
The Almighty Derek (18+)

Derek was deprived of love as a child never really had it as an adult with his siblings after his 2 year old relationship ended because his girlfriend chose his rival over him. so when he met Hazel his supposed assistant, sparks starts flying Will Derek nurture this feelings or try to smother it?? and how will Hazel handle Derek's temperament and paranoia?? Read to find out!!!!!!

Ebere_Juliet · Fantasie
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17 Chs

Chapter 12: Truths

Hazel dropped her phone and picked her shirt from where they discarded it, it was a rumpled mess with her lipstick stain all over it, she felt embarrassed because she bluntly refused to wear Derek clothes "Derek..... uhm do you.....like,..... mind if I...." she trailed off, her cheeks was flaming red. "do I mind if you do what" Derek asked, he had his back to her and his broad shoulders were distracting her, I mean how can she concentrate when he only had a grey sweatpants on and his muscles flexing as be breaths, hell the man was temptation himself "I feel like you're going to burn holes in my back with the way you're staring at me" he said as he turned to face her with his usual killer smile. she started walking backwards as he was moving closer to her till she hit the wall and he placed his two hands on both sides of her head, she could feel her Heart pounding, her legs immediately felt too weak to hold her up. Hazel was sure she was already wet and he hasn't even touched her yet. He gave her a quick kiss and lifted her off the floor, she wrapped her legs around him as he carried her to the kitchen, Hazel usually doesn't like this kind of princess treatment but with Derek she would gladly oblige, she forgot she was still naked but her breasts rubbing against Derek's chest reminded her of that fact. Derek placed her on the kitchen counter and both their eyes immediately went to where her pussy was rubbing against Derek's stomach, she wanted the floor to open up and swallow her whole because there was a trail of wetness at that spot, he wiped it with his middle finger, licked the finger and pulled it out very slowly, Hazel bit her lower "I wanted to make us something to eat but it seems like I'd eat you first" Derek said with that constant smirk on his face.

Derek took her roughly on the counter, he helped her into his shirt she didn't even know he was holding, before making them dinner. "Where did you learn to cook? " she asked through a mouthful of pasta with roasted chicken. if anyone told her that this man would know his way around the kitchen, she wouldn't believe it, the food was more than delicious and she was so hungry after their crazy sex. "well my dad wasn't really there for I and my siblings so we had to teach ourselves and Elizabeth did teach me one or two things" Derek replied while chewing on his chicken, she wanted to know who Elizabeth was but she chose not to ask. "oh..... how about your mother?" for a moment she saw pain in his eyes before he quickly replaced it with his emotionless facade, for all she knew Derek didn't do emotions but that pain in his eyes was hard to miss "my parents are divorced and I really don't know where she is right now" he finished, he couldn't hide the sadness in his voice. Hazel didn't know how to comfort him. she reached across the table and took his large hand in her own and squeezed it, he gave her a reassuring smile. "I'm so sorry to hear that" she said and he waved it off "it's no one's fault actually because she obviously made her own choice" he shrugged. They finished eating, and she volunteered to do the dishes. Derek's kitchen was a masterpiece, everything looked so neat and kept she wondered if he actually cooked there, his fridge was also stocked with any kind of food you could think of, she remembered her own fridge with probably only cucumber and broccoli, she shook her head wondering how different their worlds are. "would you like to stay over tonight? and before you say anything I know you're going to work tomorrow and I promise to take you home very early in the morning" he said and gave her the puppy eyes. To say she was shocked was an understatement, Derek Jones was begging?! she couldn't believe it, she started laughing and Derek looked so clueless, "why are you laughing at me" he asked with the same expression on his face "okay stop doing that" she said while trying not to choke on her own saliva. "Alright, so long as you promise to get me home early enough" she said while staring directly at him"i promise" he said grinning like child.

They finished in the kitchen and went to the bedroom, "Take that off" he said as he was pointing at the oversized shirt she had on, Hazel stared with her mouth open as Derek removed his sweatpants and jumped on the bed he opened his arms "come here" he said, this man was doing so many things to her, things that he's not even aware of, they just met few weeks ago, she doesn't even know anything personal about him aside his name which almost everybody knew and she has slept with him multiple times, she shook her head " Hazel you've lost it" she told herself, she pulled the shirt she was wearing over her head and went to snuggle with him, she laid on his chest and he had his hand in her hair, her heart did a little jump with that contact, she was falling for this man and she was falling fast, Hazel was surprised, wondering where the hell that thought came from, for all she knew Derek Jones didn't do love after his last break up, everyone knows that. she knew she was going to get hurt at the end of the day but she decided to take it.

"I have a question tho" Hazel suddenly sat up and Derek somehow felt empty immediately he lost the contact from her warm body, he doesn't like answering questions but for Hazel, how hard can it be he decided.

"shoot" he replied nonchalantly

"how did you know where I worked?" after hearing the question Derek regretted agreeing to answer because he knew Hazel might probably not like the answer. "ah....the thing is.... I am Derek Jones you know I can get any information I need" he said and it was obvious that she wasn't buying it with the way she was glaring daggers at him, that girl could be scary sometimes, Derek cleared his throat " Somehow I knew that you wouldn't take the offer to work for me after everything that happened, so I asked the owner of the restaurant to create a vacancy and put it outside, I took a gamble that since you're looking for a job, you might apply, the owner of the restaurant is a friend of mine you see" he finished and Hazel looked like she was shocked "he didn't exactly take you because of my recommendation tho, your CV was pretty impressive" he said and flashed her a cheeky small. when he finished she was still staring at him in shock but she didn't look angry or pissed so that was a good sign Derek thought, " Angel are you alrigh..." before he could finish his question Hazel hugged him tight, and kissed him softly "thank you, I didn't want to work for you but you still found me another one" she muttered Derek did not expect that but his heart was happy.

He kissed her goodnight and they both slept off almost immediately.