
Chapter 10: Hostilites Begin

Chapter 10

Arriving at the Wizengamot and waiting for the minister to arrive. I have little faith in Fawley doing anything because even in history he refused to believe that Grindelwald is a credible threat.

" May I ask who you are?" Said a slightly older looking Harry potter. "Usum Dragos. Forgive me I'm not versed in many houses my apologies." I say to the man

" Flemont Potter and no worries. May I take a seat next to you?" "Of course Lord Potter please." Fawley finally arrives and we begin the meeting and to be expected many people on the darker side and even a few neutral join in opposing anything related to Grindelwald and his movement.

"Lord Dragos you have been silent even lord Potter has made his opinion known. What about you?"

I rise " Well Minster Fawley, I believe that Grindelwald is a grave threat to the world. His movement is seductive to many but the costs are great. While I understand the idea of the 'Greater Good movement' It will divide and cause the destruction of hundreds of houses and lead to the fall of Magical Britain due to the loss of many heirs of houses. Which could lead to another dark lord later or any number of things, even the collapse of the Wizengamot due to lack of members. Grindelwald is a global threat and must be dealt with and consider him an enemy Dark lord. The Alliance is an enemy of all wizards and should be dealt with as such." Silence filled the hall and everyone looked at me surprised. Lord black stands " I agreed with Lord Dragos. We should deal with him as such. I call for a vote."

The rest of the Wizengamot seemed to agree with that request. "All in favor of actions against Grindelwald and his people say I" and the vote was tallied' " All against actions against Grindelwald and his people say nay." After a few moments " The nays have it . The ministry will make no direct action against Grindelwald." A sigh leaves me and we all begin to filter out of the hall.

Fleamont says goodbye and says he will owl me to meet at some point.

Lord Black approaches along with a sour look. "Seems we are not on the side of the victor."

" Seems not but , I worry not about that people will take him as a credible threat soon enough." A young man approaches and bows to Lord black "Father how did the session go."

"Unpleasantly but not out of expectation. Oh and this is Lord Usum Dragos." The young man seems taken back and quickly move to greet me " Lord Dragos I'm Arcturus Black I do hope we can meet again." I retern the friendly gesture

" Of course please by the way call me Usum we are within a few years of each other we don't need all the formality. I'd rather leave that to our elders" Both Blacks seem happy with that even showing a small schooled smile.

A man in green and black walked towards us " Seems you have chosen a side, Sirius."

" Well it would be needed Justin. We need to fortify our houses and this new threat is grave."

The man approached me directly " Justinus Malfoy Lord of house Malfoy." The man said " Usum Dragos Lord of House Dragos. Pleasure to meet you Lord Malfoy."

" Oh my pleasure as well you. The boy that made the scene last year when you were claiming your birthright."

"Yes it was a bit of a show, but as a lord of standing, showing force and power makes sure the other houses don't make the mistake of thinking I and my house are weak."

" Very right you are. I do apologize but I must be going. I have a dreadful meeting with the greedy Goblins. Do owl me I'd love to parlay further with you." With that he walked away quickly.

I looked at Lord Black and he was chuckling. "The man is a bit eccentric but is well meaning. Doesn't take after his father much but don't underestimate him, he is highly capable and cunning." I see a Minister Fawley approaching with two others following with him. I bid Lord and heir black Good day and see what the minister wants.

" Lord Dragos we seem to have an issue." I look inquisitive " and what would that be?" " Well we have no records of you ever going to any school or completing any education" I realize that I did just appear with no warning and would not have such records.

" Oh My family always home schooled its own. We have different standards and need as part of house Dragos."

The minister nods but his secretary buts in "Lord Dragos that is unacceptable all people are to attend school at Hogwarts and are needed to take their exams. You have not taken the Wizarding NEWTS and by Ministry standards are capable of holding lordship of a house till they are complete." I look at him scowling and he continues " At this time we will need to take you Lordship until you complete these tests." I start laughing which confuses all three of them

"I'd like to see you try. My Lordship does not and has never been given or has levied rights to the Ministry so regardless my title stays. If you want those tests I will take them now, if you have the facilities ready." The secretary seemed surprised at the confidence the other was searching a book quickly for information about The Dragos Lordship.

" Well we do have them available If you will follow me Duke Dragos." Says the other party with the book.

Arriving at the Department of Education the book wielding wizard goes behind the counter and starts collecting stuff. " Follow me Duke Dragos. We will place you in a private room to take this test on the standard core of classes once your done we can deal with other areas of knowledge." I step in and sit with the quill and test and begin working.

Using a writing charm to scribe for me I write out my answers in the feet in length adding in master level understanding and positing advanced theory beyond what even the wizarding world understood. Once I was happy I stepped out of the room and levitated the massive piles of papers to the education officials desk. "Duke Dragos are you …." his eyes widen at the size of each pile " are these for the whole test?"

"No, each pile is for each topic."

"Alright. What else do you want to test?"

" I'd be happy to test Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, Dueling, Alchemy, COMC. Oh and getting my apparition licence would be wonderful."

The official paled at the workload but being a good ministry employee set up everything. After doing the tests which terrified them at the dueling capability to hold off 25 Aurors at once like it was nothing. Using wandless chantless magic throwing it about while having impenetrable shields around myself.

Theseus Scamander was there as well though not directly participating. I overheard him speaking with other Aurors about how dangerous I am and to pray that I don't go dark lord. After that I asked about masteries but they said that would need to be set for another day. I bid my farewell and get my apparition license and apparate out of the ministry home to Castle Ormr.

Arriving in the courtyard I see a few people waiting for me out the port callus. The harlequin seem to be on guard. The alliance has come to try and sway me.

I walk to the entrance " Welcome to Castle Ormr. How can I help you?" I ask. Looking about I see about 15 people there all seem calm but the tension in them can be seen in their stiff jagged movements to adjust their postures.

" Duke Dragos we are here to speak with you about the alliance and what if offers." I just nod "I know about you and your greater good mantra and have no love or desire for it. You can leave now." I making a shewing gesture and I turn to return to the castle but one of the member fires a curse at me I dodge.

Turning around " YOL TOOR SHUL (Fire Inferno sun)" Out of my mouth a massive Blue flame pours across the landscape a few apparate to safety but many are not fast enough.

Many people being apparting on the island and I can fell them surrounding the castle. "KRII LUN AUS, RII VAAZ ZOL, TIID KLO UI (Kill Leech Suffer, Essence Tear Zombie, Time Sand Eternity)" I explode forth ripping through the Alliance members with extreme prejudice summoning my Emperor sword. The magical shock-wave rang the world like a bell. From London to Budapest people felt the dragon shout shudder the world and magic.

Aurors begin arriving to the island of man and Castle Ormr within minutes and the battle was still happening. The Aurors stay by the castle seeing me blinking around the battlefield as if it's nothing. After a few more seconds I stop my rampage and the harlequin collect the survivors who were not killed and place them before me. I point to one person and the harlequin moves him to the sidelines near the Aurors.

I look at him with my eyes holding a draconic shape glowing with power "let this be a warning." I turn back to the group of survivors "Sil Vaaz Naak (Soul Rip Consume) " the survivors all drop dead and you can see their souls leave their bodies but their souls flow towards me and all merge. Shrieks and screams from the soul can be heard and I step forward and grab the orb of souls and eat it.

The harlequin let go of the man and bends down and says one word "Run" and so the man does. The Aurors have no idea what happened but all they know was something truly terrifying just happened and they can barely describe it. Soon higher level Ministry officials arrive with Torquil Travers in his capacity as DLME Director.

Just arriving he is horrified as the sight. Bodies everywhere eviscerated or some have not immediately identifiable injuries but their faces show pain. I walk towards the man remembering to scourgify myself of all the blood and other viscera on my person. Though Director Travers see this as I am doing it. Travers quickly brandishes his wand towards me " Put down your weapon Director Travers, this is my land and home."

His revelation is evident and he quickly puts away his wand. " Duke Dragos I presume?" I just nod and offer a hand to shake. He returns the niceties and though gets to the point. "What the hell happened here?"

I Look out across the field " As you can see I was attacked by the alliance but I am guessing they were expecting someone with less combat proficiency."

Travers looks at me directly " you did this? How?" I summon my Emperor's sword which surprises him

"This is how. This sword is ancient and has been in my family for thousands of years. It's said to be made by dwarves for the Dragon Emperor. The blade is rune enchanted and has been bathed in basilisk venom making it a deadly weapon." The director stepped back in horror.

You could see that it hit him and made him understand the gravity of the weapon I was casually holding. A harlequin appears behind me " My lord, we have more information." She hands me an envelope and I open it. It was talking about how the man we released went straight back to Grindelwald and told him of the situation. To say he was beside himself was an understatement. He lost a very good and well trained detachment of his main forces. Also when the man said that I shouted and even magic shuddered and reality seemed to bend to my will. He was terrified that he might have just woken a monster and wanted to do everything in his power to keep me out of the war as possible.

" Copy this and bring it to me. Seely" The harlequin disappears and my house elf appears next to me.

" Seely here Master Dragon "

"Please clean up the mess around here and help the Aurors move the bodies to a confident location."

She bows quickly and pops away. I look to my left towards the castle and I see what looks like the journalist from the Daily Prophet snapping photos of the castle and also the landscape. They seem to try to get shots with the most bodies possible.

The man saw me walking towards him and smiled realizing that I am the owner of the land. " Lord Dragos, do you have any statement about what happened here. " I sigh " I defended my home and myself that is all. Now I will need you to vacate my lands for this is an active Ministry investigation. " The man seemed surprised at my demands and looked like he wanted to rebut. I just forced him back to Diagon Alley. The ministry Collected the bodies of the Alliance members and went about dealing with the work that caused.

The next day I see Nanna coming in with a paper. She lands next to me and I pick up the paper.


Yesterday a battle commenced on the Isle of man with Duke Dragos defending his home as he states. From official ministry sources 150 wizards led the attack on Castle Ormr and only one survived and escaped. You read that right reader Duke Dragos Fought of 150 wizards alone and killed 149 leaving one to flee back to Grindelwald. Aurors that saw Duke Dragos and also those who were a part of his dueling accreditation all agree that Duke Usum Dragos is the most powerful wizard seen since merlin. Now here I have gotten secret information about Duke Dragos saying that he has blood relation with both Merlin and Salazar Slytherin. Makes the reports more believable in my humble opinion. I also have information stating that the magical shock-wave we all felt was because of Lord Dragos himself. If this is true I believe we need to be weary of such a powerful man. Continue on Page 5 for more information about they incident Page 7 for the history of house Dragos .

Putting down the paper I call Sunna and giver her my letter to Dumbledore. Doing so I was hoping for two things. One to not change the overall course of history too much and let him defeat Grindelwald and two to keep myself from as many problematic political situations as possible. As Sunna was leaving another Owl appeared and dropped off a letter as well. The letter has the stamp of the Wizengamot and the Ministry of magic. Opening it, Summons for Lord Duke Usum Dragos Wyllt Slytherin to speak about the incident occurring on the isle of man. The following hearing will be held September 7 1926.

Ugh I sigh this will be troublesome I just know it. Though within the day I get a letter back from Dumbledore saying thanks for the information about Grindelwald and his ilk. The next day I am dressing in the finest Suit to look the part of a Duke along with my paludamentum ( shoulder cape) with the House Dragos sigil on it . Entering the Ministry people look at me and the sea of people parts, and give me room to pass. The designated room was like the room used when Harry was in trouble the first time. A single seat in the middle facing the Lords and ladies along with the minister heading the proceedings. I take my seat on the chair and get comfortable because this will be a bit.

The minister arrives and so begins the "review" " Please Verify your full name Lord Dragos." I roll my eyes " Usum Dragos Wyllt Slytherin Borson. I have already laid claim to House Wyllt and Slytherin and all its possession along with electing a proxy to the Board of governors for Hogwarts. "

Whispers going through the crowded nobles speaking about the appearance of the Lord of Slytherin. " Lord Dragos, what is House Borson? "

" Odin Borson, God king of the Aesir and High King of Asgard. You know him through the Norse runes you all use left behind by his people. The Norse god Odin." I say Fawley just moves on

" Lord Dragos, do you know why you have been summoned?" I nod

" I believe it was due to the defense of my home Castle Ormr." you could see Fawley get a bit angry at the claim "Lord Dragos you killed 149 wizards and you call that defense?"

" A family as old as mine knows that sometimes you need to remind the wizarding world just who we are and how powerful we have always been. I defended myself and all thoughts who serve House Dragos."

Fawley huffs " That is what we are here to decide."

" Director Travers please explain what you have found. " Travers stands

" When I arrived at the location It was a mess of bodies and blood everywhere. Lord Dragos did approach me and we spoke about what happened. One thing he said was the use of a Sword that was a relic of the house. He said that the weapon is a rune blade and was also bathed in Basilisk venom. Though after speaking with the other Aurors Lord Dragos you some kind of magic that as they describe Ripped the soul out of the other party and he consumed it." Fawley smiles

" Your response Lord Dragos?"

"Nos fin Dovah los Oblaan'' Magic shutters and startled everyone in the room

"To attack the dragon is death. A rough translation. My family has an ancient and lost magic that few can learn and even fewer will ever understand. Yes I ripped their souls out of their body and consumed them in the proper way as per the rights of my family's ancient practices. To attack me is to Forfeit not just your life but your entire existence. The souls are held in Castle Ormr's array once consumed and can be used in a number of way but mostly to help defend that home of the dragons."

Fawley immediately moved on " The house of Dragos is a threat to the people of magical Britain with such dark arts. As head of the ministry I demand a vote to strip Usum Dragos of all properties Titles and assets."

I shake my head and sigh " The wards and protections are blood keys to me and my own. They do not recognize the ministry and will kill any who try to enter. Also to attempt to claim the house of Dragos I may declare war on the ministry. Another issue is that the Goblins have Served and are considered vassals of House Dragos. So please threaten me again." Saying with boredom evident in my voice. I take my leave and return home to sit out the situation till I go to New York as a mini vacation and also to meet Newt Scamander.