
The Adventures of Vesper

Join Vesper as she journeys through the world and makes discoveries. What will happen? In a world of humans and monsters will there be balance or destruction.

Inkythedeamon · Fantasie
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30 Chs

Chapter 4/ coronation day

*Few years later*

"Vesper, Abaddon are you to ready?!" Narina shouts standing next to Jonathan. Vesper and Abaddon ran excited for today. "Who wouldn't be mother today is the coronation for Vesper to enter as a heavenly angel." Abaddon says excitedly. "Don't worry brother, yours will come too and it will be amazing" Vespers replied happily. Narina nods to Vespers statement "it is time to go you two. Hug your father goodbye" Abaddon, Vesper hugged Jonathan then stood by their mom ready to go. Narina spreads her wings wrapping them around her, Vesper and Abaddon teleporting them to heaven. Narina leads them through heaven to a group of angels talking amongst each other. The lady angels grab Vesper leading her to a dressing to prepare her for her big day. Meanwhile Narina and Abaddon are with Imperius "Abaddon you and your sister have done amazing work during your training here."

"Thank you Imperius, I can't wait for the day I will get to join you and my sister in heaven as a warrior." Abaddon says with a mixture of emotions. "Is something wrong my son?" Narina asks, worried. "Everything is fine mom. Just a lot of emotions I am proud of Vesper, and I am sure big brother would be too." Abaddon admits trying to look brave. "We understand Abaddon it's an important day for you and Vesper." Imperius replies in a soothing tone. As Vesper walks back out in her angel form with pose and elegance. "It is time Vesper" Imperius says as he leads her to the ceremonial room. The ceremony began and all angels were congratulating Vesper. Then in the middle of the ceremony the daemon appears grabbing Vesper by her arm. "Your mine now" the daemon says in a possessive growl, "let go of me!" Vesper shouts as angels come to her aid. The daemon smirks dragging Vesper with him to hell causing a shock wave making everyone, but Abaddon forget what happened. The daemon dragged her into hell, she sees the bodies of humans, creatures and other angels being tortured along the way. The daemon throws Vesper making her hit the ground hard groaning from the pain from the daemon who dragged her there.

A group of high-ranking daemon lords walking up surrounding the fallen angel. "Ah a new toy to play with let's take turns and whoever breaks her gets to keep her" Andriel daemon lord of Lust says scaring Vesper making her shrink back in fear. The other lords nod in agreement getting their torture tools ready with the ink lord Lawrence watching in the background. One by one the daemon lords take Vesper torturing her, trying to break her to make her a daemon as well. Each of the lords rotated from breaking and/or tearing her wings to mental and physical harm. The daemon lords all huffed in frustration being unable to break the strong-willed angel. "This angel is strong willed to last this long. she will make an excellent daemon slave once they're broken" replies Andriel with a sadistic grin. "Let me try to break this angel" the ink daemon lord of Wrath Lawrence speaks up in a low tone after watching the others who have failed. The other lords looked surprised at Lawrence, but they let him since it was the agreement, they all had made. Lawrence grabs Vesper by the back of her torn clothes dragging her to a dark area that is his ink covered domain. Then a young daemon approaches his lord "what kind of torture shall we do today my lord? " Hollow asks his lord while carrying diverse types of torture tools.

"Those devices will not do Hollow; this angel is strong willed she survived the other daemon lords without breaking" replies Lawrence growling in a dark tone causing Vesper to tremble under Lawrence's grasp. "Hmm... how about submerging her in an inky coffin then have spears going through it." Hollow suggests an idea to his sin lord. "An excellent idea Hollow you have proved useful to me after all" replies Lawrence in an impressed tone. Then Lawrence throws the beaten and battered Vesper into the air knowing she cannot fly anymore into a summoned coffin and filling it up with ink as Hollow throws spears through the coffin. Vesper screams in agony echoing in the coffin until it's full of ink and Lawrence grabs the last spear throwing it into her chest piercing her heart.