
The Alpha in the MCU

A young man named Mark finds himself at the crossroads of life and death, struck by the fateful "truck-kun" and offered a chance for reincarnation by a higher-dimensional being known as ROB. Given the opportunity to start anew, Mark, now reborn as James Logan Howlett, enters the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Armed with the combined abilities of Wolverine and an Alpha werewolf, James now as one of the most formidable beings in existence, he navigates his new life. ---- Kara, Natasha and Wanda are the only mates for Logan. I'm not planning to add more.

Kakarot1809 · Filme
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22 Chs

The Beast within

Weeks passed in relative peace as Logan and Kara continued their vacation, far removed from the chaos they had unleashed. Their days were filled with relaxation and quiet moments, but the world was anything but calm. The fallout from Hydra's exposure was massive, and the shockwaves were still being felt across the globe.

In the United States, the government scrambled to control the public's growing outrage. Protests erupted in cities nationwide, with citizens demanding accountability and justice. Politicians held press conferences, each trying to distance themselves from the scandal, while others pointed fingers, attempting to pin the blame on their opponents. The media, relentless as ever, continued to uncover new details, fueling the public's anger.

Meanwhile, S.H.I.E.L.D. was in turmoil. With over half of its agents revealed as Hydra operatives, the organization was left gutted and vulnerable. Director Fury, despite his best efforts, found himself with a skeleton crew and a mountain of work. Every day, Maria Hill and the remaining loyalists worked tirelessly to recruit new agents, vetting each one with extreme caution to prevent another infiltration. Trust was a rare commodity, and paranoia ran high within the ranks.

Despite the challenges, S.H.I.E.L.D. was determined to rebuild. They reached out to former agents, extended their search globally, and even considered recruiting enhanced individuals who could help bolster their ranks. But it was clear to everyone involved that S.H.I.E.L.D. would never be the same. The betrayal cut too deep, and the organization's reputation was in tatters.

Amidst all this chaos, Logan and Kara remained blissfully unaware. They had intentionally cut themselves off from the world, enjoying the serenity of their travels. After spending time on beaches, in mountain cabins, and visiting various countries, they now found themselves in Harlem, New York. The vibrant neighborhood was alive with the sounds of music, laughter, and the hum of city life.

As they walked down the bustling streets, Kara clung to Logan's arm, her black hair flowing freely in the summer breeze, and her blue eyes sparkling with contentment. Logan, dressed casually in a pair of dark jeans and a simple black shirt, enjoyed the rare moment of peace. For once, he wasn't looking over his shoulder or planning his next move. He was just a man enjoying a stroll with the woman he loved.

But peace is often fleeting, especially in Logan's world.

Without warning, the ground beneath them shook violently, and the air was filled with the deafening sound of an explosion. People screamed and ran in every direction as the street erupted into chaos.

Logan instinctively pushed Kara behind him, shielding her from the flying debris.

"What the hell was that?" Kara exclaimed, her eyes wide with shock.

Logan didn't answer immediately, with his senses he already knows what's going on.

The crowd parted as a monstrous figure emerged from the wreckage of a nearby building.

Standing nearly ten feet tall, with mottled green skin and muscles that bulged grotesquely, the creature roared in fury, sending waves of terror through the fleeing civilians.

As Logan muttered the name "Abomination," Kara glanced at him, confusion etched across her face. "Who is he?" she asked, her eyes narrowing as she took in the hulking green monstrosity tearing through Harlem.

Logan's jaw tightened as he replied, "He's a soldier who got injected with Banner's blood. Thought he could become another Hulk. Instead, he turned into that… thing." His voice was thick with anger.

Meanwhile, Abomination continued his path of destruction, tearing through buildings and tossing cars aside like toys. Civilians screamed and ran, but the green monster seemed intent on causing as much havoc as possible.

Logan's anger flared as he watched the scene unfold. He had been enjoying a rare moment of peace with Kara, only to have it shattered by this brute. His lips curled into a snarl as he began to walk towards Abomination, his steps deliberate and filled with menace.

"You'll pay for disturbing me," Logan growled, his voice low and dangerous.

Abomination turned his gaze towards Logan, a twisted grin forming on his monstrous face. With a bellowing roar, he swung a massive fist at Logan, intent on smashing him into the ground. But Logan was ready. He met the punch head-on, stopping the giant's fist with a single hand.

The force of the blow sent shockwaves. But logan didn't even move from his spot, Abomination's eyes widened in surprise, clearly not expecting Logan's strength. But that surprise quickly turned to anger as he snarled and used his other hand to swat Logan away like a fly.

Logan was sent crashing through a nearby building, the impact causing the structure to crumble around him. Dust and debris filled the air as the building collapsed, burying Logan under a mountain of rubble.

Kara, who had been preparing to fight Abomination herself, suddenly paused. Her keen senses picked up something unusual, something falling from the sky at an incredible speed.

She looked up, her eyes scanning the sky, trying to identify the incoming threat as she says some guy falling from a helicopter.

Before she could do something she turned to the place Logan was thrown away.

Logan emerged from the wreckage of the building, his clothes in tatters. His eyes blazed with a fiery red hue, the color of rage and power.

As he stepped out of the debris and began to walk towards the green monster, his body began to change. His muscles bulged, and his frame grew larger. His face elongated, taking on the feral features of a wolf, while his hands grew some black fur.

Logan had entered his hybrid form—a terrifying combination of man and beast.

"You just bought yourself a one-way ticket to hell," Logan snarled, his voice deep and guttural.

Without hesitation, Logan lunged at Abomination, moving with blinding speed. He landed a powerful punch squarely on Abomination's jaw, sending the green giant flying through the air.


The impact was so forceful that Abomination crashed through multiple buildings before coming to a stop.

Logan didn't give him a chance to recover. He was on him in an instant, grabbing the monster by the neck and lifting him off the ground.

Abomination struggled, his massive hands trying to pry Logan's grip loose, but it was no use.

Logan's claws dug into his hand, drawing green blood that oozed from the wounds.

With a swift motion, Logan used his vibranium claws to sever one of Abomination's arm following other, rendering the monster helpless. Abomination howled in pain, his eyes wide with terror as he realized what was happening.

Logan leaned in close, his eyes glowing with an ominous light. "Die, you mongrel," he whispered, his voice filled with cold fury.

Using his power of fear induction, Logan forced the full weight of his wrath onto Abomination, breaking whatever will the creature had left. The green monster whimpered, his body trembling in Logan's grasp.

With one final, decisive move, Logan infused his claws with energy, causing them to glow with a brilliant, deadly light. He brought his claws down in a swift arc, slicing clean through Abomination's neck. The creature's head tumbled to the ground, lifeless, as his body slumped over.

Logan stood there, as he watched the light fade from Abomination's eyes. The battle was over, but the rage still simmered within him.

He looked down at the headless corpse, his claws still glowing faintly with residual energy. "Never disturb me again," he muttered, more to himself than to the dead monster.

Kara approached logan, her eyes filled with concern. "You okay?" she asked, her voice soft.

Logan took a deep breath, his body slowly returning to its normal form. "Yeah," he replied, though the anger in his eyes had yet to fully subside. "Let's get out of here."

As Logan and Kara prepared to leave the scene, Logan suddenly stopped. His heightened senses picked up on something powerful approaching, something that radiated immense strength and rage. He turned back towards the hole in the ground left by someone's body, narrowing his eyes as a massive green hand emerged from the hole darkness.

Logan's suspicions were confirmed when the Hulk, the legendary green giant, climbed out of the crater.


The Hulk's roar echoed through the streets of Harlem, a sound filled with unbridled fury.

Kara, standing beside Logan, let out an exasperated sigh. "I swear, if we keep running into giant green monsters, I might start hating the color green," she muttered, facepalming.

Logan couldn't help but chuckle at her comment. "Makes you and me both," he replied with a smirk, though his gaze remained fixed on the Hulk.

The Hulk's eyes were wild with rage as he scanned his surroundings, finally locking onto Logan. The green giant's gaze then shifted to the lifeless body of Abomination lying on the ground. The sight seemed to agitate him even more, his muscles bulging as his anger grew.

Logan, still in his hybrid form, approached the Hulk calmly. "The guy's dead," Logan said, his voice low and challenging. "But if you want a fight, I'm game. The last one didn't exactly let me vent all my anger."

The Hulk roared in response, his massive fists clenching as he swung a punch directly at Logan. The blow connected with a thunderous impact, sending shockwaves through the ground. But Logan barely flinched. The Vibranium within his body absorbed the kinetic energy of the punch, storing it within the runes that glowed faintly in his skin.

Logan grinned, his red eyes glinting with excitement. "My turn," he growled.

With a powerful punch of his own, Logan sent the Hulk flying back through the air, crashing into the side of a nearby building. The force of the blow left a deep crater in the wall, but the Hulk quickly recovered, standing up and roaring in defiance.

What followed was a brutal, no-holds-barred brawl. The two titans clashed with earth-shattering force, their blows creating shockwaves that shattered windows and cracked the pavement.

Logan fought with raw, animalistic fury, using his immense strength to match the Hulk blow for blow. His claws remained sheathed; this fight was about pure, physical strength.

The Hulk, driven by his ever-increasing anger, grew stronger with each passing second. His punches became more ferocious, and his movements more desperate. But Logan didn't back down. His hybrid form was a perfect blend of his human and beastly sides, granting him more than enough endurance and resilience needed to withstand the Hulk's onslaught.

As the fight raged on, Logan seized an opportunity. He grabbed the Hulk by the neck, leaping high into the air with the green giant in tow. With a powerful slam, he drove the Hulk into the ground, creating a massive crater that shook the entire neighborhood.

The Hulk, however, was far from defeated. His strength surged as his rage reached new heights, his muscles bulging even more as he let out a deafening roar. He throws Logan off him with his hands, sending him skidding across the ground.

Logan skidded to a stop, digging his fingers into the pavement to halt his momentum.

He stood up slowly. His eyes locked onto the Hulk, who was charging at him with renewed fury.

"Come on, big guy," Logan muttered under his breath, bracing himself for the next round. "Let's see what you've got."

Then fought for almost an hour destroying evrything in Harlem.

Logan, sensing that the fight had gone on long enough, decided it was time to put an end to it.

Drawing on his extensive knowledge of martial arts and combat techniques, he swiftly overpowered the Hulk. Logan moved with lightning speed, delivering a relentless barrage of punches to the green giant, striking him over a hundred times in a matter of minutes, drawing blood from the green guy.

The Hulk, stunned and reeling from the onslaught, barely had time to react before Logan grabbed him by the waist, lifting him high into the air.

With a powerful slam, Logan drove the Hulk into the ground, creating another massive crater.

The impact left the Hulk barely conscious, his enormous body lying still in the wreckage with green blood coming from his nose and mouth.

Logan's eyes began to glow with a menacing Red light as he approached the downed Hulk. He knew that brute strength alone wouldn't be enough to calm the raging beast within Banner. Instead, Logan tapped into his fear induction abilities, pouring his willpower into a full-force mental assault.

The effect was immediate. The Hulk's wild, angry eyes slowly began to lose their fury, replaced by confusion and fear. His massive form started to shrink, the green hue fading from his skin as he transformed back into Bruce Banner.

Logan watched, satisfied, as the now-exhausted scientist lay almost unconscious on the ground, the Hulk's rampage finally at an end.

Logan himself reverted to his human form. As he looked down at himself, he couldn't help but notice that his clothes were once again in tatters, leaving him in nothing but his underwear.

He glanced over at Banner, who somehow still had his pants intact, and muttered to himself, "How the hell does he manage to keep those on?"

Before Logan could ponder this mystery any further, Kara approached him with a serious expression. "We've got company," she said, pointing to the sky.

Logan looked up to see a military helicopter descending toward them. The chopper landed a short distance away, and a woman in a red dress ran out, sprinting toward Banner with tears in her eyes. It was Betty Ross.

Banner, barely conscious, managed to open his eyes just long enough to see Betty before succumbing to exhaustion once more. Logan, watching the emotional reunion, felt a twinge of empathy but quickly pushed it aside. "He's fine," Logan assured Betty, though his tone was more matter-of-fact than comforting.

As Logan turned to face the helicopter, he saw a figure stepping out that made his blood boil. General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross, dressed in his military uniform, approached with a stern expression, his eyes narrowing as he took in the scene.

Logan couldn't resist the urge to taunt Ross. "Well, well, if it isn't Thunderbolt Ross. Always showing up late to the party, huh?" Logan's voice dripped with disdain, his eyes glaring at the man he despised the most in the MCU.

Ross's lips tightened into a thin line as he regarded Logan with barely concealed anger. "This is military business, and you're interfering, as usual. Hand over Banner, and we can avoid making this situation any worse."

Logan let out a dry laugh, shaking his head in disbelief. "You really don't get it, do you, Ross? Banner's not your property. Neither is Betty. And as for making things worse, I'd say you've done a fine job of that on your own."

Ross's eyes flicked to the dead body of the Abomination, his expression hardening. "And what do you think you've done here? Taking out Emil Blonsky like this—"

"—Saved your ass, for one thing," Logan interrupted, his voice growing colder. "Blonsky was a loose cannon, a monster you and your people created. I just put him down before he could do any more damage."

Ross took a step closer, his posture tense. "You're treading on dangerous ground, Logan. This isn't over. The law still applies, and you can't just take matters into your own hands."

Logan's eyes flashed with barely restrained fury as he stepped closer to Ross, towering over him. "Here's a tip, General: the next time you decide to play God with someone's life, maybe think twice. Because if you come after Banner or anyone else I care about, I won't hesitate to put you down too."

Ross's face flushed with anger, but before he could respond, Logan turned his back on him, signaling the end of the conversation. He glanced at Kara, who was already preparing to open a portal.

As the swirling portal materialized, Logan looked back at Ross one last time, a smirk playing on his lips. "You might want to rethink your career choices, Ross. Playing with fire only gets you burned."

With that, Logan guided Betty and the unconscious Banner through the portal, disappearing from sight.

The last thing Ross saw was the portal closing behind them, leaving him standing alone in the aftermath of the battle, his fists clenched in frustration.

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