
The Almighty Derek (18+)

Derek was deprived of love as a child never really had it as an adult with his siblings after his 2 year old relationship ended because his girlfriend chose his rival over him. so when he met Hazel his supposed assistant, sparks starts flying Will Derek nurture this feelings or try to smother it?? and how will Hazel handle Derek's temperament and paranoia?? Read to find out!!!!!!

Ebere_Juliet · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 13: Falling

Derek drove her home as he promised, This angel was taking over his thoughts these days he hardly remembers Anabelle and he wasn't complaining, Derek thought to himself, He hasn't slept so well in a very long time, when he woke in the night with her small frame snuggled close to him she had her hand in his pants while she slept, he felt really happy he wanted them to last a very long time, he wouldn't mind seeing her like that for the rest of his life, that thought surprised him he couldn't imagine himself even liking someone again, he kissed her forehead and went back to sleep.

He turned to look at her with a small smile, he liked being around her. "with the way you're staring at me with that smile on your face I'm pretty sure you're thinking of good times" Hazel chuckled " yes my angel only good times" he said as he kissed her tenderly she leaned into him to return the kiss, they kissed so passionately and only broke their lips apart to get some air, Hazel bit her lower lip while staring at him, they looked deeply into each other's eyes "there she goes again with that lips of hers" he thought to himself. "I've got to go" she said to him, as she fished out her keys to open the door Derek hugged her from behind "alright Angel I'll see you later" he said and kissed the back of her neck before leaving her alone "I'll call you" he said to her as she walked into her house "you don't even have my number" she said , she had no idea what other information of hers he has, he quirked his lips in a cocky smile "if I could find my way to your house what other information wouldn't I have?" he asked as he entered his car, he could see her shaking her head at him. he reversed his car and drove off.

Hazel got into her house and almost immediately her phone rang, an unknown number was calling her, somehow she had a feeling it was Derek, she took the call and the voice she heard confirmed he suspicion "Angel I miss you already" the man said with that his voice that could soothe you and keep you on your toes at the same time. she smiled, "you just left here few minutes ago so what are you talking about?" she asked. Tho she herself is already missing his presence. They spoke a little more and ended the call. she still wondered how he got her number but on a second thought it was Derek Jones so nothing seemed too difficult for him. it was few minutes past 7 when she checked her time, she needed to return May's calls, she dialed he number and waited for her to say something but May didn't, she had a habit of not saying anything when she's pissed. " hel....hello?" Hazel stuttered knowing that her best friend was about to explode, she was waiting for it. "girl your only saving grace today is if you tell me you were with Derek Jones, you had me worried I called you so many times from yesterday till this morning you neither answered nor returned the call, you could have texted" Hazel listened as she went on and on till she stopped talking. she knew she fucked up big time it's just that whenever she was with Derek everything else escapes her mind " May I am so sorry, I don't have any excuse for this" she apologized sincerely, she heard May sigh from the other end of the line and she smiled knowing that she was calming down already. " now tell me what happened" sure "hazel replied and narrated everything that happened to her best friend. " okay so long as you're alright, I'm good, do take care of yourself" May said before hanging up. she slumped on the couch and heaved a sigh of relief. she got to work early the second day and she walked around to properly introduce herself to the cashiers who still looked at her like she was an alien, she was sure the weird looks she got was because of the way she walked out with Derek yesterday. One of the cashiers named Ellen scurried close to her, she was average in height with curly hair and pale skin "so you know Derek Jones? are you guys close, because I saw the way you guys walked out yesterday, and it's not like I was eavesdropping or something....it's just that I was there, and you know I could somehow hear....." "okay slow down Ellen you're talking way too fast and I don't even know which one of your questions to answer first" Hazel said as she cut the girl off " you could say I know him know" she replied Ellen. she managed to slip away from her, as she entered her office she heaved a sigh of relief.

Derek sat behind his desk running through his pile of work when he heard a knock on his door, he didn't need to look up to know who it was, no one other than Sean knocks only twice, his brother strolled into his office and sat on his couch adjusting his suit as he did so, "you know it wouldn't kill you if you had a bit of wrinkle on that suit of yours" Derek taunted his brother Sean chuckled "a gentleman never wears a wrinkled suit" he shrugged. When Derek looked at his brothers face he knew something was up. "a few of Boris's men came to the house yesterday night" Sean said frowning, Shawn had a wife already it's not only his life that would be in danger if anything happened "call Lorenzo to place some men at your house" Derek suggested and his brother nodded "one managed to get into my car the other day, we need to visit their boss to clear things up because one more hit from them they'd have their tails on fire" Derek said through gritted teeth. How about that storage deal, did we get it?" Sean asked and Derek flashed his brother a cocky smile and nodded in affirmation. "it'd be safe to move tonight" Sean said and Derek agreed. Their hotel's club was getting unsafe for them to store their goods so they needed to move them as soon as possible, I'll call Lorenzo to get the men ready, we move tonight" they finalized "I might not be there with you guys tho, with this incident yesterday I wouldn't want to leave my wife alone in the house" Derek nodded, when it comes to Sean's wife it was serious business. They finished their discussion, Sean was set to leave when he suddenly turned with a mischievous smirk on his face " dear brother whatever happened to our supposed assistant?" he asked, immediately Derek thought of her his face lit up " that's a new one" Sean said as he took in his brothers smiling face "I think you're in" Sean said "what do you mean by that" Derek asked while scratching his nose, it never occurred to him that he might be liking spending time with Hazel a little too much, this morning he felt so lonely as he dropped her off at her place. he loves that her vanilla kind of smell, he like being close to her, what is going on with him he wondered. Sean's laughter yanked him out of his thoughts " I really wish you could see your face right now, you look lovestruck" Derek waved it off, love wasn't his thing anymore,he just knew he feels something for Hazel, but he doesn't know what it is yet.