
Chapter 13

After about a week I got a letter stating that I was being summoned by the Wizengamot and the DLME. I decided to be a pompous prick and sent a letter back stating that I was given accreditation for saving their top auror and fixing NYC. If anything else was needed they could come to Castle Ormr to speak further.

I got a letter back within two days that was hilarious with idle quasi threats and Ministry bullshit. I just left it and enjoyed my time home. After about a month I got a letter from Dumbledore thanking me for helping Newt and assisting Graves. He also asked if I would be willing to help him again and let them know if we could meet. I shot back a letter agreeing to help and also being willing to meet with him.

On February 5th 1927 I met with Dumbledore at The Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade. Arriving early and sitting with a glass of fire-whiskey on the rocks I waited to meet with him. About 5 minutes later I turn and see a younger Dumbledore walk in and motion for me to follow him. We go upstairs to a private room and he gets a drink as well.

"Pleased to meet you, Duke Dragos." he says with a smile

" I was expecting this meeting to happen and am quite happy with it so we can talk about the future."

He looks a little surprised " Oh? And what are you thinking?"

I take a sip of the whiskey " Well I know of the bloodpact that binds you to being more of a ring leader than a front line fighter. Which we both know that you are at least as capable as Grindelwald. Also I know you have history with him."

Dumbledore looked a mix of shocked and horrified at the information I had. " Now please don't take this the wrong way. I know your history but it is just that, history. Also can't judge you for how others turn out, Gellert chose to go down this road. You had learned the hard lesson of the costs of such a path and the destructive price you must pay."

He looks at me with a sad smile and nodding to what I said " You have quite the network for information. I doubt the Ministry could ever get even a fraction of what you have. I've also heard that you are a descendant of Slytherin and Merlin. You should come to the castle and meet with Headmaster Dippet. I can say he would love to meet you."

I have a oh shit moment. I am a founding family member and owner of Hogwarts along with being a governor. Also I would like to see the basilisk before Tom molests the ancient creature. " I would actually love to." Dumbledore looked happy with that.

We both got up and walked back to the castle as we got inside the building. Dippet arrives and Dumbledore quickly introduces us though I am moving through the halls as directed.I ask if its ok if I walk the Castle alone for a bit and will meet them at the great hall. I make my way towards the second floor girls lavatory. I disillusion myself and stand before the sink with Snakes "Bex" and the dor opens

She is a Guardian and has been since Hogwarts was founded. Merlin wrote about her and how she is extremely intelligent and very powerful being able to control her abilities. I exit the hallway into the main chamber. "Meyz mal vith(come little wyrm)"

I hear back in parseltongue " The dragon has arrived for this little one." as that is being said the mouth opens and she exits and looks at me. My eyes switch to their draconic version and look directly at her. "Eglė I have come to meet with you and do my bond as has been done with both of my family members." She twists her head to the side almost like a puppy confused by sound but its a 60 ft long snake that even many dragons in the world are wary of

"You are a descendant of Merl and Lord Slytherin?"

" Yes I am Eglė"

" Then I shall serve the dragon" She approaches and lowers her head to me and I place my hand on her head ' Give her your blood ' I hear in my head and sigh and do as I hear because the voice was Stan.

I use my wand to cut my hand and pour blood into her mouth within a moment. I feel the soul bound and also can tell she is changing. She seemed to gain limbs that were long and slender and wings sprouted on her back but she seemed to just levitate.

" I have evolved and ascended. I am now a basilisk dragon" She said profoundly

"I bow before the Dragon God and offer my life in service to him. Long live the Dragon Emperor, Long live the Dragon God." She says

I smile " Welcome to the ever going family of odd and exotic creatures that follow me." I say with a joking tone and smile beaming on my face. She turns and goes into her chamber and calls out her young two smaller basilisk about 20 ft in length to come out and show respect by raising their tail and laying their head down before me.

" I will return in time so please act as the guardian of Hogwarts as you have in the past."

" It shall be done my lord" she says

" No go and sleep and learn to use your new body and power. I will see you in time Eglė" I walk to the side and call out "Daal" a door appears and I exit into an unused class room on the first floor. I make my way to the main hall in time for dinner and am called forth by Headmaster Dippet. " Let's all welcome Duke Dragos who is a descendant of both Slytherin and his greatest student Merlin back to his ancestral heritage." Clapping rang out all over the Hall and a seat was prepared for me.

" Would you like to share anything with the students and staff?" I think about it from a moment "yes I would actually" He points to the podium and I walk over.

" I'd like to first thank all the wonderful staff that make Hogwarts what it is and was always meant to be. An institution for learning and teaching of magic to the magical world. I would like to address something that many people don't know. Salazar Slytherin was a renowned Parseltongue healer and Black healing practitioner prior to his recruitment and teaching. For many he was a dark wizard and was a dangerous man but that is far from the truth. He was a kind and gentle man with a pension to help people. Though he was a cunning and ambitious person, he left that for his magic and his enemies. History is far more complicated that most will believe.

The muggle-borns here will know that very well. With Radio and other conveniences in their show that wizards dont know of yet. The world is changing and things are accelerating. Be open to ideas but think for yourselves and you gut. Magic is more majestic and boundless than you have even begun to imagine. Study hard and make the legacy of the founders stand for greatness and work to make them proud.

Oh and Badgers, just so you are aware Lady Hufflepuff once beat Gryffindor so bad he hid in his room for a month. So never feel inferior and rise to the challenge to be the bulwark against stupidity and teach Loyalty and Friendship.

Slytherin, teach the other houses proper use of information and planning.

RavenClaw, teach them how to gather and build intelligence to work smarter not harder.

Gryffindor, teach the other houses of courage and sacrifice.

Together we are strong and if we learn together we can lead the world into a new frontier and make it a brighter and better world for all. Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus Nam draco resurgemus. Never tickle the sleeping Dragon for the dragon shall rise. Work hard and carry on. Thank you" The students clapped and seemed to enjoy it along with the staff. After I left knowing I need to check on the elves and a few current projects that will be useful later and also in the future.

March 8th came quickly and I got a letter from Leta Lestrnage asking if I would be at Flourish and Blotts on the 15th for the book release and signing. Of course I quickly sent a response saying I would be there and would happily support him on this academic adventure. I quickly sent an accompanying letter to Flourish and Blotts about the signing and asked to be a sponsor and also would be willing to pay for all the books available on that day so they could be free to the public. Also asking them to send an advanced copy to Hogwarts for review as a text book under my capacity as a Founding governor.

On the 14th I got a letter from both Headmaster Dippet and Professor Dumbledore about the book both saying thank you for the advanced copies and they would be happy to add the book as part of the Hogwarts curriculum for Care of magical creatures. I sent a reply to Headmaster Dippet that I would fund and pay for all the books needed to equip the school for the next year. Also I would pay for a personal copy for all staff to keep so that no one went without. The 15th was finally here and I was honestly excited to see the start of Newt's fame as a renowned and respected magizoologist around the world.

Arriving in Diagon Alley was an interesting event with many people from all walks of wizarding life. Lords to muggle-borns it was a meeting of all of the people. I walk into Flourish and Blotts and Leta looks at me and is surprised at first but quickly schools herself and approaches. "Lord Dragos, a pleasure to have you here with Newt, it will mean alot to him. Seems you both became fast friends in New York."

I simply nod " We made acquaintances on the ship to New York and he fell in love with Sunna." I hear a pop and Sunna is there next to me surprising everyone seeing a phoenix. Sunna starts hopping over and out of site

" HOLY SHIT IS THAT A PHOENIX?" I laugh heartily

" I guess Theseus just saw Sunna ha ha " I walk out back to see Newt and he is petting Sunna and she is happily talking away. Theseus was just staring at Sunna in shock that such a majestic creature would be here.

"Little Newt would you like a familiar from my domain?" says Sunna

" No, I , Thank you, I don't want to impose and it should be left up to them." Sunna shakes her head a Cries out and a pop of flames happens and a blue flame Phoenix arrives and bows to Sunna "Matriarch"

" This little boy wants to experience the world and who would be better than with a magizoologist who has a knack for creatures. You don't have to bond and become familiar but I ask that you let him follow."

Newt was surprised " I… I , Um alright." I walk over towards Newt.

"Congratulations Mr. Author, I hope you can enjoy your day." Newt smiles towards me " Thank you Duke Dragos."

"Please, Usum is fine. Oh and Mr Scamander I have sent a letter to Headmaster Dippet to review your book for educational purposes. Your book has been accepted as the standard book for Care of magical Creatures at hogwarts." I smile you see Leta smiling and giving Newt a hug and even Theseus looked proud. After that I stepped out of the room and shortly after newt arrived at the desk to start his book signing. Leaving him to enjoy his day and talk about something he loves. I return to my home to do a bit more work on the business side of my title and also check in on the soul world.

With august in full swing I was enjoying my long vacation in my soul world and meeting and being with my family. Arriving back at the castle I get another letter that is summoning me to the ministry also with Newt. Knowing that I'd rather arrive slightly late just to be a prick, I prepare. After arriving at the location I see Newt enter the room with the members of the ministry.

I wait a few minutes and then barge in. "You have been calling me for months but I'm here now. What in the Bloody hell do you want?" I say

Mr Travers and Minister Fawley both pale and anger fills " Lord Dagos we are in a meeting as of now! How dare you barge in and interrupt us. This is a ministry hearing." says Fawley "

Also you have refused to answer the call of the ministry and barred our entrance to serve your summons directly. You should be on your way to Azkaban for failure to listen to the summons."

Fawley continues " Says the ministry that lives on my tax revenue so please do I can't wait till I can have the goblins freeze all accounts." I say with a smile.

Fawley looks at me and his face rises with anger " USUM DRAGOS DO YOU WISH TO BE CONSIDERED AN ENEMY OF THE MINISTRY!!!"

I can only start laughing. " oh please, you can barely deal with Grindelwald. I would be you absolute worst nightmare and the most dangerous 'Dark' wizard in the past two millennia. I could wipe out all magical government and lay claim to the whole world haaahahahahhah. I continue laughing for a few minutes.

"Now in regards to Mr.Scamander he was instrumental in saving New York city and also single handily due to largest mass obliviation in the world to date. If you need further confirmation I have a letter from Madam President and High Auror Graves confirming the statement. Also Mr. Scamander is an accomplished magizoologist if book has been the greatest contribution to the learning of magical creatures in a century. We all know you are doing things because you believe that this is Dumbledore's pawn and wish to obstruct that. Also before you ask Dumbledore will be the person to bring down Grindelwald not me."

I see Gunnar step around the corner with a simile " Same old Scamander" . Newt quickly shows discomfort "what is he doing here?"

Gunner walks towards the table " Taking a job you're too soft for. It's that all?"

I look at Gunner " If it isn't Gunnar Grimmson, a man who should be marked for death just as heavily as Grindelwald. Lucky you are the ministries attack mutt because if I find out differently I will happily take you off the board. Good Day gentleman. "

I turned to walk out Travers stands "Dragos where do you ….." I had already stepped out and into the hall. I take off back home to prepare for the meeting with Grindles again.

After returning I begin to feel a calling. I hear a voice in my head 'Time has come, ascension is upon us, we shall become one.' I stumble feeling a pressure and a desire to sleep along with nausea and a litany of other ailments.

I slowly stumble into the main hall. Gazel walked out to see me having issues " My lord!" he ran towards me trying to help me "What is happening?"

I look at him, " Ascension I don't know much else, just take me to my room." He nods and helps me. Mortin and Carrack both see me and come running over asking but I begin to fade. Losing consciousness I feel a draw to the light. I see Stan waiting for me on his throne with a complicated look seeming that this would be a complicated conversation.

"Welcome back Usum how have you been?" he asks

"Good for the most part what seems to be the issues. I hear a voice saying ascension and becoming one." I say

Stan nods knowing "Well" he pauses and sits back looking annoyed and also tired. " Akatosh is needing to infuse but unfortunately I will need to provide you the full thing to do so along with a massive infusion of magic. Basically I need to reinforce your body or you will die again and permanently this time. Also if things go even slightly wrong you could explode which would end at least 80% of life on the planet. Along with destroying your soul world. Some of the benefits mean relative control over time and also magic along with the powers of the thu'um. Also you will become Immortal and unkillable but your physical body can be destroyed and you will come back here."

I just stare at him with a blank look and still processing everything. " Well, I was kinda wanting to participate in the rally at the lestrange mausoleum and make myself a bit known in the magical ability department by fighting Grindelwald to a stand still and also deal with whatever that spell is at the end with the dragons."

Stan sighs shaking his head " unfortunately that will be impossible you must go through the Ascension for it has already started now I have another thing i want to talk to you about." I am disappointed at hearing this. I wanted to be a badass and cool, fighting Grindelwald and destroying his dragons but now I can't. Quite disappointing. " What is the other thing?"

Stan leans forward " when you are finished with this world I'd like to offer you a proposal. I want to send someone to copies of many of the major universes and see if you can make them better.

" I quickly reply "Depends, which ones?"

He smiled " Warhammer 40k, Song of ice and fire cause R'hllor is a little cunt that needs to be destroyed and many others . I will even give vacations to the world you want to experience."

I perk up quickly, yes, 40k is an absolute clusterfuck of a place. Like if a world's description has ' There is only war and the laughter of thirsting gods' I don't think it's going to be like my little ponies. But on the other hand being a dick to most of the noble houses and especially Joffrey and Robert is very appealing. Also vacation to Reincarnated as a slime would be wonderful. Oh my god even the fallout universe. Maybe cyberpunk, great story but not great playing state of the game and also just seeing some of the shit they do with the implants.

"All right I'm in, but what order are we talking about because going from harry potter to the Grim dark future is a bit jarring."

Stan gets up from his throne and places a hand on my shoulder shrinking down to my size. " Well we can figure that out later but for now because of you ascension to being a minor god you should sleep" with that I lost consciousness with my last thought being, please let me wake before harry goes to school at least .

Trying my hardest to build and create. Thank you for your time and everything

Please give stones if you can.

Gibby_Gibsoncreators' thoughts