9 years have passed and now I am happy to say that Sirius has fully recovered and has retaken Lordship of Arcturus Black but his grandfather still advises in matters of house. The other great news was that with my help we transferred guardianship of little Harry to Sirius and he has taken to Parenting like a fish to water. Kinda .. He is still himself playful and a prankster but Harry seems to have the intelligence of both James and lily. Arcturus has made it his mission to teach his grandnephew everything he can about magic and lordship. Arcturus has turned over Heirship form Malfoy to Potter as the next lord of house potter and black. Even going as far as to say that any second born child will take on Heirship of House black.
Though recent dark news has come My father and mother have passed on after 16 thousand years they have been the longest Ruling King and Queen in elven history and also presiding over the greatest changes and longest peace ever. Elder Brother has been crowned King of the Patricius along with his wife Fumre who is a dark elf. Garavan has even sworn fealty to the God Emperor, Dragon of time and magic, Lord of the Patricius (High elves), Sciscitator(Dark Elves), and Ædificantes ( Dwarves). It's funny to see him trying to keep up his tough act with three small children running about and yelling Daddy this and Daddy that. Even Calidan gives him a little jab now and then about how his tough and gruff demeanor has fallen to a wife full of love and children who can't stop making him laugh and smile.
On other news the Ædificantes and Sciscitator have had success with the cloning process and create more Custodes and also reverse engineer their armor. The quantum computer took a month to fully produce schematic on the Custodes armor and systems. Yet with that done the Ædificantes started to build it as specified and with the help of Mortin who, I just found out has a technical mind, made improvements and made it even better with runes. Also the Sciscitator along with the Wood elves have figured out the gene augmentation used to craft the Custodes and also seemed to have insight into space marine gene seed. They found a few flaws but nothing glaring and it wouldn't present itself for at least 100 thousand years at minimum. I have to tip my hat to the Emperor of mankind. His work is amazing. It surpasses everything I thought possible. The most promising is a deviation that they were able to produce with the Custodes information and further research with magic. We now have Magic capable Custodes and damn they are powerful and terrifying just like Carrack and Mortin. Along with their Dragonite Armor yes the Ædificantes have named and refined a better metal then Auramite alloy. Though it does not have its golden hew it has a Gray scaled look and that is where they decided Dragonite. SIGH At least my eyes won't be blinded when they stand in the sunlight (Distant scream 'MY EYES!').
I did get in contact with Lupin and I sent him along to Sirius and Harry. He is having the time of his life and also with blood samples before, during and after his full moon we have a greater understanding. Lycanthropy is similar to a maledictus but it doesn't have the binding effect on the mind and body and works only with the moon as a trigger point. With the elves we have seen great progress in finding two paths. The computer has helped sequence the problems and also has given solutions. We can cure Lycanthropy but it will come with a side effect of the person losing a significant portion of their magic to never be recovered. The other is to double down on it and give the person control of the Lycanthropy and also double their magic but they will pass on Lycanthropy to all offspring. It also provides a massive boost to overall strength, healing, agility, and overall senses even without their transforming. Also speaking for the lycan form it will be filled out and alot stronger with claws. It also seemed to set up roles like in many stories with alphas beta gamma and so on. So that makes it interesting but we need to get the current werewolves on board.
Lupin was given an option and has yet to choose. Yet even though Remus is hesitant others are not. My harlequin has been out and been giving clarion calls to all free werewolves to join the ranks of the Dragon God and receive his blessing. Now I did not tell them to say that but it's quite funny to see thousands of Werewolves from across Europe arrive at the Isle of man and swear fealty to me.
Now they live in the soul world and have been receiving help from the Sciscitator and Patricius. Building their society and their homes has been a full time effort at the moment with the Ædificantes helping with power setup. Now many of the werewolves have taken the second option and have risen to take on the name Lycans. They have their mental faculties at all times and are even heightened when in their Lycan form which they can command. Though my harlequin have advised me that the ICW has taken notice of the disappearance of the werewolves. Though currently none has linked it to me yet.
The best thing was releasing Paarthurnax, Durnehviir , Odahviing and Alduin. I told them to go and explore but gave clear instructions to hide their forms for only the wizarding world knows of dragons' existence. I also pointed out a known Dragon reserve in Romania suggested for them to go and see the dragons there. Alduin was snippy as expected and I threatened him with being stuck in a mortal form doing paperwork with Gazel. He became extremely compliant and very quickly repeated my instructions. With that they were off to roam the world.
A few months later I get a letter from Charlie Weasley who was asking about the "Dov" that had arrived in the reservation. He told me that all of the dragons left their roosts and went to see them and all bowed to the 4 Massive and powerful dragons. They said they serve the Dragon God Usum Dragos which Alduin said and offered them to become servants as well. Now with this that would explain the headache I got a few weeks back when the entire reservation received my blessings and being dragons it had a massive draw. Though he did point out that some refused to see them and just stayed put.
I then saw a news article from the ICW addressing the loss of 95% of the dragons in the reserve from a currently unknown situation. "ALDUIN!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE YOU DAMN OVERGROWN LIZARD. " He arrived quickly after that and I gave him a necessary beating with a rolled up newspaper. Pain doesn't work but humiliation does and he apologized. Paarthurnax pointed out the fact that we now have a whole wing of dragons in the soul world and they are soul bound to me.
Also this should have been expected from Alduin for his pride is still great as long as they are subordinate to him he doesn't care. I have to relent with his review of the situation but still the Rolled up newspaper was enough to stop him for doing it again.
Knowing the future and the rise of the Dark lord might as well involve myself in the greater world. Going to see Arcturus and Sirius was quite fun. Sirius was bounding about the house in his dog from chasing Harry about as he was laughing. Arcturus showed a smile while annoyed at that noise he was happy to see his grandnephew. Also you could tell it made him happy to know that he still had a family. I walk over and sit with Arcturus.
We look at each other but wait for the laughing and ruckus moves on.
" Sorry about that." say Arcturus slouching back and shaking his head but with a smile. " Oh, stop. We both know you love it." I respond with a light chuckle.
"So what brings you here? I can see in your eyes that you want something." says Arcturus.
" Two things really. Opposition to the Werewolf containment bill and a push on my magical voting bill." I respond.
Arcturus leans forward and strokes his beard. " That is quite that ask. Why should ?"
" We both know that the average werewolf wants to live out their lives and this will push them to revolt. The Magical voting bill forces the wizengamot to bring "non-humans" to vote on anything deciding their race or species that are sentient." I respond.
I sit back "I also have an investment opportunity for the future of wizards."
Arcturus nods and beckons waving his hand. " What do you think about leaving this planet behind for the wider universe?" I say.
Arcturus' eye grow wide and he pulls back. I interject " The basic principle has been proven with storage suitcases that can have everything from a home to a bestiary. Atmospheric charms and I have created a gravitational array that would regulate gravitational forces to make it feel like you are here. Weather in space on a ship or on a planet a few times bigger than earth gravity will be unchanging. I have made it deployable in advance so if a planet is found and like it can be dropped and will work immediately. Now the key point is it does not alter the planet just magic to make it livable and it is permanent so you don't need to worry about any failures. Magic is universal and we can go anywhere." I finished
" WE CAN DO STAR WARS!" I hear turning seeing Harry running from the room shouting to Sirius Star Wars is real. I can't take it and just start Laughing uncontrollably. Even Arcturus is laughing at Harry's antics but soon a large black dog comes running in and shifting
" IS it real, How, What , EXPLAIN!" Roar an extremely excited Sirius.
" Would you like to explore the universe? Maybe even live on a distant planet?" I quip to Sirius
" YOu're not joKing? " he shouts.
I shake my head. Sirius stagers back " how? How is this possible?" Sirius says.
"You will see I am finalizing some of the things but we will be there soon." l look back to Arcturus " I will contact you in a month with more." I state while standing, waving and apparating home.
The Sciscitator moving around a gateway not dissimilar to a stargate and a Lycan in a power-suit with an emergency portkey.
The head researcher turns and approaches " My Emperor, we are ready to test the Gateway to mars. The tests with the habitat under the surface have gone exceptionally well and we even have fixed the radiation issue as well. Food, water, and atmosphere have also exceeded expectations also with the reprocessing systems."
I nod after the head researcher finished "Continue on with the test. If the gateway works then we can revolutionize human civilization and even use them at home to move between cites and in time other planets as well." I say walking over to a viewing area setup exclusively for me.
The gate begins dialing the other at the base and you see the chevrons lock in place and finally the gate opens and the Lycan walks through. You hear the Sciscitator talk to him and are also reading his metrics on the different monitors. Another one is in contact with the base on Mars and after about 2 minutes we have direct confirmation of travel and health of the traveler. The Scientists start cheering and celebrating as this was months of work along with the Quantum rune computer back in the Soul world. The director debriefed me stating success but still wanted to proceed with caution and do testing with robotic sensor packs to see if radiation or other harmful things are present in transit. Rather not risk lives not knowing side-effects of this form of travel. The director goes on to talk with the rest of the team about further testing. The Gateway opens again and the dwarf walks back threw and the scientists go to him and start doing their thing.
I stand and walk from the Court yard back inside to my desk. I need to write up some documents on building these things. Along with magical contracts to hold people to secrecy and have employees to get things moving. A few documents on my desk with plans for space vessels with currently experimental warp technology. Though that is on the list of many things on the list. Knowing that I will be going to Warhammer 40k FTL that does not rely on a hellish dimension that houses angry thirsting gods is a absolute necessity.
Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!
Stones are payment to The Dragon God, Emperor of the Realms. God of Time and Magic. Give unto him what is owed. Prostrate yourself before the Glory of the True God Emperor!!!!!!!!
All hail the God of the Realms