
The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima.

The universe gave me another chance after life screwed me over. My second life brought me to a world where people breath fire, walk on water and some people with special eyes that give them bullsh#t powers. Well, I got the gamer ability. And I’m gonna use it to stand at the peak. But it's gonna be a long journey before I reach that summit. SI - MC. ------------------------ Updates 3 to 4 times a week. Checkout my patre on site. www.patreon.com/MonkWithAPen --------------------------------------------------

MonkWithAPen · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 32 - Testing Jutsus and Leaving Dungeon

"Wow. My stats and points have gone way up. Time to check out the skill list."


A new page opened showing the list of Daichi's skills. Daichi looked over each and every skill.

[1. Gamer's Mind - Passive (LV. MAX)]

[2. Gamer's Body - Passive (LV. MAX)]

[3. Gaia's Blessing - Passive (LV. MAX)]

[4. Observe - Active (LV.29)]

'Even though Observe skill has leveled up I still haven't been able to see the physical stats of my opponents. Even now I could only see their HP, CP and some info. But nothing more… Maybe it'll show me the physical stats once 'Observe crosses Level 50 or something…'

[5. Dishwashing - Passive (LV.39)]

Effects: 73% Increase in speed when dishwashing.


[6. Meditate - Active (LV. 41(8%)) ]

Effects : 82.2% to base HP regeneration per minute.

82.2% to base CP regeneration per minute.

82.2% to base SP regeneration per minute.


[7. Basic Body Conditioning - Passive (LV. 51)]

Effects: 59% Increase in Damage inflicted.

61% Increase in Movement speed.

21% Increase in Physical stat growth.

44% Decrease in Damage taken.

'Excellent. It seems my physical constitution is getting better at a much faster pace than I thought. But the damage reduction effect… Based on my experience it reduces the damage depending on my enemies and their levels. Opponents of the same level won't be able to deal much damage to me but it seems the higher the enemy's Level, the lower the effect… But still… This is a great skill.'

[8. Mini-map ]

[9. Inventory ]

[10. Chakra Manipulation - (Active/Passive) (LV.49)]


[11. Lesser Chakra Affinity - (Passive/Active) (LV.40)]

Effects: 20% Growth rate of Chakra stat.

45.2% Strength increase to all chakra-based skills.

45% Defense increase against chakra-based attacks.

40% Increase to maximum CP.

-20% CP cost to all chakra based skills.

'I've been able to increase the level of this skill much faster than most but something tells me that sooner or later it's going to get difficult to level it up.'

[12. Lesser chakra regeneration - Passive (LV.42)]

Effects: Regeneration Increased by 74% of base CP per minute.

20.1% Growth rate of Chakra stat.

Note: Meditation increases CP regeneration to 99%.

'This chakra regeneration skill has helped immensely here. I was able to reduce my rest time and was able to gather chakra at a much faster pace…'

Daichi calculated the CP regen in his mind. 'My Chakra points regenerate at 10 points per minute. With a 74% increase that's 17.4 CP per minute. And if I meditate then I can increase it to almost 20 points per minute.'

'And since I currently have a total of 2380 CP, I'll be able to completely recover my chakra in about 120 minutes… And I haven't taken into account the effects of the Meditate skill.'

Daichi smiled at the implication. "Going from no chakra to full capacity in less than 2 hours is incredible. This gamer's body is so damn OP…"

"Alright. What else do we have?" Daichi continued looking over the other skills.

[13. Minor Jutsu Creation - Active (LV.2(89%))]

Effects: 6% Success rate to create new Ninjutsu.

6% Success rate to create new Genjutsu.

5% Less CP requirements for new Jutsu created.


[14. Leaf concentration technique - (Active/Passive)(LV.100(MAX))]

Effects: 200% Increase in chakra control.

CP cost : 1/sec.

-50% CP cost to chakra techniques.

Daichi smiled looking at the first skill he maxed. 'Now I'll be able to focus on the tree walking exercise.'

[15. Superior Tasting - Active(LV. 22(36%))]

Effects: 46.2% Increase in taste

CP cost : 1/sec.


[16. Superior Hearing - Active(LV.29)

Effects: 58% Increase in hearing

CP cost : 2/sec.


[17. Superior Smell - Active(LV. 28)]

Effects: 47.6% Increase in smell.

CP cost : 1/sec.


[18. Superior Sight - Active(LV. 35(87%))]

Effects: 65% Increase in sight.

CP cost : 2/sec.

"Looks like my sight, hearing and smell senses have gone up considerably. Not surprising. I had to fight in the night with low visibility and it pushed my senses to their limits…"

"My special stat sense is 49. I wonder if it'll give any special skills or effects when it reaches 50? I suppose I'll find out soon."

[19. Leaf Academy Taijutsu - Active(LV.41)]

Effects: 70.3% Increase in attack power.

68.4% Increase in defense.

70% Increase in speed

69% Decrease in damage taken.


[20. Shurikenjutsu - Active(LV.89(95.7%))]

Effects: 95% Increase in accuracy.

85% Increase in damage dealt.

'Just a bit more and it'll be 90. It's such an exhilarating feeling. To throw them with pinpoint accuracy and take enemies down from the shadows…'

'That's the dream… Well one of them anyway.'

[21. Physical Endurance - Passive(LV.48)]

Effects: 41.5% Decrease in damage taken.

"With the damage reduction buff from this skill, the leaf Taijutsu skill and the body conditioning skill, I doubt I'd take any damage from someone my age group."

[22. Strong Hit - Active(LV.35)]

Effects: 51% Increase in critical rate.

69.3% Increase in damage inflicted to the enemy.

51% Increase in attack speed.

SP Cost: 7 per hit.

"Hmm… As useful as this skill is, it drains my stamina fast if I use it too much. I need to find an alternative to this skill that uses Chakra Points instead of Stamina Points."

[23. Cooking - Active(LV.18(77%))]

Effects: 39% Increase in taste and aroma of dish.

36% Increase in plating technique.


[24. Painting - Passive(LV.12(74%))]

Effects: 31% Increase in visual appeal.

34% Increase of accuracy in painting.


[25. Chakra Threads - Active(LV.60)]

Effects: 120% Increase in thread control.

120% Increase in thread speed

CP cost : 2.7/sec for single thread.


[26. Sprint - Active(LV.40)

Effects: 60% Increase in running speed.

SP cost : 50 SP per minute.

"This skill will also be a problem. Need ones that use CP. Maybe the Body flicker technique is an excellent replacement. But for that my chakra control has to be well above average… I'll look into it later I suppose."

[27. Rope Escape Jutsu - Active(LV.8)]

Effects: 18% Increase in success when escaping bindings.


[28. Clone Jutsu - Active(LV.68)]

Effects: 76% Accuracy Increase when creating identical clones.

CP cost : 52 CP per clone.


[29. Transformation Jutsu - Active(LV.20)]

Effects: 50% Increase in accuracy and details when transforming.

CP cost : 16 CP per transformation.


[30. Mana Manipulation - (Active/Passive) (LV.01)]

[31. Sword Mastery - Passive (LV.13)]

Note: This skill requires a sword to activate.

Effects: 35.5% Additional damage when striking the target.

Marks target with damage and negative de-buffs.

23% Increase in attack speed.


[32. Vital Strike - Active(LV.34)]

Effects: 51% Additional damage when hitting target.

Marks target with damage and negative de-buffs.

17% Increase in attack speed.


[33. Tree Walking technique - (Active/Passive)(LV.53(44%))]

Effects: 106% Increase in chakra control.

CP cost : 8/sec.

-42% CP cost to chakra techniques.


[34. Danger Sense - Passive(LV.20)]

Effects: Current range - 60 meters.


[35. Death Blow - Active(LV.14(77%))]

Effects: 140% Additional attack Damage to the enemy.

24% Increase in attack speed.

24% Increase in critical rate.


"So at level 14, this skill deals 140% additional damage? Then unless I'm mistaken at level 100 it'll be 1000%. That will be powerful enough to take out most guys… But… Will it really give that much?? 1000% additional damage sounds far too good to be true… I'll wait and see…"

[36. Water Walking technique - (Active/Passive)(LV.13)]

Effects: 26% Increase in chakra control.

CP cost : 12/sec.

10.5% Decrease CP cost to chakra techniques.


[37. Chakra sense - Active(LV.10)]

Effects: Current Range: 40 meters.

CP Cost : 20/meter.


[38. Ozark's Resilience - Active(LV.1(34%))]

Effects: +2% to Strength, Vitality and Agility stats for 20 seconds when HP falls below 20%.

Cooldown time: 8 hours.

Daichi smiled as he looked at this skill. "The skill that saved my life. This has great potential once it levels up some more. I have a feeling you're gonna be quite active during my future dungeon runs."

[39. Killing intent - Active (LV.2 (22%))]

Effects: Enemies with a (+ or -)3 level gap between the user are paralyzed for 6 seconds.

Enemies less than 4 levels and below the user are struck with terror and paralyzed for 8 seconds as well as 6% reduction of their physical stats.


[40. Dual Wielding Mastery - Passive (LV.1)]

Effects: Passively increases the player's minimum and maximum melee Damage, Critical rate and Balance.

2% Increase to Damage inflicted.

2% Increase in attack speed.

'Incredible. Just 7 days and my skills had such a growth? It seems battle is the best way to improve my strength after all.'

Daichi looked over every skill. He paid attention to two of his newest skills.

[Death Blow - Active (LV.14(77%)): This skill allows the user to fatally wound an enemy. This usually occurs when the enemy's Strength or Vitality has been depleted. But this skill can be triggered when you take the enemy by surprise or other such conditions.]

[Effects: 140% Additional attack Damage to the enemy.

24% Increase in attack speed.

24% Increase in critical rate.]

[Chakra sense - Active(LV.10): This sensing skill allows the user to mold chakra and change it to the sensory type, enabling them to detect and track targets through their chakra signatures. This skill also enables the user to hide his chakra signature from those of the user's level. Higher level shinobi can detect your chakra even if you're hidden.]

[Effects: Current Range - 40 meters.

CP Cost : 20/meter.]

As Daichi was looking over all the skills, he found something unusual. "Where's the water and wind style jutsus I got??"

As he looked at the top of the list a new option was added. It was labeled Ninjutsu. Daichi clicked on it and a new page listing his current jutsus was shown.


[Water Style - Hydro Blast Jutsu - Active(LV.1): The user kneads chakra in their body and turns it into water, which they expel from their mouth in a fast spiral blast.]

[Rank: C.]

[Type: Ninjutsu.]

[Hand Seals: Dog - Ram - Hare - Monkey - Horse.]

[CP Cost: 312 Per Shot.]

[Note: Amount of water and speed of the jutsu can be increased with more chakra kneaded into the attack.]


[Wind style - Wind Bullet Jutsu - Active(LV.1): The user takes in a deep breath of air and kneads chakra into them, which they expel from their mouth as several miniature wind bullets.]

[Rank: C]

[Type: Ninjutsu]

[Hand Seals: Bird - Horse - Dragon - Ram.]

[CP Cost: 300/5 Bullets.]

[Note: Strength and number of wind bullets can be increased with more chakra kneaded into the attack.]

"Since I have about 16 hours left and a training ground no one can spy on, it's best to test these jutsu…Oh man. My first actual attack - Ninjutsu."

Daichi was giddy at the prospect of controlling and using the elements to his will. As soon as Daichi clicked on the water jutsu, its knowledge and functions appeared in his brain. With all the information about the Jutsu floating in his brain, Daichi felt like he had been studying it for days.

After taking a deep breath to calm himself, Daichi went through the hand seals.

"Water style - Hydro Blast Jutsu."

A fast spiraling torrent of water shot out of his mouth. Daichi aimed it at a nearby tree. He was amazed to see his attack drilling through the trunk of the tree almost half way. Daichi cut off the chakra and stopped the attack. The tree had a drilled shaped hole the size of a small human head. And losing its stability the tree broke in half. At that time a new blue box appeared.

[You have used your first water nature jutsu. ]

[You have acquired the skill Water affinity.]

[Water affinity - (Active/Passive)(LV.1): Water Release is one of the five basic nature transformations. It is commonly affiliated with Dog hand-seal. Once this skill crosses Level 85 the user can manipulate even the molecular structure of water to create ice or steam. Once this skill crosses Level 90, the user can combine it with other nature affinities which have also crossed Level 90.]

[Effects: +2% Increase in water attack jutsu.

+2% Increase in water defense jutsu.

+5% Increase in success when creating water style jutsu.

-1% Decrease in Chakra Cost when using water style jutsu.]

Daichi was stunned when he read the information. 'So I can make ice and steam release jutsus in the future? Wow. Awesome.'

'Wait a minute. If that's the case for water affinity, then wouldn't it be the same for all the other nature elements as well…? Yes. Most probably.'

Daichi's eyes widened in realization. "I can create jutsus that replicate certain Kekkei Genkai… Oh man! I can't wait to get started. Alright let's see. So it seems I'll get the wind affinity when I use the wind jutsu next. I'm eager to see what that skill says."

Daichi clicked on the wind bullet jutsu box and its information flooded his brain. Daichi went through the seals for the wind style jutsu quickly.

"Wind style - Wind Bullet jutsu."

Daichi shot multiple wind bullets with intense speed. The bullets had enough power to go through the rock Daichi aimed at. The attack created 5 small holes all the way through the rock.

[You have used your first wind nature jutsu.]

[You have acquired the skill Wind affinity.]

"Yes. Just like I thought."

[Wind affinity - (Active/Passive)(LV.1): Wind release is one of the five basic nature transformations. It is commonly affiliated with bird hand-seal. This is the rarest of the five nature transformations. Once this skill crosses Level 90, the user can combine it with other nature affinities which have also crossed Level 90.]

[Effects: +2% Increase in wind attack jutsu.

+2% Increase in wind defense jutsu.

+5% Increase in success when creating wind style jutsu.

-1% Decrease in Chakra Cost when using wind style jutsu.]

"Excellent. I'll have to ask the old man for some simple Jutsus for the other 3 natures first thing tomorrow. And also the shadow clone. Can't forget that. I need to see if I can pull the Naruto shortcut training method… Hmm what else is there?"

As Daichi went through his skill list, his eyes landed on another new skill he hadn't used yet.

[Mana Manipulation - (Active/Passive) (LV.01): Mana is an energy created by the power of an intelligent mind and is a separate energy from chakra. This energy is primarily used for mind enhancing techniques but a strong enough mind can create abilities that have physical effects similar to telekinesis or elemental attacks. This skill allows the user to manipulate their own Mana depending on its proficiency. Practitioners of Mana are even less than Natural Energy users. In its raw form Mana cannot be seen or felt by any sensors or eye powers. The exception is the visual eye Rinne Sharingan. ]

[Note: Since this energy is created by the mind it is limited and overusing this ability before intelligence passes 200 could cause damage to the psyche.]

"Ok. Time to see what I'm dealing with…"

Daichi sat down and calmed his breathing. He easily entered the meditative state. He began to feel for any changes in his body and tried to identify the energy Mana. After finding nothing during the first half hour, Daichi got a bit frustrated. He could easily use his chakra abilities but it looked like his Mana abilities were being stubborn.

He got up and walked around thinking about the various ways he could approach this problem. As he walked around he suddenly had a new idea. He picked up a small leaf and sat down. He concentrated on the leaf in front of him.

Daichi felt the leaf for a few minutes in his fingers before placing it on the ground. He looked at it, burning the image of the leaf laying on the ground into his mind to the most minute details.

He once again closed his eyes and concentrated. His goal was to feel the leaf with his mind and if he could maybe even move it. As he kept concentrating, time went by. No unnecessary thoughts came to him. Hours passed by as he concentrated. As he entered a deep concentration state a change began to happen.

Suddenly Daichi felt a weight on his head. It felt as if someone placed something heavy on his head and it's weighing down directly on his brain. And after a couple of seconds the weight increased. Unable to ignore the slight but increasingly painful sensation, Daichi opened his eyes. He saw the leaf he placed on the ground a few feet in the air, now slowly floating back down. New notification boxes appeared.

[You have actively used Mana for the first time. You have gained the skill Lesser Mana affinity.]

[Note: Increasing the above skill passively increases the level of Mana manipulation skill.]

[Lesser Mana Affinity - (Passive/Active) (LV.01): This skill increases the user's talent and ability to use Mana more thoroughly.]

[Note: Intelligence stat isn't high enough to efficiently and effectively use Mana on physical objects and matter manipulation. With the current intelligence and wisdom stats, creating skills to aid or boost mental abilities would be more beneficial. Once Mana is depleted, the only way to restore it is with sleep.]

[Effects: +2% Strength increase to all Mana based skills.

-2% MP cost to all Mana based skills. ]

[A new skill is created with a specific action.]

[By successfully concentrating and controlling the Mana energy to move an object, the skill 'Telekinesis' has been created.]

[Telekinesis - Active(LV.1): This skill gives the user the ability to manipulate or otherwise interact with matter or another aspect of a physical system with one's mind. Once this skill crosses Level 90 the user can manipulate matter or energy at a subatomic level or universal level. This influence can expand to affect facets of reality other than matter and energy, namely time and space.]

[Note: Mana cost to use this skill depends on the distance, mass, precision, etc. of an object.]

[Effects: 1% Increase in Mana attacks.

1% Increase in Mana defenses.

1% Decrease in Mana cost.]

Daichi was gently massaging his forehead. "Oh man. That did not feel good."

He opened his eyes and went through the notification boxes slowly. He read about the effects, abilities and limitations of Mana.

"Well… There goes my dreams of OP Mana powers. Well until my intelligence reaches 200 anyway. But I'm not gonna spend many points on it… Not until I become a chunin at least… It seems for the moment the best thing to do is create support mental skills. And I'll have to make sure I don't overdo it."

Daichi let out a long tired sigh. 'I have been in this Dungeon long enough. Time to go home.'

He checked the map and found the location of the entrance door. He made his way there within a couple of hours. When Daichi reached the door he took out the key and placed it inside the keyhole.

[You have used the return key. Would you like to leave this dungeon?]



The door opened and the instant he set foot inside the familiar hallway, he was teleported back to his room. Daichi felt the same sensation he had when entering the dungeon. In a few moments he fell down onto his bed.

He looked around. Everything was the same. Then he looked at the clock on the table.

'Just a few seconds after I left. I spent a week in that place but time hardly moved here. I suppose the name instant dungeon fits that place.'

Even though he slept a few hours ago Daichi was still somewhat mentally tired. He freshened up and went quickly to sleep.


Author's Note:

Vote with some power stone guys. Lets get this story up the ranks.

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See you in the next update.

MonkWithAPencreators' thoughts