

"This web novel will talk about the journey of Asura, with an unknown origin, reaching the peak of the entire Big World. In his journey, he will not be alone; his friends will also travel with him and help him stay on the correct path because when he gets angry, the only thing he can think of is to kill, kill, and kill..."

ASURABOY · Fantasy
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132 Chs

Return of Kallu

The Giant Bull, its fiery eyes fixed on King Xiao, charged forward with tremendous force, its thunderous footsteps causing the ground to shake. But just as it was about to reach the king, a metallic hand appeared out of nowhere and grabbed the beast's horns with an iron grip.

The metallic hand belonged to a colossal humanoid figure, a giant robot with a humanoid warrior shape. It towered over the battlefield, its metallic armor gleaming in the sunlight. Its armor was pure gold in color, shining the brightest in the entire battlefield.

King Xiao, Princess Moon, that mysterious person, the Queen of the Hell Kingdom, Su Lin, and all the soldiers on the battlefield watched in amazement as the giant robot held the struggling Giant Bull in its grasp. The metallic warrior's eyes glowed with an artificial intensity as it exerted its strength against the magical beast.

The robot effortlessly lifted the Giant Bull off the ground, suspending its massive form in the air for a second. Then, the giant robot threw the giant bull some distance away.

The Queen, momentarily taken aback, quickly regained her composure and shouted, "What trickery is this? Another summoning?"

But King Xiao, though surprised, recognized the giant robot as a creation of advanced Artifact refining technique, not magic. He marveled at the unexpected intervention that had just saved him from the charging Giant Bull in time.

He closely examined the giant robot from a safe distance and concluded that this giant robot was made by an ancient artifact refiner because the material used to refine it was from ancient times. No one in the present era knew how to use this type of material anymore, so it was confirmed that this giant robot was an ancient artifact treasure.

But the question arose - whom did this treasure belong to? That was the question on everyone's mind. While King Xiao was pondering this, he heard a voice say, "Did anyone miss me?"

The king was shocked when he heard this voice because he remembered hearing it before but couldn't think where.

But when Su Lin and Princess Moon heard this voice, they exclaimed in surprise, "Kallu!"

Again the voice came out from the giant robot: "Yes, it's me. Do you guys like my treasure, or rather, my buddy I harvested this time?"

Princess Moon and Su Lin were far away from each other but still they nodded at the same time and said "Yes".

Then the robot looked in Princess Moon's direction and asked, "Do you need any help dealing with that guy?"

He had seen when Princess Moon was rushing toward her father but was blocked by the mysterious guy. The guy then used a wind attack, changing their locations.

So Kallu thought maybe Princess Moon was not a match for this mysterious person, so he asked if she needed his help. Because he had confidence in his giant robot artifact to kill this guy, even if he had some tricks up his sleeve.

Princess Moon replied, "Don't worry, I can handle this guy. you should care about yourself."

Kallu wanted to ask "Why careful?" but before he could, he heard an angry roar. The roar belonged to the Giant Bull, who had awoken and was now standing on its legs with an ice-piercing gaze locked on his giant robot.

The Giant Bull roared again and rushed toward the giant robot at full speed. When Kallu saw this scene, he couldn't help but mutter, "Damn it, first I will have to completely deal with you."

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