
The Alphas Chosen Mate

Upon getting a new job as a security guard at a ballpark, a young woman thinks she is settling into life. She loves her job, her life, and where her future is leading. She has big plans to buy a home of her own and soon. Unbeknownst to her, there is something magical and phenomenal going on in the background. Something that she is about to be drug into, willing or not. Once she is plunged into this magical world, she did not know existed, there is no coming out again. Can she keep this new life from her family and friends? Or will they be drawn in with her, simply for knowing her. Will she still achieve the life she always wanted, or will she go in a completely new direction. The new man in her life will have a lot to do with all her upcoming decisions. Weather they be for good or bad. The only way to find out is to delve into this world with me. lets embark on this journey together and see where this road will lead us.

Joy_Phoenix · Fantasie
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33 Chs

Chapter 6

That night my dad barbecued. My dad thought he was a grilling master. But to be honest, corn is not supposed to be crunchy. The flavoring was good though. Abel seemed to really enjoy it as well. He even discretely gave dad some grilling advice. When dad used it, he stopped burning the burgers. According to dad, "A meat expert should know how to grill meat. I will try anything once." After he tried, "Boy that taste's nice! I think I will try that again."

Abel and my mother got along famously too. He carried in all the groceries for her when she came home from work. I was busy helping my dad prepare the food for grilling. I did not even know when she had made it home. But Abel was on top of things. He moved things around in the kitchen for her. He opened bottles. He even showed off a trick where he could pop the top of his beer with just his finger nail. He pulled out the chairs at the table for my mother and me. He stood up each time one of us left the table too. Even if it was for the bathroom. He was the perfect gentleman.

Later my dad challenged Abel to a drinking contest. My dad lost after about 12 beers. Abel was still going strong and was acting like he did not even feel it. Abel ended up having to carry my dad up to my parents' bedroom. During which time my mother and I cleared the dishes and put away the food. Dad invited Abel to come and work out tomorrow morning. Abel jumped on it as soon as dad tossed that nugget out. I guess Abel has been needing a spotter for quite some time too.

While they were out of the room, mom and I were talking. It was not the first time I had ever brought a guy home. But it was the first time ever, I had brought one home, and my mother wanted to talk about him. At first I was worried, she was going to tell me to never bring him home again. That did not happen! Mom complimented me on his mannerisms. She was impressed with his job too. However, she wanted more proof that he was the owner of Beastmen enterprises. She stopped and pulled out her phone. She looked up Beastmen enterprises. Abel's face was the face on the website. She looked up Abel Adalwolf. He was listed as the owner of Beastmen enterprises. He had several question and answer segments online, along with several websites with his life's story. He checked out in every way possible.

I was even more impressed as she read all of his accomplishments out to me. Not only was he the owner of Beastmen enterprises, he was known as an avid golfer, played football in high school and college. Both of his teams were champs and he was the captain of the team. His company is listed on the fortune five hundred series, and has been listed as such since Abel took over the company from his father. He is known as one of Oklahoma's most eligible batchers. When he was only eighteen years old he had started a car washing business. By the time he turned twenty six he owned all the car washing complexes in Oklahoma city. When he took Beastmen enterprises over from his father three years ago, he sold his car washing industry to several individuals for a major profit. He is now twenty eight years old and well on his way to become the next Donald J. Trump.

My mother was so proud of me bringing home such a well-rounded guy. I never thought I would hear that kind of praise in my life. But it was so nice to hear. My family has always been supportive. But I am an only child. I think it was well known from when I was small, I would not be going to college. I was never interested in college. I knew I would work for a living, same as my parents did. I was just never interested in all work and no play. I wanted to enjoy what life had to offer, even if that meant I would never be rich.

At least I did not end up pregnant, before graduating high school, like several girls I know. I wanted to wait until marriage. I am college age now I know. I am only twenty five. I still have a lot I am planning on doing before I settle down completely. Though I do have to say, I am really hoping that this works out between me and Abel. It will make my family proud, that is all I ever wanted. But I will not do anything I am not happy with. We still have that new car smell. I just have to give it some time. Let that new car smell wear off a little. I mean I can't tell if I like him overnight. He is making some great strides though.

When Abel came back down the stairs, my mother said good night and went up to nurse my dad. Abel and I were left on the couch in the living room. Abel had his legs crossed and I was right next to him by the wall. As soon as I heard my parents door shut, I stood up like I was going to go to the kitchen. Abel had my hand in his. When I turned to walk past him, he uncrossed his legs to let me pass and let go of my hand.

When I got between his legs I purposefully fell on him in a gigantic hug. He had his arms out to hug me back but he was half in shock. "Um, darlin, not that I am complaining, but are you alright?"

"Thank you Abel! I did not know how badly I needed exactly what you brought into this house."

He hugged me back, "What did I bring exactly?"

"My parents are proud of me. I brought home a decent fellow. They like you! They have never liked any of the guys I have brought home in the past. I had made up my mind they wouldn't. I am still in shock!"

He cheesed at me, as he gradually began to turn the tables on me. He was moving me right where he wanted. I did not even care, I let it happen. As he moved me he teased, "I am glad you feel this way. But, are they the only ones who like me?"

I was so glad that the lights in the living room were dimmed. I blushed crimson, and shily said, "I like you too." I leaned back to kiss him on the cheek, but he turned his head at the last second. His hand came up behind my head while the other wrapped around my waist. We were in full on make out mode now. We were not coming up for air, that is until our bodies demanded it.

Amazingly my parents did not come down checking on me every thirty seconds either. As we were exploring each other, I had it in the back of my mind that my parents would come down at any moment. But all they would have seen, was us kissing. Abel was a complete gentleman. He never took things beyond the limits. I was even more impressed with his restraint than his job. If he was going for impressions alone, he won! I just can't help but wonder how long this will actually last.

After some time, I am not sure how long, his alarm on his watch went off. He pulled back from me, looking very regretful. "I am so sorry sweetheart. I do not want to overstay my welcome, and it is almost eleven o'clock. If I stay much longer, I am afraid I won't be able to leave. I do not think your parents would like it, if they woke up to me in your bed, not just yet. I will be back in the morning. I promise!"

I did not know truly what to say. I walked him to the door. Before he opened it, he turned around to me. "I want to start a tradition right now. Every time before one of us ever leaves the others company. I want to lean down and do this." He bent over and kissed my forehead. Then he whispered into my ear, "I won't say the four letter word just yet. But you can imagine I did. Because baby, I am falling hard for you." He kissed the top of my head. Then he turned and went out the door.

My heart was pounding so fast! He was so sincere. I leaned against the door and slid down to the floor. I let myself take in all of what had just happened tonight. I still felt like I was in shock. But what an amazing experience. If this is a dream I hope I do not wake from it any time soon. If I wake up in my office in the morning, I can just enjoy the lovely memories of this amazing dream. If it is not a dream, I can only hope I never wake from it. This is an amazing feeling.

I checked all of the doors in the house, making sure all exterior lights were on, and made sure all the interior lights were out. Then I headed upstairs. I had to have a giggle. I could hear my parents in their room. My mother was saying, "Keep it down, the kids will hear down stairs." Dad was teasing back, "They are probably doing the same thing. Now just let me, OH YEAH BABY! JUST LIKE THAT! THAT'S THE TICKET!" My mother let out a fairly loud moan.

I giggled as I quickly rushed into my room. I am so glad that my room was nearly sound proof. Plus, I have my bathroom and their bathroom between our rooms. It makes a nice buffer. I quickly took myself a shower. I always take a shower right before bed. It helps me to sleep at night. I did my regular ritual of blow drying my hair and crawling into bed. But tonight, I went the extra mile. I wanted cute hair for in the morning. I braided my hair into six long tight braids. I knew it would make my hair nice and wavy in the morning.

When I laid down, I could not help but think of all of our conversations today. How Abel acted with my parents. How it was so interesting that we had a lot of the same likes and dislikes. But one thing kept nagging at me. He had been watching me for so long, according to him. He could have learned all that stuff and just claimed it was his favorite. I was a bit worried. I mean how many people do you know that date their stalkers. Yet he has never came across as a stalker. He has been very honest about everything. Still! That is a worry that is not just going to disappear. It was my last thought before I knocked out for the night.

What would you do in this situation? Would you consider it odd that this man had been watching you from the shadows? He has learned everything about you before meeting you. Then he marked you, saving your life or not, how would you react? I think the main character is pacing herself. But personally, I would be all up in his space asking who, what, where, when and how. Never forgetting the why. I have had my fair share of stalkers in the past. Some are creepy some are just shy and take forever to get to know you. What are your feelings folks? I would really like to know.

Special thanks to all my new and loyal readers. You all make writing fun!


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