's head to the mountain then."


"Michael's there"

They proceed to pick up Michael and went back to the village.  If they want to have a boat that floats, they have to lower some off because the boat is crammed full of people and monster meat. Layla and her friend are a little sad about this. 

"Should we throw Michael out for more room?" Hosy suggests.


Michael objects loudly, he doesn't want to be in the water again. The brush with death has been the worst experience in his life.

"Jeez, it's just a joke. Grow some spine."

Michael went silent and Layla speak up for him.

"I'm sorry Michael, Hosy didn't know."