
The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima.

The universe gave me another chance after life screwed me over. My second life brought me to a world where people breath fire, walk on water and some people with special eyes that give them bullsh#t powers. Well, I got the gamer ability. And I’m gonna use it to stand at the peak. But it's gonna be a long journey before I reach that summit. SI - MC. ------------------------ Updates 3 to 4 times a week. Checkout my patre on site. www.patreon.com/MonkWithAPen --------------------------------------------------

MonkWithAPen · Anime und Comics
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314 Chs

Chapter 31 - Dungeon Boss Fight - 03 (Final)

'It must have come here listening to all the commotion. This thing looks smart. Well… Smart for an animal anyway. I bet it knew whoever was left alive would be wounded and in no shape to fight. What better opportunity than now to kill it's enemy!!?'

[LV.30] [The Alpha Wolf - Scourge ]

[HP: 5003] [CP: 4756]

[The Alpha of the pack. Savage and fearless, this wolf hunts anything it perceives as its enemy. It fought numerous other strong wolves and killed them to become the leader. The last boss of this dungeon. It is able to use chakra to shoot wind projectiles. It's claws are sharp enough to tear through steel. It wants to kill you. ]

Daichi took a breath and composed himself.

'Just one more boss. Then I'm done.'

He looked at the other four wolves. There were two 'level 25's, a level 26 and 27. Even in his current state Daichi felt like he could deal with the lower level wolves at once. But fighting the leader would be more difficult than usual. Still he didn't back down.

After spending a week in the dungeon and fighting for his life and killing every enemy he came across, Daichi developed a dangerous aura.

The presence of a predator.

This intent leaked out. Daichi was looking at the wolves as a predator would a prey. To him, at first this dungeon was the habitat of several dangerous beasts, but now that perception changed. These beasts were nothing more than EXP points to him. Just waiting to be collected.

[You have sensed killing intent.]

Despite the unfavorable situation he found himself in, he smiled. He looked at the boss wolf and stared into its eyes. Two kunais ready in each hand. Man and beast stared down. Both of their murderous intent filling the air.

[Skill Killing Intent's level has risen by one.]

That was the signal for Daichi to begin the battle. He headed not for the boss but for the two weakest wolves of the pack. He reached them as they were paralyzed in fear and without wasting time, slashed through every inch of their bodies. In just a couple of seconds over two dozen strikes landed on their bodies and Daichi ended them by plunging his kunai deep into their heads.

He jumped back as Scourge the alpha wolf jumped and tried to take him by surprise.

[Enemies killed.]

[+1200 Exp.]

[+180 Exp.]

After a couple of seconds the other wolves started moving as well. They circled and surrounded Daichi. The ninja in training was calm and on guard. He didn't wait for long. Before his enemies pounced on him, Daichi moved. He swiftly jumped to a tree and landed on its branch. The remaining three animals of the dungeon gave chase with the alpha wolf in the lead. It shot several wind bullet attacks from its mouth. They grazed Daichi as he tried to avoid them. His HP was slowly plummeting.

Daichi turned around and threw several shuriken aimed at the leading wolf. The moment it dodged the oncoming projectiles, Daichi launched another wave of shuriken at a much faster pace. But these were aimed at the flight path of previous shuriken Daichi threw. The new shurikens collided with the first wave and they changed the trajectory of all shuriken to target the two wolves trailing behind. All of them hit their marks. Through the battles he fought in this dungeon Daichi had improved his shuriken jutsu skills beyond the norm.

The two wolves, unable to escape, were riddled with the sharp weapons and fell down from the trees. Daichi changed path and went for the downed creatures. The wolf scourge howled and followed at a faster pace but Daichi used clones to distract it and used 'sprint' and increased his speed.

He took out the short sword and severed the heads of the two enemies before they could retaliate.

[Enemy killed.]

[+600 Exp.]

[+90 Exp.]

[Enemy killed.]

[+700 Exp.]

[+105 Exp.]

"Finally. Now it's just you and me." Daichi turned and smirked looking at the enraged beast.

[You have sensed killing intent.]

The leader of the now dead pack was furious and howled.

But Daichi wasn't affected in the least. 'Strange... Even though I might get killed fighting this guy I don't feel nervous or afraid… why?...Well it doesn't matter. I am going to make it out of this alive. Whatever it takes.'

The large wolf rushed to Daichi. It's maw eager to comp down on Daichi's neck. The boy avoided the large drooling teeth and the sharp claws that tried to cut him to pieces. He tried to slash the large body of his enemy with his sword only for his opponent to dodge as well.

They slowly circled each other and made no rash moves. The alpha wolf was smarter than the others of its kind. Its instincts were sharper and more attuned to the dangers surrounding it. It knew the human would be just as ruthless as it when going for the kill.

It jumped and closed the distance in an instant and slashed its claws at Daichi. He defended with his sword and avoided getting his head bitten off. Just then Daichi sensed the attack of the wolf's tail. Unable to avoid it, Daichi was slammed on the side by the tail that was enhanced with chakra. The force sent him skidding sideways.

[-201 HP]

"Ahhh….That definitely cracked a rib or two." Daichi looked up as the wolf pounced on him. He rolled to the side and created a few clones. The wolf looked at the clones but it wasn't fooled this time. With its sense of smell and hearing it could pick out the real Daichi and went for him.

'Shit. This thing is smarter than I thought. My stamina is running low. I won't be able to keep this up for much longer. I need to end this now.'

Daichi took to the trees again with the wolf right behind him. He suddenly had an idea in mind. He deliberately slowed down just a bit to let the wolf get to him.

As he predicted the large wolf jumped with the intent to tear through his body. Daichi quickly evaded the fatal strikes but let the claws land on his body. The sharp large claws drew several deep gashes along Daichi's chest.

[-376 HP]

[Negative Status - Bleeding.]

"Aaahh…." Daichi gritted his teeth and endured the pain. But it gave him the chance he was looking for.

Health points have fallen below 20%. Skill 'Ozark's Resilience' is activated. +2% to Strength, Vitality and Agility stats for 20 seconds.

With the speed increase, Daichi quickly got behind the wolf. He locked his arms around the neck of the large beast and squeezed with all his might.

"Raaaahhh…." He screamed as he used every ounce of his strength to kill the boss. The flailing of the wolf caused Daichi to lose footing and fall from the tree but he didn't loosen his grip for even an instant. Even as he hit the ground he was choking the wild beast. With one final yell, Daichi succeeded in crushing its neck. Without wasting time Daichi took his dagger and plunged it into the beast's head.

The limbs of the beast stilled and fell. In a few seconds it turned to smoke and disappeared.

[Enemy killed.]

[+2700 Exp.]

[+405 Exp.]

[You have successfully eliminated all the voracious wolves in this dungeon.]

[You have defeated the boss The Alpha Wolf - Scourge.]

[Reward: Skill 'Wind style - Wind bullet jutsu'.]

A red notification box appeared among the blues.

[You have fought the boss of a dungeon with less than ¾ of your HP and SP and won. You have reached the special condition needed to unlock the persistence stat.]


[When health reaches below 25% this special stat will activate. Gives the user's Stats 1% boost for 3 Minutes.]

[You have unlocked a special stat.]

[Reward: +500 Exp.]

[+75 Exp.]

[Enemies killed: 201/201]


[Quest 'Kill all 201 creatures inside the dungeon' Completed.]


[New Skill: Dual Wielding Mastery.]

[New Title: Beast Slayer. (This title will increase all your stats by 10% when fighting non humans.)]

[Ryo 200,000.]


[You have successfully defeated every enemy in this dungeon. You have been granted access to the return key.]

A gold key suddenly materialized in front of him.

Daichi didn't have the energy to read through every pop up box that appeared. He focused on the box that told him he could leave the dungeon.

He took the key with shaky hands and placed it in his inventory.

'It's not telling me to leave right now. So I'll take a good rest and then go home. I'm in too much pain to move anyway.'

Daichi took out a small bed from his inventory for just such an occasion. He laid on the bed and fell asleep just a few seconds after closing his eyes.


[You have slept in a bed. HP, CP, SP and MP have been fully restored.]

Daichi woke up refreshed and feeling better than ever. All his wounds healed and he was back to full strength.

He sat up and looked at the system messages. There were a lot piled up. Daichi started going through each one. Due to being ambushed he didn't even get the chance to check out the rewards he got after he beat the crocodile boss.

"Oh man! There's a lot of messages to go through… I need to check my status page and skill list page. See how much they've improved. Hmm… What about the return key...? Alright! I'll have a look at that first."

Daichi took out the gold key from his inventory and used 'observe'.

[Dungeon exit Key.]

[With this key the player can open the exit door and can leave the dungeon. Key valid for only 24 hours in dungeon time. Once the key becomes invalid, the door will be locked and the player will be trapped inside the dungeon forever.] [Time remaining: 16:12:34]

After reading the description Daichi's eyes almost popped out of his skull. He jumped to his feet and yelled.

"What the hell system? You couldn't have said that I only had 24 hours to leave this place in a pop up box or something." He shouted looking forward.

A few seconds passed by and as he expected, no answer was given. Daichi let out a long sigh and sat down.

'Whatever… Thank you brain, for making me use 'observe' on the key.'

'You're welcome.'

Daichi then looked up with a dumb expression on his face.

"Oh man. Listen to me talking to myself. One week in this dungeon and I'm already going crazy." He shook his head and looked at the rest of the blue boxes.

'Beast Slayer title huh. So it increases all stats when fighting non humans. And it doesn't say it has to be in a dungeon or anything. So that means this title could be applied when I'm fighting wild animals or summons or God forbid, tailed beasts in the real world… Alright I'll take it. And 200,000 Ryo. Not much but also not little. Let's see… What else?'

'Dual Wielding mastery? Let's see what that's about…'

[Dual Wielding Mastery - Passive (LV.1): This skill allows proper amounts of power to be displayed when dual wielding weapons. Wielding two weapons at once requires a high level of attention and dexterity as well as ambidextrous coordination. Train this skill to wield two weapons effectively and efficiently.]

[Effects: Passively increases the player's minimum and maximum melee Damage, Critical rate and Balance. ]

[+2% Increase to Damage inflicted.]

[+2% Increase in attack speed.]

"Nice skill. Would definitely come in handy. I need to buy two sharp weapons. Preferably short swords. Or some daggers... Alright. What's next?"

As Daichi looked through the notifications, he saw the red pop up box. "Yes. Looks like another special stat awakened. Guess that wolf attack was a blessing in disguise". Daichi read the information on the new stat 'Persistence'.

'The benefit of this stat is incredible. And it'll only get better with more points. Excellent. This dungeon run yielded more rewards than I thought. What else is there?'

Daichi looked through the remaining notifications.

[Wind style - Wind Bullet Jutsu - Active(LV.1): The user takes in a deep breath of air and kneads chakra into them, which they expel from their mouth as several miniature wind bullets.]

[Rank: C]

[Type: Ninjutsu]

[Hand Seals: Bird - Horse - Dragon - Ram.]

[CP Cost: 300/5 Bullets.]

[Note: Strength and number of wind bullets can be increased with more chakra kneaded into the attack.]


[Water Style - Hydro Blast Jutsu - Active(LV.1): The user kneads chakra in their body and turns it into water, which they expel from their mouth in a fast spiral blast.]

[Rank: C.]

[Type: Ninjutsu.]

[Hand Seals: Dog - Ram - Hare - Monkey - Horse.]

[CP Cost: 312 Per Shot.]

[Note: Amount of water and speed of the jutsu can be increased with more chakra kneaded into the attack.]

"Finally. Some jutsus to attack. So roughly 300 chakra points per attack huh. I'll have to keep training and increasing my chakra reserves if I want to be a Ninjutsu specialist."

Daichi got down checking out all the notification boxes. 'Time to see my status page.'


[Name : Daichi Hekima (The Gamer)]

[Class : Student]

[Age : 6]

[Title : Capable Child, Explorer, Prodigy, Beast Slayer.]

[Level : 26 (10105/20550)]


[HP : 2200]

[CP : 2379.8]

[SP : 1860]

[MP: 920]


[Primary Stats]

Strength - 47

Vitality - 46

Dexterity - 42

Agility - 45

Intelligence - 50

Chakra - 55

Wisdom - 30


[Special Stats]

Sense - 49

Stamina - 55

Indomitable (LOCKED)

Charisma - 27

Persistence - 1

Dignity (LOCKED)



[Stat Points - 245]

[Ryo - 213650]

As he looked at his improvements a wide grin formed on his face. A moment later he closed his eyes and had a hearty laugh.

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