
Blake Belladonna

Ruby had been so very easy to enthrall. Not because she was necessarily weak or had a semblance that made it hard to catch her. In fact, it was the opposite, for both of those things. However, one's semblance and strength meant nothing if one was too gullible to realize the threat staring them right in the face. Ruby was naïve… and now she was his.

Blake Belladonna, on the other hand, was going to be a tougher nut to crack. Whitley wanted very specific things from the cat faunus girl, and he was going to have them, one way or another. Regardless, with Weiss and Ruby doing something else and Yang still sparring with Winter, Whitley has Blake all to himself as he steps into the family library, moving towards the nook that his mother had told him he could find the cat faunus in.

He makes no effort to sneak up on her, and while she doesn't look his way as he approaches, her ears still twitch in his direction, letting Whitley know that she has sensed him, and likely even smelt him at this point. There's no doubt she knows who it is who's come upon her, and that's why Whitley makes absolutely no aggressive moves. After all, much like Ruby, Blake has a semblance she can use defensively to escape him if need be. And unlike Ruby, she's wary and paranoid enough to actually be prepared to use it.

So, Whitley approaches with his hands clasped behind his back and his shoulders squared, a faint smile on his lips and nothing more as he inclines his head once he stops at her side.

"Lady Belladonna. I do hope you're enjoying your time in the library."

Only then does Blake deign to look at him, eyeing him for a moment with clear distaste. She's guarded, but then, Whitley expected as much.

"I'm no Lady. What do you want?"

Guarded AND brusque. Still, he can work with this. Chuckling, Whitley shrugs his shoulders.

"You are the daughter of Menagerie's ruler, are you not? Child to Chieftain Ghira Belladonna and his wife, Kali Belladonna? I think at the very least that would entitle you to some sort of noble address, here in Atlas. It certainly does in my home."

As expected, Blake is left even more guarded at that, her eyes flashing with surprise and worry. After all, as Whitley well knew, Blake had yet to tell any of her team, his sister included, who her parents were. The fact that her father was ruler of an entire somewhat unofficial fifth Kingdom was a pretty big deal, but one she clearly did not want to bandy about all careless-like.

Whitley's contacts were more than adequate enough though, especially when Blake didn't even bother to change her first or last name. The connection had been absurdly easy to make, at the end of the day. It helped that there was also a massive family resemblance. Mm, though personally, Whitley thought Blake took more after her mother than her father. Now THERE was a MILF Whitley wouldn't mind bending over and making his bitch…

"What. Do. You. Want?"

Letting out a sigh at Blake's continued obstinance, but absolutely understanding where it's coming from, Whitley keeps his benign smile affixed to his face.

"I'd hoped to reach some sort of understanding with you, Lady Belladonna."

"I don't see how that's possible, given the fact that all of this, all of your wealth, is built on the backs of Faunus Slave Labor."

Using 'slave' is such a… reactionary, over-the-top way of saying it. But Whitley doesn't let his distaste with Blake's ridiculous exaggeration show on his face. Instead, he bobs his head in acknowledgement of his point, before firing back with his own.

"Indeed, and the atrocities committed by the White Fang have lost me more close friends and family members than I can count. I am thankful that you no longer count yourself among their number."

As expected, Blake goes red at the insinuation. She might not be a member of the White Fang now, but she'd certainly been involved with them as they got more and more aggressive.

"You… I…"

Before she can close off entirely, and take up a defensive stance on the issue, as Whitley knows very well that she would, he waves a hand dismissively, cutting her off.

"It matters not. I expected us to reach this impasse, Lady Belladonna. I have an offer for you, nonetheless. If you are willing to put your money where your mouth is and act as the bridge between me and your people, and more importantly, your father, I would be willing to make a deal with Chieftain Ghira, and openly and publicly lend my and my company's support towards Faunus equality not just on our sites, but across the four Kingdoms. And perhaps, if you think you have the clout, I'd even be willing to extend an offer to Sienna Khan, if she were willing to negotiate."

Whitley pauses for a brief second but seeing that Blake is staring at him wide-eyed now, still processing what he's said, he finishes up with just a touch of a smirk on his face.

"I do believe that such agreements would go a long way to ending the violence and conflict between faunus and non-faunus."

Her eyes flash slightly, and she grows guarded again. But at the same time, there's something like curiosity in her gaze, and Whitley knows he has her. The bait has been set, and she will take it… all he has to do now is reel her in.

"And why would you do this? What could you possibly home to gain? The Schnee Dust Corp couldn't survive one minute without the Faunus that support it from beneath its immeasurable weight."

Whitley just smiles.

"Exactly right, Lady Belladonna. So, wouldn't it be in my best interests to support THEM, before our foundations crumble under the weight of my father's hubris? Look, I will be very clear. It is not guilt or compassion that drives me to do this. It is my desire to reclaim the pride and integrity of the Schnee Family, the same pride and integrity sold away by my father who married into this great House and took us down such a dark path. The name Schnee need not be synonymous with cruelty and abuse. It won't be, if I have anything to say about it."

Blake is just staring again, clearly conflicted, wanting to believe him, but at the same time having a very hard time trusting him. That was okay, because now felt like the perfect time to bring out his ace in the hole.

"Of course, I do also feel a sense of obligation to your people, after a small group of faunus saved me from a dust mining accident several months ago."

That derails Blake entirely.


Whitley just grins and nods.

"Oh yes. It was covered up of course by my father. His only son nearly dead on a tour of a Schnee Dust Mine, solely because of his shoddy business practices and extremely unsafe safety regulations? He couldn't have THAT story getting out, no sir. But the only reason I survived was because of the faunus miners in the area at the time, so rather than let father silence them HIS way, I took them in and made them all members of my staff, here at the mansion. Even still, it doesn't feel like enough. I want to do more, and now that Jacques is gone, I CAN."

Blake growls, incredulous.

"Faunus, saving you? Pull the other one."

Rolling his eyes, Whitley raises a hand and snaps his fingers. A moment later, and both he and Blake are watching as a group of faunus are summoned directly into the library amongst them. Unlike his sisters, who could summon Grimm that they defeated through their semblance, Whitley's summoning ability had taken a different turn. Namely, he could summon the people that he'd conquered mentally and put under his thrall. A thrall denoted by the Schnee Family Crest located somewhere on their bodies. Usually, it was on the abdomen for women, right above where the womb would be. For men, it was a tad more random.

Regardless, as Blake sits up in the presence of so many other faunus, her book entirely forgotten, Whitley gestures casually.

"If you like, please feel free to introduce yourselves to the young Lady Belladonna."

The first to step forward is a big, beefy bull faunus with red hair. He's wearing the white servant's clothes of a Schnee Servant, but with the jacket and undershirt both sleeveless to show off his massive biceps. He liked it that way, and Whitley didn't care nearly as much about appearances as his father did. Not when he could just make everyone who mattered love him regardless.

"The name's Asterios."

The next to move is Asterios' mother, a cow faunus who truly lives up to her breed, with large tits and wide hips just perfect for breeding. She whacks Asterios across the back of the head, despite the fact that he's about half-again her size, smiling at him with fond exasperation.

"No need to be so gruff, Asterios. I'm Hathor, and it's so good to finally meet you, Blake, sweetheart. You're the spitting image of your mother, you know that?"

Before Blake has a chance to react to THAT revelation, the others begin stepping forward and introducing themselves.

"Jessie Schwarz. This here's my little brother, Shawn. Don't fuck with him."

"Jessie… h-hi. I'm Shawn Schwarz…"

"My name is Perseus, and this is Bellaphon. We're engaged, can you believe that?"

"Ah, pleased to meet you, milady. I am called Rosa."

Whitley just smiles as Blake is completely and utterly blindsided by the veritable barrage of introductions. It's the perfect distraction, as she steps away from her nook and towards the faunus, which just so happens to put her right at Whitley's side. Jessie is a lioness faunus, while her half-brother Shawn is a black sheep faunus the same age as Whitley. Jessie just so happens to be very over-protective of Shawn, amusingly enough, while Shawn is a bit timid and overly dependent on his sister.

Perseus and Bellaphon are a pair of horse faunus, and they are indeed engaged. Whitley rather enjoys that, the fact that they're going to be married, but more likely than not, Bellaphon's first child will be HIS. And finally, there's Rose, his mousey mouse faunus maid. She's small but can certainly be fiery when the situation demands it, not quite as overly timid as Shawn, despite being a mouse faunus.

Regardless, Blake, clearly unsure of what to say, has all but moved past him at this point. And as she does so, stammering as she tries to find the words, Whitley sees the perfect opportunity, namely that the small of her back is just slightly exposed, a crack between her shirt and her shorts that he can very much exploit.

"I… you all… and you're all happy here?"

Hathor answers for the group, giggling behind her hand.

"Of course, we are, darling. Master Schnee treats us very well. Much better than his father ever did, that's for sure."

Blake's eyes flash over to Whitley in that moment, but it's too late. He's already at her side, smiling as he presses his hand into the exposed small of her back, placing the glyph there. Blake flinches away of course, but he pretends not to notice, even as he cocks his head to the side.

"I hope you see now, Blake. I hope you see that all I care about is healthy relations between myself and the faunus people. And that starts with creating a healthy relationship with you. You agree with me, I'm sure."

Phrasing that last bit as a statement of fact rather than a question begins the process. Blake blinks once, twice… and then nods slowly.

"Y-Yes. I… a healthy relationship sounds good."

The glyph is definitely working, and after his success with Ruby, Whitley sees no reason to keep testing it with Blake.

"Well, a healthy relationship with me starts with realizing one simple fact. I am your Master, and your one true purpose in life is to make me happy, no matter what."

Blake's eyes widen at that, and for a moment, he can see her resisting the idea. But only for a moment. His semblance really is that strong, and in the end, the only way to truly fight it is to not get hit by it in the first place. She's already failed in that though, the glyph on her lower back working hard to rearrange her thoughts so that his words make sense.

"… Yes… I want… I want a healthy relationship with you, Master."

Oh, now hearing that brings such a happy, satisfied smile to Whitley's face.

"You understand then that you'll need to obey me completely, yes? It is your duty to follow my orders, to be whatever I need you to be."

Blake's eyes flutter, and her entire body shudders, but in the end, she hisses out her response, all the same.


All around them, the other faunus are watching with smiles on their faces. Not a single one is unhappy with this, or angry, or disgusted. After all, so long as their beloved master is happy, they're all happy. And now Blake is the same way. Whitley's newest toy. He can hardly wait to break her in.

"Show me your tits, Blake."

As Whitley steps forward, the cat faunus hurries to obey, pulling down her top and letting her breasts pop free. She's not the largest of her team, that distinction resides with Yang, but she's got a couple of good handfuls. Handfuls which Whitley happily takes advantage of, reaching out and grabbing Blake's chest. At first, he caresses it, watching as her face goes flushed with arousal and her lips part slightly in a small moan.

But then he ups the ante, and grips hard, watching Blake's expression contort in mild discomfort at the rough treatment, even as he kneads and mauls her sensitive titties to his heart's content. Even though she bites her lip, she never once says anything, never once begs for mercy. She knows better, and the entire time, her eyes remain fixed on his wicked smirk, recognizing that so long as he's happy, she's fulfilled.

"You're going to be VERY useful to me, Blake. Even more useful than this lot, I imagine. After all, none of them can lay claim to being the daughter of Menagerie's rulers, or a former White Fang member besides. You're my in with Ghira Belladonna, and Sienna Khan. And Kali as well, I suppose. I've seen pictures of your mother… don't you think she'd look positively fantastic wrapped around my cock."

Blake whimpers at the idea but ducks her head all the same as she answers in the affirmative.

"I-If that is your desire, Master…"

Whitley reaches out and places his fingers under the cat faunus' chin, bringing her head up, so she's forced to look into his eyes as he stares down at her imperiously. Truth be told, they're about the same height, so he's not physically or literally staring down at her… but they both know that she's now beneath him in every way that matters, so the effect is the same.

"It is my desire, Blake. And it's yours as well. You'd love nothing more than for me to fuck a little brother or sister into your mother. And you want me to make Sienna Khan and your precious White Fang my toys just as badly."

He watches as his words have the intended effect. Blake's conflicted expression transforms into a beatific smile, and she nods at him, causing her tits to jiggle a bit.

"Yes… I want nothing more, Master!"

Chuckling, Whitley brings his hand back down from her chin to one of her breasts, groping it more casually now, even as his other hand remains behind his back.

"When in private, you are my pet. My loyal, adoring kitty cat. Private includes anytime we're with anyone else who also knows the truth, that I am the God of Remnant, and all of you mortals are here to be my playthings. When in public, around anyone who does not yet know this truth, you will pretend to be suitably wary of me, but also hold faith in the cause, in the idea that I might fix what my father has done. And to be perfectly fair, I will. His business model was unsustainable in the long run. While that might have suited Jacques, who never gave a shit about me or my sisters, it does not suit me. I will build something that will endure LONG after I am gone."

He's monologuing a bit, so he cuts himself off there, watching Blake to see her reaction to his words. She's staring at him with such love and adoration as she assimilates his orders, hanging off of every last little thing he's said. She just smiles vapidly, bobbing her head along, ready to do whatever he wants. None of the wary, paranoid faunus girl from before remains in this moment.

It turns him on immensely.

"Get on your knees, Blake."

She sinks down to her knees without a single ounce of hesitation. Whitley grabs her by her hair and walks around her, turning her around with him. Once he's done so, his back is to her little reading nook, and he's facing the rest of the people in the library as Blake is turned away from them, her face in his crotch. Whitley eyes his gathered faunus, as well as his mother, who had been prowling about all this time in the other parts of the library, waiting for him to finish with Blake. She's here now though, amongst the faunus servants he's collected.

Smirking, Whitley waves his free hand casually.

"You may begin. Bella, Rosa, I'll be requiring your services sooner than most, so don't get tied up, understood?"

The horse and mouse faunus quickly nod, moving off to the side and stripping down. Everyone else gets down to business. Asterios takes hold of his mother's hips as Hathor in turn bends over the nearest table, and in moments, the beefy bull faunus is buried in his own mother, filling her juicy wet cunt with his cock as she moans in delight. And if the cow faunus' moans sound a bit like moos? Well, Whitley found that rather amusing, so he'd made sure she always would moo like the big fat tittied cow she was.

Grinning, he turns his gaze away from the mother-son duo and towards the brother and sister instead. Jessie already has her little brother sat in a chair, while Shawn only has eyes for his lioness of a sister. The lioness faunus very quickly strips down for her brother, dancing all the while, before eventually sitting on his lap, sinking his rather sizable cock into her own cunt. She moans loudly and lewdly as she begins to ride the black sheep faunus, while Shawn just groans, his hands gripping at his sister's hips tightly, but not doing much else due to his timid nature.

And then there's Perseus and his mother. With Bellaphon and Rosa sidelined for Whitley's own pleasure, Whitley's mother has been bent over, and is now taking a VERY large horse faunus cock right up her cunt. As Perseus mounts and fucks the Schnee Matriarch, Whitley watches on in amusement as her face contorts in mild discomfort at times from the sheer SIZE of the horse faunus. Perhaps he hasn't forgiven his mother for falling for Jacques and then falling into despair quite yet. But he'll get there soon enough.

Regardless, as the library descends into a den of debauchery before his very eyes, Whitley finally turns his attention back to his newest toy, the pet kitty cat still kneeling at his feet, a fistful of her hair gripped in his hand. Blake looks back up at him with needy eyes, fidgeting and squirming a little bit, clearly feeling like she should be doing more to ensure his happiness. Good, that was exactly the way Whitley wanted it.

"Take it out, Blake. Show me what you can do with that pretty little mouth of yours besides being sarcastic and standoffish. I think those days are behind you, don't you?"

Blake flinches but reaches for his pants all the same.

"Yes Master…"

She hurries to extract his cock from its confines, and Whitley lets out a sigh when his erection is finally pulled out of his boxers. It slaps out fast enough that it smacks down atop Blake's face, causing the cat faunus to go absolutely still when confronted with his meaty rod, her eyes crossing just to be able to see it laid out over the bridge of her nose as it is. Whitley just watches and waits, and eventually Blake gets her act together, slowly reaching up to grab hold of his cock, gripping it gently but firmly with both hands near the base.

She slides her face back enough that she can fit his tip between her lips, then she spreads her mouth wide to begin sucking on his cock, slurping away at his member. She's… enthusiastic, certainly. Eager as well. Unskilled and inexperienced? Perhaps not. Whitley would grade her as average, if he had to say. She certainly had SOME experience with fellatio, but no experience with a cock his size, that was for certain. Curious now, Whitley eventually pulls back, taking a moment to slap his new pet across her face a few times as he asks his question.

"You're not new to this, are you Lady Belladonna? Sucking dick, I mean. I wonder, where did a good girl like you get so much experience?"

Blake flushes with shame and embarrassment, but she knows better than to try to hold back information from her 'beloved' Master.

"I… I had a relationship with A-Adam Taurus."

That's a name Whitley recognizes. Actually, that's a name Whitley HATES. Adam Taurus was part of the worst rot within the White Fang, from what the young man could tell. He was everything that threatened Whitley and his family, everything that threatened the Schnee Dust Corp. If he could, if he had the chance, he might actually kill Adam Taurus. Or perhaps he'd enslave him and make him watch (or help) as he destroyed the White Fang's threat to his family and his business.

Decisions, decisions. For now, though…

"I suppose his cock isn't nearly as big as mine, now is it?"

Blake blushes an even brighter shade of red, but still shakes her head in the affirmative. That brings an honest smile to Whitley's face, even as he pushes her back down onto his dick.

"Good. Get back to work."

As Blake tries to continue sucking his cock, she very quickly runs into problems. Namely, while she's given head before, she's obviously never deep-throated a man. Every time his cockhead hits the back of her throat, she gags and pulls back, seeming to consider that her limit, when he knows full well that it's not. Well, easy enough to fix that, isn't it? Raising his eyes, Whitley makes contact with Rosa, and using his free hand, he gestures the mousy mouse faunus over to him.

His ever-loyal maid, in fact the first of his thralls, hurries over. The mouse faunus is very much naked now, even as she kneels behind Blake and presses her much smaller tits into the cat faunus' back, causing Blake to freeze in surprise. Rosa knows exactly what Whitley wants though, she's done this for her Master before after all, even with a couple of the women in this room in fact.

Her lips go to Blake's ear as she spends a moment just groping the cat faunus' tits from behind, lulling Blake into a false sense of security.

"You're having a rough time of it, Lady Belladonna. Master prefers it when his pets give their all, and I fear you don't know how. Let me show you."

Whitley removes his hand from Blake's hair and clasps both his hands behind his back again, watching as Rosa replaces his grip with one of her own. Grabbing the back of Black's head, she pushes, and Whitley gets to watch the oh-so-satisfying sight of the cat faunus' eyes widening as his cock goes right down her throat, triggering her gag reflex once more. But with Rosa controlling the pace, such a thing is altogether meaningless.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

"There you go! That's how you do it! Choke on our Master's cock, you silly little uptight slut! Learn your place!"

Ah, and there's that fiery attitude that the quiet mouse faunus maid could display at times. She was always perfectly submissive when alone with him, but if allowed to 'help' with 'training', Rosa would gladly abuse and push her fellow pets to do all they could do to please Whitley, to give him their all, one hundred percent.

Blake's eyes are watering now, involuntary tears moments from beginning to fall. Drool and slobber are coming up out of her gurgling mouth, dripping from her chin down onto her bared, bouncing breasts as Rose continues to force her up and down Whitley's length. The cat faunus' eyes meet his, and when she sees the happiness in his gaze, when she sees his satisfaction has gone through the roof… she doesn't fight it. She lets it happen, realizing that Rosa is right, that choking on Whitley's cock makes him happier.

And it does. Oh, how it does. He's getting close now, in fact, and as Whitley groans, feeling his climax approaching, Rosa looks at him for direction. He makes eye contact with her as his hands come out from behind his back. One goes to his mousy brunette maid's hair as he grabs hold of her, while the other grabs onto Blake's head again. He pulls them up next to each other, drawing Blake off of his cock and dragging Rosa forward in the same moment.

In that last bit of time before he blows his load, Rosa gives Blake one last instruction.

"Head back, mouth open, tongue out!"

Then, she follows her own advice. Blake manages to do the same right as Whitley begins to cum, and together, the two end up absolutely COVERED in his seed, the facials he gives both faunus some of the best of his life. But then, that was probably one of the best orgasms of his life as well. Blake was definitely a potential thorn in his side that Whitley was glad to have taken care of. In comparison, Yang would be a cakewalk, he was sure. The next challenge would likely be Sienna Khan, but even there, Blake would be instrumental in the White Fang leader's utter subjugation.

Regardless, with Blake and Rosa covered in his jizz, Whitley is satisfied… momentarily.

"Clean each other up. Get her ready for what comes next, Rosa."

Before Blake can say anything, his mouse faunus maid is all over the other girl, pinning her to the ground and beginning to lick and lap up the cum that covers her features. Whitley just smiles at the sight of the mouse dominating the cat, before turning to the last unattached woman in the room. Reaching down, he strokes his half-hard cock a bit, willing it back to fully erect, even as he approaches Bellaphon. The horse faunus has been preparing for him, or at least preparing for whatever she thinks he might want of her.

Namely, she's been fingering her cunt to the sight of Blake getting face fucked on his cock and Rosa helping facilitate that. As Whitley walks up to the horse faunus, Bella bites her lower lip and averts her gaze bashfully, neighing softly, as he's conditioned her to do.

"Present yourself to me, pet. It's time for another breeding session."

His words catch Perseus' attention from where the male horse faunus is currently fucking Whitley's mother, the Schnee Matriarch. But not in any sort of negative way. If anything, Perseus gets more excited at the fact that their Master is about to fuck his intended, his beloved. After all, Perseus knows full well that he doesn't get to breed Bellaphon himself until AFTER Whitley has impregnated her and she's given birth to a child of HIS loins first.

That was probably a pretty cruel thing to do, but Whitley had never claimed to be particularly nice. He was a dick bag, through and through. Either way, Bella whinnies as she turns away and bends over at the waist. She doesn't bend over anything solid, merely stands there in the middle of the room and reaches down and grabs her ankles. This has the effect of showing off her naked, gushing wet, drooling quim to Whitley's eyes, and he wastes no time in stepping up to the place, grabbing her by her hips and dragging her back onto his cock.

She IS taller than him by a fair bit, to be fair. As a horse faunus, she has STRONG, LONG legs, the kind that one might say go on for DAYS. So, when he grabs her and pulls her onto his cock, it's more like he's thrusting up and she's being dragged down. She drops into a slight crouch, and Whitley groans as his cock sinks into the horse faunus' tight depths.

But something feels wrong about it. He doesn't like that he's having to thrust UP just to fuck his thrall. With a growl, Whitley viciously kicks Bella's legs out from under her, sending her crashing forward to the ground with a sharp cry. She whimpers as her face and large tits press into the wood of the library floor but doesn't resist as Whitley mounts her in this new position. Face down, ass up… he can definitely work with this.

Now jackhammering into her from above with his thick, meaty cock throbbing and pulsating with desire, Whitley groans as he takes Bella to pound town, ramming into the horse faunus with all his might. She squeals and shrieks as he does so, very quickly climaxing around her Master's cock, eyes rolling around in her head and tongue lolling out of her mouth.

Over with Perseus and Whitley's mother, he can hear the Schnee Matriarch's own cries of pleasure and perhaps pain from the horse faunus' size increasing at the same time. Watching his Master fuck his beloved right before his eyes is arousing Perseus immensely, as Whitley made sure it always would. It's the same with Asterios or Shawn as well. While they love to fuck their mother and sister respectively, they love it even MORE when HE fucks Hathor and Jessie to his heart's content. After all, he is their Lord and Master…

But in the end, in spite of all that, all Bella really is in this moment is a chaser before the main event. Even as Whitley fucks her like an animal (like the animals all around him) all sense of decorum lost, his mind is elsewhere. He's putting all of his physical strength into it, but his heart isn't there. Even still, by the time Whitley finally cums, by the time he seeds Bellaphon with a nice thick load of his ejaculate, she's still climaxed more times than he's bothered to keep track of, and her body twitches quite nicely, along with her creampied cunt as he pulls out of her and gives her fat ass one last smack before turning away.

It's less that he's turning away from her and more that he's turning BACK to Blake, though. Blake Belladonna is the real guest of the hour, the real prize for this evening. And Rosa? Rosa has been doing her job in preparing Blake for what will happen next. At this point, the cat faunus is completely stripped naked, and laid out across Rosa's chest. His mousy maid has Blake on top of her, with her legs wrapped around Blake's thighs and her hands running across the other faunus' body. One hand on a tit, and the other down between Blake's legs. Needless to say, Blake is more than wet enough by now, if she wasn't already.

More importantly though, is the collar that now rests around Blake's neck. It's nondescript, of course, because the engraving that Whitley has sent for will take another day to arrive, but it looks absolutely gorgeous against her pale skin. Rosa has gotten it around her neck as part of the preparing her phase, and now… now it's the only thing Blake is still wearing.

His messy cock grows erect yet again in the time it takes for Whitley to close the distance between them, and then he's kneeling down between Blake's legs as the cat faunus stares at him, blushing up a storm. His hands go to her ankles, and he pulls her legs up. Rosa immediately responds to this by grabbing hold of them from him, bending them back and folding Blake up like a pretzel. She also hands him something else… Blake's leash.

This has the effect of framing Blake's tits and cunt and even her ass perfectly, and Whitley has his choice of the lot as he runs one hand down her front, playing with her breasts and then moving to her belly, where he'll eventually put the same Crest that resides on Rosa on her as well. In fact, why not now? Smirking, Whitley activates his power and watches as the Schnee Family Crest forms atop Blake's abdomen, etching itself on her flesh. At the same time, he pulls slightly on the leash, tugging it just enough to choke Blake out a little.

"Now you're mine permanently, slut. Mine, forever and ever."

"Y-Yours, Master. I don't… I don't want to be anything else."

Well, that's him talking through her lips, but it still turns Whitley on immensely, chuckling, the young man brings a palm down on Blake's sopping wet snatch with a smack, soaking up her cry as he does so.

"What about here, slut? You let Adam fucking Taurus have your cunt to, you little whore?"

Blake whimpers and hangs her head at that.

"… Yes Master. He took my virginity…"

Disappointing, but not entirely surprising. He'd probably run into the same situation with Yang, unless the bombastic blonde was all talk and no show. But hey, he'd had his fun tearing his sister's hymen to shreds and taking Ruby's purity had always been rather enjoyable. So, fifty-fifty wasn't too bad, right? Regardless, that just makes Whitley's hand slide down a little further, and using the juices now coating his digits, he shoves his middle finger right up Blake's asshole.

"And how about here?"

Blake's eyes go wide, and she squeals as he anally penetrates her. It takes her a moment to sufficiently recover enough to shake her head no.

"N-No… no I've never had anything up there before…"

It's clear she's not excited to find out exactly how that feels. Luckily for her, Whitley prefers a bit more prep before taking a faunus up the ass. He'll wait until she's a lot cleaner before he does anything with that hole. Besides, tonight is about leaving a nice thick load of cum buried in Blake's womb, to begin the process of breeding the cat faunus slut once and for all.

"Well, we'll have to rectify that… later."

It's as relief is coming over Blake's face that Whitley shoves his cock all the way into her dripping cunt. The relief quickly contorts into surprise, pleasure, and perhaps a bit of discomfort and pain as he stretches her wide. Oh sure, her slick insides make it all the easier for him to bury every last inch of his cock inside of her, but despite being a virgin, Blake is VERY tight. Whitley knows this is half because she's not likely been with a man since she abandoned the White Fang and went to Beacon, but at the same time… well, the simple truth of the matter is she's never had a man his size either. Only that pathetic bull faunus that even Asterios could likely easily put to shame.

Now though, now she's dealing with a REAL man's cock, and it's clearly more than she expected as her eyes flash with arousal, but also mild discomfort. Whitley doesn't give a shit. This is about his pleasure, not hers. Reaching up, he grabs hold of Blake's tit again and squeezes it ruthlessly, even as he pulls with his other hand on the leash around her neck. At the same time, he begins to fuck her sopping wet cunt with all his might. The noises her gushing pussy makes as he fucks it are obscene, as are the noises SHE makes as he mauls her tits for his own pleasure.

Her inner walls contract and squeeze down hard around his cock, not least of which because of the way he's currently asphyxiating her with her collar, rhythmically at first but growing more sporadic as time passes. Especially when she starts orgasming and finds that she can't stop. Whitley grins as Blake's eyes go crossed from the pleasure, before ultimately rolling back in her head altogether. Her lips form into a small o as she moans continuously, but even that eventually becomes a very big, wide O as her moans turn into constant orgasmic cries of bliss and ecstasy.

Her tongue lolls out of her mouth, and Blake spasms and shakes beneath him and atop Rosa as he fucks her and fucks her, and then for good measure, fucks her some more.

"This is what your mother is going to get. Perhaps I'll make Ghira watch. Perhaps I'll keep him in the dark. This is what Sienna Khan is going to get as well. Maybe I'll enthrall all of her lieutenants first, and then make them watch me ravage and defile her atop her very throne. Gods, you animals are so uncivilized. But then, what should I expect from a group of people who think 'Chieftain' is worthy of respect? Hah!"

Blake just moans, sometimes nodding with him, but altogether too incoherent to really catch what he's saying or formulate a real response to it. Put bluntly, there's no end to the pleasure that he's forcing on her as he fucks her most brutally, and by the time Whitley finally cums inside of her, by the time he finally fills her womb with his seed, she's practically catatonic, and utterly unresponsive. Not even him using her breasts to push up and off of her as his cock pops free of her well-fucked cunt provokes a response beyond another moan.

Rosa pushes Blake off of her onto the ground, and the incognizant cat faunus ends up prone with her legs spread wide and his cum leaking out of her twitching quim. Meanwhile, Whitley's ever loyal, ever reliable mouse faunus maid is on her knees before him in a moment, slurping away at his messy prick and cleaning it off for him, as is her duty as is maid and his cock-cleaner.

Whitley runs a hand through her hair, but rather than gripping fast or anything like that, he's just petting her, even as he takes in the state of the room. Asterios has filled his mother with his seed by this point a few times over, and as he pulls out of her one last time, Whitley watches Hathor's legs bow and twitch and tremble as she remains held up only by the table she's bent over, her fat cow faunus ass jiggling delightfully from the shaking she's still doing.

Jessie is no better. While the lioness faunus started out in control, it seems like always that her timid half-brother's switch was thrown, somewhere along the way. Much like Whitley left Bella, Shawn now has the ahegaoing lioness face down, ass up on the ground. The black sheep has mounted her and is fucking her hard from above, even as he grips her firm, toned behind as harshly as he can for leverage. It's obvious that Jessie is having the time of her life, despite that role reversal, and Whitley just smiles at the gorgeous sight.

And finally, last but not least, there's Perseus and his mother. The Schnee Matriarch is covered in sweat by this point, even as Perseus bounces her up and down on his lap, the horse faunus able to go for a lot longer than his mate, given the way he's STILL fucking Whitley's mother. It's an admirable sight, and that combined with Rosa's tongue bring him back to full mast quickly enough.

So, he fucks his mousy maid next, making her shriek his praises and beg for more as he filled her with his cock, and then eventually with a nice thick load of his seed. Blake remained comatose through most of it, but that didn't stop Whitley from using his new pet's sleek black hair to clean himself off more than once as the orgy continued from there.

Victory was, as ever, so very sweet. But while he'd won this battle quite handily and had now left Yang unknowingly trapped behind enemy lines without any friends to help her any longer, Whitley knew he was a long way from winning the war. Making Team RWBY his sluts was an enjoyable goal, but it was Blake Belladonna in particular that would see his cause furthered. Through her, he could have her parents. Through them, he could take the White Fang from the inside.

There was no doubt in Whitley Schnee's mind that he would succeed, but confidence was not the same as arrogance. He would not fail, because he would not ALLOW himself to fail. This was not some reckless, ill-thought out plan, but something he'd been working on for YEARS, ever since the discovery of his semblance's true potential. The world was Whitley Schnee's oyster, and he intended to make great use of the immeasurable potential found within it.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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