

"This web novel will talk about the journey of Asura, with an unknown origin, reaching the peak of the entire Big World. In his journey, he will not be alone; his friends will also travel with him and help him stay on the correct path because when he gets angry, the only thing he can think of is to kill, kill, and kill..."

ASURABOY · Fantasie
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132 Chs


As the fight between Kallu's giant robot warrior and the giant bull started, Princess Moon turned her attention toward the mysterious man.

At the same time, the mysterious man removed his hooded cloak, revealing his face. He had handsome features with red hair that shone like flames in the sunlight. His eyes, though calm, held a fiery intensity in their green depths.

Princess Moon gasped, staring at the stranger in disbelief. "You...you're the lost prince of the neighboring kingdom, The child of Lady Karishma!" she exclaimed. "We were told you perished in an attack years ago."

The red-haired man nodded solemnly, his gaze meeting Princess Moon's. "Indeed, I am Kadin," he replied. "The rumors of my demise were greatly exaggerated, as you can see."

Princess Moon couldn't contain her surprise and curiosity. "But why are you here, and why now? And why reveal yourself after all these years?"

Kadin smirked when he heard this and said, "Are you really dumb or trying to act like one? Isn't it obvious that I am here to help my kingdom to defeat Xiao kingdom"

Although Princess Moon knew all this, she still couldn't believe that Kadin was alive. She also knew that Kadin was a very talented cultivator who could use hidden strength, but from the information she had about him, his hidden strength was not as powerful as hers.

But this didn't change the matter because she knew Kadin must be a sky realm cultivator. Even if only at the second stage of the sky realm, he would have the capacity to fight with her equally.

As she was thinking all this, Kadin released his aura. He was indeed a second stage sky realm cultivator. Upon realizing it, Princess Moon muttered, "This is going to be troublesome."

Return to the Giants fight. The Giant Bull charged with incredible speed, its fiery eyes fixed on the golden giant robot. The ground trembled beneath its massive hooves as it closed the distance, determined to crush its metallic opponent. Kallu, controlling the giant robot, prepared for the imminent clash.

As the Giant Bull lunged forward, the giant robot swiftly sidestepped, showcasing surprising agility for its colossal size. The metallic warrior's movements were calculated and precise, a stark contrast to the brute force of the magical beast. The clash of elemental power and advanced technology created a mesmerizing spectacle on the battlefield.

The Giant Bull, undeterred by the initial evasion, pivoted on its powerful legs and aimed its enormous horns at the giant robot. The runes on its horns glowed brightly, signaling the release of magical energy. With a thunderous roar, the magical beast thrust forward, attempting to impale the giant robot with its formidable horns.

However, Kallu's control over the giant robot was masterful. The metallic warrior ducked and weaved with remarkable speed, avoiding the deadly charge. The air crackled with residual magical energy as the Giant Bull's horns passed through empty space.

Seizing the opportunity, the giant robot retaliated. It extended its metallic arm, which transformed into a massive blade. The blade gleamed with a sharp, otherworldly light as it sliced through the air towards the flank of the Giant Bull. Kallu aimed to exploit a vulnerability in the magical beast's armor, seeking to disable it before it could unleash further havoc.

The Giant Bull, however, displayed surprising agility for its size. It managed to evade the giant robot's blade with a swift sidestep, narrowly avoiding the lethal strike. The battlefield became a dynamic dance between the magical prowess of the summoned creature and the calculated precision of the ancient artifact.

Kallu, realizing the agility of the Giant Bull, adjusted his strategy. The giant robot's movements became more fluid, adapting to the unpredictable attacks of the magical beast. The metallic warrior circled its opponent, studying its patterns and patiently waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

The Giant Bull, sensing the shift in momentum, unleashed a torrent of fiery energy from its body. Flames erupted around it, creating a scorching aura that enveloped the battlefield. The intense heat distorted the air as the magical beast prepared for a devastating assault.

Undeterred, Kallu activated a protective barrier on the giant robot's armor. The barrier shimmered with an ethereal glow, forming a shield against the impending flames. As the Giant Bull released a searing breath, the protective barrier absorbed the heat, leaving the giant robot unscathed.

Seizing the opportunity, Kallu launched a counterattack. The giant robot lunged forward, its massive blade aimed at the vulnerable underbelly of the Giant Bull. The blade cut through the scorching air, closing in on the magical beast with unstoppable force.

The Giant Bull, caught off guard by the sudden turn of events, attempted to evade the strike, but the giant robot's precision was unmatched. The blade struck true, slicing through the magical beast's defenses and leaving a trail of sparks in its wake.

As the metallic blade made contact, a surge of magical energy erupted. The Giant Bull bellowed in pain as the force of the strike disrupted its fiery aura. The battlefield fell silent for a moment, the dust settling as both combatants assessed the damage.

Kallu, piloting the giant robot, stood victorious for the time being. The Giant Bull, wounded but not defeated, glared at its metallic adversary with renewed determination. 

The giant bull aura also started to fluctuate more rapidly, it looked like he was more near to break through into a rank 6 magical beast.


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