
Chapter 14 Reawakening. . . Again

Time goes by and Gazel assumes control of my house and finances for the time while I'm incapacitated. Mortin and Carrack both stand outside my door as eternal guards. Flurry of years go by but with me left in a void with the energy of Akatosh which is immense magic holding us in this limbo state while we merge our existence. Another blessing given by Stan was Magnus the god of magic because in his world " He was being a petty bitch when he ran away from Mundus so this is his punishment." So I'm not going to complain about also getting a minor god of magic, a boon for my ascension. After years of exhausting work and managing the energies of dragons, a time god, and a god of magic. It's all finished and I let myself relax and I fall into a dreamless sleep. I began to awake feeling my body having changed over what I knew would be many years.

I slowly open my eyes fully rested but stiff. I call for my house elf " Seely" I manage softly. Hearing a pop " Master?" she says " hello little Seely how are you." She immediately burst into tears yelling master awake and hugging me. Mortin opens the door to see Seely happy jumping about the room and sees me sitting up in bed watching her jubilant merriment. He quickly calls for Carrack who comes over as he runs to alert Thelos and Gazel of my awakening. With in the hour I have a feast in my room with almost everyone for the castle in my room. Smiles crying and laughing can be heard readily. I hear a snap and see Calidan arrive with the harlequin he removes his mask and bows " Welcome back brother it's been a while." I just reach out for him and he give me a hug. "It's nice to be back again. Sorry for worrying you." He just huffed and we started laughing. By the next day I'm out of bed taking over my requirements again after my fall. The one surprising thing is that I saw the date, November 15 1981. I can only sigh and feel for little Harry. Awakening after so many years I have missed the attack on the Potters. I wish I could have done more to begin with and avoid the overall situation but I just need to deal with things as they are. I call Nanna and Sunna to me and both arrive in jubilance. Sunna proceeds to give me a verbal dressing down while Nanna pecks quite a bit.

Though once they are done I send a letter with Nanna to the ministry announcing my awakening and another with Sunna to Dumbledore with a similar but more personal message. Taking the next week to get my body back in working order and refining my rusty muscles after 54 years in bed. Using magic and my now greater understanding of magic and its manipulation from both Akatosh and Magnus makes it a faster process then most would. Though remembering when I am sparks a desire to act. I call the Harlequin to go and watch Frank and Alice long bottom for their attack should be close at hand and if I can't help the Boy who lived then I can help them. I sent a warning to Dowager Longbottom to advise her as well. Gazel enters my training room with a newspaper.

The Awakening of the Duke of Man

You see that right dear reader the Duke of Man and Lord of the Truly Ancient and Most Noble House of Dragos has awakened. A source from the Ministry has confirmed the awakening of the Elusive Lord. To many of our readers, Duke Dragos is but a footnote in history but I should remind you dear reader that he is the same Duke Dragos from the infamous Massacre of Man back in the 1920s, along with being present in New York and helping deal with the rise of Gellert Grindelwald. Many who have met Duke Dragos agree that he is a wizard of the highest order. Even the Great Albus Dumbledore has said that Duke Dragos surpasses his own abilities in wandless and Ancient magic. That is right dear reader he is also a master of ancient magic. It is unclear if this should be celebrated or feared for he has killed 149 wizards in a single incident. New Dark lord or something more. Read further on page 9 additional information about the House and history for Dragos on page 26 …

I can only start laughing when I see this and its statements. I continue with my training but am interrupted again but Thelos

" My Lord Acrturus is here to see you."

My eyes widen " Really bring him in please."

After I clean up and become presentable I arrive in the main parlor. I see an old man who has weathered many years. He looks at me and smiles.

"You don't look a day older from when we were in Grimmauld Place those many years ago." I walk over and go to shake his hand but am pulled into a hug. We settled down and talked about life and how things went he was happy to share and we talked for hours. He looks at me with a glum look

" My sons are idiots swayed by power. Cygnus sold his daughters in slave contracts to pureblood families. Andromada got out and married a muggle-born boy she met in Hogwarts but Bellatrix and Narcissa are struck with it. Narcissa seemed ok with Lucius Malfoy but Bellatrix, something awful happened to her and I can't change it. Justinous had a son Abraxas in the 30s and he was a complete opposite of his father. Cold calculating and fanatic on blood purity and give it to his son. Sirius was an odd boy but I could agree with his actions with Walburga as a mother. I can't tell you how many times he had a curciatis thrown at him. He moved in with Fleamont and their son James. Its all a mess and I want to ask for your help. Save Sirius he is all I have left and Kill Bellatrix girl has been twisted beyond measure. Whatever Lestrange did to her is unforgivable but she needs to be put down. "

I give an understating nod " I'm here to help and will be happy to help you but I must ask. Aren't you still Lord Black, Archy? "

He laughed so hard " Archy, I haven't been called that in decades." Sigh " but no, I gave my sons control when they had children and now I regret what I did. I've lost a grandson to this dark lord another trying to escape his parents and a granddaughter doing the same."

I lean forward " You have the right as Patriarch of the Black house to Call for dominion and usurp the title of Lord Black and you could bring back Andromada to the family and by extension their daughter. I will support you in every way possible so you can at least patch up your family to some extent." He just thanked me and we went back to talking about lighter things.

A few days later I received news from my Harlequin that they have found Harry Potter and detailed his current situation. I want to intervene with Harry the most and help him. I send the Ministry a demand for court documents for Sirius Black's trial to get something moving. I call Gazel to prepare another room for two long term guests. I also send a request to the ministry to become Harry Potter's guardian for the lack of Black and also the abuse from his muggle guardians.

I quickly apparate to Privet drive and walk to number 4. It was a Saturday around 3:30 so I knew they should be there.

I knocked on the door and Petunia answered " How can I help you."

" I'm here to check on Harry." She gave me an odd look. " And you are? "

"Duke Dragos"

She quickly recoils. I call out " Harry come here." Little Harry who was walking came slowly walking out to where I could see him. He had bruising and seemed underweight along with a very timid manner about him.

I looked at Petunia with a hateful glare " Is this how you treat children?" I step past her and go up to harry " Hey harry I was a friend of your grandfather Fleamont. Come with me bud let's get you some ice cream and get you looked at." I walk to the door Vernon decides to get in my way.

"Who do you think you are? " I look at him and wave a hand, levitating him and floating him back to his chair. " A very powerful person from her majesty's court. I will return the boy to you later and then we will be having a conversation on child rearing."

I take Harry to St Mungos to get his inoculations and also get fixed up . Once finished I return to drop off Harry and ask if he would like to have Uncle Usum come over again and of course he was excited.

I gave Vernon a clear warning " If I find out you have abused him again I will return the favor." Vernon huffed and went back to whatever he did. I leave and return to Castle Ormr. Taking a look at myself I need to change a bit letting my height grow and my face age a bit to make it convincing. I also received a letter from Dumbledore asking if I was still willing to teach at Hogwarts. I said I would meet with him at the Three broomsticks like we did last time. Setting a date I find all my suits in perfect order and ready to be worn.

The date comes and I apparate to Hogsmeade to meet with Dumbledore after so many years. I walk in and grab a drink like I did. "Duke Dragos?"

I turn and see the elderly Dumbledore "Hello Albus " he smiles orders a drink as well and he ushers us to a private room to talk. "54 years its been that you've been asleep "

"Yeah I've had to deal with an issue. Ascension is a long process."

Albus takes a drink " I can tell that you have exceeded even what I thought possible. You have control over the very ebb and flow of the magic around and in you." I laugh " Well becoming a minor deity of time and magic will do that to you. I see you have defected Gellert and obtained the Elder Wand. Is it what you thought it was?"

Dumbledore sat back in his chair and sighed "No, my wand was easier and more compatible. It does make some forms of magic easier but it does not confer any greater power. It's just a wand that makes it easier to kill."

I nod " I have from the moment I heard the story of death and the hallows knew that it was different from the stories. The ancient wizards and witches could do what the hallows cannot. Though at great cost which is what it should be. It should cost a life to resurrect another. Power should be earned and learned not freely given and people should learn to hide in plain sight before hiding from death. Death is a certainty. Did you know the being of Death is a mistress and she always gets what she is owed. Life perpetuates to death and from death new life can be made. All things will die, be them gods to the universe. All shall end and it's beautiful. Fear not the sweet release of death for it is a gift that you cannot realize till you have forsaken everything to avoid it."

Dumbledore smiles " Yet you have offered many to death."

I nod " I have, but I don't regret what I did. I am gracious to all who show no malice or threaten me. That is what muggles get wholly right. War and violence should be an option of last resort but when needed and forced should be acted with the swiftest precision to end it quickly. Theodore Roosevelt a saying that sings true even today. 'Speak softly but carry a big stick ' "

Dumbledore sighs " I hear you meet Harry. Even took him out."

I snicker " I did. Also needed to remind Vernon that beating children is an act of a man with weak character and I would be happy to correct it. Also I took him to St Mungos to get vaccinated and an overall check up. He is in ruff shape but is a wonderful smart boy. I bet you might know things but I spoke with Archy about his family and will help Sirius. The attack was not his fault. My sources have verified it was Pettigrew who sold out the potter and Sirius was that bait."

Dumbeldore looked horrified after a few seconds collected himself " That would explain a lot." he said with a solemn tone " On lighter talk is there any position that I could take at hogwarts?"

Dumbledore just smiles " We could use a history teacher. Ours has shaken off his mortal coils and now teaches as a ghost. We could also use a teacher for ancient studies with practical knowledge on how they worked."

" I'd love to and if you want we can start a dueling club to at least confirm the understanding and usage of DADA. I've heard of your little curse issue. That reminds me I have heard about the wizarding war and this Valda whatever guy. I was wondering…. "

At that very moment one of my harlequin arrive "The Longbottoms have been attacked and have been transported to St Mungos."they disapparate

" looks like we need to go and deal with this." Dumbledore said quickly and we both apparate to St Mungos and walk in.

Dumbledore asks a healer to direct us to the Longbottom. Arriving outside the room Dowager Longbottom is sitting with tears flowing also with her brother and holding her grandson Nevil. Dumbledore goes and speak with Madam Longbottom while I go and speak with the healers.

"How are they?" I ask one of the healers he turns

" Broken. Their minds are shattered and I doubt that we will be able to do anything to fix it."

I look back at the couple lying in the hospital beds "Mind if I take a look I know healing arts and ancient mind arts."

The healer looked at me and shrugged " I doubt that you could harm them anyway more than they have been already."

I step into the room after the healers step out and speak with Dowager Longbottom. Placing a hand on Frank's head "Hah Vorkrii Heim " I enter his mind seeing the pieces of the mind slowly begin to move together and rebuild. Unfortunately it's not instant or quick the damage is immense and deep. It will take years from them to recover. I do the same for Alice as well. Also set a status charm on their minds so that even if they can wake up they wont until the restoration is complete. I steep out of the room and walk over to Dowager Longbottom

" Madam Longbottom I have good and bad news. I have set up a process to repair their minds so they will return to you in time. The bad news is it will take at least 8-15 years to finish repairing their minds. The damage done was catastrophic and has caused a knock on effect so it will take time but your Son and daughter-in-law will like out the rest of their lives healthy and back to themselves. "

Dowager Longbottom was Floored. She threw noble standards out the window and hugged me. "Thank you, thank you for helping them."

"It's the least I could do. I'd rather not watch when I know I can do something. Please just do what you can for little Nevil till his parents are back." After that I step away for them to enjoy the news.

Albus followed " Thank you for helping them."

I nod and we continue. " Be at Hogwarts by august 15th and we will get you situated. Congrats Professor Dragos."

I look at Dumbledore " It seems I have work to do outside, maybe later. Dueling class would be a good idea though."

I walk out of St Mungos with Righteous fury. I returned home to see Thelos waiting for me and she provided me with a summons from the Wizengamot about the trial of death eaters. Unfortunately the only persons left were Bellatrix and the currently unknown Crouch Jr. I gave up the idea of going for it was too late to do anything of value. I now sent out a letter to the Wizengamot to review Sirius black and give him a trial. I also sent a letter to DLME Director Bones to set up a meeting. I got a quick response form Madam Bones about the meeting stating that later in the week we could meet.

Formulating a plan to establish overall dominance in the Uk wizarding world and also help people. Reaching out to my soul world I call the dark elves to give a progress report. They of course jumped to show off the progress of the quantum computer and the further understandings they have reached. I asked if we could do anything about lycanthropy in this world. They said that they could but would need blood samples and a few physiological observations. I call Calidan to look for any packs of werewolves and also deliver a letter of introduction to Remus Lupin for a meeting.

Understanding that I would need to consolidate powers and get people to my side I tasked Gazel to write a magical contract that keeps our anonymity and secrets safe. I call Carrack and Mortin in as well. Looking at the Researchers I ask if they can take a blood sample of the Custodes and see if we can create more. I specifically want slightly smaller but highly magically capable Custodes along with more mobile armor. Don't get me wrong I understand that Carrack and Mortin are fucking fast and terrifying but they also look the part.

I was surprised by a person looking like a standard civilian lifting 8 tons and sprinting at 60mph and reactions that surpass sub millisecond range. Yes overpowered but with what stand to come I'd rather start that work now then get to Warhammer and not have Demigod like soldiers. I walk over to a cabinet and provide the specs I could find on Custodes and their Auramite armor asking if they and the dwarves can look into it. They jumped at the thought and said they would be in contact. The dwarves called out to me and came to meet with me in my office. They presented their first creation of Power armor using a mix of metals they have used to make my sword . They are calling it Dragosur alloy and it is similar to T45 armor and they are doing testing with some smaller Elfs to see its effectiveness. Runes have helped in dealing with the weight and strain on joints. I quickly directed them to the Dark elves on their new research projects to work along with them. Knowing this will take time I make sure that Thelo will go with them and keep me up to date with how things are going.

After a few days it was time to meet with Madam Bones about the situation with Sirius. Collecting my information and the documents I got though my harlequin. Arriving at the Ministry I move through the crowd towards the DLME office and I see Madam Bones standing outside the office.

I flag her down and we meet and quickly greet each other with a Hand shake and she leads me into her office. " Greeting Director Bones, here is all the information I have about Sirius from his family and through my sources. Also, my request record for Sirius' trial has been delayed and my request seems to constantly be lost."

She looks surprised at all the information and also a single document that was written by James and Lily Potter about their will and testament. It stated that Peter Pettigrew was the secret keeper and that Sirius was the bait. Director Bones holds that document and looks at me with horror.

" You mean Pettigrew gave up the Potters to the dark lord and Sirius took the blame?"

I nod. Horror fills her expression even further and she jumps to her feet and steps out of the office " Call Shacklebolt and Scrimgeour to bring Sirius Black here immediately and call a healer to the office for when he arrives."

The secretary was confused and wasn't moving " NOW! RIGHT NOW"

She turns into the room " Will you stay until he arrives? "

" Sure, let me contact Arcrturus so he can be present as well for this concern his next of kin and heir of house black."

I stand " Sunna " I call it a light song like tone and with a pop of flames she arrives " Yes Usum?" she says " Can you tell Archy to come to the DLME they are bringing his Grandson to the Ministry"

She just looks at me " Really is that all? Can't you send a patronus or something?"

I smirk "Please Sunna, it's much faster for you."

Sunna huffs and pops away.

Madam Bones looks shocked to see a Phoenix the size of a large dog. " Was that a Phoenix? It was huge. " She says in a hushed tone

" Yes and she is my familiar but you probably know that already. That is her compact size, her normal size is much larger. I've seen her nest and let me tell you. She is much larger than she shows." The secretary stands to inform Director Bones of her request for a healer and also has gotten confirmation from both Aurors that they have Sirius and will arrive in the holding cells within 10 minutes. I see Arcturus walk in with a scowl and in his typical all black robes with the Black family crest on his left front breast pocket. He was walking with purpose and had something with him in documents and a box under his arm.

"Where is my Grandson!" he barks out. I step out around Director Bones

" On their way and will be here within 10 minutes, Arcturus."

At that moment I see Shackelbolt walk in the room " He is secured in the holding cell the healer is tending to him now." Says Shacklebolt

" Thank you and where is Rufus?" says Director bones

" Standing guard and waiting to move him to a chamber." replies Shakelbolt.

" Take me to my Grandson." The two look at Arcturus with surprise. They never seemed to expect him to really be here for his grandson.

" Please take us to him," I joined in. Director Bones leads us out of the room and to the interrogation chamber. Entering you see Scrimgeour to the side and Sirius strapped to a reclined chair with a Healer doing a workover. Sirius looks over and sees Director Bones and he smiles but looking further he sees his Arcturus and the smile disappears. Bones approaches Sirius and nods to Scrimgeour who produces a magical recorder for later use.

" This is Amelia Bones, Director of the DLME starting Recording. With us is the Accused Sirius Orion Black, Witnesses are as follows. Kingsley Shackelbolt , Rufus Scrimgeour, Lord Arcturus Black , and Duke Usum Dragos. We have brought the accused to the ministry to review information provided by Duke Usum Dragos Lord of the Isles. Mr Sirius Black please state your full name for records." Sirius speaks up weakly " Sirius Orion Black the third"

Amilia continues " We are investigating information on the state me that you were not the secret keeper for Lord and Lady Potter the night of their murder. Do you consent to this recording."

"Yes" he says meekly

" Are you willing to undergo questioning under the influence of Veritaserum?"

"Yes," he says again

" Administering the Veritaserum." she steps forward and gives him 5 drops into the mouth and steps back " Administration of Veritaserum completed. Starting conformation of use. Please restate your full name." finishes Amelia

" Sirius Orion Black the third"

" Date of birth"

"3rd of November 1959"

" Are you an Animagus?"


" What is your Animagus Form?"

" Black Dog"

" What happened on October 31 1981 "

"I was attacked by death eaters about 3:30pm. After fighting them off was chased by Muggle police for a time and had to disillusion myself to get away. I was on my way to the Potter but was delayed but a second attack from death eaters. After I arrived both Prongs and Lily were dead and Harry was crying. I collected Harry to leave but Hagrid had arrived asking for Harry. I handed over Harry to Hagrid and gave him my motorcycle. I left to confront Wormtail. I looked for the day but once I found him he ran into a muggle crowd and used a blasting curse to cause an explosion. I saw he left a finger but knew he ran away. I collapsed at that point after working for 96 hours straight into my emotions and failure to capture the killer of my friend, his wife and the destruction of my Godson's family."

" Who are prongs and wormtail?"

" James Potter's animagus Stag, Peter Pettigrew's Animagus Rat."

" Were in league with Voldemort?'

" No "

" Did you releases information to the death eaters"


"Have you provided everything to the best of your knowledge."


" This is Director of the DLME Amelia Bones ending recording at 1:58pm Memories will be copied and left for use in the Wizengamot. End of Recording "

She turned and cast a spell at the recorder and then pulled a memory and put it in a vial and put them with the recorded information. " I need to run up to the Minister and call for an emergency trial." She quickly runs out of the room to give notice to Minister Bagnold.

Arcturus went over to Sirius and began to apologize for his failure to deal with his pathetic father and psychotic mother. He also told him that he respected him for his own strength to stand against his family. He also told him that he has brought back Andromada to the family and allowed Tonks to be part of the Black family. As they have a heart to heart I sit and begin planning on what's next. With the rise of Voldemort again and also the failure of the ministry. Teaching students would help with the future also the attack on the school on halloween in '84 is coming. But there is also the werewolf problem itself.

What to do? I want to help them and build a community for them and also see the mysteries of the east. " Gentlemen please follow me the meeting has been called and the lords have arrived. Duke Dragos you will be allowed to attend but asked you to recuse yourself."

Scrimgeour moves to Sirius and prepares him to be moved to the courtroom. We follow them up to the Courtroom and move into the room. I move to take my seat as Duke and the only Duke left in the Wizarding World of the UK.

Whispers and murmurs fill the room seeing me take the seat. "Excuse me sir but could you state who you are to take the seat of an esteemed lord." Say Minister Bagnold

" I am Lord Usum Dragos, Lord of the Isles and liege of her Majesty the Queen" I say in repose not moving from my seat.

"I apologize but I have a hard time believing that you are the esteemed Duke." retorts Bagnold

" I am Usum Dragos Lord of the Isles .So it be mote." A bright light fills the room and people become silent. " Enough for you minister? "

" Yes Lord Dragos" you could easily hear her disdain in her voice but she moved on quickly " Bring in the prisoner. Let's get this done with." Scrimgeour moves in and gets Sirius bound to the chair " The court recognized the request for trial of one Sirius Orion Black the third. Director of the DLME has provided a memory and recording to the court which will be shown now. "

The memory is played from Bones and they review the preceding questioning. Once the memory completed the room was deadly quiet. A pin dropped and it rang like a bell throughout the room.

" I Lord Arcturus Black request the court to vote on the evidence provided to drop all charges and reimburse Heir Black for his wrongful imprisonment to Azkaban."

The minister strikes the gavel " Sustained. All in favor to drop charges and move to reimburse Heir Black. " Hands raised.

" All against." She calls another set of hands to rise.

" The For has it. The court sees to drop all charges against Heir black and will look to set a date for review of reimbursement of wrongful imprisonment."

The minister strikes the gavel and Scrimgeour releases Sirius to his Grandfather. Arcturus gives me a simple smile and nod and grabs Sirius to take him to St Mungos for further assessment and treatment. I begin to leave but am stopped by a secretary

" Minister Bangold demands you meet with them. "

I just look at him " Another time she can just send me a letter" I try to walk around and step in my way again. " Apologies but that is not what will happen. Follow me." says the secretary.

I sigh and follow. Arriving in the Minister's Office I walk over to the seat informed of her desk and just sit.

" Greetings Duke Dragos." Says the Minister

" Greetings Minister, what do I owe the pleasure."

The minister moves and sits down at her desk " Well you have been out of the light for over half a century.there are requirements that you have refused so the time to pay is now."

I laugh " Are you trying to threaten me?"

Minister Bagnold She leans forward " If we need to."

I at that moment release my aura which brings the whole of the ministry to a halt. " Please If you cant speak of Voldemort then you are nothing for me to fear."

My voice sounds like a multitude speaking at once while my eyes glow with ethereal fire . " Seems you have forgotten your history. Look up the Massacre of man." I stand and apparate out of the ministry which was thought impossible but I rip through their wards. Days later I get a letter of apology from Minister Bagnold and a wish to rectify the recent events. I just laugh again and throw the letter into the fireplace.

Sorry about the delay I took off a day and forgot I didnt prepar this weeks uploads.

Thank you for your time and hope you continue to enjoy

Gibby_Gibsoncreators' thoughts