
Chapter 4 Life and ritule

I awake the next morning to the curtains being opened and Dolthril gently calling my name as she ties away the silk curtains from around the bed. I lazily open my eyes and relieved that this doesn't seem to be a dream. I Climb out of the spacious and palatial bed and I'm quickly presented a set of clothing in a gray for me. "Change into this a light breakfast is on the desk. Once finished I will guide you to the court yard for your training." Said Dolthril without much of any inflection in her voice. 'she means businesses was the only thought and I quickly run into the bathroom to change and move to the desk to eat. Down in the court yard I step out and Calidan stands in the middle with 3 people behind him. The people behind him are in solid red with 2in wide white stripes and the faces look like a joker's mask but give a serious Harlequin vibe for Warhammer. I bow to Calidan and then turn to the people behind and bow as well. "Good morning Prince Calidan, who are the people behind you?" "they are the royal guard and the special protection of the royal family they are the Harlequin masters of concealment and many other necessary things for the protection of the royal family. Form today on you will learn what they know and master all of it from healing to poisons to combat to stealth, all will be your domain. Magic will be secondary I and my elder brother will teach you after the age of 10 just to make sure you don't cause damage to your body." 'damn well guess this will be different'. Boy was that a ridiculous understatement. Miles of running, combat drills, stealth drills, weight lifting and on and on. But that wasn't the worst. After lunch my lesson with Dolthril change to the Queen and by god she is a slave driver the end of the lesson came and dinner and I was only ready to sleep.

10 years have passed and I am celebrating my 15th birthday with the family. Calidan and Galion became like elder brothers to me Dolthril was the nagging sister and Garavan and Farwen became mother and father and would not respond to anything else. My skills in magic have be proven I out match Garavan in one on one but if it's him and either of my brothers they have a better combat advantage though I do have my victories against them. The next challenge is all three against little old me and trust me it's painful and awful to face 3 royal Elves who have well over 2 millennia of combat experience between them. I get steamrolled hard but that is not important for today is my birthday and also the day I am inducted through ritual into the family on blood and magic. An ancient ritual passed down with the Elves for well over 10 millennia this is to strengthen my bond to magic and also bind me as family in magic and blood. A massive party occurs with many noble families and to honor me which I still fought mother over but she would hear none of it. The party was going great Father walks to the balcony to address the guests. "Welcome friends and family today we celebrate the indication of a new member to the royal family how has spent 10 years faithfully working and growing into the man in front of you. Yet after tonight Usum shall become part of the royal family and of Elves in blood, name, and magic. Congratulate him and welcome him and when he wakes after the ritual the 3rd prince of Thilmtalos will take his place." Everyone repeats the last statement of blessing though even in my many years I haven't gotten to the ancient elven myth and faith though parts have been laid out to me. The party finishes and at midnight of the full moon on the courtyard that I've been working at for over a decade that ritual begins. 7 flames of blue color rise I in just my underwear am in the middle of the altar the flames rise high into the sky. In closer a Pure red flame only has a high bowl of mithril is passed between the family placing their blood into it and finally returning to Garavan. The 4 other move to the cardinal directions and kneel and begin chanting a quill of a phoenix is dipped into the blood and then the process begins. Garavan begins writing ancient elven runes across my body, the blood seeping into my skin leaving a stain which is a sign that this is being accepted by lady magic and the elven gods. Garavan finishes the runes and begins the incantation and I feel my magic respond instantly and begins to flow out on the altar and lighting up the sigils and runes after a minute the whole of the circle is light a final incision is made into my chest over my heart and the remains of the blood are poured in. instantly pain wracks by body but barely compared to what was felt in the void so I press on.. I could feel as if a dragon was burning me alive both inside out and outside in. At this time Garavan moved out of the circle and behind the head of the altar outside the array. Suddenly the flames coalesced towards my body making a massive flame that could be seen over the entirety of Thilmtalos. The flames growing white in color and the ground began to melt, they pressed on though this was out of the ordinary and beyond anything they had ever seen or heard of. This went on for well over 4 hours and not a grunt or cry of pain was heard. After the 4th hour they were worried beyond belief a great clap was heard and a massive Golden dragon was approaching the pillar of fire. The dragon circles the fire and Speaks "Nol fin Rah do Tiid Ahrk fin Bormah do Dovah dii Sil Fah hi!!!" (From the God of time and Father of Dragons My soul for you) and in a moment the dragon climbs to the sky and dives into the flames which swallow it whole soon a massive expulsion of magic that could be seen is ejected from the ritual site. The flames seem to be drawn into Usum's body and are quickly devoured. The form of Usum is floating multiple meters above the altar and the air ripples around due to the heat radiating from the body. Slowly it floats down and touches the altar and a sizzle is heard as the altar begins to melt. After about an hour Usum has sunk about a foot into the altar but his body has cooled enough to move using magic to lift and move to my room. I was placed there for the time being till I woke up.

After waking I stand and begin to move but notice I don't feel small in comparison to the bed anymore which is confusing. That would mean that I grew to well over 2.5 meters tall but it seems true. I walk into the bathroom and summon a mirror and see that my face has changed and grown with sharp features but my eyes are the tell pure Gold rings set in black. 'that's not normal' thinking that the ritual was to make me elven but it seems something happened that changed things. I climbed into the tub to wash and fell almost too big for the tub which is mind blowing "so I am over 8 ft wow this is going to be weird." I exit and put on a robe and exit the bathroom walking to a dresser. A new set with a note was placed. Once you are awake please wash and wear this and come meet us. 'ok' putting on the clothing after adorning it seeing it is the same as My family's Royal attire. I excitedly leave my room to almost run into Dolthril who just stares at me confused. "Hi Dol how are you doing "my has dropped at least 3 octaves and has the weight of a basso profundo surprising both Dol and myself. Dol though give me a hug knowing now that I'm alive and ok. "bend down'' ``ok" Dol whacks me really hard, of course I recoil quickly looking at her with a hurt but why expression. "You had us all worried that everything went wrong. Do you know you've been out for over a month young man. Now go to their majesty and let them know you alive and well NOW" "yes ma'am" As I flee for my life. Reaching the lounge, I stepped in while everyone was sitting there looking forlorn. "Hello I just woke up "Mother jumps out of her seat and charges me with and pounces into a hug crying out "YOU'RE OK". "I'm ok mother sorry for worrying you all "Father stands and joins the hug along with Galion and Calidan.

Outside of reality in a dimension of white a being looks on with what can be interpreted and a smile. "Congratulations on waking, Usum. Go and Grow into what you want to become. "

Back in Thilmtalos a massive jubilee is happening to celebrate the awakening of Usmu who would be Given his elvish name and be inducted before the people as part of the royal family. The joy and pleasure of the event felt as if it would never end but all things do. After the event Garavan led Usum to the courtyard for some final training. Soul Magic and pure intent biased magic wielding. An art that only the elves had where they fuse their soul and magic together to allow for seamless use of thought only magic allowing them to fight without staffs or conductive weapons but to command the casting without movement. The most difficult part is to make the fusion, Elves have the advantage that they are partially fused at birth and only need training and guidance to complete the process. Humans on the other hand do not and can use them separately. Though guided meditation it begins. " Fall deeper into your mind, feel the calm and peace surrounding you. Let your soul reach out to you and grasp it gently as if a chick in hand and follow you magic to its source" Garavan says leading the process. The weird part is I felt two souls that were small but very powerful and truly massive with power and pride beyond anything I've felt. In a moment I drop into my mindscape and see the being with the other soul. A golden dragon encased in golden flames looks at me" DREM YOL LOK, IS IT TIME TO BECOME ONE SIL ""Yes it's time I guess" "DAH FAAL MULAAG US HIN SIL'' (PUSH THE POWER TO YOUR SOUL) . Within seconds the dragon glowed with golden light and shot towards me the power vortexing around to then begin to feed into my chest. Pain and cracking all around were felt focusing and containing the power of the dragon was no easy feat and took up all of my attention. After the last drop of power flowed into me I felt the world slow, time came to a crawl and in front of me the brightest of light appeared and out stepped an elderly man the same as before. "You have become an immortal dragon with a human form. Congratulations are due, few if any could except the whole of a Dragon God. Though you will need training so I will give you another gift." A flash to my right and two dragons appear. Durnehiviir and Paarthurnax arrive both looking confused but when Paarthurnax looks at me he is surprised "Bormah is that you?" 9 I look at him " Drem Yol Lok great teacher of the thu'um I am not Akatosh but I am an immortal dragon just with a body of a human" "So you're not Dovahkiin?" the being looks at him and waves a hand " You understand now Paarthurnax, Durnehiviir" " Yes Thur" "Good they know and will help you in both magic and soul be well my son you have much and many interesting things to do." A flash of light and Grandpa is gone and I am left with the two dragons with me I look and move towards Durnehiviir and remember a fanfic and the game elder Scroll. " Slen Tiid Vo Durnehiviir" flesh grew back rapidly returning him to a normal look and he shook with what can be only respect and reverence " Dorg do Dov, Kogaan. I take full breath once again because of you." I smile at him "best I can do for you especially if you're going to be teaching me." They both nod "I need to go but I will return for my lessons" "We will be here when you are ready" after that I move to what I could feel is the exit. Opening my eyes, the light blinds me momentarily and I slowly adjust and Garavan look at me with a face of shock. "where did all that come from?" I begin to stand and stretch "Guess I'm a dragon who shouts." I laugh and return to the palace.